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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@Dynamo Pad

Thundy could envision the look on Dynamo's face. It seemed that the whole thing had rendered him speechless. "Uhm, Dynamo...you okay?" Thundy asked as he shut off the engine, unbuckled Dynamo and opened the driver door so Dynamo could get out. He couldn't reverse transform until Dynamo was safely outside of the Lancer. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Once the engine had been completely shut off, Dynamo winced as he saw the driver door being opened. Upon being unbuckled, the gaming unicorn slowly and shakily made his way out of the car. The moment he took his first step, he stumbled out as he hit the ground. He was still shaking as he tried to get his breathing and beating heart under control. He heard Thundy's question, but was still unable to say anything. All he could do was lay upon the ground as he placed a fore hoof over his eyes.

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@Dynamo Pad

Thundy shut the door and reverse-transformed back into his feral form. He approached Dynamo and snuggled him close, stroking his mane to try and calm him down. "Hey everything okay buddy?" Thundy asked in a caring tone. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo felt himself being snuggled by someone, but he didn't know who. Considering that he placed a hoof over his eyes. He thought it was Bluebell, but lifting his arm he had seen that it was Thundy. He almost felt dejected, but he understood that Bluebell was still training. He knew that she couldn't come running over after every single thing and it was vice versa for him too. As he felt his mane being stroked, he took a deep breath, before letting out a shuttering sigh. "I-I'm sorry, b-but...n-n-no. I-I'm not alright." He stuttered out as he was both worried and upset. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Thundy gently wrapped a wing around Dynamo. "Is something bothering you? I'm listening." Thundy said softly as he continued to stroke Dynamo's mane lovingly. He was worried that the ride may have shaken Dynamo up quite a bit. 

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@Ragland Tiger @C. Thunder Dash @ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine @PawelS

Dynamo shook with fear as he was worried about explaining what was bothering him. It seemed that all was going well today, but he was afraid he would make Thundy upset. That, and/or he was afraid of the others thinking differently about him. He soon recalled something an old friend once told him. A lesson about never keeping your emotions in. With a sigh, he knew there was probably no way around it. "I-I was just upset about the car ride. D-Don't get me wrong as I thought it was fun. It's just...I wished I was able to experience it, you know?" He asks, his arm never leaving it's spot over his eyes. "I-I was pinned for most of the ride that I didn't get a chance to see the scenery, or enjoy the ride. I-It's like I was saying that now I know what a pancake feels like. I know it sounds dumb, but I thought it was payback for not wanting your pancakes this morning. I thought it further added to it when I asked if you could slow down, but I guess you didn't hear me." He knew it probably wasn't the reason, but he still thought to ask. Better to leave no stone unturned. "I guess I'm just not as big of an adrenaline pony like the others. I like some roller coasters and theme parks. It's just I'm not used to these vehicles. I know I've seen some of these vehicles in the game world, the dune hopping and even now. Maybe even the arcade games have them, but I never really gave it that much thought. I just assumed it was normal and just moved on to play the games." He explained, a few tears were welling up in his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, Thundy. I wasn't trying to ruin your fun. The same goes for the others. I'm not against the idea of an adrenaline rush. Since I get an adrenaline rush when playing against others in video games. The counter-play, the combos, the moment that you think you're going to win or lose. The adrenaline kicks in and you play even more. I don't know what I'm saying, to be honest. Again, I-I'm really sorry. I really wasn't trying to ruin your fun or good time. I didn't want to ruin the good time for the others either." He felt the tears fall as they cascaded down his cheeks. He tried to stop the tears from falling with his arm, but the tears still slipped through. He felt awful as if he had ruin the day, as well as be a wet blanket in the eyes of those still at the field.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Shh, shh, please don't cry Dynamo. I'd never pull a payback move on a friend like you." Thundy said gently wiping away the tears from Dynamo's face, making his bracelet disappear. Thundy hugged Dynamo closer. "You never ruined my fun." He said gently using a talon to raise Dynamo's chin so they were eye to eye. Thundy looked at Dynamo tenderly. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

He gasped and froze at the mention of the word 'friend.' It was a sort of sensitive subject as he didn't know how to go about it. "F-Friend? I-I'm your-" He paused as he felt his tears being wiped away. As he was hugged closer, he was surprised yet relieved that he didn't ruin Thundy's fun. It still made him worry about what the others had thought of him. He felt his chin being raised as he looked eye to eye with the male griffon. "I-I'm really sorry. I just didn't want to seem boring, a wet blanket, or n-not seem like I'm fun to you and the others. D-Did you really mean by what you said before?" He asks, almost hesitant to bring up the topic again.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Aww Dynamo...it's always a blast to hang out with you, especially since we're both gamers and we have a lot of things in common." Thundy stated gently rubbing Dynamo's back while still cuddling him. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

"R-Really?" He asked with a sniff. Surprise present upon his expression for what Thundy had said. With things that had happened in the past, he was surprised to hear that from the griffon. "I'm glad to know we have things in common. It makes things easier to relate to." He would say, leaned into the hug as he allowed to let his emotions run out. He gave the griffon a big hug as he was grateful for his help. He knew he would have to probably have this conversation agin with the others, but he knew it was one step at a time. For now, he was just glad he was able to have this talk with Thundy. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Indeed. Heart to heart conversations like this are really important when it comes to friendship. Having these heart to heart conversations helps us to gain trust in each other, as we disclose how we feel towards each other." Thundy said nuzzling Dynamo sweetly with his beak, before getting up and shapeshifting back to his anthro form. He picked up Dynamo lovingly, and gave him one last hug before putting him back on the ground on all four hooves. "Now...this next thing I'll show you is quite risky, but with the perfect amount of focus, I can pull it off." Thundy stated. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo listened intently as he had heard Thundy explain the meaning of their heart to heart talk. When he had heard the word 'friendship,' he wondered if they were friends. He had heard Thundy say it before, but he still wanted to be sure. He knew he would talk about it at a later time. In the meantime, he could only nod in agreement. "I guess that's one way to have a talk between friends. A heart to heart talk is a two way street. Since if you talk about your problems, then it's only fair for the other to discuss their problems. If there's no understanding, then there might not be any friendship. Even so, I'm glad we had this talk. I feel better as I got it off of my chest." He smiled, before being nuzzled by Thundy's beat. It was odd at first as he was only nuzzled Bluebell before. He had never experienced a nuzzle from a griffon, but he appreciated the kind gesture. Seeing the griffon turn into his anthro form, Dynamo was soon picked up as he returned the embrace.

As he was placed back onto the ground, Dynamo looked up to give Thundy a thankful expression. "Thank you, Thundy. I really do appreciate it. Although, what do you mean by trying something risky? Is everything okay? You're not going to do something drastic, are you?" He asks, tilting his head in curiosity and worry for the male griffon.

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@Dynamo Pad

“Yes, when I say we are friends, we are friends Dynano, and you soon see why what I’m about to do next is risky.” Thundy said as he gathered some electricity and made a ball of energy appear between his talons. He closed his eyes tightly and dug deep into the darkest part of his mind. Purple auras emitted from his eyes as the ball of energy darkened into a dark purple. It looked like a blob of dark energy. Thundy grunted, for the dark energy was a little unstable. He was able to stabilize it and stretched it out, using a dark forge. Some of Thundy’s fur darkened, even his talons became a dark yellow. Thundy was forging a rather large sword. A dark pulse was released the mighty space world 2000 sword that Ganondorf wields was in Thundy’s right talon as he twirled it. Thundy was now draped in Ganondorf’s armor. He let out a sort of evil laugh as the dark energy coursed though him. “Fear not Dynamo, for I am still Thundy.” Thundy said in a slightly deeper and serious voice. 


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@C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo was caught off guard as Thundy had called the gaming unicorn his friend. Did he happen to read his mind, or were his worries that obvious. Either way, it relieved him to know that he was considered a friend. "Why do you ask? What are you planning to do?" He asks, before seeing a ball of energy being formed in the griffon's talons. He began to worry as he saw what looked to be purple aura's emitting from the griffon's eyes. The energy even turned into a dark ball, while the griffon began to change. It looked like the energy was becoming unstable, before stabilizing as the griffon's fur darkened. His talons had turned a dark yellow, he had forged a dark blade, while being draped in a suit of armor. Dynamo thought the armor looked familiar, but he wasn't able to say as he heard the being emit an evil laugh. 

The blue unicorn tried to call for the keyblade Gashat once more, but stopped as he heard Thundy's voice. Albeit was slightly deeper than normal, but it was still Thundy, nonetheless. "T-Thundy? Is that really you? I mean, w-what happened to you?" He asks, trying to be on guard. It wasn't that he trusted the changed griffon. He wanted to be prepared in case something bad happened. If so, then he would make sure to be prepared to help his friend.

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@Dynamo Pad

"I've been practicing this one for so long. I'd always need Chelsea to bail me out in case something went wrong. Gah, I remember the first time I tried this spell. It was a few months ago, when Chelsea and I were playing a few rounds of Smash Bros Ultimate. Ganondorf's Space World 2000 sword just looked so cool, and I wanted to be able to forge it on my own. The first time I tried, I was able to get to the energy conversion step, from light to dark. However, I lost it because my body just didn't have the stamina to keep it stable. Fast forward to attempt number two. I had developed my stamina but this was where the first bailout happened. I converted the energy to dark, but had lost control and the dark energy took me over. Fortunately, with a quick cleanse, Chelsea was able to free me from possession. Dark energy is nothing to mess around with Dynamo. It takes a lot of training to master control of dark energy." Thundy said as he twirled his large sword around and slammed it on the ground releasing a mighty dark pulse. It felt like a shockwave, but with a ominous aura to it. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

"Glad to know that you've been practicing on this one. It sounds pretty difficult from the looks of you trying to transform." He says, hearing Thundy mention Chelsea on bailing him out. "Did you want me to go and get her really quick? Just in case for her to be aware of what's going on?" He asks, knowing that they were still far from the area that Bluebell and Chelsea were training. "I didn't know that was what the sword was called. Unless it's called something different and there's a meaning behind it." He says, listening to the story of Thundy trying to forget the blade. He let out a shaky sigh as it was a lot to take in. "It seems you went through a lot in order for this power to work. I can imagine that the dark energy is too much to bare if you don't have the stamina to wield it. It's a good thing that Chelsea was there to cleanse you. I wouldn't even begin to imagine what would have happened if she wasn't there to assist you." He says, nodding in understanding over the comment of dark energy. "I don't doubt that, but I guess it's something I wouldn't mess with. Darkness can be seen as evil, but I know it can be misunderstood. Especially if you can use light and dark in conjunction with one another as a force of good." He says, wincing as he felt the dark aura pulse from the shockwave of Thundy slamming his sword on the ground. His balance was altered, but he managed to hold his ground. The only difference was the ominous aura the shockwave had to it.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Don't worry Dynamo, Chelsea can sense if something is wrong. I could always reverse out of this if I wanted to...like this..." Thundy said concentrating. He dug deep to restore the light, twirling his large sword. He was enveloped in white and revealed now with Marth's sword and attire. "See? Nothing to it. Dig to the find the light, and it'll come to you." Thundy said in his normal voice again, raising his sword in triumph. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

"That's reassuring. I know you're probably stronger than that to not be tempted by the darkness. However, if it ever happened, then I know I'd be there to help if I can." Dynamo responded, watching as Thundy was enveloped in a glow of light. He smiled as his friend was reverted back to normal, but was changed in a different attire. "Oh, I remember that outfit. I think that's from Fire Emblem and the last one was from Zelda, right? I haven't played those games all that much, but I've heard they are great in their own rights." He says, before nodding at the mention of digging towards the light. "You can say that again. The light of hope will always be strong and will always be with you."

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@Dynamo Pad

"Oh yes. You know Chelsea could do some of these things I'm doing as well. I taught her how to do them. Remember when she was dressed in this attire as we were doing DanceDanceRevolution yesterday?" Thundy asked. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo glanced to the side as he tried to recall the event. He instantly remembered as his eyes moved back over towards the male griffon. "Now I remember. I will admit that I recalled the moment that you and Chelsea were throwing the swords into the air and I got a little upset at that. Not the best way for me to remember, but in my defense. I was worried about the group and the others that were in the big crowd for tournaments. Wouldn't want a blade to go flying out of nowhere. Sorry about that." He chuckled slightly, before giving the griffon an apologetic look. "At any rate, I do remember. I think I was more focused on the fact that the two of you had blades from Fire Emblem. I think you had Marth's and Chelsea had Lucina's." He says, making sure as he wasn't certain of his accuracy. "Although, that doesn't make sense." He would say, raising an eyebrow as he continued. "I mean, I know I can do that because of the Gamer Driver. I know you're able to summon weapons because of your memories. That, and you're not from Equestria, but I don't know if that's a part of it. If that were true, then how is Chelsea able summon Lucina's sword? I mean, she plays games like us, but I'm not sure how it's possible." He says, while curious, yet intrigued at the thought. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Though Chelsea is originally from the Griffon Kingdom, we play games together, and she remembers them. She had to work really hard to create her first weapon, but one she did, she was so happy. I think her latest forge was Corrin's blade. That weapon is really deadly. It's almost like one of them chainsaws." Thundy stated. He then made his Marth attire and blade disappear. "Well Dynamo...are you ready to witness a power from me you've never seen or felt?" Thundy asked. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

"I remember Chelsea tell us that she is a hybrid of a griffon and pony. So, I guess being from the Griffon Kingdom makes the most sense. Unless her parents lived together somewhere else in Equestria." He pondered, before continuing. "It's pretty cool that you both play video games together. I always felt that video games can be a way to help bring others together. Either that, or to help form rivalries to help everyone to become better gamer's." He says, whistling in astonishment at the type of blade that was mentioned. "I've only ever heard of Corrin from Super Smash Brothers. I think the blade can either extend into a spear of sorts, before being the chainsaw that you were mentioning. I know that Corrin has dragon-like powers, so I guess the sword is a sort of extension to the ability. Even so, how is it possible for her to make the blade?" He asks, before Thundy made the attire and sword he wielded to vanish. Upon hearing his next question, Dynamo raised an eyebrow with curiosity and wonder. "I guess I'm as ready as ever to witness this power. What did you have in mind? Should I stand back?"

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@Dynamo Pad

"Well, she had to dig deep. She forms the design with water to make a sort of water version, then, she solidifies the blade by having to dig really deep to unleash her secret ice ability she has. Chelsea still has trouble with getting the ice ability to work outside of making weapons...and yes...taking a few steps back would work." Thundy stated.

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On 1/19/2021 at 8:40 PM, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Ragland Tiger

Chelsea hugged Bluebelle tightly as she felt her tears. She then let go and watched Bluebelle fire a more concentrated shot at the target. "There you go. Now you've got it. See if you can get a bullseye this time." Chelsea said. 

@C. Thunder Dash

Bluebell nodded, and then turned, even more determined.  She slowly aimed her horn, and fired again.  She knew she had hit the target, but a cloud of steam blew back at her so thick that it fogged her glasses.  She began to think that she had overdone it again. "Oh b-b-bother," she said taking off her glasses and wiping them on her foreleg.  When she put them back on and looked up she gasped.   She saw a hole in the absolute center of the bullseye.

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@C. Thunder Dash

"Oh, I see. I think that's pretty cool that Chelsea is able to make the weaponry in her own way. It's sort of the same as how we'd form our weapons, but it's different and unique in her own way. I think that's pretty neat." Dynamo responds, fascinated by the explanation. "I didn't know that Chelsea was able to use ice abilities. If I'm able to use ice effectively with the keyblade, then maybe I can help her out. I guess time will tell as there's still plenty of time to master the ability." He says, taking a few steps back as per Thundy's request. "Okay, Thundy! I took a few steps back, so I'm ready to see what you had in mind to show me!" He says, wondering what the male griffon was planning.

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