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What do you think of Big Mac?


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I like how he has the Friesian *a breed of horse* hooves but I think the long following mane may have inspired fluttershy's design

Edited by Norngirl
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He's a good character. I wish we could hear more from him. He is the 2nd best supporting character, second only to Zecora. I'd like an episode starring him and other stallions.

  • Brohoof 2
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I for one would like to see more of him, he reminds me very much of the traditional Texan man. Quiet, stoic, only says what needs to be said when it needs to be said and that includes when he needs to raise his voice. In other words, a gentlemanly fellow of few words.


I hear Big Mac is the favorite of Japanese bronies, along with Fluttershy.


Along with Cheerilee


added note: Fluttershy is considered to be an "honorary Japanese" character.


I'd like an episode starring him and other stallions.


I second this! Edited by Leatherneck
  • Brohoof 1
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I read Sweet Apple Massacre a few weeks back. And then Ponyville Confidential came out... I was scarred for life.


:blink::( *vomits*


OK!!! who writes these messed up fanfics!? seriuosly!?

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I want more BM. There's so little of him and I really do like him <3 :wub: If he starred in an epi...oh how happy I'd be <3


I think It would be best if you avoided using that abbreviation in the future. And I agree. He should have an episode or two mainly about him. I also think the show needs more male characters, but it's too late to add any more I think.
  • Brohoof 1
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I like Big Mac, he is the silent one of the show, the one that doesn't care about anything but getting the job done, Gentlemen, I give you Equestria's poster child for hard work.
  • Brohoof 1
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I really do enjoy Big Mac, and we are slowly getting more of him, so I hope that will continue in season 3, that maybe he will get his own episode or something...

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I'm kind of curious if anybody has preferences when or if it comes to shipping of Big Macintosh.


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I'm kind of curious if anybody has preferences when or if it comes to shipping of Big Macintosh.


I just like fluttershy and big mac together...

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Big Macintosh is probably up in my top 10 pony list. His laid back attitude, yet hardworking is a great combination, which gives him great characteristics.

  • Brohoof 1
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As much as I'm not really a fan of the Apple family in general, Big Mac is definitely a step above the rest of his kin in my book. Dependable, hard working, a good listener and a pure heart. I suppose you could call him the perfect man. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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Yes, I'm going there....sure he seems to be a common background pony

But i think he could surpise us in season 3. Heck he may be a starring in a two part epsiode!



I like him but hate him. I don't know why I hate him... I just do
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He's strong but I don't just mean in strength but also in character. It's nice to see that there's at least one male pony in the show that's just honest, kind, and hard-working. I don't mean to say there aren't others but this is, after all, a discussion on Big Mac.

  • Brohoof 1
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I like Big Mac. I also like that he has very few lines compared to all the other characters, and love the different inflections that are placed on the lines he does have. Sadly though, sometimes when i hear him speak long sentences it sounds a bit off to me for some reason. :(

  • Brohoof 1
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I like him but hate him. I don't know why I hate him... I just do


It's probably because interpretation of him could go both ways.

Either he has a lot of subtext to him as a quiet farmer who has a lot of sense in his head and very few words in his mouth like someone out of a Norman Rockwell painting, or he's a mute muscle-head and consequently the personality of a wet fish.

(Example painting)


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"Breaking Home Ties", 1952

Father farmer and Son wait at railway flag-stop. Boy is on his way to college.


  • Brohoof 2
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Big Mac is another great pony and if he had more lines in the show that would be AWESOME!


Anypony Else Agree?





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Big Mac is like the CMC: the closest characters can get to becoming main characters without actually being main characters (which isn't a bad thing at all). He is my favorite stallion (with Shining coming in 2nd and Fancy in 3rd), so yeah more Mac.

  • Brohoof 1
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It's interesting how we have yet to see any Little Brother characters.

We've seen young colts, old colts and stallions, and older brothers.

We've seen three fathers (although no dialogue about them) and very little surtext about the primary subject of the portrayal of a Husband.

Then again, subject matter of marriage (or husbandry) is a bit over the head of children.

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