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Samurai Equine

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@Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger

"I'll keep it stable if you need to. "Don't worry, you won't have to aim it at something, this is just for you to get used to holding fire in your magic." Thundy stated, waiting for Dynamo to get a hold of the wisp with his magic. 

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Once a good number of flyers were made, real Pencil and water Pencil headed out to give them to passerbys. Real Pencil had to hold everything, otherwise half the flyers would get wet. Real Pencil stopped a few ponies on the street and politely offered them the flyers. A few ponies declined, but a few were curious. When the pile of flyers was significantly lighter, real Pencil took a moment to excitedly clap her hooves.

“Yay! Water Pencil, we gave out so many flyers so quickly! I’m so proud of us!” she told her liquidy companion.

Water Pencil nodded with a large grin on her face. Although she couldn’t converse with anypony, she played an important role in waving ponies over. Without her, real Pencil would’ve been to shy to approach the ponies that weren’t at least two hooves away.

“Let’s head back and see if anypony stops by,” real Pencil suggested, heading back towards the museum.

As the two turned around, real Pencil’s bag began to glow. Startled, she turned around and defensively hugged her bag. She looked around to see if another unicorn had been trying to snatch it, but there was nopony nearby. It glowed again, and now that Pencil was looking at it, it was glowing from the inside.

Curiously, she opened her saddlebag and found that a letter had been magically sent through her commission mail. She had a system in place where every client was given a folder to write in for comments, concerns, and other queries. Anything they wrote would appear in Pencil’s duplicate folder.

Opening it up, it read:

May I have another sample of your most recent work? I would like to help you understand what I am looking for. You seem a bit confused on what I am asking, so allow me to make that more clear for you.

Pencil internally groaned. It was her commissionee again. Although she understood he only wanted to help, she couldn’t help but feel she was being a bit patronized. She was a mare of details, hitting her with something so vague had only reduced her creative freedom. This wasn’t a drawing for her, so she needed specifics. It seemed that no matter how hard she wished, though, she would still have to figure this one out on her own.

Either this is the most annoying client ever or I’m really just too dumb to figure out what he’s saying Pencil thought grumpily to herself as she neared the museum’s entrance.

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@Windy Breeze, @PawelS

"Well, I never was truly against it, I guess..." Trilby begins to answer, but gets nervous when Sundae approaches like that. As she gets too close for comfort, he backs away and even tilts his head back. But thankfully, before he can ask for his personal space back, a tail slaps him in the face. He backs up and rubs his cheek. Not exactly what he wanted, but at least Sundae isn't super close to him anymore. He can breathe a sigh of relief.

"Commotion? We just came from there. I didn't notice anything. Then again, restaurants like that are always a little noisy." Trilby says.


The tactic seem to work. The artist pony from before returns. "Excusez-moi? 'ello? Iz the flier accurate? Ze museum haz a new curator?"

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@Samurai Equine @C. Thunder Dash

Pencil smiles at the Prench pony who happened to notice the flyers. Clearing her throat, she did her best to speak some Prench of her own.

“Vous pouvez parler en prançais avec moi. (You can talk in Prench with me if you want) Le musée est ouvert et je suis la curateur, uh... la conservatrice! (The museum is open and I’m the, uh, [inaccurate word for curator]...the curator!)” she replied. Her Prench definitely wasn’t perfect, but she at least got the pronouns down.

Using her magic, she got out a sheet of paper for the pony to sign their name on. On the list was the schedule and each designated time slot. The pony could sign up wherever they wanted to. Pencil didn’t know how to tell the pony to sign the paper, so she just pointed a hoof to the page and offered a pen.

“Nous requérons des échantillons de votre arts, (We require some samples of you art)” she roughly spoke. Her Prench was probably terrible that time, but the pony probably understood what she was saying.

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The water version of Pencil looked at Pencil and tried to interpret the Prench she she had said with a sort of crude sign language hoping that the Prench pony understood what it was saying. 

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@Ragland Tiger @C. Thunder Dash

Hearing that Thundy would keep the magic stable had eased Dynamo's worries. However, it still didn't take away the nervousness he was feeling. "O-Okay. H-Here it goes." He would say, unwrapping his arm around Bluebell's shoulder to make sure that she would be safe from harm. He moved a bit to the side so that nobody would be caught in any crossfire from the magic. With an audible gulp and shaky sigh, the gaming unicorn closed his eyes as his horn began to glow. Slowly, he took the giant fireball from Thundy's grasp as he tried to hold it. At the moment, he was starting to get a feel for it. As if he was able to hold the wisp without any issue. Suddenly, it felt as if the wisp was starting to rustle and struggle. Almost as if the flame had a mind of its own. Try as he could, Dynamo was beginning to struggle in keeping the flame in check. His eyes clenched tightly, while he could feel himself shaking. He gritted his teeth as he tried to find a way to get the spell under control. "Come on, come on. I-I can't give up now." He managed to utter out as he tried to keep the fireball/wisp together.

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@Ragland Tiger @C. Thunder Dash

"B-B-Bluebell...I..." He uttered out, feeling scared that he was going to lose control. Upon hearing her words of not to panic, he felt as if he could believe her words. Suddenly, he felt something touch his horn as Bluebell had placed her horn with his own. To Dynamo, the feeling was familiar as if it had happened before. A pure bright flash had rushed forth, before a pure white light emanated from the duo's horns touch together. The wisp had begun to calm down, before the wisp itself began to take shape. Without warning, the flame morphed and grew until it turned into a giant, flaming ball of a heart. Dynamo slowly opened his eyes to see that it was Bluebell, who had placed the tip of her horn against his. He looked on in awe as he realized the familiarity of the warmth he had felt. It had been during the race where they placed the tips of their horns together in order to make a spell become successful. Even now, it was through the bespectacled mare's help that managed to get the wisp under control. "Bell...wow. That was incredible. You were incredible. T-Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you." He smiled softly, a blush forming upon his cheeks. One could argue that it was the heat of the wisp made his cheeks warm, but to Dynamo, it was due to Bluebell, while noticing that past her glasses that her eyes looked beautiful. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger

"Whoa, check that out. You two truly have a connection there." Chelsea commented as Thundy watched to see what the wisp would change into. Seeing that Dynamo and Bluebell seemed to have a sort of love interest, it seemed that this would be related to a fire love spell. 

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25 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:

"Bell...wow. That was incredible. You were incredible. T-Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you." He smiled softly, a blush forming upon his cheeks. One could argue that it was the heat of the wisp made his cheeks warm, but to Dynamo, it was due to Bluebell, while noticing that past her glasses that her eyes looked beautiful. 

@Dynamo Pad @C. Thunder Dash

Bluebell blushed, too.  "Y-y-y-y-yeah, w-w-well, you're n-n- not-not s-so bad you-you-yourself."  She smiled back at him for a moment, and then pulling him to her, she gave him a good long smooch on the lips.  Then, she let out a giggle like school filly.

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@Ragland Tiger @C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo had seen Bluebell's blush, but he wasn't sure if it was due to the flames, or not. Smiling, he shook his head at her remark. "Oh, thank you for the kind words, but I'm not..." He was about to finish his sentence, but stopped as he was pulled towards the bespectacled mare. His eyes widened in surprise as he was pulled into another long kiss from Bluebell. This was the second time that she had kissed him, while he wondered if this had meant that she liked him as more than a friend. He had to admit that she was cute, but he wasn't sure why she had liked someone like him. Perhaps it was something to talk about at one point or another. He was soon brought back to reality as he closed his eyes and kissed her back. A moment passed, before he pulled back from the kiss. He smiled sheepishly with a chuckle. He looked to the side, while rubbing the back of his neck with his front right hoof. He blushed more as he heard her giggle as if it was music that could soothe one's soul. Glancing to the side, he took notice of the flame that he and Bluebell had held before had turned into a heart. His front right hoof dropped from his neck back towards the ground as he looked up and stared in awe at the giant heart.

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@Ragland Tiger @Dynamo Pad

"Look at that. I had a feeling that was gonna happen. As Thundy said, Bluebelle and you have quite the strong connection to one another. Now I see why that spell worked in the kart race. It seemed like you two had already became great friends without even knowing." Chelsea concluded. Thundy nodded. 

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@Ragland Tiger @C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo's ears perked as he heard Chelsea's remark on him and Bluebell. He looked towards the female griffon, before looking back at the bespectacled mare. He had to admit that Chelsea had made a valid point in regards to their connection. They managed to perform a difficult spell during the race, as well as perform a spell together to make the flaming heart appear. Even though the female griffon had described him and Bluebell as great friends. He wondered if the two kisses and interactions he shared with Bluebell as friends, or maybe something more. Nevertheless, he couldn't help in chuckling with a smile. "I guess you're right, Chelsea. It looks like Bluebell and I have a sort of special connection."

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@Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger

”Could call it borderline love...” Chelsea added. “Now what are you gonna do with that flaming heart?” Thundy asked. “There’s lots you can do with it but you have to decide together what to do with it.” He added. 

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@Ragland Tiger @C. Thunder Dash

"L-L-Love?" Dynamo responded as he managed to stutter out the word in a hushed whisper. It had been a while since had come across that particular word and feeling. Was what he was feeling and the way Bluebell was acting was love? At the moment, he wasn't truly sure. What he did know was that he was happy to be with the bespectacled mare. Just being near her had caused a warmth in his heart. He wasn't sure if it was love or not, but he didn't want to go against that feeling. He was brought out of his thoughts as Thundy had mentioned about the flaming heart. "There is? I hope it's not a bad question, but how so?" He asks, tilting his head in confusion. Hearing the mention of having to decide what to do with it, he turned his attention back towards the blue unicorn mare. "What do you think, Bluebell? Is there anything you'd like to do with the heart?" While he wasn't sure what Thundy had meant, he still wanted to take Bluebell's thoughts and feelings into account. 

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@Samurai Equine @PawelS

“I heard some of the restaurant patrons were muttering about a mare choking on some kind of biscuit called fortune cookie, and I found it interesting. I decided to take a peek and I heard you and Shadow" Sundae explained, trying not look mad at Trilby. Shadow didn't say anything.

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@Windy Breeze @Samurai Equine

"This is going nowhere. I think you should talk to her. Act like you think she's the real one." Nopony says to Tree Song. The druid remains in hiding, while his apprentice enters the restaurant and joins the conversation with a smile on her face.

"Hello Sundae, what's up? I was just passing by and noticed you... Oh, and you're here too" she says to Shadow and Trilby. "How's the date going?"

Edited by PawelS
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@Windy Breeze, @PawelS

"Well, I suppose it can be surprising if you're not super familiar with exotic asian food..." Trilby begins to explain, but notices how strange Sundae is acting.

Thankfully, someone else joins them. "Oh, hey there Tree Song! Side Quest Team forever, am I right? Well, I was actually about to take Shadow to a jazz club, but then Sundae suddenly showed up. And I really would love to continue this conversation further, but this is kind of a private moment, so if the two of you don't mind..." Trilby takes Shadow's hoof in his own and tries to politely sneak away with her.


The fancy pony holds up his hoof. "Merci, but I am trying to master zees language, so you may talk to me like zees." He decides to go ahead and sign the form she has. "I left earlier because without a curator, zere was nopony to promote or appreciate my art. Behold, a masterpiece of moi!"

Reaching into a rather large satchel, the pony pulls out a painting he did. For the most part, it is random colorful splashes of paint. However, at the center of the canvas, the splashes come together to make the crude shape of a forest with trees. "Eet eez.... how you say... abstract realism, oui?"

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@Samurai Equine @C. Thunder Dash

“Fair enough,” Pencil said, returning to English.

The Prench stallion whipped out a painting of his to show her. Pencil was happy that not only did this stallion take interest in the flyer, he had artwork ready as well. She appreciated ponies who came prepared.

She at first wanted to dismiss the artwork, seeing nothing more than a sporadic mess of swirls. Upon closer examination, however, she noticed a hidden forest within the center of the canvas. It was quite mesmerizing now that she understood the piece as a whole.

“This looks great! If you want to, you can come with me to hang it up somewhere. Otherwise, I’ll just store it and hang it up later,” Pencil told the stallion. “Hey, by the way, I didn’t catch your name yet. I tried looking at it on the form but it’s hard to see upside down, hehe,” she later asked, realizing she had only be calling the stallion ‘the Prench pony’ in her head.

Edited by ExplosionMare
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The water version of Pencil climbed on to the real Pencil's back and rested here, a little tired from that vivid sign language that she had performed. She sort of made a purring sound as she rested on Pencil's back.  

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The water version of Pencil continued to purr softly as she was pet by the real Pencil, leaning into the pets with a content smile. She gently nuzzled the real pencil. It felt watery.

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@PawelS @Samurai Equine

Sundae gasped. She turn around and saw Tree Song “Oh hey, Tree” she greeted without any suspicious facial expression.

Shadow blinked and noticed Trilby holding her hooves. Sadly for them, Sundae wasn't willing to let them go that easily. “Let me join you guys" she tried to convince Trilby, “I might not look like a pony who listens to jazz, but I might go and see if the music is good”

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@Windy Breeze @Samurai Equine

What's going on here? Why is this impostor so interested in these two that she wants to meddle with their date? I need to push it a little bit more, maybe she will reveal her intentions...

"Are you sure about that, Sundae? It's rude to intrude into somepony else's date." I try to sound as casually as possible, to avoid revealing how serious the situation is.

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@PawelS @Samurai Equine

Sundae tilted her in puzzlement “What are you talking about? I was planning to go to the Jazz club all along, but I happen to meet Shadow and Trilby here. I didn't have any plans to ruin their date” this caught attentions from some ponies nearby, some of them happen to be her loyal costumers, some of them who are patrons of the restaurant stood up, ready to get involved if necessary. Shadow noticed this sudden change of situations. Fearing an quarrel, she decided to try to diffuse the situation.

“We don't really mind, Tree” she said, obviously buying to Sundae's explanation.

Edited by Windy Breeze
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