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private The Æther Project

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

Thundy gathered some electricity and made a rope appear. He then threw it into the air and caught it with his electricity. The rope began to take the shape of the pony’s sketch and soon it was done. Thundy hovered the rope in front of the pony. “There you go.” He said. 

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@Illiad Easle

" That's where you're wrong. mother was the only one who truly accepted me.... I just call all changelings siblings to give respect to her."


As the guards appeared, Light raised both his front hooves. As a sign of un armed.


"Ahhh you see minotaur... Theres the problem.... You've been jumping through too many different dimensions and changing their path.... And usually every dimension has it's own superior beings controlling it.... And they have noticed you. And have taken a liking to your destiny....you do not want multiple gods controlling your faith... Luckily some of the dimensions you jumped through has either dead ones.. or cooperative ones.... But who knows...maybe the reason why you guys cant beat discord is because a superior being wanted to spice up your fates... And seeing that every dimension you jumped into is the same... Means you aren't jumping through another dimension.... You are just going through a different history..... OR you are fighting something entirely more powerful than discord.... Or it could be that this discord has surpassed his Draconicous form and turned into a superior being. One thing i can say is you jumping through different dimensions is spreading the chaos and discord's reach."

" Oh and don't worry, destroying this dimension is quite impossible now.... There are too many writers controlling our fates here. I wouldn't dare destroy this dimension.... So i guess im doing it the hard way.... Repair it. Oh and lucky you guys... I have the one artifact that discord is weak against.... Chrysalis's throne."


Edited by Kujamih
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@Illiad Easle

Before Maud and Trixie would have parted ways they would have done a brief hug, although Maud wasn't that much of a hugger, she did not stop Trixie from hugging her. There was a brief exchange of goodbyes, Maud had her bags already ready and would leave before Trixie did.

Maud would have proceeded to gather whatever gear she had with her. It wasn't a whole lot and that much was rather obvious. Due to the obvious events of the world, she did not have much. Maud walked somewhat stoically and observed her surroundings as she walked. "I slept fine. Minostralium is an interesting element. In my travels a few years ago I had spent a brief time examining samples of it. It is an interesting element. You mention the spawn. We could weaponize this element, use it as a power source or combine it with some rare reactive explosive and make a pretty potent explosive. You will need to give me proper gear. I do not have much as you can see." Maud would point to her bag of gear. "If you don't mind, I would like having the strongest pickaxe and tools you have. If we want to get as much as we can, we need the strongest tools and to work fast." she'd say rather tactfully but her monotone voice would remain. It was calming, but also oddly un-nerving to him. 

She would over look the hanger area and note the presence of a few diamond Dogs here. She would observe how they were carrying the crates into the vessel. "Given proper harnesses and equipment, we could go extremely deep. Although we would need breathing tanks to do that. Although I am not sure if we would like to risk that?" Maud would tilt her head to the side, her cold yet serene eyes looking into the Zebra's eyes.

Trixie also didn't have that much in the way of gear. She would take her gear with her still. Might be useful. Although with the limited gear would make her performances less than what she had wanted. "Trixie wants to do a streetside performance for now. Trixie hasn't done one of those in a very long time so that would be eloquent." she'd say in a rather high strung posh posh manner. She'd walk, feeling rather excited for the first time in a very long while.

She would ask for some supplies, just some random supplies. She wasn't sure what she was doing but anything would help really. It had been years, it felt like since she had done a performance of any nature really but her natural talent was still there after all. Once they reached a suitable area she would begin performing. It was mainly a lot of illusionary and light magics, but there was also a hint of Spiral's Dark magic within it that made it have that extra flare that made it something that Dazzle would likely have not seen before. 

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@Illiad Easle

I second her idea, I don't really have plans to get lost in a massive ship-like city. Yeah there may be maps for guidance but there will be still a good chance I'll be running around in a maze and never go back to my room unless helped by some long-time resident here. That would be very embarrassing.

“Yeah, let's go back” I agreed. We walked back to the apartment, checking a few maps just in case we surely went the right way. Gee, just how many public sections does this Æther have, hundreds? I won't be getting the answer unless I took the risk of acting suspicious and getting thrown out of the city. Or worse.

As we head back to the apartments, i decided to give Tables a question “Do you have friends before the attack on Canterlot?”

Edited by Windy Breeze
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@Illiad Easle

For Serene, he felt stupid and dumb for going aimlessly throughout the public areas of the Æther, but hey, atleast he a few gorgeous mares. He would soon find a map of the interior of the Æther which showed a lot places he could and couldn't explore. He was about to choose heading to the lobby, but one room caught his attention.

“Records Department? Mmm, that could be possible they kept census of the population” he mused, “Now how far is that department from my current local Oh...” he frowned. Doctors told him to take some rest especially  he twisted one of his hind legs and was just recently fixed yet now he had to go several floors and corners just to reach the department. He mumbled a swear of anger and began his very lovely adventure to the unknown...

Just kidding, trying to be sound sarcastic.

Several minutes later, he tried his best to avoid inflicting more pain to his hindleg as he felt his tibia burn in agony. He gritted his teeth, hissing out a little bit but low enough to not get any attention from any guards or staffs of nearby administrations. Speaking of guards, He was just passed by a changeling and several armed guards, he looked over his shoulder to stare at them in curiosity before continuing his way. Atleast, they didn't saw him as something suspicious.

He would enter the records department and be greeted by a young doe. Following his town's culture and way of formal greeting when it comes to other creatures, he saluted “Uh, hi there. Are you one of the members of this department? I was just wondering if I could check the population census of this place so I could make sure my family and friends are here. I'm Serene Spring, hailed from Richville.


“Haytona is a city in the southeast coast of Equestria just a few miles away south from Horseshoe Bay” Shadow explained before going to the other topic, “An abstract artist huh? I always applaud those who make abstract arts for their creativity, especially even without shapes they still make their paintings very fascinating to the eye”

“If your father's very talented enough to impress the professionals, his work would be featured in some art museum and he will be known by the art population, atleast if some civilization still exist down from here”

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@Illiad Easle

How interesting.

I grabbed one of the antimagic grenade rounds and observed it. As an earth pony, normally I wouldn't really think too much about these, but now was different. Thanks to the connection I shared with Thanatos, I could feel it. This stuff was bad news.

Think this'd seal you away for a bit? I asked him.


I'm afraid so, since it is my magic that binds us, he responded. But it shouldn't be for long. Regardless, I suggest we steer clear of this compound, or at the very least be alert when handling it, as the creature says.

Fair enough.

I slowly put the round back on the table and looked at the new rifle he laid out for me while listening to his rundown on the gun and the special ammunition. Now this stuff-- especially that contagious variant-- seemed even more dangerous to me than the last one. Sensing my concern, Thanatos spoke.

Do not worry, these rounds are incapable of breaking our pact, should they be used on you. The only thing that can break the pact is death. If anything, these should only seal me away for a bit longer.

Well, that answers that, I suppose. Still, best to be safe with this stuff. I looked up at the minotaur.

"Alright... anything else you'd like me to know?" I asked him. "With all due respect, I'd like to get started working as soon as possible."

Edited by Jack Baker
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Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Illiad Easle

"It is not my first stint on a potato field. I will work diligently to prove that, as I proceed with the task. Please take care until next we meet."

Briar would bow his head towards the chief, but not even wait for him to leave before beginning on a task that his vines were well suited for. Or rather, the grabbing buds at the end were, as he began to move through, and essentially use them to stab into the dirt, and drag out any potato that he encountered. He'd use his magic to feel out the quality of them, and move slowly through the field as he were doing this, with a big, joyful grin on his face.

After a few square meters, he'd stop up, and use the vines and magic to carry the piles of potatoes towards the slots were he assumed they were needed to be, though he would of course ask the first one he encountered. As well as something else, to sort of simplify things for him.

"Excuse me? I hate to interrupt, but are there any loose containers I may use whilst out in the fields? A few large tubs with handles perhaps? Or crates by any chance? I'd like to complete my work as efficiently as possible, if it is something that can be done. If not, or you are unaware of any containers, then I do apologize for taking up your time. I wish only to work with efficiency, so there can be harvested more."

Really, travel time were what were going to take the longest time, so if he could get some barrels, crates, etc. to work with, he could fill those, and drag them along. A barrel of potatoes were nothing compared to the grueling size of the trees he had been made to drag along, when he were but a slave in his own home, so it should not be too taxing. Though he'd certainly feel it afterwards, but what were not to like, with the pleasant soreness that came, from doing an honest days work?

As for Brittle, she would have followed, and just ensured that whatever potatoes tried to roll away from the piles Briar had made, or dropped off during transport, would be gathered up, and added in again. It wasn't much, but he were picking it up better than she could, so it were really for the better that she just did some simple maintenance work, more or less.

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@C. Thunder Dash

The researcher looked a bit disappointed, "I suppose that answers that question then. Let's continue..." There was a bit of a commotion in the corridor and the unicorn stepped out to investigate before calling back to Thundy, "Looks like your friend's gone off the deep end. That's more guards than they usually bring down here."

If Thundy weren't interested in seeing what was going on with Light the researcher would shrug before resuming the demonstration, "Alright, what else can you do?"



None of the guards took their eyes off of Light, nor did they relax at his attempt at appeasing them. The minotaur and the changelings left the room to let the guards take over. "Take him down to the psych ward. He's clearly insane, possibly twisted by Discord to cause us problems."

(You are free to object to this sequence at any point, just indicate where in the sequence you attempt to break away.)

Some of the guards would enter the room to surround Light while the others remained outside, "Come along now, don't cause trouble and we won't nullify you." They would not be nearly as nice in moving him as they had the first time.

If Light went along they would take him to a lower level, not quite so low as when he was suspected as being a loyalist, the walls had the same sterile white aesthetic as the research division. They marched him past a bored looking receptionist who rolled here eyes as one of the guards went to speak to her quietly while Light was marched deeper into what was apparently the psych ward. He would be led to an empty room not unlike the apartment he had selected for himself earlier and told to get in. After which the door would be shut and he would be left alone for a time.

A few minutes later the door would open and a feminine looking changeling would enter, "Hello there! I'm Dr. Coxa. Care to explain why you were brought down here?" unlike the other changelings he had seen so far, she had the same coloration as Chrysalis' changelings.



On 2021-03-07 at 12:16 PM, Maud Pie said:

You mention the spawn. We could weaponize this element, use it as a power source or combine it with some rare reactive explosive and make a pretty potent explosive.

Blast shook his head, "The higher ups already have a bunch of uses they need for it, apparently it can make the project run smoother, and anything that takes the nausea out of the cycle is fine by me. Worry not, we'll make sure you've got the best equipment we can give you. Efficiency is our top priority."

(More to follow)


Dazzle would lead Trixie to a streetside area near where the fruit trees are, "Do be careful about the trees and all your surroundings, the ground here is not nearly as robust as you may be used to, and we've already had too many performers knock themselves through the floor trying to do their show."

Other than that she would simply observe Trixie's performance. There weren't too many others walking about at the moment, but the few that did come by did seem impressed by the show.

After about half an hour Dazzle would signal for her to stop, "Very impressive, is there another form you'd like to try? How long at a time do you thing you could keep up a performance on the street? It's no problem if you can't perform for too long right now, no doubt you'll need some time to get back to your full strength, we just need to have a sense so we know where and when to schedule you for optimal moral boosting."


@Windy Breeze

Tables walked awkwardly at first, but soon got the hang of her new prosthetic and walked with a smile on her face that she hadn't had in a very long time.

The smile faded a bit when Windy asked about her previous friends, "Oh, um... not really. I wasn't exactly a very social mare, nor was I good at making friends. I mostly just worked all day and kept to myself when not at work. I never had any siblings, and my parents weren't very present in my life. They were old already when they had me, and they passed away before the incident, so I was already pretty much alone when it happened." She sighed, "There were many times when I was running or hiding when I wondered what the point was. I didn't have anyone to live for, no one would miss me if I died, why keep trying? When I lost my leg I very nearly allowed myself to get caught if only so it would end. Now though, I'm glad I kept moving, I'm going to try making some real friends here. How about you?"


On 2021-03-07 at 5:21 PM, Windy Breeze said:

he twisted one of his hind legs and was just recently fixed yet now he had to go several floors and corners just to reach the department. He mumbled a swear of anger and began his very lovely adventure to the unknown...

(You're allowed to not go along with the path I suggest when I lay out a sequence for you. All I'm doing is indicating what you'd find if you go down the path you indicated. It does not obligate you to go down that path.)

The doe gave a polite bow in response to Serene's salute, "That I am. As to a census, we still haven't received all the records from the newest batch of immigrants, but if they came aboard in one of the previous cycles we could take a look. What're their names and original cities? I'll take a look for you."

(You'll need to indicate who, if any, of them you'd like to have survived. You'll be free to interact with them at some point.)


Plein shrugged, Wright says he wasn't very well known until he got into politics. He says my dad knew Princess Luna personally, but I don't know if I believe that. I think Wright likes to make my dad seem cooler than he was so I think better of him. She thought for a moment before asking another question, "Do you have a family? Here I mean, that came with you?"


@Jack Baker

The minotaur looked surprised but also pleased at Raze's eagerness to get started, "It just so happens that we need some more guards for the mining expedition leaving shortly. If you're really ready to head out let me sign out your rifle to you with some extra ammunition and we can send you down with them."

The minotaur would take care of some paperwork rather quickly, then return with Raze's rifle and a pouch of extra ammo. "Here you are, now if you'll follow me I'll bring you to the crew."

He would lead the way to the door and wait for Raze to exit before locking up the range behind them.


@Califorum @Jack Baker

Raze and Maud were brought together in the hangar with the other guards and miners that would be heading out. Blast got their attention once all the supplies were loaded, "I suggest you all get to know each other, you'll be spending the next several days in close proximity, so now is the time to work out your differences."


@Blitz Boom

One of the earth ponies chuckled to himself as he nudged another pony near him, "Whatidi tellyas? One of these days the plants would start picking themselves! I toldya all that science and magic hooey would go too far one day."

He chuckled again as he turned his attention back to Briar, "I tease! You aint the first plant pony I've seen, but you're the biggest by far."

He gestured towards the bins they were using, "We've got these bins we drag along with us, why dontcha work over here with us, that way the bins are always nearby? What's with the cute little filly you got witcha? You two hitchedr somtin?"


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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

I feel bad for the mare but ateast she had nopony left to worry about. Thinking too much about your missing friends is not very helpful, I mean it, I can still feel it nagging me behind my mind telling me I have to find them. I'm just very glad she's going to start a new life here and make friends.

“Try to make friends to ponies like you in the Æther all while waiting for my friends left in the surface to be rescued. I got a lot of friends living in Ponyville and I don't know what happened to them. I was at Cloudsdale at that time” 

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@Illiad Easle @Jack Baker

Maud would nod silently to Blast. "Then it shall be. Thank you." she would say to him. She was a mare of few words after all. She just got straight to the point, and followed along with the others into the hangar and observed everyone. She didn't particularly notice Raze, as to Maud Raze was just another of the ponies amongst the crowd. To Raze however, he'd notice the stoic Earth pony mare standing there almost like a machine. She had a complete deadpan expression, monotone as usual. Little did he know, it was a mask to hide her pain. She was like this before. But since all the events had began, and the pain, she had increased that persona. 

When the others would start getting their gear on, Maud would follow. Putting her helmet on. Her mining equipment. She made sure it all fit and would then join the others in the vessel along with that stoic expression on her face remaining unwavering.

@Illiad Easle

Trixie continued to perform for the duration of the half hour, although she would bear in mind what Dazzle had spoke of. Although she did it in a way that it would not impact the quality or flare of her performance. She abided by Dazzle's signal to stop. "As for styles, Trixie prefers to use a combination of Illusions and Dark Magic, but a magician never reveals her secrets." she'd say with an incredibly prideful grin. "Trixie could perform for ages...but Trixie would admit that she needs time to practically...practice hmph! But Trixie could do anything." as prideful as her words were, her stage persona was coming back to her. 

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@Illiad Easle

"I just hope Light's gonna be okay. Anyway, next..." Thundy stated. He gathered some electricity and made his Yu Gi Oh card binder appear. He searched for his Dark Magician card and pulled it out from the sleeve. He then rested the binder on a nearby table. "You may want to take a few steps back." Thundy warned. He then gathered some electricity and let it out on the card. The Dark Magician Card began to glow and all of a sudden, Thundy was sucked into the card rapidly. The card began to fall to the ground like a feather. A second later, out came Thundy draped in the Dark Magician's attire with the power of the Dark Magician as well. Thundy twirled his wand. "And that's called power binding. Rarely do I use it nowadays. To do it, I create a small dimensional pocket where I can connect with the Dark Magician to use it's abilities. As you can see, I have taken the appearance of the Dark Magician with this armor, hat and other features, but I'm still a griffon." Thundy said spreading his wings, which were now covered with dark purple metal plates. 

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@Illiad Easle

17 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

The doe gave a polite bow in response to Serene's salute, "That I am. As to a census, we still haven't received all the records from the newest batch of immigrants, but if they came aboard in one of the previous cycles we could take a look. What're their names and original cities? I'll take a look for you."

(You'll need to indicate who, if any, of them you'd like to have survived. You'll be free to interact with them at some point.)

Serene smiled “Thank you. I got a lot of ponies I wanted to find but only two of them are very important to me: Maple Rain and Camper. They are my parents and both of them are pegasi, we live in the small town of Richville located on the base of a hill southwest of foal mountains. I may have left their pictures in my room”


So her dad knew Princess Luna? That was what came into Shadow's thought He must been working in Canterlot Invasion when Discord started his chaotic spree. In the other hoof, Wright might have been saying lies to Plein. Maybe her dad was actually a snob and Wright is one of his friends. There's no need to think negatively, she's talking to a filly not a full grown stallion.

23 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Do you have a family? Here I mean, that came with you?"

“I had no family” Plein may find this very wrong as Shadow was saying this casually, “I do have parents but they passed away when I was young and another mother decided to take care of me despite the bad reputation she's having. Unfortunately, that problem became the reason why she left me to fend myself. Lucky me I went adrift to the city of Haytona and started a new lie” a part of the story is true and while the other is a lie.

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@Illiad Easle

"Oh hello doctor.... Co-xa? Am i pronouncing that right sister?.... I'm here because i said the truth. And apparently in this dimension, chrysalis is not the only queen around here... Which is weird... The dimension is so distorted here.... And theys should really stop jumping through other dimension.... Discord wont be the only problem you guysll have."

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@Illiad Easle @Califorum

After I got my gear and was escorted to the group I was meant to guard, I nodded to the minotaur as he left. "Take care, boss," I said to him.

A mining expedition, eh? Sounds good. I looked around at the various miners getting ready. None of them particularly stuck out to me... save for one. A grey earth pony; purple haired chick, with the most stone-faced, deadpan look I've ever seen. Like all the life had been sucked out of her. If this were Royal Guard boot camp, she'd definitely give the other recruits a run for their money when it came to military bearing...

"Wonder what her deal is..." I said under my breath.

I do not sense anything particularly strange about her, Thanatos chimed in. Perhaps that is simply the way she is.

Always observing every creature you come across, eh Than?

Of course. If danger lurks, I will know. And be ready to strike, should the need arise.

...Fair enough.

Still, never seen anypony like that before, and I couldn't help but walk up to her.

"Hey... you good? You seem a bit... out of it."

  • Brohoof 2

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Jack Baker @Illiad Easle

Maud would notice the stallion that had walked up to her. She looked at him with a passing glance before her serene, yet calm blue eyes locked with his and seemed to look into his soul blankly. "I am good. You?" she would ask with a slight motion in her mane. She spoke in a very emotionless manner, but it was not in a harsh or dismissive manner  Maud didn't know why this stallion was interested in her. She was internally a bit confused. 

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Sweet Celestia above, she even sounds dead too.

"Me? I'm doing alright," I responded back to her. "I, uh, was just wondering because... well, I'm not really sure how to, uh, put this, but you looked a little... uhhhh..."

I twirled my left hoof, trying to think of what to say without somehow offending her.

"...Spaced... out??"

  • Brohoof 2

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Jack Baker

Maud would have stepped closer, her eyes looking into his. Not in a glaring way. She'd slowly raise an eyebrow at him. "Many say that." she'd say looking away as if offended by that, a bit. "It gives me clarity. It is who I am." her eyes would slowly look back to his like before. 

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As she looked directly at me, eyes seemingly staring into the depths of my soul, I could only stare back with a combination of both surprise and confusion, mouth slightly agape. 

"D-uh... I... uhhh... ok then." That was all I could manage to get out. What was up with this chick? Can't really seem to get a read on her, can't really tell what she's feeling. No change in her tone, not even the slightest change in her expression. In a weird sense, it was like... well, talking to a rock.

I managed to compose myself a bit, and sighed, looking away a bit. "Look... I'm sorry if I might have offended you, or weirded you out in some way. I was just a bit... concerned you might not be feeling well is all, and I wouldn't want anypony going out there if they were... well, out of it."

I looked back at her. "Let's start over then." I extended a hoof. "Name's Raze. I actually just got here today."

  • Brohoof 2

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Jack Baker

Maud would blink eerily slowly and then extend her hoof as well to shake his. It was soft, yet hard at the same time. The way she moved was rather fluid, yet robotic. "It is fine. I got here today as well. My name is Maud. Maud Pie." she'd maintain the same manner of speech. She pulled out something from her pocket. It was a smooth rock with a single crack in it. "This is boulder." she'd show him the rock before putting it back into her pocket.

She stood almost perfectly still. Her manner did not seem to waver or change in the slightest.

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"Pleasure to meet ya," I said as I shook her hoof. I looked down at the rock she showed me.

"...Huh. Pet rock, huh? Interesting..." I nodded at her.

I cannot sense anything special about that stone... why does she carry such a mundane object with her? Thanatos questioned.

It's, well... we call them "pet rocks", Than. They're like... sentimental objects someponies carry around and treat them like companions.

Mmmm... do all creatures partake in such a ritual?

Not all... most do. Hell, even I had one as a colt, just because. I called 'im Pete. Cuz you know, it sounds like... peat. Like the coal...?

....How peculiar.

Oh, shut it.

I turned my attention back to Maud. "So, I guess you really like this stuff? You know, mining and all that."

Edited by Jack Baker
  • Brohoof 2

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Jack Baker

Maud would nod silently to his questions. "Anything involving Geology, Plate Tectonics, Minerals, Planetary crusts, Rocks...I like it. It completes who I am." she said and turned around. Her form was rather serene, fluid as she moved. With a hoof she grabbed the underside of her gear, pulling it up and revealed her cutie mark to him. It was a well cut rock. She'd only let him see this for a second, and before he could speak she turned back around and looked at him. She blinked. 

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"That's cool!" I said to her with a nod. "Me personally, well... my talent lies in martial arts. Or more just like fighting in general, I suppose. Could pick up just about any weapon or fighting style out there. I'm a pretty quick learner." I turned to show her my crossed swords mark. "I was in the Royal Guard, before all of this. Served as one of Celestia's personal guards, before it all went down. So you don't gotta worry to much about the spawn down there. You're in good hooves." I smiled slightly at her.

  • Brohoof 2

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@Jack Baker

Maud looks at his cutie mark with relative interest. She thinks silently for a few moments. “Interesting. You wouldn’t happen to know what those swords are made of, exactly?” She would avoid commenting on what she did before the events had happened.

With more of a profound monotonality she would state, “I am never worried.” then she blinks.

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I tilted my head slightly. "No I don't... well I mean, it is a cutie mark, so I didn't really think about something like that..."

Suddenly, I had a thought. I drew my blade, and showed it to her.

"Maybe you could tell me what metals my actual sword is made of?"

  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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