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Samurai Equine

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@C. Thunder Dash

"I want to believe you, but is there any way to know? I guess it's just difficult to say as the anime only shows them power up and then that's that. It's always difficult to gauge percentages. Especially when power levels became irrelevant later on in the series." Dynamo explained, nodding at the plan Thundy had established. "I think that's fair. Maybe you can learn to tap into Super Saiyan 3, before going higher. The better control on energy, then the less difficulty it would be to find that divine power from the higher forms." He would say, raising an eyebrow at the mention of a SSJ cartridge. "Are you sure? Do you think it's possible to find a cartridge like that?"

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@Samurai Equine @PawelS

Pencil blushed when Elusive said her artwork belonged in a museum. It was the first time anypony had suggested that before. At first, she was flustered and wanted to brush the museum idea off.

“Oh, uh, n-no, t-they’re not, um...”

While she stammered, she began to think on the museum idea. Although it may not be realistic, it would be something fun to do someday if she ever obtained enough money. She sighed, allowing herself to breath for a moment. This time, she decided to take the compliment like she should have the first time.

“You know, the whole museum thing sounds fun. If I ever get enough money to open one I might consider it. Thanks, by the way, for the compliment,” she said with slightly more confidence in her voice.

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@Dynamo Pad

”You’d have to call upon one. Overall, I’d say a DBZ/DBS cartridge would give you access to the majority of the moves and blast attacks...” Thundy said. He then got into a position as if he were about to fire a Special Beam canon. He put two talons on his forehead and gathered energy. “Special Beam Canon!” Thundy shouted, firing a yellow beam up in the sky. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo nodded as he listened to Thundy's explanation, while seeing the griffon place two talons upon his forehead. He grinned as he knew what was coming, before the griffon launched the beam into the air. "Okay. Now, that was definitely cool. Can't go wrong with the Makaka..." He stopped, feeling as if he was tripping over his words. "...Makanki..." His eyebrow twitched as he was feeling slightly frustrated. "...The Makano..." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his hoof. "...Okay. You know what? Forget it. Now I know why Piccolo has trouble saying it. That, and the Special Beam Cannon sounds cooler." He would say, puffing his facial cheeks with a huff. He sighed, before looking back at the griffon. "Still, you're right. I should at least give myself a try to summon the cartridge. Maybe I'll get something out of it." He would say, closing his eyes as he tried to envision a Dragon Ball styled Gashat. He even tried to light his horn with magic as he did with the other gadgets. Try as he might, nothing was coming to mind. After a couple of more attempts, Dynamo gasped as he ceased his magic from his horn. "I-It's not good. It doesn't seem to be working." He would say, looking back towards the griffon with a frown. "Do you think the reason is because anime styled video games aren't as possible as other games, or do you think it has to do with something else?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Thundy sighed. "I can tell you one thing. Anime powers require close to an elite level of control, even for stuff that requires power binding, like I showed you earlier with my Dark Magician card." Thundy said as he made a pokeball appear. It was an ultra ball. Inside was a Lucario. "Even if I were to power bind with whatever's inside this pokeball, I'd still have the same power as of now, plus whatever power this pokemon has. Alternatively, I could suppress the power I have now, since I am relaxed and this form is at 100%, and solely rely on the pokemon's power. That's what is known as a power-soulsplit. Because I'm relying on two different powers from two different sources, which are from two different memories, I can essentially split my power in half. Keep in mind that I could only do this in 100% mastered forms." Thundy said as he gathered a small amount of electricity. The pokeball began to glow. It suddenly opened and Thundy was sucked inside. The pokeball shock a little. It then popped open and Thundy was revealed as a silvery-blue version of lucario, with gold streaks of fur here and there. "The power of Super Saiyan 2 is still within me, but I must be very careful now." Thundy said in a voice like Lucario's. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo frowned at the mention of anime powers needing to be at a higher level of control. However, Dynamo had to accept and understand that there were still limits that he couldn't reach just yet. "I remember you talk about power binding. I didn't know it was in that level. It's no wonder why I wasn't able to do that." He says, remembering how Thundy had combined with the Dark Magician. Not long after he gave his thoughts, he saw Thundy hold an ultra ball in his talons. He listened intently as Thundy went into more detail of power-soulsplit. He blinked and tilted his head in confusion as the subject seemed to go over his head. It sounded interesting, but it still sounded a bit confusing. He watched as the pokeball opened as Thundy was absorbed into the capsule. The gaming unicorn's jaw dropped as a non Pokemon was in the capsule, before the pokeball opened up once more to reveal Thundy. However, it seemed that the griffon had gone through a different change once more. This time he looked like the Pokemon Lucario, but had gold streaks in regards to his griffon form. Dynamo just continued to stare as it seemed his mind was all over the place. "I think this is all just too confusing. I didn't think it was possible to perform a fusion with a Pokemon, but I guess I've seen everything." He responded with a sigh and chuckle. "I guess it's more in regards to having multiple power's or memories going on at one time. All the while, trying to keep things balanced so the memories don't mix and/or become corrupted. Resulting in either a failed fusion or something catastrophic, right? Also, are you still in that Super Saiyan form, or are you in this Pokemon form?" He asks, looking over to the Gamer Driver, before levitating it over towards him. 

"I also think the Gashat didn't manifest as I might be out of energy. I remember you gave me some energy back, but it was only a bit. I"m still tired, but I should be okay. Magic can come back on it's own, but it does take time. Now that I know this driver can drain my magic, I have to figure out how to use magic wisely with and without the belt. At the moment, I'd have to say that my limit is two or three uses. After that, I'm out of magic and I'd be defenseless." He explained, before giving the griffon a smile. "Even so, that was still a good training session. At the very least, we were able to figure out what this belt is capable of. Maybe we can make a list of games we can try to summon and discover what works and what doesn't. What do you think?"

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@Dynamo Pad

"The worst case scenario that could happen when someone uses power from too many memories, especially ones that require a lot of power increase, their body could literally explode from all the power they have absorbed. Think of it like a battery." Thundy stated as he picked up the pokeball and pressed the button. He was sucked back inside and popped back out as his regular SSJ2 complete form. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Upon hearing the worst case scenario, Dynamo winced as he didn't like the sound of that. "When you put it that way, then that does sound like a worst case scenario. I don't think we have a battery in Equestria. Unless you're talking about a battery for a clock, then I think we do. I wonder if what you were mentioning before has the same principles as the Driver." He says, looking at the belt as he grimaced. "On second thought, I'd say never mind. I'd most likely keep my powers from the belt to be one at a time. Better to have resources instead of going overboard. Plus, the use of multiple spells with the powers would be too quick of a magic drain." He says, before watching Thundy, who was absorbed back into the pokeball. He soon reappeared as he was back into his Super Saiyan form. "So, I guess the training for today is complete then, huh? If so, then what should we do for the time being?"

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@Dynamo Pad

"Hmmm, how about a Yu Gi Oh Duel? I'm kinda in the mood for one..." Thundy stated. "And yes, as I said, combining powers increases the drain level. It's like that one non-canon fusion in Dragonball GT where Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Vegeta fuse to make SSJ4 Gogeta, which only lasted about ten minutes because of all the power they were using, plus the time they wasted toying with Omega Shenron instead of defeating him." Thundy stated. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

At the mention of Yu-Gi-Oh, the blue unicorn gave the griffon a frown. "I'm sorry and I'd love to, but it's been a long time since I've played that card game. That, and I don't really have any cards. I've mostly played Vanguard and I'm out of the loop on the formerly mentioned card game." He says, giving the griffon and apologetic look. Upon hearing the mention of fusion, Dynamo nodded in understanding. "Oh, I've heard of that fusion. Gogeta looked pretty cool in that form, but I can get the whole draining scenario. With how much power they had at that level. The more energy they expended, then the faster the fusion time expired. It's the same for when they did Vegito Blue in Super. The fusion usually lasts about an hour for those that aren't Kai's. Since they were in Blue, then the energy drained much faster than anticipated."

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@Dynamo Pad

"I thought Portaras lasted until the two beings were forced out of the fusion, like in the case of Vegito using the barrier when he was absorbed by Super Buu. I've actually never heard of Vanguard...perhaps we could head over to the arcade for a bit or even see what Chelsea and Bluebelle are up to." Thundy stated. 

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@Ragland Tiger @C. Thunder Dash @ExplosionMare @PawelS @Samurai Equine

"I don't think so." Dynamo responded as he listened to Thundy's remark. "I think they made that as a sort of retcon in Super. When two Kai's use potara's, then the fusion is permanent. If the potara's are used on non Kai's, in the example of Goku and Vegeta, then it's only for about an hour. The whole fusion concept was sort of vague back in the Buu saga. Maybe it was more along the lines of show and don't tell. Just to give us an idea on how special the technique was. I suppose the retcon was helpful as it didn't make fusion from that means as too powerful, or something like that." He explained, his eyes widening and jaw dropping upon the griffon's declaration. "You haven't heard of Vanguard!? I mean, it's still somewhat new, but it's a pretty fun game. You basically a field of six circles. Each circle you can place creatures, or units to help boost and support your center. The main point is to damage the center unit, while accumulating damage. The first player to hit six damage loses. To make up for that concept, you have to promote, or ride your vanguard up in grades. You start off at zero, then you try to make it all the way up to grade three. The game sounds confusing at first glance, but it's actually a pretty simple and fun game to play. Maybe I can teach you how to play sometime." He would say, weighing the options he was given.

"Hmm...I would say going to the arcade would be the way to go. However, I think it would be better if we all went to the arcade together. It wouldn't feel fun to leave anyone out. That, and I want to see how things are going with Bluebell and Chelsea. Maybe they'd like some support." He suggested, while starting to make his way over towards Bluebell and the others.

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@Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @Samurai Equine @ExplosionMare @Kronos the Revenant

Thundy disappeared and quickly reappeared by Chelsea and Bluebelle. He was still in his SSJ2 complete form. “Hey you two.” Thundy said. Chelsea turned. “Ooh! Thundy! You’re a super Saiyan 2!” Chelsea cheered. “Indeed I am, completed. I heard you and Bluebelle were working on power control so I figured I stop by and help before checking on the others.” Thundy said. 

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine @PawelS @C. Thunder Dash

As Dynamo continued to walk over towards the others, his ears perked as he thought he had heard a noise of sorts. Almost like a 'swoosh', but he couldn't understand why. "Hey, Thundy? Did you happen to hear something?" He asks, looking over towards the griffon. However, he noticed that the griffon was nowhere to be seen. "Huh? Where did he go?" He asks, stopping in place as he tried to look around for the griffon in question. Looking over towards the others, he squinted his eyes as he saw the griffon had reappeared out of nowhere. Did he happen to have a teleportation spell, or was it due to one of the powers he had? These questions were running through his mind, before he frowned with his shoulders slumped. "I wish he could have told me that he was going to teleport. It feels like I was left behind." He muttered with a sigh. He felt it probably wasn't the case, but he couldn't help in feeling that way. Knowing he wouldn't get anywhere by standing around. He started walking once more over towards the group.

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@Dynamo Pad

Off in the distance, Thundy could sense Dynamo coming. He whistled loudly. “Yo Dynamo! Over here!” He called out waving. Chelsea gathered some water energy and made a life sized water version of herself. “Bring Dynamo here for us.” She said to the water version of herself. 

The water version of Chelsea ran off towards Dynamo and saw him. It stopped in front of him and gestured the direction where Thundy was and to follow it. The water version of Chelsea trotted in front of Dynamo hoping he’d follow. 

@Ragland Tiger

”You’re welcome. Thundy here could also help. At the form he’s at now...well...let’s just say he’s really really powerful.” Chelsea said. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo's ears perked as he heard a whistle. Looking over, he discovered that the whistling came from Thundy, who was calling him over. Hearing his remark caused the gaming unicorn to have a deadpanned expression. With a sigh, he shook his head, before placing his left front hoo over his mouth. "Hold on a second! I'm trying to make my way over!" He called back, while trying to walk over to the others. Out of nowhere, he thought he had seen Chelsea making her way over towards him. However, it looked like a water version of the female griffon had made her way over to him. He was about to ask what was going on, but stopped as it seemed the water version gestured to follow her. He trembled slightly as he felt upset for some reason, but he couldn't explain it. "I mean, I wish I could have had help to fly or teleport over." He muttered softly to himself, trying to hold in his emotions as started to slowly follow after the water version of Chelsea.

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@Dynamo Pad

The water version of Chelsea stopped and ended up slowly absorbing itself into Dynamo. Now, Dynamo was able to morph into a puddle of water and flow quickly to where the others were. It was much faster.

Chelsea sensed that the water version of herself absorbed itself into Dynamo, temporarily granting him her water abilities. “Hey Dynamo, looks like that water version of me absorbed itself in you. Focus, and see yourself as flowing water. You’ll get to us in a pinch.” Chelsea said through telepathy to Dynamo. 

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@Ragland Tiger

”I got you Bluebelle. Let’s see what you got. I heard about your power and I’m impressed. But, we gotta get you to control it without that limiter ring. I have just the drill to do it.” Thundy said. 

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine @PawelS @C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo kept his eyes to the ground as he walked as he wondered if what Thundy had said was true or a lie. Before going into deep though, he stopped as he nearly bumped into the water clone version of Chelsea. Blinking in confusion as to what the griffon was thinking, he soon gasped as the water version was absorbed into Dynamo. The blue unicorn shivered as he wasn't used to the sensation. "Okay. I'm not going to lie that was weird. No offense to Chelsea or anyone else!" He exclaimed, before freezing as he heard Chelsea's voice. "Chelsea!? Where are you? I mean, are you next to me? You're over where the others are? How is that possible?" He asks, before stopping to listen as he heard Chelsea's thoughts. Apparently, Chelsea's water version was able to grant Dynamo the power to flow over to the others in a pile of water, as well as gain telepathy. 

"Thanks Chelsea. I would have been here sooner, but I guess I was forgotten by Thundy. I'm sorry about having to use your clone to make my way over. I can't teleport or learn how to fly with magic." He responded, trying to speak to the female griffon through her telepathy. Taking a moment to concentrate, the gaming unicorn was able to morph into a puddle of water. It felt odd at first, but it felt sort of natural. It must have been due to fusing with the water clone in order to pull off the feat. Not wanting to ask questions, he quickly flowed over until he managed to reach the others. Upon reaching his destination, he managed to form back into his physical body. Looking over at the others, it looked like Thundy was helping Bluebell with her training. "Hey, guys. I finally made it." He would say, before looking over at the female griffon. "Thanks for the help, Chelsea. Now I know why you teleport a lot with a puddle of water. It's kind of fun and very helpful. Uh...is there any way to get the water clone out of me, or am I permanently fused with your water clone?" 

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@Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger

The water version of Chelsea got out of Dynamo and faded into a vapor. "Ugh...I am so sorry Dynamo, I forgot you didn't know how to teleport. Please forgive me. You know I'd never leave you behind on purpose, especially since you've been such a great friend." Thundy said with sincerity. 

"How did it feel having my water abilities Dynamo?" Chelsea asked. 

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@C. Thunder Dash @Dynamo Pad

Bluebell steeled herself.  "Okay-okay, Let's d-d-do this."  She  widened her stance and looked straight at the target.  She swallowed, then took aim, and fired. She felt the kick of the blast push her off her front hooves.  She felt herself about to fall over.  "Help!" she yelled as she saw a large cloud of steam blow back at her.

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@Ragland Tiger @C. Thunder Dash

As the water version of Chelsea separated from Dynamo, the blue unicorn shivered once more. "I'm not going to lie. I think having those water abilities were really cool, Chelsea. Although, I'm not a bit fan of the whole absorption thing that happened before, as well as the separation now. Has an odd sort of feeling. No offense, of course." He would say, before continuing. "I mean, using fire and ice magic with the keyblade was rather interesting. Makes me wonder what it would be like to use water. I might have to look into that later." He smiles, before his ears perked as he heard Thundy's voice. Looking over to the male griffon, he saw the sincerity in his voice. He wanted to still be upset, but he had to realize that one shouldn't hold a grudge. Taking a deep breath, he sighed as he gave the male griffon an understanding look. "It's okay, Thundy. I'm guessing Chelsea had told you what had happened when she spoke to me through telepathy from her water clone. I mean, I guess we didn't really go over what types of magic I was capable of using. I know we went over the magic of flight, but I'm not able to do that or teleport." He says with a nod. "I know you wouldn't abandon me. I guess I was thinking that you would ask if I could teleport or if I could have help teleporting with you. I shouldn't have assumed like that, so I should apologize."

He soon looked over at Bluebell, who was ready to practice in using a spell. "Good luck, Bluebell. I know you can do this." He smiled as he cheered for his friend. Watching as she took her stance, his eyes widened as she launched the powerful spell at the target. He was about to congratulate and praise her on the spell ability, but stopped as she called out for help. "Hang on, Bluebell!" He called out to her as a large cloud of steam was blown back at her. Acting quickly, he rushed over to her as he wrapped his arms around her. If they fell, then he would fall first to soften the impact, while making sure she was safe. As he hit the ground, there was another problem they had to face. The steam cloud was still too close to move out of the way. Without thinking as he couldn't form a shield, he threw himself over her, before closing his eyes and braced for any sort of burns from the cloud.

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@Ragland Tiger @Dynamo Pad

Thundy saw the recoil and through the smoke, he could see the large amount of recoil that caused Bluebelle to get slung back. He cleared the cloud of smoke with a light wind blast and noticed Dynamo going to catch Bluebelle. Chelsea quickly made a water net in case the momentum was too strong for Dynamo's attempt at catching Bluebelle. 

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