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Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

Here is what the other characters will see. They will never see Spiral Spell, they will only see Trixie with a different cutie mark and a white hat and cape here. She has no multiverse connections and I made her for this rp, basically. 

She will basically be capable of illusionary magic like the normal Trixie was, but with the powers of Spiral Spell. Think Trixie under the Alicorn amulet basically. But I'll probably use those powers sparingly. If you have any ideas, suggestions or questions let me know.


Spiral Spell looks like this, but she is basically inside of Trixie's mind so the others will never see her, in all chances.


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MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle

Shoot, I made a mistake...everyone else on earth was humans. I could limit Thundy's abilities. Really, the only thing that changes when he shapeshifts is just his form, from feral to anthro and back. Doesn't gain anything. Once every few moons, he can travel back to earth and back through a special spell. That's it. He can't do it unless it's fully charged and it takes those few moons to recharge. If Thundy pushes too hard, he'll collapse and will be a zap from a thundercloud for a quick charge. 

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@Windy Breeze

Are you saying you'll add the two mares on top of your stallion? Or instead? I'd like to limit players to no more than two characters at a time for now, you'll be able to add in other characters later if you would like.


Sounds good, so long as you don't go overboard with her power level there shouldn't be any issues.

@C. Thunder Dash

Thank you for clearing that up, I know how difficult it can be to keep human and pony terms straight when writing in both worlds. Given how you've clarified his shapeshifting, and so long as his lightning powers aren't made too powerful I don't see any issues.

Not an issue, but given the state of the world I don't understand why he wouldn't just stay on earth given how bad Equestria is. Is he forced to go back to Equestria?


Nonetheless, you all look great, I look forward to Wednesday!

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

You said 2 characters. Maybe I could play Maud Pie too? I could make Maud have a special ability to be extremely strong. And Spiral Lulamoon and Maud were traveling together or something?



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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Unfortunately I'll have to say no to playing Maud. She's too close to an Element for Discord to have let her escape, the Elements and their families were the first ones to be eliminated after Discord betrayed Celestia. It is likely only because Trixie joined with Spiral that she was able to evade Discord despite her proximity to Twilight.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle. I'd like to say "white Light"

But he goes to other dimensions to try and fix other dimensions... But you said you don't want ponies who can freely go to other dimensions... Easy the plot here doesn't allow him to be.....

Overpowered... True.... But i made a rule to fail safe.(his dimension) that in going to other dimensions you cannot surpass the originals on that dimension.

For example... In that dimension starlight sparkle is the strongest equestrian magic user, thus i cannot be stronger than her...as a unicorn... Or Discord is the stronggest chaos magic user in that dimension so i cannot out shine him.

So does that ground "white light?"

Oh and he is an earth pony infused with "chrysalis's throne." that thing absorbs magic. But has a weird side effect on him due to his "earth pony magic." " Earth pony magic is passive and we don't know if that affects it. And also having the X cutie mark meaning.... Having been given more cutie marks by others... Meaning he has 10 cutie marks given to him... He has a weird back story that his dimension was destroyed, and now he wants to fix dimensions so no other else will follow in his hoof steps.

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Oh and whenever you go to other (fail safe) dimensions you must follow the rules of that dimension. So if you say he can't have stuff then he will lose it... Because you make your own rules...so if your rule says white light can enter with only one eye then he does.... But he will try and fix you because that makes you a bad rule maker:laugh:... I plan to make fail safes story to fight with the fiction writers... The gods themselves. Spoilers

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57 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:


Unfortunately I'll have to say no to playing Maud. She's too close to an Element for Discord to have let her escape, the Elements and their families were the first ones to be eliminated after Discord betrayed Celestia. It is likely only because Trixie joined with Spiral that she was able to evade Discord despite her proximity to Twilight.

Trixie is no threat and barely connected till season 7

Ohnquestion @Illiad Easle

At what season did discord betray? Season 4? Or 10?

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At first I was disinclined as it felt a bit overpowered and disjointed, but arriving at the end of your description I think he will fit in rather well. The Author is a character in my worlds, but very difficult to encounter.

Nonetheless I will try and be fair about the 'rules'

I will allow him to leave and return, but he cannot take anything with him that isn't part of him. No moving items or creatures in or out of the universe. If/When he leaves he returns to the same spot he left from, in the same state he was in when he left (He can't escape to another dimension to heal). Finally, time will continue to move while he is gone, every second he is somewhere else is a second that passes in the world (So no time dilation).

I'll let you know if White does something too powerfully, the magic field on this world is strained such that all magic is less powerful than normal, not drastically but noticeably so.

21 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

Oh and he is an earth pony infused with "chrysalis's throne."

You describe it as absorbing magic, affected by his passive earth pony magic. Lacking a better description on your part I'm inclined to say that he is hardier against magical attacks than most others, when struck by magic he absorbs part of the spell used against him, and he passively, slowly, drains magic from those around him, giving him a boost to his own magic when there are others nearby while simultaneously reducing their ability.

You compared him to other magic users so I assume he has casting potential, which is fine.

25 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

And also having the X cutie mark meaning.... Having been given more cutie marks by others... Meaning he has 10 cutie marks given to him... He has a weird back story that his dimension was destroyed

As long as this doesn't contribute to some secret ability (As at least in my understanding a mark doesn't make you good at something it just indicates that something fulfills you) it sounds like an interesting RP subject. Are all the given marks visible? Or only the X?

If you find these 'rules' reasonable, I'm happy to have you aboard!

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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It is just an X....  And he does get the abilities of those cutie marks...BUT 


thats why he can use magic and use magic with the presence of chrysalis's throne.. so thats that... The cutie mark just makes him use magic while chrysalis's throne is active on his body.... You know just reasons and a solid proof for it to be plausible.

But you are the writer you can take it away.. his cutie mark...but CHRYSALIS'S THRONE will be passive and always active on him and can't use magic... And anyone around him as well...



Moments ago, Kujamih said:

It is just an X....  And he does get the abilities of those cutie marks...BUT 


thats why he can use magic and use magic with the presence of chrysalis's throne.. so thats that... The cutie mark just makes him use magic while chrysalis's throne is active on his body.... You know just reasons and a solid proof for it to be plausible.

But you are the writer you can take it away.. his cutie mark...but CHRYSALIS'S THRONE will be passive and always active on him and can't use magic... And anyone around him as well...



But if you remove CHRYSALIS'S THRONE then light can freely use the 10 cutie marks.... And im not sure yet what all those 10 are... I haven't thought that far ahead yet on my story... I write my story 80% right here and now and 20% ahead.

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Five Score sets the stage of Discord's betrayal as after season 4's opener, so we have had alicorn Twilight, with the alteration that the Elements were not permanently returned to the tree. I'm swinging some multiverse shenanigans around so really any show event that doesn't upset the status quo too much can be allowed for backstory's sake.



On the condition that you can make her interesting to RP with, both on my side and that of the other rp'ers, I think we could work something out.

I absolutely won't allow her to be any stronger than she was depicted to be in the show, she's frankly plenty strong as is.

If you can give me a plausible story (or loose series of events) that explains how she got from the rock farm to the plot hook, I'll allow her presence. Keep in mind: No other member of her family escaped Discord, Discord and those loyal to him would be searching for her more than others. She seems resourceful enough to make it through all that, but I imagine the loss of her family weighs heavy on her as it does on all the others.


You drive a hard bargain, I'll consider the throne part of him for the purposes of moving between worlds as I assume he can't remove it, I look forward to seeing how you go about playing him.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Okay, Maud won't be stronger than she already is. Given her knowledge with rocks I find it reasonable to say that she hid out in the mountains of Equestria, in caves and scavenged what she could survive. Being the type of pony she is, she would stick to herself and stay away from others. We can say she eventually met up with Trixie/Spiral Lulamoon and Trixie felt bad for her and wanted to help her escape from discord's wrath, while Trixie herself is more bold and wants to find a way to destroy Discord - however she isn't stupid and kept hidden. 

 The loss would weigh heavy on her mind. If anything she would be even more stone cold as a way to cope with losing her family, mostly with a frown on her face.  



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Blitz Boom @Califorum @C. Thunder Dash @Windy Breeze @Kujamih

We've got a good number of players and characters. To keep a cohesive narrative and given the plot hook has you all together in one group when rescued I would like each of you to share the following for each of your played characters:

When they joined the group (Whether they've been in the group or in a subgroup since the beginning or only just joined when the forest blew away or somewhere in between)

What others in the group know about them (Name, backstory, past deeds) Only those who have been in the group for some time are considered as knowing in this section

What others in the group DO NOT know about them (If only one member knows indicate that as well.) If your character is very new to the group everyone else should assume they know nothing not specified in the previous section.


Hopefully that makes sense, feel free to do some practice RP here for any interactions your characters may have had before the plot hook. I look forward to Wednesday.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Maud and Trixie have been together lets say, a few weeks or something of that nature. In that time the two of them formed a sort of bond and exchanged information about their families. However, I would like them to 'join' up with the others as the rp starts. It makes it easier on me without having to keep track of other people's characters in mine's backstories. 



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle

I'll start with Serene Spring.

Serene had been long since he joined the group. No one knew about his past like except he had a loving parent whom he wants to find, yet trying not to think of them so he won't be a burden to them, which to be mentally painful for him. The group knew his name. No one in the group knew he live in an isolated town.

Windy Breeze was already together with Shadow Trail and just recently joined. Even though they got into a minor conflict when they first met, they got along together because of the similar tortured they experienced. Both of them knew they are once a member of a group of pegasi, all who's fate remained unknown. A few members of the group could remember Windy is once a member of the Wonderbolts, but they do not know Shadow is a member of the Shadowbolts, she herself did not remember she's not really a pony.



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