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What details are in Friendship is Magic that you just DON'T buy no matter how much you try?

Ring Team

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Although Friendship is Magic is a pretty good TV show with a lot of charm, it had some problems over the years that gave us mixed feelings about it, like one episode, one character or one specific creative decision, so I think we could tell what details we can't buy no matter how many times you've given it a try or how many times you've been so patient with it.

-Pinkie Pie and Applejack being apparently related. I don't mind that there's not a conclusion to that (some mystery is good to fill it with your imagination), but they toyed very little with the idea, with two episodes that barely touched it. If the episodes were more genuine with lots of substance, the story would have been more different.

-Twilight Sparkle falling suddenly in love with Flash Sentry in the first two Equestria Girls films. Many people used to blame Flash for years, but I think we should either blame Twilight or the writer Meghan McCarthy. I can't imagine someone like Twilight falling in love with someone who just met at the first second. I think the fans blamed Flash instead of Twilight because of the "waifu mentality", as if someone doing something questionable gets a pass because she's the favourite character of Spehiroth97brony or whatever.

-The return of many secondary characters were unnecessary. Iron Will didn't need to come back in season 7. The Flim Flam brothers didn't need to come back several times, especially considering that the sotyr layout of their episodes are the same ones from that episode from season 2. It was severely repetitive. King Sombra didn't need to come back. The big one to me is Trixie coming back in season 6. She has no right to become an integral part of the show, especially after watching All bottled up and A horse shoe-in. It's fanservice for the loud fans who kept asking for her return when Magic Duel was already a great return of her.

-Pinkie Pie being louder, ceepier and more obnoxious as the seasons went on. As a Pinkie fan, it was annoying. The peak of annoying Pinkie to me was in seasons 4 and 6, but she didn't need an episode where we discover that she has files of everyone's tastes, dates, hobbies and things they like or dislike. It's very creepy. Fortunately her last episode, The last laugh, was pretty good considering the circumstances.

-Rainbow Dash being more irresponsible as the seasons went on. As much as I like her, I think she was being more egotistical after Rainbow Rocks. Since that film was love by the fandom, not many people have questioned Rainbow Dash as a very loud pathetic jerk, so, as a result, we got her destroying the "cloud factory" in Tank for the Memories. To me Rainbow Dash was cocky but loyal, like Han Solo after the events of A New Hope. I think her last good episode was Parental Glideance because at least Rainbow Dash had a reason to be angry. I can't complain too much nowadays because at least she was fantastic in the 2017 film. She was exactly how I remember her in the movie.

-The redesign of the changelings and the looong absence of queen Chrysalis. At that point I've felt that being a Chrysalis fan was like being an F-Zero fan: I don't deserve to have a voice.

-Everything that's related to Starlight Glimmer. Her lack of presence during season 5, her excuse to be a villain was severely stupid (although too funny in retrospective considering what she ended up doing, it felt like a script written by Tommy Wiseau), her hypocrisy, the fact that she kept manipulating essentially everyone even after Every little thing she does, her dialogue, her ego, her attitude, her lack of discipline... It felt like watching a youtuber pranking everyone and getting away with it thanks to the support from the people to like watching her pranking everyone instead of learning and doing good things.

I'd include the Discord twist from the end of season 9, but let's be realistic for a second: After Pinkie's flanderization, after many filler episodes, after the constant return of the Flim Flam brothers, after Starlight Glimmer manipulating everyone for many seasons, after Non-Compete clause, after A horse shoe-in... after all those things, is anyone actually surprised by that twist? Because to me it isn't.

So there, share these details from the TV show that you just don't buy.


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I don't buy that Celestia doesn't know what a Parasprite is while Pinkie somehow does, these strange inconsistencies, like none of them but Twilight knows what a Zebra is and Gilda is the first Griffon Pinkies ever met...

I don't "understand" the " Student Celestia, Starswirl timeline", as it is alleged that he was Celestia and Luna's teacher but then it is also alleged that the pillars were the original elements of harmony, while what did that make Celestia all 6 elements at one point in time to have used them on her sister? And how exactly do you banish someone to the moon? Celestia used to have prominent power it seems, not bad for a "principal" xD 

I don't buy that there is some old mares take about something specifically called "a sonic rainboom" a LITERAL LEGEND? Only known to be perfected by a filly? I mean later we learn it is a thing, but I feel like especially when you see Twilight's magic go crazy at Celestias school of magic, that the rainboom has some magic connection to the elements...

I don't buy that Celestias true reasoning for unpetrifying Discord was bc of his "ability to sense magical imbalances"... Ummm where was he when Starlight opened upon wormholes through time ultimately dividing the elements of harmony? Where was he when the 7 pillars came back from a thousand year slumber ultimately unleashing the pony of shadows? Where was he when the storm king turned 3 of Equestrias 4 alicorns to stone? And then proceeded to drain their magic? How about when Cozy Glow turned off all the magic in Equestria? Alternate theory, maybe Discord doesn't care, he literally just lets it go till he's called upon.. 

I don't buy that in season 4 Tirek had no problem consuming ALL of the alicorn magic in Equestria along with Discords chaos magic, but now all of a sudden for the sake of the plot in season 9 "Discords magic is ToO CrAzY for anyone to control but him"

I find it very hard to believe that Starlight could literally find a spell that was started by one of Equestrias greatest and most notable wizards, "Starswirl" but never had heard of a "Wonderbolt" at any time across her extensive research of Equestria, a group of "prominent importance" in Equestrias history... ALSO lack of Hearths warming knowledge... All pony lore..

I find it hard to believe how little influence any of these ponies close families play at any of the important events (yes there are family centric episodes, especially for Applejack whose parents eventually get an entire episode of their own) BUT WHAT I MEAN IS, we see everyponies family's in these strange one off occasions, I know royalty works differently in Equestria "to some extent" I mean Shining Armor is married to princess of the crystal Empire, Twilight is the princess of friendship, their parents, seen once at a Canterlot wedding, we don't see their parents at any galas or after any triumphs, just very disengaged which is why I didn't like their inclusion that much.. 

That changelings must have hockey score IQ for the most part, they can literally alter their physical form to become formidable beasts, all of which could help them in battle, but Instead when they have the upper hand and have invaded Canterlot, "hey guys let's just copy these ponies who all know each other so we'll", "okay sounds like a plan!" Anddd where is Pharynx?? We know he's been with the hive this whole time? Was he out and about when Starlight, Discord, Thorax and Trixie raided the castle??? Hmmm 

Is spike like "pony stunted" in growth? Bc in one of the worst episodes ever when he greatly increases in size after being given things for his birthday, this type of thing isn't seen happening again at any other point in the series and he is awarded gems from time to time? How do dragons grow man? Why did it take so long? Is smolder older than spike? I mean she had her wings and already went through a "molt"... Why didn't we see her around? Why is Garble such a douchebag and his sister is ridiculously cool?  

What ever happened to (These Things) 1. The Buffalo, 2. Celestias pet Phoenix, 3. The Rainbow Pony power forms. 4. Their pets? (As show progresses) (I suppose these are all pets with a certain amount of independence..)5. Babs and other apples 

Anyways back to "this", Film and Flam, so it "would appear" their cutie marks were literally made to rival our honest apples, however, I don't see Unicorns that could build such a complex device with such intricate filtration abilities would succumb to racketeering some pyramid scheme or selling bottles of fake tonic, I mean if they are that inventive, in such a way that is complimented by their literal magic, than I imagine there is a much better use of their talents, put a patent on the filter alone.. 

That Cloudsdale weather factory has zero amount of prominent security/supervision in/at one of Equestrias MOST important facilities, literally responsible for the changing of seasons in Equestria (should be seen more of a save haven than other notable locations in Equestria seeing as Starlight is the only "known villain" to have been there, although we know it would not be difficult for Discord to go there.. leading us to the NEXT entry...

Where is Cozy Glow from?? Cloudsdale? Who are her parents? What parents would knowingly be okay with their daughter (a literal filly) being sent to Tartarus along side dangerous beasts and the worst criminals Equestria has seen? I mean she was in cahoots with said criminal leading to ANOTHER question? HOWWW? How could this filly regularly stay in contact with a criminal locked in Tartarus when the Mane 6 had such a hard time going inside just for a limited time... Granted the magic was scarce, STILL! WHO would let this filly and Tirek stay in contact? 

What/where/who/huh is Shining Armors loyalties/responsibilities is he the head of the castle guard in Canterlot as he is presented in season 4 as Discord and Tirek take his powers and leave him helpless, or is he the king/prince of the Crystal Empire as he's presented many times between being AGAIN shown as the head of the Canterlot guard later in the series like with that ridiculous sibling challenge he talks about all the revamps to security.. who knows maybe he's some kind of associate general that looks over all pony security... 

Where are all the ponies from "Our Town" from? Obviously Starlight didn't meet Double Diamond until he was literally skiing on the nearby peaks, how could a town so diverse in unicorn, pegasi and earth pony, not have with held ANY of this pony lore/tradition/knowledge that Starlight is completely lacking in... 

How were the pillars EVER considered as "elements of harmony" yet be such colossal douchebags to one of their best friends? Still got questions about those elements, like how they even met, Celestia claims that "even a great wizard like Starswirl, didn't master friendship" well what the hell do you call the pillars? "The magic of worthwhile acquaintances"? 

Where did Tempest goooo? And the Storm King I guess is the only villain aside from Sombra deemed colossal enough douchebag to let him be completely destroyed, past recognition or redemption... And is Discord a necromancer? Or was Sombra just floating in the "flow of failed phantoms"(lol) in the darkness 

Is Cranky Doodle or Matilda literally famous? I saw more noteworthy ponies in attendance for their wedding than Cadence and Shining Armor, literally... Lol 

Last one, I promise, HOW did that mailpony make it to Discords house in the chaos realm? Obviously there is some connection "physically" between it and Equestria? Where?









Edited by KingCorvus
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That the writers knew what they were doing after S5

Or that they thought the twist with Discord would have been a good one

Or that they didn't actively sabotage Rainbow Dash's entire character after S5, and that crap like Newbie Dash, 28 Pranks Later, NCC, and 246 Great were all written with good intentions

Or that they actually saw value in the likes of Flim Flam Bros, the Yaks, Garble, or Snips and Snails

Basically anything that has to do with the direction of the show itself from a production standpoint rather than the world itself

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I don't believe Discord is as "good" or "reformed" as his "love" for Fluttershy leads us to believe. :okiedokieloki:

I don't believe that Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer (maybe) became a couple in the future. StarTrix five-ever! ^_^

I believe EVERYTHING that happened in "The Last Problem" was all the writers dream of what THEY thought should happen. :proud:


1 hour ago, Megas said:

That the writers knew what they were doing after S5

Or that they thought the twist with Discord would have been a good one

Or that they didn't actively sabotage Rainbow Dash's entire character after S5, and that crap like Newbie Dash, 28 Pranks Later, NCC, and 246 Great were all written with good intentions

Or that they actually saw value in the likes of Flim Flam Bros, the Yaks, Garble, or Snips and Snails

Basically anything that has to do with the direction of the show itself from a production standpoint rather than the world itself

image.gif.725f0ff732a4b17a5ba23921ce9ccdb1.gif :P

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Queen Chrysalis didn't seem to try all that hard after she first swore vengeance against Starlight. I expected a little more than The Mean 6, even though it was a fun episode. Perhaps she could have kidnapped Starlight much earlier than The Ending of the End. Maybe Chrysalis could've tried to mess with her head in the same way that Tirek tempted Discord in Twilight's Kingdom.

Speaking of Starlight Glimmer, I think she deserved a lot more backstory. Going from losing a friend to cult leader isn't quite believable without more context beyond just the glimpses we were given of that time gap. It's so drastic. And, come to think of it, Luna's fall from grace due to jealousy is the same way.

  • Brohoof 2


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You mean like episode where ponies heckled Trixie when she didn't do anything wrong?

Or Fluttershy is trying to relearn the same lesson multiple times, because that's frustrating to watch?

Or downright bullying disguised as a moral lesson?

Or that when Princess Celestia pushed Twilight to find new friends in Ponyville when she already had several other childhood friends in Canterlot?

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13 hours ago, Even Evil Has Standards said:

Speaking of Sombra, his S9 rewrite is this for me.

After all his caution and seriousness in S3, S5, and even the Comics (sympathy angle or not) — I'm supposed to believe that this campy, overconfident strawman is that same character?

I fully agree (although I've never read the comics) and especially after the bad reception he got from the fans in S3 and not having much screentime, I'm surprised they got rid of him at lightning speed in S9 but kept the others. Does anyone really care about Cozy Glow?


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I think it's weird that the show made Scootaloo out to be an orphan for a while just to finally give her parents later. It was also weird when she said no one ever gave her praise even though that can't be true since her aunts were loving towards her.

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5 hours ago, Prospekt said:

Queen Chrysalis didn't seem to try all that hard after she first swore vengeance against Starlight. I expected a little more than The Mean 6, even though it was a fun episode. Perhaps she could have kidnapped Starlight much earlier than The Ending of the End. Maybe Chrysalis could've tried to mess with her head in the same way that Tirek tempted Discord in Twilight's Kingdom.


Yeah, Chryssie’s time as a threat, despite she swearing revenge, was as good as over if not where for Discord’s intervention 


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On 2022-08-15 at 8:05 AM, ExplosionMare said:

I think it's weird that the show made Scootaloo out to be an orphan for a while just to finally give her parents later. It was also weird when she said no one ever gave her praise even though that can't be true since her aunts were loving towards her.

As much as I love Scoots' aunts, they feel like they're from a timeline where they were far more prominent in Scootaloo's life than only appearing in one episode just to show that Scootaloo totally wasn't an orphan and has adults who love her (but not enough to support her because what is consistency)

Scootaloo as an orphan makes her such a better character, especially once Rainbow adopts her, and I despise they dropped that aspect instead of letting them love and support one another in subsequent episodes

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These are the five things I find very hard to accept.

  • That a successful fashionista who owns and makes clothes for multiple stores throughout Equestria has time to be a teacher at the School of Friendship.
  • That a full time carer for animals has the time to be a teacher at the School of Friendship.
  • That a full fledged member of the Wonderbolts who probably spends a lot of her time in training for shows has time to be a teacher at the School of Friendship.
  • That a baker and a professional party planner who seems to throw parties for every single pony under the sun has time to be a teacher at the School of Friendship.
  • That a full time farm pony who has a near endless list of chores has time to be a teacher at the School of Friendship.


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1 hour ago, Treeglow Flicker said:

These are the five things I find very hard to accept.

  • That a successful fashionista who owns and makes clothes for multiple stores throughout Equestria has time to be a teacher at the School of Friendship.
  • That a full time carer for animals has the time to be a teacher at the School of Friendship.
  • That a full fledged member of the Wonderbolts who probably spends a lot of her time in training for shows has time to be a teacher at the School of Friendship.
  • That a baker and a professional party planner who seems to throw parties for every single pony under the sun has time to be a teacher at the School of Friendship.
  • That a full time farm pony who has a near endless list of chores has time to be a teacher at the School of Friendship.



Another thing I don't understand is why the students listen to the ponies about their views on friendship without discussing the students alternatives. 

What does Spike do at the School of Friendship anyway? 

Was Princess Twilight Sparkle the one who was responsible for introducing the modern technology (Phones, computers etc.) that is present in Gen 5? 

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On 2022-08-14 at 5:53 PM, KingCorvus said:

I don't buy that in season 4 Tirek had no problem consuming ALL of the alicorn magic in Equestria along with Discords chaos magic, but now all of a sudden for the sake of the plot in season 9 "Discords magic is ToO CrAzY for anyone to control but him"

Not just consuming it; Tirek actually used it. Remember when he snapped his fingers (like you-know-who), and summoned Twilight's friends in those orbs (something you-know-who can do)?

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Mixed thing with something "I don't buy" about the MLP FiM universe and it's fandom...

Why after trying to overthrow the ENTIRE nation of Equestria because your jealous, are you appointed to the second most powerful position in Equestria? Starlight tried to control a little township if it can even be considered that and she's, "literally Hitler", and "shouldn't be forgiven", yet everyone's "favorite princess" Luna, who literally had to be blasted by the elements of harmony and DID NOT willingly concede defeat, is instantly forgiven and appointed to the second highest position in Equestria? Don't blame Twilight for mentoring unstable psychopaths, she's only learned from the best, Celestia set the example of appointing importance to control freaks..


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11 hours ago, KingCorvus said:

Mixed thing with something "I don't buy" about the MLP FiM universe and it's fandom...

Why after trying to overthrow the ENTIRE nation of Equestria because your jealous, are you appointed to the second most powerful position in Equestria? Starlight tried to control a little township if it can even be considered that and she's, "literally Hitler", and "shouldn't be forgiven", yet everyone's "favorite princess" Luna, who literally had to be blasted by the elements of harmony and DID NOT willingly concede defeat, is instantly forgiven and appointed to the second highest position in Equestria? Don't blame Twilight for mentoring unstable psychopaths, she's only learned from the best, Celestia set the example of appointing importance to control freaks..

The only difference between Luna and Starlight is that the pink unicorn didn't stop manipulating everyone in the last 4 seasons despiten that she has to stop it.

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7 hours ago, Ring Team said:

The only difference between Luna and Starlight is that the pink unicorn didn't stop manipulating everyone in the last 4 seasons despiten that she has to stop it.

So it is okay to forgive Discord after a literal betrayal going into what would become his 3rd chance at "not using magic to enslave/oppress" EQUESTRIA, not to, literally "get some chores done with some friends" wow how sinister of Starlight, BUT to be fair, since I know you didn't read the other long reply about Starlight I had quoted you on in a separate post. I explain how it's very likely that Starlights social dependency on magic, started from this "terrible backstory" one that actually makes her character make more sense when you observe it more closely. Sunburst aquired a MAGICAL talent, proceeded to enter Celestias school of magic gifted unicorns... Leaving Starlight in the dust, this sparked a neurotic obsession with not just the cutie marks, but also studying magic probably with the hopes of catching up with her only friend, and STILL when realizing this wasn't possible she perceived it as that kind of ticket to social validation/control, also I must point out, that these "Our Town" ponies, NEVER KNEW how powerful Starlight was and they figured she had sacrificed her magic, this is a testament to how I intimidating Starlight was, even when they thought she didn't even have magic... So when remarking Starlight, remember her dynamic is control, not ego, bc she could have that town under literal magic hypnotism, as we see her do later, she's concealing her magic, not like using it as a threat.. she wants to "control" the social dynamics she's built bc she believes that bc of her traumatic experience losing her friend to magic, that magic must be a key component in maintaining her other relationships, and micro managing a social life that she wouldn't otherwise have without it in some sense of the word...


ALSO, I know a lot of ppl discount Season 9s existence altogether, it's just, EVEN WITH THE PUREST INTENTIONS, letting loose 4 creatures that have almost enslaved your world is INFINITELY a greater mistake than being controlling towards your friends... I'm sorry it just is. Especially considering the fact that Starlight mistakingly had a misuse of her magic but her intentions weren't with malcontent, think more like Lesson Zero Twilight, unicorns can make mistakes with magic with some kind of weird jaded justification, but I think this is more so a testimony to their perspective on social appropriation that I also mentioned in that post I quoted you on the other day that you didn't read, these things make more sense when you consider the patterns in these unicorns behavior not just Starlight

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On 2022-08-23 at 8:14 AM, KingCorvus said:

ALSO, I know a lot of ppl discount Season 9s existence altogether, it's just, EVEN WITH THE PUREST INTENTIONS, letting loose 4 creatures that have almost enslaved your world is INFINITELY a greater mistake than being controlling towards your friends... I'm sorry it just is.

tbf, I don't think the former would have been so bad if the reasoning was better. If Discord released the 3 villains in hopes of reforming them it might have worked, and felt like the one possible outcome, but the reason they actually came up with was just incredibly insulting and bait-n-switching Grogar didn't help at all

But just the fact that I can think of a way to justify it gives it an edge. Starlight brainwashing her friends....there really isn't a way to justify it :p

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I didn’t buy the DVD season sets. The details on that transfer were horrible. High definition please. 



Joking aside (please put that aside it was bad, like really bad), and as a huge fan of Glim, her motivation for creating her town was weak. I would have personally kept the loss of friendships due to talents, but built on it to include more than one childhood friend. 

Even just one more line about how she kept losing friends to something related to their talents would have been more serviceable if it lead to her mentioning that she started to see her town folk as her friends. No one talks about that. In the season Five finale she didn’t actually call them her friends. 


It was hard to swallow. But then again, my favorite superhero got bit by a radioactive spider and is someone now meta-physically connected to the universe, so I can’t be all righteous about it. Does it make sense? Not really. 

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12 hours ago, Megas said:

tbf, I don't think the former would have been so bad if the reasoning was better. If Discord released the 3 villains in hopes of reforming them it might have worked, and felt like the one possible outcome, but the reason they actually came up with was just incredibly insulting and bait-n-switching Grogar didn't help at all

But just the fact that I can think of a way to justify it gives it an edge. Starlight brainwashing her friends....there really isn't a way to justify it :p

I honestly think "some people" and I will not generalize you or pretend  to know who you are or your personal opinions as I do not know you at all. It just "seems to me" that ppl "like yourself"(the expression I get from you and other Starlight cynics) that you choose not to give her a headcanon backstory based on perspective, something that fans will do all day with flimsy terribly overrated characters like Luna, and there are characters that have no back story that face none of these criticisms as well.. when really if you read some of my posts or try to fill in any of the blanks, it's like you people just assume Starlight made the decision THAT DAY that when Sunburst ran out, as a filly she was just like, "I'm gonna enslave a town". A lot of bronies ignore a chance at fair perspective when it comes to a pony they do not like, but when it comes to characters they do, they will bend logic to defend them when completely contradicting standards they are holding another character to..

the ONLY WAY to explain what Discord did in S9 fine is if he was actually still evil and was working to betray them in secret, but with the loss of his magic he realized he'd rather have magic with ponies than none with Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy in charge... And with the way the show blatantly ignores his "ability to sense magical disturbances", maybe he's just ignoring them? He has no sense of obligation, you saw his response to everypony being kidnapped except Fluttershy.. I think the point of me saying this is... Even if Starlight used magic to make her friends do things she wanted and this was "after the reformation" she still actually cares about them, she's the one that had to convince Discord to give a shit in s6, Discord comes around to humiliate Twilight, throw his emotional baggage on Fluttershy, and occasionally go out of his way to get attention bc he's bored or some shit, I mean YES I credit him for To Where And Back, especially without his magic, but if we are counting mistakes to favors and the severity of their error, making Pinkie Pie bake a cake doesn't quite weigh up to, betraying your best friends and helping an evil Centaur drain their souls...

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Why was Discord given another chance with no repurcussions after the whole Lord Tirek team up?

I know he was tricked but Discord still wasn't punished for anything that he did. :okiedokieloki:

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10 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

Why was Discord given another chance with no repurcussions after the whole Lord Tirek team up?

I know he was tricked but Discord still wasn't punished for anything that he did. :okiedokieloki:

He didn't really need it. Tirek manipulated him, then dumped him and absorbed his magic when he wasn't useful anymore. He felt what it was like when his trust was used and witnessed what was left of Equestria afterwards.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2022-08-15 at 5:05 AM, ExplosionMare said:

I think it's weird that the show made Scootaloo out to be an orphan for a while just to finally give her parents later. It was also weird when she said no one ever gave her praise even though that can't be true since her aunts were loving towards her.


Why didn't they introduce us to Scootaloo's aunts or at least one of them before this episode or show us a picture of Scootaloo's parents,

a daydream etc. 

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  • 9 months later...

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