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Happy Hearts and Hooves day 2023 - Your Matches - The Gathering

Ice Princess Silky

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4 hours ago, Sophie H. said:

Sophie would stop for a moment with a small smile on her lips as her eyes moves over to gaze at @Silverspark184and @Sycofear13"Oh!" she chuckles as her gaze returns to @Princess Silky"Nothing to thank me!" she says, her smile growing as her tail soon begins to sway as Silky asks if they want to head outside "Some fresh air sounds nice! What do you guys say? maybe we could play some games! OOOORRR! We could try to see where that music playing comes from! the one that's playing that music sure knows how to play!" Sophie suggest as she gazes down at both of the fillies.

Silverspark;looking up her ears move around as she listened for the music @Sophie H.mentioned as she looked around for where the direction it might come from the little alicorn had no idea what to expect

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On 2/23/2023 at 11:15 PM, Sophie H. said:

Of course Sophie would enjoy watching the fillies play around while her own tail sways like a puppies tail "You sure are having fun!" Sophie chuckles softly with a wiggle of her nose before her gaze would move over to @Reality Check, tilting her head slightly to the left side as she'd see how he kinda seems alone "Hey, Reality" Sophie says with a warm smile as she gets up to walk over to him, taking a sit next to him so she can gaze over his sketches as well "I'm pretty sure you're going to add another few sketches after this little adventure, huh?" Sophie asks in a cheerful voice "By the way.. do you mind if I play a little? to make that depressing silence.. less depressing? and don't worry, I'm not going to play loud" Sophie asks as she slowly pulls the guitar from her back in front of her.


On 2/23/2023 at 11:37 PM, Sophie H. said:

As Sophie was sitting right next to @Reality Check she would look over her shoulder to see what the fillies were doing "Hey.. Reality.. wait a minute" she whispers as she places the guitar next to him before she gets up, walking over to the fillies. "Hey.. um.. @Silverspark184 and @Sycofear13 " She'd ask as the fillies seemed to be a little too close at that maze "I know you love playing! and I love watching you playing! but could you guys do me a BIG favor?" Sophie asks as she puts on the most sweetest smile she could make "Could you play in the cottage instead of the maze? I really don't want to loose you guys.. It's so fun to watch you playing around! also I love to hear your laughing!" Sophie says cheerful, in hope bothj of the filiies would agree on Sophie's idea by playing in the cottage.

RC was always quiet for his age, sketching drawings of new creatures he discovers. So it's not unusual to see him drawing when he has free time, or to help him relax. "Sure will." He answered @Sophie H. "I don't mind. If you wanna brighten up the place, then go ahead. Don't let me stop you." RC smiles at her as she went to take care of the fillies.

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35 minutes ago, Silverspark said:

Silverspark;looking up her ears move around as she listened for the music @Sophie H.mentioned as she looked around for where the direction it might come from the little alicorn had no idea what to expect

Sophie would gaze at @Silverspark184 for a moment with a slow blink before she gasps softly "Oh! I know a game! Do you know the game 'Marco Polo'?" Sophie asks with her smile growing more and more "Someone hides and that pony that searches the hiding pony can yell 'Marco' to locate the other pony while the other pony, that hides yells back 'Polo!' gosh, that was a hard explaination" Sophie laughs "Maybe we could try the same with the music? just follow the music" Sophie suggest with a slight tilt of her head to the right.

28 minutes ago, Reality Check said:


RC was always quiet for his age, sketching drawings of new creatures he discovers. So it's not unusual to see him drawing when he has free time, or to help him relax. "Sure will." He answered @Sophie H. "I don't mind. If you wanna brighten up the place, then go ahead. Don't let me stop you." RC smiles at her as she went to take care of the fillies.

"Thank you @Reality Check!" Sophie thanks him with a warm smile "Just don't feel lonely, otherwise I'll annoy you with my company!" Sophie warns him with a cheeky chuckle.

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5 hours ago, Tree Song said:

Tree Song looked at Astral with the flower on his top hat. He looked kinda cute, but that wasn't what the tree meant...

"That's not what you're supposed to do with the flower, silly!" She said with a warm smile. "You should whisper a wish into it (which I've already done with mine), and then we exchange them and add them to the tea. That's what the tree told me, anyway."

She accepted the flower Astral gave her though, and put it in her mane.

@Silly Druid

Astral blushes, takes the flower from his head, looks at it and then, makes a wish into it. After he uses his monicle to see the magic he gave it back to Tree Song

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3 hours ago, Astral Soul said:

@Silly Druid

Astral blushes, takes the flower from his head, looks at it and then, makes a wish into it. After he uses his monicle to see the magic he gave it back to Tree Song

"That's good!" Tree Song gave her flower to @Astral Soul. "Now if we put both flowers into the tea and drink it, we can make our wishes come true, and we'll become best friends forever!" She said excitedly, and threw her flower into the teapot, expecting Astral to do the same.

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@Dynamo Pad@Sir Hugsalot

Nebel silently returns the thankful expression from Dynamo, but his attention is soon diverted elsewhere. The second he turns his focus away, another changeling sneaks up and tries to pull him down. Suddenly, green vines began sprouting from seemingly out of nowhere and began to entangle the changelings. Nebel used this temporary distraction to his advantage and was able to push himself up from underneath his attacker and deliver a low kick to the leg of the changeling. Nebel hopes that with this changeling down, maybe the vines will incapacitate this one as well. But if not, he is ready to continue fighting.

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@Dynamo Pad @GeneralDirection @Sir Hugsalot @Skylight Scintillate @ChrysalisM

Caramel would struggle to get up on all her hooves, but she managed to, and would look to Ix, Nebel and Dynamo, thanking the trio for getting the Changeling off of her, dusting herself off "I-I'm fine, a bit scuffed, but alright" she would sa "thank you for helping me, and it would seem the maze is also helping us now too..unless this is a spell from one of you" she'd say, looking to the group of her new friends, "Come on everyone, lets get out of here while we still can, I don't know how long those vines can hold the Changelings for" she'd say, using her Changeling senses, now that she had revealed herself to be one, to try and sense a way out.

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On 2023-02-23 at 4:04 PM, An impersonating changeling said:

@Skylight Scintillate

The changeling would get caught completely off guard by the sudden attack by Skylight Scintillate. Knocked down by the ferocious baguette attack it wouldn't even resist the pie, processing what just happened alone was sufficient to leave it completely speechless and unable to react to anything.

Against its better judgement it decided to simply lick the creamy pie off its face and say "mmm delicioussss!" It found itself unable to do much else anyway... in the background Vibrant Grove could be heard bursting in laughter despite the still ongoing fight.

Skylight pouted when the changeling didn't answer her questions. She sat on top of the changeling, making sure it was pinned down and couldn't attack with her magic. "Well? Are you going to answer my questions? Or am I going to have to use my secret weapon of cuteness?" If the changeling still didn't answer, she would whine in the cutest way possible "Why are you so mean? What did I do?"

On 2023-02-23 at 6:03 PM, AuroraGlimmer said:

@Dynamo Pad @AuroraGlimmer @GeneralDirection @Skylight Scintillate @The Wife of Law @Dark Horse @ChrysalisM

She would then look to both Ix and Skylight "Honestly, I can't really tell you much about my own kind, see, I was dropped off at my adoptive father's doorstep in a basket as an egg with a note, all it said was that my parents were running from Equestria to escape having to 'help' Chrysalis with her plans to attack, and as much as they loved me and wanted to keep me, they wanted me to have a 'normal' life and noth having to always run and hide. They knew my adoptive father well, as he's very accepting of ponies, no matter the race or gender. Anyway, he took me in and raised me as his own, if any of you have been to Manehatten, my dad's name is Alexis "Heavy Metal" Rock, and owns the "Hoof to Face"  Music Store." she would say, just as the swarm of Changeling would appear and attack them.

Caramel would slowly back away, but would stand in front of Ix in a very proetective stance "You will not harm them!" she shouts but is soon barreled over by a Changeling that flew towards her, the one that avoided Dynamo's attack.

"Oh," Skylight noted, not quite sure what to make of it. "Well I trust you." Skylight didn't really have any time to think that much more about it because some other changelings were attacking. She would run over to help, hitting the changelings with baguette bread and a bucket of paint. Once the changeling was down, Skylight would cast magical spells to pin them down and keep them in their changeling form like the other changeling. "Are you ok?" Skylight asked. 

On 2023-02-23 at 9:01 PM, ChrysalisM said:

Ix than feels something under his hoofs. He looks, and finds a pair of magnificent gems.  One seems to be half black & half white. They stash it as a curio. "Hey Skylight! I found this cool gem that matches your coat!" He offers it to @Skylight Scintillate.

"Huh, what does it mean?" Skylight asked, examining it as she held it in her magical aurora, trying to figure out if it had magical properties. 

On 2023-02-23 at 9:45 PM, Dynamo Pad said:

Dynamo couldn't help in wincing from her words, but he couldn't blame Caramel. Despite being told he was given a chance, he felt worried that he had ruined things with the spider changeling. Knowing they'd probably talk about this later, he still nodded with a kind and thankful smile. "T-Thank you, Caramel." Turning back to see the other changelings, one of the two had managed to evade his spells to go after @AuroraGlimmer Caramel. "Caramel!" He prepared to launch another spell, but stopped as he heard the sound of an angered, buzzing sound. Turning towards the other changeling, he could see the sour expression on their face as he must have made them upset. He was worried, but it felt like something snapped inside of the blue unicorn. He remembered this happened once when it came to a bully at Princess Celestia's school, as well as the bully disrespecting Skylight and the others. Knowing that Caramel was possibly hurt, he narrowed his eyes slightly. "I dare? You were the ones that started all of this when you threatened a friend. If there's one thing I'm not allowing, it's that I won't allow you to hurt my friends or my loved ones." With the changeling flying towards him, Dynamo began to concentrate his magic as his horn began to glow. 

The gaming unicorn had thought to trap the changeling, but had a different idea in mind. "Let's see you try this on for size. Time for a Heat Wave!" Launching the spell forward, the steady stream of heat was sent towards the incoming changeling. If the spell landed, they would feel the heat, but could possibly power through it. However, he noticed the changeling had gone around it, while Dynamo jumped out of the way as intended. Charging up another laser spell, the unicorn felt the powerful surge of his magic flow as he launched the spell forward. The blast was much stronger than the last time as the changeling took the brunt of the hit and was sent spiraling to the ground in a daze. 

Taking a deep breath from all the magic he had used, Dynamo slowly looked around with Caramel on his mind. "C-Caramel? Caramel!" He called out to her, hoping that she was okay from the changeling barreling her over. His fears were thankfully put to rest as @GeneralDirection Nebel and Ix were able to give the spider changeling the support she needed. "Thank you for the help, Nebel. Thank you, as well, Ix. I thought I got the other changeling when they both charged at us previously, but I really appreciate that you provided her backup and support." He says, giving the two a kind and thankful expression.

Skylight would go over to this group to make sure that they were ok. Although she was quite impressed by Dynamo's moves. "Oh my gosh Dynamo, I didn't know you could do that. How did you do that?" she asked.

On 2023-02-24 at 3:34 AM, An impersonating changeling said:

@Skylight Scintillate @GeneralDirection @Dynamo Pad @Aurora Glimmer @ChrysalisM

The changeling would grunt loudly as it got slammed against the wall, kicked by Nebel. It would lose conciousness for a short moment, but quickly begun gaining it back from the sheer loudness of Vibrant's playing right next to it "w...wha..." it whispered as it tried to get up. 

The changeling that was in pursuit of Cimex would be surprised at her unintentional dodge of his attack as she went after another one. It'd growl menacingly and continue pursuit of her, unthreatened by having 2 of its companions defeated already.

Something pulled Nebel to the ground after his successful kick. It was another changeling, working quickly to overpower him.

The changeling would release audible grunt as it slammed against the floor. Dynamo's spell severly damaged its wings, taking away its ability to fly. It was trying to regain balance and get up, but hit the ground too hard upon landing. It hissed angrily at Dynamo Pad, but otherwise seemed to be unable to act.

The remaining two changelings looked at each other with visible distress. They were already sent to fight the group while being outnumbered, now there's only two of them against entire group of ponies. But they cannot retreat, they must fight. Chrysalis doesn't take cowards lightly and they will definitely be punished for such act of cowardice.

Skylight would throw a bag of flour at each of the rest of the changelings before drawing “meanie” on their faces with markers and chalk.

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13 hours ago, Sophie H. said:

Sophie would gaze at @Silverspark184 for a moment with a slow blink before she gasps softly "Oh! I know a game! Do you know the game 'Marco Polo'?" Sophie asks with her smile growing more and more "Someone hides and that pony that searches the hiding pony can yell 'Marco' to locate the other pony while the other pony, that hides yells back 'Polo!' gosh, that was a hard explaination" Sophie laughs "Maybe we could try the same with the music? just follow the music" Sophie suggest with a slight tilt of her head to the right.

"Thank you @Reality Check!" Sophie thanks him with a warm smile "Just don't feel lonely, otherwise I'll annoy you with my company!" Sophie warns him with a cheeky chuckle.

Silverspark;looking at @Sophie H."Marco Polo seems interesting all though I am a bit sneaky you should ask @Princess Silky one time I snuck in her room replacing her pillow with a giant marshmallow before she came home from her royal duties "she smirked thinking how it was gone in ten seconds

Edited by Silverspark184
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22 hours ago, An impersonating changeling said:

The changeling would release audible grunt as it slammed against the floor. Dynamo's spell severly damaged its wings, taking away its ability to fly. It was trying to regain balance and get up, but hit the ground too hard upon landing. It hissed angrily at Dynamo Pad, but otherwise seemed to be unable to act.

6 hours ago, AuroraGlimmer said:

@Dynamo Pad @GeneralDirection @Sir Hugsalot @Skylight Scintillate @ChrysalisM

Caramel would struggle to get up on all her hooves, but she managed to, and would look to Ix, Nebel and Dynamo, thanking the trio for getting the Changeling off of her, dusting herself off "I-I'm fine, a bit scuffed, but alright" she would sa "thank you for helping me, and it would seem the maze is also helping us now too..unless this is a spell from one of you" she'd say, looking to the group of her new friends, "Come on everyone, lets get out of here while we still can, I don't know how long those vines can hold the Changelings for" she'd say, using her Changeling senses, now that she had revealed herself to be one, to try and sense a way out.


Dynamo winced as he saw the changeling had slammed against the floor. From the looks of things, it looked like it wasn’t going to get up anytime soon. Taking that as a good sign, he looked to the others to help anyone out. Moving over towards Ix and @GeneralDirection Nebel, the gaming unicorn assisted the others in getting the changeling off of @AuroraGlimmer Caramel. Without warning, vines had appears and spread, while taking entangling the last changeling up. Looking towards Caramel, Dynamo nodded with a smile. “You’re welcome and it’s no problem. I’m glad to hear that you’re okay, Caramel and that we were able to help you out.” Blinking in surprise about the mention of magic, Dynamo shook his head as he looked at all the vines that were capturing the other changelings. “Uh…that wasn’t me. I don’t know any spell in order to do that. With how this maze has been, maybe this area is able to help us. If no, then it could be someone else’s magical abilities.” He wondered, nodding in agreement about making their way out of there. 

2 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

Skylight would go over to this group to make sure that they were ok. Although she was quite impressed by Dynamo's moves. "Oh my gosh Dynamo, I didn't know you could do that. How did you do that?" she asked.

Skylight would throw a bag of flour at each of the rest of the changelings before drawing on their faces with markers and chalk.

“Okay and you can say that again, Caramel. We should try to regroup with the others while we have the chance. Hopefully we can find some medical assistance to make sure the scuffle didn’t hurt you as much.” Even though she said that she was alright, Dynamo still wanted to make sure that Caramel was okay. After everything that had happened, he knew he didn’t want to lose her. Turning towards @Skylight Scintillate, the gaming unicorn rubbed the back of his neck with a fire hoof. At the same time, he had a sort of sheepish expression upon his face.

“Do you remember that time I stood up to those bullies when we hung out to explore Canterlot? After some time, I learned that sometimes magic can be connected to one thing or another. If one’s magic was tied to one’s emotions, then the emotions leads to more powerful of a spell. I don’t know how to really explain it, but the moment I saw Caramel in trouble, I guess my magic responded. Maybe it’s due to protecting my friends, loved ones and those that are important to me.” He explained, trying to suppress a chuckle at Skylight’s antics. “Seeing you do that reminds me of the time you tried to do something similar to the bullies after we defeated them at a video game challenge in Canterlot.”

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3 hours ago, Silverspark said:

Silverspark;looking at @Sophie H."Marco Polo seems interesting all though I am a bit sneaky you should ask @Princess Silky one time I snuck in her room replacing her pillow with a giant marshmallow before she came home from her royal duties "she smirked thinking how it was gone in ten seconds

Sophie's left ear makes a flapping motion as she listens to @Silverspark184's story "A giant marshmallow?" Sophie repeats before she starts to laugh, holding her left hoof in front of her mouth to make her laughing less loud "What a tasty treat! I wish I could have seen @Princess Silky's face" 

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16 hours ago, A bush said:

The bush grabs the stick and uses it to randomly poke Roswell.


7 hours ago, Raven said:

@TheRockARooster @Tao @Sparklefan1234 

Raven grabs the stick and yanks it, trying to pull it out. "Is somepony in there?"

@Sparklefan1234 @Brony Number 42 @Tao

I’ll give you one chance to come out or I’ll drag you out.

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@TheRockARooster @Brony Number 42 @Sparklefan1234 @Tao 

11 hours ago, Raven said:

@TheRockARooster @Tao @Sparklefan1234 

Raven grabs the stick and yanks it, trying to pull it out. "Is somepony in there?"

Feeling his weapon being taken away, a bat pony releases his hold on the stick, and his head emerges from the bush. Ignoring some leaves sticking to his mane, he looks relieved at the sight of other ponies.

"Hi. Sorry if I scared you. I was hiding from changelings. I'm Moonlight Wane." He says as he fully comes out of the bush.

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13 hours ago, Nebel said:

@Dynamo Pad@Sir Hugsalot

Nebel silently returns the thankful expression from Dynamo, but his attention is soon diverted elsewhere. The second he turns his focus away, another changeling sneaks up and tries to pull him down. Suddenly, green vines began sprouting from seemingly out of nowhere and began to entangle the changelings. Nebel used this temporary distraction to his advantage and was able to push himself up from underneath his attacker and deliver a low kick to the leg of the changeling. Nebel hopes that with this changeling down, maybe the vines will incapacitate this one as well. But if not, he is ready to continue fighting.


A loud thud could be heard as the changeling fell to the grass. The vines were already trying to ensnare the changeling. It tried to wiggle out with what strength it had, but the grip was very tight. What magic made the vines act clearly was becoming stronger with time. As the vine completely trapped the changeling a small flower can be seen on it. It smelled like lilac and it seemed to hold a gentle, yellow glow within itself... the color had uncanny similarities to Nebel's mane

13 hours ago, AuroraGlimmer said:

@Dynamo Pad @GeneralDirection @Sir Hugsalot @Skylight Scintillate @ChrysalisM

Caramel would struggle to get up on all her hooves, but she managed to, and would look to Ix, Nebel and Dynamo, thanking the trio for getting the Changeling off of her, dusting herself off "I-I'm fine, a bit scuffed, but alright" she would sa "thank you for helping me, and it would seem the maze is also helping us now too..unless this is a spell from one of you" she'd say, looking to the group of her new friends, "Come on everyone, lets get out of here while we still can, I don't know how long those vines can hold the Changelings for" she'd say, using her Changeling senses, now that she had revealed herself to be one, to try and sense a way out.

@AuroraGlimmer @ChrysalisM

As Aurora attempted to escape last changeling would suddenly pull Ix. "You're not going anywhere, traitor!" it hissed. It seemed unaware as of now what happened to the other one left standing. It did not understand the concept of loyalty the ponies already well developing along with Ix, thinking that she'll just be left behind at changeling's mercy. 

9 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

Skylight pouted when the changeling didn't answer her questions. She sat on top of the changeling, making sure it was pinned down and couldn't attack with her magic. "Well? Are you going to answer my questions? Or am I going to have to use my secret weapon of cuteness?" If the changeling still didn't answer, she would whine in the cutest way possible "Why are you so mean? What did I do?"

Skylight would throw a bag of flour at each of the rest of the changelings before drawing on their faces with markers and chalk.

There was a complete silence coming from the changeling now. It seemed to be completely speechless, unable to understand the behaviour of pony that just defeated it. Some leftovers of the pie were still seen all over its head as it struggled to move.

As Skylight was finished with turning remaining changelings into living art galleries all that was heard were desperate hisses of the only one capable of fighting still and intense coughing of the rest as flour was getting inside their snoots. 


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As Silky would observe the engravings on the door. She couldn't help but notice they each had a resemblance of some intricate socket. The designs around them resembling the symbol of a cutie mark of sorts. None of them resembled hers. But one of them looked like a lotus flower symbol. A breeze causing the rustling of the leaves from the hedges of the maze walls would cause her to look behind her back before choosing to return to the cottage in a fast pace. Donning herself with a robe, cloak and hood over her eyes before turning to the others, @Silly Druid@Astral Soul@Reality Check

 "I've found something interesting! Follow me!"

Whereever @CageyFrostbite and Magloria @Props ValRoawere... she did not notice them, all they'd be able to see is this smaller, cloaked form running past with nothing but a green glowing light dangling around her neck.

@Totally Lyra and @Stone Cold Steve Jobs

As they'd head back, she'd notice @Sophie H. was way ahead of her. with @Silverspark184and @Sycofear13as two fillies chatting or using their imagination. 

@Stone Cold Steve JobsAna would notice that the lantern which had shattered had two flat stones in them, which once placed together would have caused a light to shine but it was empty now. They resembled something of a petal in shape and would now lightly glow as if in response to any source of light.

"Perfect!" Silky would now gently caress the symbols on the door as if to clear them of any dust or interference. "What if YOUR stones fit in these sockets?" Looking over to @Sophie H. "What do you think? Shall we try it?" There was a socket with a musical note near it. 

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17 minutes ago, Princess Silky said:

As Silky would observe the engravings on the door. She couldn't help but notice they each had a resemblance of some intricate socket. The designs around them resembling the symbol of a cutie mark of sorts. None of them resembled hers. But one of them looked like a lotus flower symbol. A breeze causing the rustling of the leaves from the hedges of the maze walls would cause her to look behind her back before choosing to return to the cottage in a fast pace. Donning herself with a robe, cloak and hood over her eyes before turning to the others, @Silly Druid@Astral Soul@Reality Check

 "I've found something interesting! Follow me!"

Whereever @CageyFrostbite and Magloria @Props ValRoawere... she did not notice them, all they'd be able to see is this smaller, cloaked form running past with nothing but a green glowing light dangling around her neck.

@Totally Lyra and @Stone Cold Steve Jobs

As they'd head back, she'd notice @Sophie H. was way ahead of her. with @Silverspark184and @Sycofear13as two fillies chatting or using their imagination. 

@Stone Cold Steve JobsAna would notice that the lantern which had shattered had two flat stones in them, which once placed together would have caused a light to shine but it was empty now. They resembled something of a petal in shape and would now lightly glow as if in response to any source of light.

"Perfect!" Silky would now gently caress the symbols on the door as if to clear them of any dust or interference. "What if YOUR stones fit in these sockets?" Looking over to @Sophie H. "What do you think? Shall we try it?" There was a socket with a musical note near it. 

Sophie's eyes would scan the door up and down over and over again as she's trying her best to understand the meaning of it "It's a door, that's for sure" Sophie mumbles to herself before @Princess Silkyasks her question. With a quick blink Sophie would gaze over to her with a smile "We should leave no stone unturned!" Sophie replies as she shakes her head for a moment to let the gem that she got from the tree fall out of her mane. Before it could hit the ground sophie catches it with her left hoof, talking a walk closer to the mysterious door. "It seems like every socket has a unique shape.. just like the gems.." Sophie replies as she lifts her gem up to find the socket that would fit with her gem.

Her gem would have more of an orange color to it with a small symbol in it that looks like a musical note "Maybe.." sophie begins to think out loud As her eyes can the door once again over and over again until she'd find a socket with a music instrument next to it "Maybe.. that's the one? I mean.. instruments produces music.." she says more to herself.

With a slight press of her gem against the socket she could tell how her gem fits perfectly inside and a small, mechanical noise could be heard.

Sophie takes a step back to check the socket with her gem inside "That looks right.. what do you think?"

Edited by Sophie H.
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Upon hearing @Princess Silky's announcement, Frostbite and Magloria @Props ValRoa exchanged a glance.

"She could be a changeling," Frostbite said before Magloria could voice whatever was going on behind her icy eyes, "but I'm not waiting around, either way."

He marched back, retreading their path until he reached a fork in the maze, where he took the path leading in the direction the cloaked pony had gone. In the clearing, the pony was staring at an intricately-engraved door embedded into the walls of roots, like it had been forgotten and overgrown for centuries rather than magically sprouted by an evil changeling. There were divots in the door, almost like pieces were meant to fit into it. 

There was a hoof-full of other ponies in the clearing, and the cloaked pink pony was chattering with some foals. Frostbite approached warily.

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The cloaked pony seemed very peculiar indeed, un-twisting the corked bottle around her neck and pouring some of the glowing green into her hoof to smear into sockets first. "This should purify and activate any hidden magical responses that are blocked. It's not much but a little goes a long way." She'd then look back at Frostbite, @Cagey realizing he also has a stone, she'd exhale with exasperation, blowing her bangs out of her eyes before those eyes would widen at the sight of Magloria. @Props ValRoa Her blood would run cold in shock as if she were mortified... but a potential escape was a potential escape.

Her voice would now emerge in a VERY muffled tone through the extra layers of cloak. "There's a flower engraving here with two sockets beneath it in the shape of two petals. I wonder if I should add some of the elphenite to this as well?" There was very little left but she applied it just in case and then stepped back for the others to continue. The socket that would fit @Sophie H.was indeed the one next to the musical note. A soft yellow light would ignite from it.

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2 minutes ago, Star Silk said:

The cloaked pony seemed very peculiar indeed, un-twisting the corked bottle around her neck and pouring some of the glowing green into her hoof to smear into sockets first. "This should purify and activate any hidden magical responses that are blocked. It's not much but a little goes a long way." She'd then look back at Frostbite, @Cagey realizing he also has a stone, she'd exhale with exasperation, blowing her bangs out of her eyes before those eyes would widen at the sight of Magloria. @Props ValRoa Her blood would run cold in shock as if she were mortified... but a potential escape was a potential escape.

Her voice would now emerge in a VERY muffled tone through the extra layers of cloak. "There's a flower engraving here with two sockets beneath it in the shape of two petals. I wonder if I should add some of the elphenite to this as well?" There was very little left but she applied it just in case and then stepped back for the others to continue. The socket that would fit @Sophie H.was indeed the one next to the musical note. A soft yellow light would ignite from it.

Silverspark:tilting her head as her Violet blue eyes were on the gems she was drawn to one not sure why as her eyes sparked silver as she see these unique gems not sure why but what @Sophie said about different symbols where has she seen something like this then she pulled out one of her paintings the very one that look like the tree of harmony and then the element's  that have gems in different shapes just like these she levitated the one that looked like her necklace a heart in the middle of a star "could these gems be related to the elements of harmony ?"she ask quietly but she watched @Sophie H. and @Princess Silky

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11 minutes ago, Star Silk said:

The cloaked pony seemed very peculiar indeed, un-twisting the corked bottle around her neck and pouring some of the glowing green into her hoof to smear into sockets first. "This should purify and activate any hidden magical responses that are blocked. It's not much but a little goes a long way." She'd then look back at Frostbite, @Cagey realizing he also has a stone, she'd exhale with exasperation, blowing her bangs out of her eyes before those eyes would widen at the sight of Magloria. @Props ValRoa Her blood would run cold in shock as if she were mortified... but a potential escape was a potential escape.

Her voice would now emerge in a VERY muffled tone through the extra layers of cloak. "There's a flower engraving here with two sockets beneath it in the shape of two petals. I wonder if I should add some of the elphenite to this as well?" There was very little left but she applied it just in case and then stepped back for the others to continue. The socket that would fit @Sophie H.was indeed the one next to the musical note. A soft yellow light would ignite from it.

With a smile and clap of her hooves Sophie would show her exciment about her success by putting a gem into the socket "Awesome! Also I love how it glows!" 

1 minute ago, Silverspark said:

Silverspark:tilting her head as her Violet blue eyes were on the gems she was drawn to one not sure why as her eyes sparked silver as she see these unique gems not sure why but what @Sophie said about different symbols where has she seen something like this then she pulled out one of her paintings the very one that look like the tree of harmony and then the element's  that have gems in different shapes just like these she levitated the one that looked like her necklace a heart in the middle of a star "could these gems be related to the elements of harmony ?"she ask quietly but she watched @Sophie H. and @Princess Silky

Sophie would gaze over to @Silverspark184 "Wait.. you're right" Sophie says as her eyes gaze back at the door "Oh my gosh.. are we going to meet the mane 6?! That would be so awesome! I'd totally get an autogram from Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle! and Rainbow Dash!" Sophie shouts happily, her tail now swaying like crazy! if she's not careful, then she might lift off like a helicopter.

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2 minutes ago, Sophie H. said:

With a smile and clap of her hooves Sophie would show her exciment about her success by putting a gem into the socket "Awesome! Also I love how it glows!" 

Sophie would gaze over to @Silverspark184 "Wait.. you're right" Sophie says as her eyes gaze back at the door "Oh my gosh.. are we going to meet the mane 6?! That would be so awesome! I'd totally get an autogram from Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle! and Rainbow Dash!" Sophie shouts happily, her tail now swaying like crazy! if she's not careful, then she might lift off like a helicopter.

Silverspark:watching this and started thinking yet her body shook thinking about meeting her heroes "if that is possible then I would be asking Princess Twilight on some pointers with my magic I am having trouble with a few of my spells and I can't teleport without getting dizzy or ending up somewhere I shouldn't  I also was hoping to meet the royal sisters maybe help me find what was lost to me "she said looking at @Sophie H. and @Princess Silky

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@Princess Silky @Cagey

Magloria would follow Frostbite, until the two would look at the scene from a distance. Magloria's eyes narrowed in a suspicious manner. "It seems like she wants us to put our gems into whatever that door is." she said, looking down at their gems that she was holding. "If this is truly some sort of magic door, it won't work without our gems. But I'm not about to walk up there and give those ponies our gems. For all I know, that pony is a changeling trying to harvest our emotions." Magloria said in a highly distrustful tone, not knowing that the pony that just ran by was her own daughter. She would wearily approach, putting the gems in her saddlebag so that they wouldn't be stolen.

"There are fillies here. I don't want there to be a bloodbath here, we could be surrounded by changelings and that one with the green necklace could be Chrysalis herself playing some sick twisted mind game on us." Magloria said, her tone brimming with suspicion. She wasn't close enough to see that it was Silky. For now, she remained observant. 

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2 hours ago, Silverspark said:

Silverspark:watching this and started thinking yet her body shook thinking about meeting her heroes "if that is possible then I would be asking Princess Twilight on some pointers with my magic I am having trouble with a few of my spells and I can't teleport without getting dizzy or ending up somewhere I shouldn't  I also was hoping to meet the royal sisters maybe help me find what was lost to me "she said looking at @Sophie H. and @Princess Silky

Sophie could feel her little heart beat faster and faster as she thinks more and more about meeting THE MANE 6! "OH! That would be too awesome! Also.. what do you mean by.. teleport without getting dizzy or ending up somwehere you shouldn't?" Sophie asks with a tilt of her head since she don't understand how magic works "Do you've to.. like.. imagine the place where you want to be?"

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21 minutes ago, Sophie H. said:

Sophie could feel her little heart beat faster and faster as she thinks more and more about meeting THE MANE 6! "OH! That would be too awesome! Also.. what do you mean by.. teleport without getting dizzy or ending up somwehere you shouldn't?" Sophie asks with a tilt of her head since she don't understand how magic works "Do you've to.. like.. imagine the place where you want to be?"


21 minutes ago, Sophie H. said:


Silverspark:took a deep breath before saying"well when you are a little alicorn have no parents around to help you learn these spells or at lease a teacher you might have trouble controling your abilities I try imagining where I wanted to be but not where I was hoping I would go I wanted to the dragon lands but I ended up over a volcano nearly falling into lava good thing there was a cliff I landed on and  long distant teleportation gets me dizzy "a he said looking at @Sophie H. as she sat on the ground with her tail over hooves then thinking out loud"I sometimes I wonder if I am meant to be a lost alicorn that can't  control her abilities ?"she said 

Edited by Silverspark184
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