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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@Kronos the Revenant @Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Firefighter Equine @Starforce @Reality Check

In the back, Thundy was reflecting...reflecting about how far he had come. His pure heart was within reach, yet the hardest test stood before him. He knew that Kronos was going to try to get into his head, and stir up those memories again. But Thundy put his foot down and decided that he wasn't gonna lose that battle. He remembered all the times he was tried and tested during his last run through an NFL season with his beloved Carolina Panthers. This was it. Thundy made his decision. He would fight wearing his full Carolina Panthers jersey, minus the pads. Thundy opened his eyes. The time was now. The lights dimmed as the power within Thundy caused the ground to shake. Suddenly, the roar of a panther was heard that reverberated all throughout the arena. 

Then, bells chiming a melody ringed. It was a melody of strength and determination. After, a full orchestral fusion theme blared loudly. On the first orchestral hit, The spotlight shown on Thundy, who was facing backwards with his full nfl Carolina Panthers jersey. Thundy raised a fist as smoke machines went off. At the next musical phase, Thundy turned around twirling a Carolina panthers flag as holograms of cheerleaders danced beside him. Thundy continued to dance as flamethrowers huffed small fireballs that went with the beat of the music. Thundy then morphed the flag into a fire twirling baton. The flames were blue on each side. At the two final hits, Thundy raised the firey baton and let out two shockwaves that caused the flames to spread and dissipate. 

Everything then went back to normal, as Thundy laid his eyes on Kronos, slowly going into a fighting position, reminiscent of Goku's early fighting stance. 

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Mayor Black nods and starts up his motor scooter, driving off for now. "This is your project, isn't it? Lead the way, Opia. But my methods might be a little slower than yours." Starlight says before magically collecting a watering can and using and magically planting a few seeds the old school way. She gives them some water. She also inspects some of the plants Opia grew instantly. She looks for any unsightly leaves or branches that need to be plucked, but everything seems immaculate.


@Starforce, @ExplosionMare, @Kronos the Revenant, @Courageous Thunder Dash, @Dynamo Pad, @Ragland Tiger

The judges see Alhimar leaving. "Thanks for your assistance." Straightaway says, and Mayor White nods. Samurai sees Alhimar leaving the judges booth and waves him over. "Alhimar-san! I'm not allowed backstage since I was disqualified. But I'm going to hang out with the rest of my friends. Want to watch the final match together? If you've got something else going on, I don't mind. I am thinking of making a quick patrol around the town just in case." Samurai offers.

In the stands,

Trilby takes Dynamo's jacket and examines it. "Hmm... This definitely has seen better days. It's missing pieces of material. Any other pony might consider this too much to fix... But they aren't me. Challenge accepted! Come by my store tomorrow, and I'll have it fixed." Trilby says, putting the jacket away for now.

He looks at Sparkly, confused. "I wouldn't say 'clones'. I'm just saying that everyone has an identical double they aren't related to. I have no doubt there must be a pony that looks just like me, but they aren't Trilby Hatter. They go by a different name, lead a different life, stuff like that. Seriously, my middle school Physics teacher looked JUST like fashion designer Hoity Toity. Well, except for the fact that he had a bad acne problem that Hoity doesn't have. ...And he wasn't really MY teacher per se, which works out better I think. He was nice to me, but I heard he is rather rough on his own students." Trilby rambles.

Trilby wonders something out loud. "This tournament is almost over, right? What'll we do afterwards?"

In the arena,

Elusive nods. "This match will begin after a short rece--!!" She is cut off when Kronos makes a big entrance into the arena, music and all. "Oh, well. It seems some fighters are eager to begin! Well then, when Thundy is ready, the match will start! Hope you don't mind waiting, Mr. Kronos. I am sure it won't be long." Elusive Facts says with a nod. She looks around. The audience is definitely hyped, but they won't be hyped forever if they have to wait. "Well, I guess while we wait, I could also interview you one last time. So, Mr. Kronos... This is it. The championship bout. The title match. The final fight that will decide who the strongest is. When you entered this tournament this morning, did you have any idea that you'd make it all the way to--!!" Once again, Elusive is interrupted. Thundy's break was faster than expected; faster than Samurai's! Now he's entering the arena with his own music and more! "Oh. Well. Nevermind then. Gentlecolts, remember to fight fairly. You may now begin!" Elusive signals for both of them to begin and heads back to the judges' booth.

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@Firefighter Equine @Dynamo Pad

Sparkly continued to beam at Dynamo as he expressed a great deal of interest in her knowledge and origin story. She was more than happy to answer any questions and inquiries he had. Thinking a moment, she tried to recall where she was when she first landed in Equestria and discovered how to cloak herself.

“It may very well have been the Everfree Forest but I cannot recall completely. I was much too focused on trying to hide to study where I was. I do remember, however, the specific plant I used to create the powder. I was able to locate spearmint deep within the forest and grind it up between rocks. Once I had enough, I applied it to myself and used a spell to ensure that it stuck.” Sparkly told him.

She looked to Trilby with a puzzled expression. He did not appear to understand what a clone was or perhaps she did not explain herself properly. Whatever the case, she felt it was best to re-explain.

“You misunderstand what a clone is. Clones retain most of their original’s genetic makeup but that does not make them the same pony. Clones, even in the same environment, have different experiences, different thoughts. I see what you are saying about ‘twins’, however, that is not the type of clone I was referring to. I was speaking more of scientific copies of a living being rather than a twin or a lookalike.” she explained thoughtfully.

@Courageous Thunder Dash

Meanwhile, Pencil watched as Thundy reintroduced himself to the crowd. He was in a sports uniform, although Pencil could not tell what the exact sport was. Loud and energetic music played, inspiring Pencil to draw.

Hmm, but what to draw, though? she wondered.

She pulled out her sketchbook and a couple of pencils and set them on her lap. Thankfully, everyone was wrapped up in conversation so she could have complete focus on her art. She began sketching in the corner, recalling various blasts of magic and fire from previous battles. She gave the paper hard and heavy strokes, emphasizing the impact of the blasts.

Next, she drew careful lines to outline the stadium. She added a bit of shading to bring the appropriate amount of light to the setting. Now all that was left was to add the fighters.

There were quite a lot of fighters. I’ll have to just add them as I go. she thought.

She began with a series of curved lines to outline the figures. She recounted various outfits and armor she saw and began to add various shapes and curves to the fighters. As she added more details, she suddenly became frustrated with her work. She couldn’t recall the exact details of the armor without directly looking at it.

Shoot! I should’ve been drawing during the fights! Pencil cursed at herself.

She slammed her notebook shut and put her things away for the time being. She internally sighed, disappointed in her inability to finish the drawing. Time was getting shorter and shorter for her with this commission and she knew it wouldn’t be too long before the client got bored of waiting. Why couldn’t she just stick to a drawing at least and finish it?

She looked at her saddlebag, then looked away, then looked at it again. She wanted to get it back out but she no longer knew what to add to her sketches. If she put anything, it wouldn’t come out right. She would just have to come back to it later and hope she would be in a better mood by then.

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19 hours ago, Firefighter Equine said:

Trilby takes Dynamo's jacket and examines it. "Hmm... This definitely has seen better days. It's missing pieces of material. Any other pony might consider this too much to fix... But they aren't me. Challenge accepted! Come by my store tomorrow, and I'll have it fixed." Trilby says, putting the jacket away for now

@Firefighter Equine @Dynamo Pad

"Trilby," said Bluebell, "Would y-y-you have a c-cape of some kind in yo-your shop?  These bandages I-I'm wearing are a bit unsi-unsightly, and th-th-this old b-blanket doesn't quite c-c-cover them.  B-by the way, th-th-th-thank you for h-h-helping me up here. that w-was very kind of y-y-you."




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@Kronos the Revenant @Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Starforce @Reality Check @Ragland Tiger

Thundy eyed Kronos, taking a deep breath. Thundy charged towards Kronos, but vanished right as he was about to collide. Thundy reappeared behind Kronos, going for a devastating turning hook kick. Chelsea and Bingo watched on. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Kronos braced himself for his opponent's opening move. Suddenly, his opponent disappears before colliding with him.


Check behind, Gabriel suggested, Attacks like this always come from behind.


Kronos attempts to turn, but is too slow to react to Thundy's hook kick and gets swept to the side; however, he quickly recovers himself planting his zweihander to the ground to prevent himself from falling forward. But, this digs his monstrous sword into the ground. Kronos lets it go for now and spins around swinging his odachi around.

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@Kronos the Revenant @Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger @Reality Check @Firefighter Equine

Thundy was a little surprised that he landed the hit. He noticed that Kronos dug one of his weapons to the ground, and knew that it could be a bait. He also noticed that Kronos was spinning. He activated Aang's ability, making the downward arrow appear on his forehead. Thundy attempted to create a vortex that went the opposite direction to throw off Kronos's spinning, but this may have left him open...depending on how fast Kronos was. 

"I don't think that was a smart idea. It all depends on how fast Kronos is from here." Chelsea commented. 

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Starlight sticks to her slow-but-steady method. However, as she is watering seeds and humming a song, something catches her attention. "Oh~! Umm... Opia? Are you okay?" Starlight asks.


@Starforce, @ExplosionMare, @Kronos the Revenant, @Courageous Thunder Dash, @Dynamo Pad, @Ragland Tiger

In the stands,

Alhimar's reaction was a bit more intense than Samurai expected, still he smiles and takes it in stride. "Depends on how you look at, Alhimar-san. I quit, but that doesn't mean I've lost. I made a new friend here, strengthen bonds with others, helped a friend with his past, and I've helped bring many others together too. That's my prize. It's all I need, and I know Celestia would be proud of me for doing so. A true hero does not fight for glory, but only for what is right. That's what I've been taught. Besides... If this was a real battle against evil, thing would be MUCH different. There's no way I'd back down." Samurai explains. As he leads Alhimar into the stands, he joins Dynamo, Pencil, Sparkly, Chelsea, Bingo, and Bluebell. "Hey everyone! Room for two more?"

Trilby waves. "Hello, Samurai. And I guess this one of the previous fighters?" Trilby asks, seeing Alhimar for the first time.

He turns back to Sparkly. At first, Trilby seems confused, then he perks up. "Wait... Are you saying clones are REAL?! I thought that was just a scifi thing!" Trilby looks around at all his friends, suspicious. "...How do I know none of you are clones?" He asks. Oh no, Sparkly made have just created a monster~

Finally, Trilby looks at Bluebell. He heard her request for a cape, sees her physical condition, and puts two and two together. "That, I can do right now." With a little bit of strain, Trilby makes the perfect cape appear and starts to put it on Bluebell. Right now, it's just a neutral black color. "Do you have a preference in color? I can change the color magically."

In the arena,

"This is, everyone! Thundy starts the battle off with the first attack, and it's a trick shot! He came from behind instead!" Elusive commentates. "But it seems Kronos is armed and ready. He recovered quite nicely." Straightaway adds. "And now it seems Thundy is making some kind of vortex, much like the one that defeated Samurai!" Mayor White says. "If I remember correctly, Kronos had suffer some head pains at the hospital. Has he fully recovered from that?" Elusive asks. "Oh, it seems Kronos was able to defeat the vortex and retaliate after all!" Mayor White says.

Edited by Firefighter Equine
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@Kronos the Revenant @Firefighter Equine @ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger @Dynamo Pad @Firefighter Equine @Reality Check

"What'd I say? I knew Kronos was gonna find a way out of there..." Chelsea stated as she saw Kronos escape the vortex. 

Thundy saw as Kronos came towards him with a cleaving motion. He put up his gauntlets to block, but decided to move away at the last second, going for a gauntlet strike. 

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@Firefighter Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Kronos the Revenant @Dynamo Pad @Starforce @Reality Check @Ragland Tiger

“Yes, indeed, clones are real! You may want to delve into some magical studies for further proof. I have not been to this town’s library myself but I am sure there are texts on the matter.” Sparkly told Trilby. She chuckled when Trilby suddenly grew suspicious of everyone in the stands.

“No need to worry, I can sense that everyone here is real, including you.” She pointed at Trilby for further emphasis.

Pencil distracted herself from her frustration by observing the fight between Kronos and Thundy. Kronos was utilizing many of his weapons while Thundy was preparing himself for his next attack. Currently, Kronos had pretty good standings. It would be no surprise if he won since he is very skilled in combat.

She turned to Alhimar who had indirectly addressed her and Sparkly. Pencil smiled at him and began some light conversation.

“I think he has really good armor and tactics, too. From what I remember, he also has those spirit things guiding him through each move. He is very suited for this type of thing, so I have a good feeling he’ll win.” she commented.

Sparkly broke her conversation with Trilby to add her own remarks.

“Kronos has a good chance of winning, yes. Let’s hope that he puts his skills to good use and does not choose to surrender. I can tell Thundy has a fighting spirit as well, but he must not be so hesitant or he’ll succumb to one of those weapons.” she said.

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17 hours ago, Firefighter Equine said:

Finally, Trilby looks at Bluebell. He heard her request for a cape, sees her physical condition, and puts two and two together. "That, I can do right now." With a little bit of strain, Trilby makes the perfect cape appear and starts to put it on Bluebell. Right now, it's just a neutral black color. "Do you have a preference in color? I can change the color magically."

@Firefighter Equine @Dynamo Pad

"Um -- r-r-red, with a b-b-blue tr-trim, maybe?"

@Firefighter Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash @Kronos the Revenant @Dynamo Pad @Starforce @Reality Check @ExplosionMare

"I j-j-just hope they d-d-don't r-r-really hurt ea-each other," Bluebell said.





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@Ragland Tiger

Pencil looked at Bluebell with a concerned frown. She didn’t want anything bad to happen to Kronos or Thundy, either. She wanted the fight to be clean and respectful.

“Me too, I don’t want to see anyone get hurt out there, especially considering the past few events.” she replied with a lump forming in her throat, recalling what happened with Dynamo’s bullies.

Sparkly nodded carefully. She too did not want to see anyone hurt. However, she wanted the fight to be reasonable.

“I do not wish to see anyone harmed, either. However, a few pains here and there are expected in battle. As long as the injuries are minor, everything should be fine.” Sparkly added.

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Firefighter Equine @Starforce @Reality Check @Kronos the Revenant @Courageous Thunder Dash

Dynamo continued to look on with interest as Sparkly explained the tale of her origin and the powder she used for her disguise. "I don't blame you if you can't recall the location, Sparkly. From what you've mentioned, it's understandable being brought here and not realizing where you were. Were you always in the forest, or did you happen to make your way to a town? I can imagine trying to hide the fact of being an alicorn must have been tricky." He explained, recalling that there were five known alicorns. Six if you count Sparkly, but even so. "I don't recall ever learning about spearmint from within a forest, but it sounds like it did the trick. It's interesting to learn that there was a spell that helped to make sure the powder to become stuck, while acting like fur." He says, before looking over to Trilby, who had taken his jacket for an examination. A look of concern was present as he hoped that his jacket was salvageable. Upon receiving the results, the gaming unicorn breathed a sigh of relief as the jacket could be saved. "After what Cosmic had done, you don't have to tell me twice, my friend. I guess the jacket isn't exactly magic proof, but I do appreciate that it can be fixed." He smiled as Trilby put the jacket away for the time being. "Okay and thank you so much, Trilby. I really do appreciate it." He says, nodding as he gave thanks for Trilby's help with Bluebell up towards the spectator seats.

As he listened to his girlfriend's request of a cape, Dynamo looked over towards Bluebell. At the mention of her bandages, Dynamo had taken notice of said bandages. Normally, he wouldn't pay any attention to the bandages as he still loved Bluebell for her. However, he could imagine that the bandages would make her feel uncomfortable as the blanket didn't cover the bandages all that well. Seeing the cape magically appear from Trilby's magic, Dynamo smiled as he was impressed with his friend's feats. "I think the cape looks great on you, Bluebell. It looks awesome and it adds onto how awesome and cute you are." He blushed with a smile, before bells began to chime with a melody playing. Looking back at the arena, a full orchestra began to play with a rumbling feeling had made the ground shake. Thundy soon made his appearance, while Dynamo watched as his friend and brother had donned a jersey. All the while, hologram cheerleaders danced beside him with Thundy waving a flag of a panther. "It seems like Thundy knows how to work the crowd and put on a performance. I guess it's fitting for a final battle in the tournament." He would say as he saw the griffon got into a fighting pose.

As the fight began, Dynamo watched as the griffon rushed forward, before disappearing and reappearing behind Kronos. He expected the cyber pony to react, but was surprised that Kronos had received the kick and was swept to the side. "I know Thundy is fast on his talons, but I honestly thought Kronos would be prepared for that. I wonder if it he took the attack on purpose to draw Thundy into a false sense of security." Dynamo wondered aloud as Kronos dug his weapon into the ground, before spinning around as he swung with another weapon. It looked as if Kronos was trying to keep Thundy at a distance, while the griffon attempted to make a vortex to counter the spinning cyber pony. Hearing Chelsea's comment on Thundy's strategy, Dynamo had to nod in agreement. "It's a good idea in theory, but it's risk. Even if he's leaving himself wide open for Kronos to strike, Kronos is still spinning and swinging wildly. Both sides look to be reckless at the moment, but it depends on who can react." As the vortex dissipated, it looked as if Kronos had slowed his spin to a stop. All before swinging his monstrous blade towards Thundy, while Dynamo's eyes widened. "That's not good. I'm glad Thundy was able to get out of the way, but that was way too close. It looked like he was trying to block that giant blade, but that was too close for comfort." He sighed from how the fight was slowly building up, while nodding in agreement with Bluebell's remark. "I hope they don't hurt each other either. I thought what happened with Sam and Thundy was intense, but this is taking it to a whole new level. Hopefully, they'll be able to keep the fight in a more controlled manner. I can imagine a fight can become a bit reckless our get out of hood at times, but hopefully they'll be okay." He nods, recalling what Pencil had mentioned with his fight against Cosmic. Along with how Lightning fought, as well as the past few fights.

As the fight was progressing, Dynamo's ears perked as he heard the sound of a familiar voice. Looking over, he smiled as Samurai and Alhimar had made their appearance before the group. "Hey, Onii-san. Hey, Alhimar. It's good to see you both and I think there's plenty of room for you guys." He says, while the two had been in what looked to have been an earlier discussion. Hearing Alhimar's remark, Dynamo turned his attention towards the zebra. "Do you think Kronos can win, or do you think Thundy has the edge in this fight? Is there anything that you see that we all might not, Alhimar?" He asks, remembering that Alhimar liked to gather information/data on his opponents. "I'm not really sure who would win as it could go either way. I just hope they'll both be okay and that they both do their best." He says, while Pencil Sparkly and Alhimar gave their input on both Kronos and Thundy. As the zebra gave his intel on the group, Dynamo tilted his head in confusion as he heard Alhimar mention something to his girlfriend. Even though it seemed that Alhimar wasn't being rude, Dynamo still wanted to stand up for his girlfriend. Raising his hoof slightly to gain the zebra's attention. Dynamo had turned towards Alhimar as he placed his other front hoof upon Bluebell's hoof. "Uh...Alhimar? The reason Bluebell talks like that isn't because of being afraid or being shy. Bluebell had explained once that she's had that ever since she learned to speak. However, I feel that it would be best if she told you as she can explain it better."

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1 hour ago, Dynamo Pad said:

As the zebra gave his intel on the group, Dynamo tilted his head in confusion as he heard Alhimar mention something to his girlfriend. Even though it seemed that Alhimar wasn't being rude, Dynamo still wanted to stand up for his girlfriend. Raising his hoof slightly to gain the zebra's attention. Dynamo had turned towards Alhimar as he placed his other front hoof upon Bluebell's hoof. "Uh...Alhimar? The reason Bluebell talks like that isn't because of being afraid or being shy. Bluebell had explained once that she's had that ever since she learned to speak. However, I feel that it would be best if she told you as she can explain it better."

"It's t-tr-tr-true," said Bluebell, "I-I-I've always talked li-li-li-like this, ever-ever since I-I c-c-could re-re-re-remember."

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Starlight nods and except the explanation. "All right then. I guess it wouldn't be the first time I've seen unique expressions of magic." She would go back to planting seeds the slow, old-fashion way, but it seems Opia has got it covered. Even the seeds Starlight planted are blooming right before her eyes. "Seems like you've got this all covered."


@Starforce, @ExplosionMare, @Kronos the Revenant, @Courageous Thunder Dash, @Dynamo Pad, @Ragland Tiger

In the stands,

Samurai laughs a little and shakes his head. "Alhimar-san, maybe one day you will see that there is more to life than winning every fight you enter. You are an alchemist, correct?" Samurai say to him. He then turns to Dynamo. "How are you feeling, otoutosan? Better? You're up and about, so I hope you and Bluebell-chan aren't forcing yourselves to be here."

"Ah, prime colors. How very optimal." Trilby says as he magically makes the cape change colors, giving Bluebell what she wanted. He turns to Alhimar, confused at his explanation. "...His name is Alhimar." Samurai tells him. "Oh! Right. Alhimar. Good to meet you. I'm Trilby, hat maker and clothing shop owner. Always pleased to meet new faces." Trilby says. He turns to Sparkly and hears her explanation. "That sounds just like something a clone would say~! ...But I guess I'll believe you." Trilby says, getting his dramatics out of the way.

Samurai watches the match. "Such a hard match for me to watch... Kronos-san and Thundy-niisan are both my friends. I want both of them to win, even though I know there can only be one winner." Samurai explains. Trilby just shrugs. "I could care less, honestly. I just came for a good show! Whoever wins, wins. I was away most of the day, so I've all ready missed all the other matches." Trilby explains.

In the arena,

"Thundy is making some good hits, but not a lot of progress." Elusive commentates. "It seems fighter Kronos really is built like a tank. Must be a perk of being cybernetic." Mayor White adds.

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@Starforce @Dynamo Pad

Bluebell smiled a moment, and then said, "That's v-v-very kind of you and I-I app-appreciate it.  It may be h-h-hard to understand, but all k-kinds of po-ponies have tried to-to cure all kinds of th-th-things abo-about me, including being a u-u-unicorn.  I  d-d-d-don't need c-cures as mu-mu-much as I need ac-ac-acceptance.  You can s-say that I am d-d-different, just don't pity m-me or look d-down on me wh-when you do."


@Firefighter Equine

"Th-thank you so m-m-much, Trilby.  What d-do I owe y-y-you?"


@Courageous Thunder Dash @Kronos the Revenant

Bluebell averted her eyes, saying, "Oh-oh my g-gosh, I c-c-can't look!"

Edited by Ragland Tiger




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@Kronos the Revenant @ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @Firefighter Equine @Ragland Tiger @Reality Check

Thundy grunted as he was slammed hard into the ground. He got up a little slower and let out a growl. “No more games…” He said as he got into a charging pose and powered all the way up to his SSJ3 form. He lunged at Kronos, grabbing him by the leg and taking him into the air. “Sky drop!” Thundy called out as he plummeted to the ground, slamming Kronos hard on to the floor causing it to crack. He then backflipped and went for a Thunder punch. 

“Thundy’s gone Super Saiyan 3, but…he may just…go…beyond…” Chelsea said sounding as if her voice had just trailed off. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Kronos laughed at his seemingly surefire victory when suddenly his opponent seemed to power up. He was suddenly yanked from his legs and lifted up into the air. He was then body slammed into the ground, causing him to get the wind knocked out of him. He was seeing double as Thundy went for a Thunder Punch. He rolled to the side to try to dodge the attack.

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@Kronos the Revenant @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Firefighter Equine

Thundy locked on to Kronos and made the adjustment as he saw him try to roll out of the way. 

“It shouldn’t be this easy for Thundy…Kronos does have those three beings within him…” Chelsea commented. 

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@Starforce @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @Firefighter Equine

Sparkly gave Trilby a slight smirk, amused at his antics. Now that he was conversing with Samurai, her attention focused on Alhimar. He had quite a few opinions about both the current fight and Bluebell. She stepped forward and offered a few opinions of her own.

“Kronos does have the best shot, logistically speaking. He has pulled off quite a few clever maneuvers and his metal body must prevent him from feeling much damage, thus making his recovery quicker,” she spoke up. Her eyes glistened when Alhimar got a read on her, similar to how she has insights about her friends. “You have insight that I have not seen in anyone other than myself. We should converse sometime and exchange knowledge.”

Pencil edged closer to the conversation to add her own thoughts.

“I think the general consensus is that Kronos has the highest chance of winning. No doubt about that! Glad to hear your thoughts about the fight, too,” she commented. “Hmm, the way you just described Sparkly…are you a clone from Earth, too? Hehe, probably not, but that would be pretty funny!”

The mares waited a moment as Alhimar made an exchange with Bluebell. They were glad they are getting along but had some mixed opinions regarding the “curing” of Bluebell’s stuttering. Sparkly and Pencil calmly shared their respective thoughts.

“I have never heard of a cure for a condition such as this, but I would not rule out its possibility. Anything can happen in this world, it’s all a matter of discovering the unknown. If you were to find a cute somehow, that would be most interesting.” Sparkly stated.

“Um, I don’t think that’s something that really needs a cure. Bluebell may be hard to understand at times but she isn’t completely incomprehensible,” Pencil said awkwardly, unsure if she was doing the right thing. One look at Bluebell and how she was handling the situation was all she needed to know the answer. “I think that’s Bluebell’s call. If she wants to find a cure, that’s fine, but if not, that’s fine too. It’s best to just respect her wishes and be accepting of her.” She turned to Bluebell and have a friendly smile.

@Courageous Thunder Dash

The battle promised an easy victory for Kronos, making Pencil and Sparkly excited. The promise was easily broken, however, once Thundy charged up and deflected the attack immediately, sending Kronos flying in the air. Pencil looked over to Chelsea, who seemed very concerned by all of this.

“What does this mean? Is Thundy making a comeback, or is something else going on?” she asked.

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@ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @Reality Check @Firefighter Equine @Starforce

"Kronos has three beings within him that give him power. I know that they will come to Kronos's aid. As they say in fights, all it takes is one perfectly timed strike to a critical spot and that could easily turn the tides. It's far from over." Chelsea said. "How does Chelsea bird know?" Bingo asked. "Watch." Chelsea answered. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

As Kronos moved out of the way and Thundy adjusted his trajectory, a purple aura suddenly illuminated from Kronos. It was Alesso and his impenetrable Aegis of War. 

Impressive, a different voice mocked, But no dice, kid.

It was Kaiser. He reached out, grabbed Thundy and swung his huge mace at him to send him flying to the side of the ring. 

Give it up, kid, Kaiser taunted, You stand absolutely no chance against us. It’s five against one. You’ve already lost. Now, time to end this.


”KAISER, DONT!!” Kronos yelped out as Kaiser dropped his mace towards Thundy.

Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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@Kronos the Revenant @ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @Reality Check @Ragland Tiger @Firefighter Equine

Thundy was hit hard, by far the hardest he'd been hit in the whole tournament. He went flying and slammed hard on the floor. This was enough to even knock him out of SSJ3. As the dust cleared, it looked as if Thundy was out...for good...but somewhere...deep in Thundy's conscious, he appeared in a void. Chelsea gasped in shock. Bingo yelped liked a dog who'd gotten hurt and clung to Chelsea. It looked as if he was going to cry. 

In that void, he heard voices...they sounded...like his...parents...that night...that one night...out in the rain...powerless, weak, broken. Those were the feelings that were trying to invade. Thundy looked up and could see his parents eying him as they called him a "monster" and "not their son anymore" before pushing him back into the rain and slamming the door. This was where Thundy felt most vulnerable. He knew that if he didn't do something, he could lose the match, but with the attitude of Kronos and all that he went through, he wasn't gonna let everyone down. In reality, slowly yet surely, Thundy got up, grunting. He was very wobbly. 

Back in Thundy's conscious, Thundy got up slowly and looked at his parents through the door. He reached out a talon...and opened the door. Back in reality, a white aura started to surround Thundy as he got all the way up. He briefly looked at Kronos, then looked upwards, taking a deep breath. Triumphant music started to play as Thundy began to rise into the air, almost like a celestial being. 

A big smile started to form on Chelsea's face. Bingo suddenly turned around to face the arena. "What happening Chelsea bird?!" Bingo asked, sort of clinging to Chelsea like a toddler. "Watch. It's happening." Chelsea said smiling. 

The white aura around Thundy grew brighter and brighter. He could see a vision of his parents right in front of him. He looked at them...and for the first time, smiled at them. "Mom...Dad...I forgive you." He said to the images. What seemed like a rainbow aura circled Thundy. "Samurai, Dynamo, Bluebell, White, Black, Ahlmer, Bingo, Pencil...Sparkly, Reality...thank you." Thundy thought to himself as...a red celestial aura surrounded Thundy. Thundy then gathered the light within him from his newly acquired pure heart and forged...the Ultima Weapon from Kingdom Hearts. 

Thundy had not only acquired his pure heart, but...now wielded the Ultima Weapon...and transcended into the realm...of the gods...Super Saiyan god Thundy. "Chelsea bird?" Bingo asked. "Yes?" Chelsea asked. "Has Thundy bird done it?" Bingo asked. Chelsea looked at Bingo and nodded. "Yes...the light revealed, he has let go. Thundy now has...a pure heart." Chelsea said smiling and hugging Bingo close. Thundy's hair was a pure red and his body was more defined.

Thundy gripped the ultima weapon, and charged so fast at Kronos, he was barely visible. Thundy nailed Kronos right in the stomach sending him one way. Thundy then teleported and aimed the Ultima weapon right at Kronos...and fired what he called a Divine Bolt at Kronos, sending him the other way. 

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