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Happy Hearts and Hooves day 2023 - Your Matches - The Gathering

Ice Princess Silky <3

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On 2/24/2023 at 10:01 PM, Tree Song said:

"That's good!" Tree Song gave her flower to @Astral Soul. "Now if we put both flowers into the tea and drink it, we can make our wishes come true, and we'll become best friends forever!" She said excitedly, and threw her flower into the teapot, expecting Astral to do the same.

@Silly Druid

Astral felt excited and happy hearing this and smiled at Tree Song. He needed a moment to process, but then he took his flower and put it into the teapot as well

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12 hours ago, AuroraGlimmer said:

@Dynamo Pad @GeneralDirection @Sir Hugsalot @Skylight Scintillate @ChrysalisM

Caramel would stop in her tracks and turn to face theChangeling that was about to charge at Ix "Didn't you all hear me before?" she would growl, "I will not allow you to harm our new friend!" she'd say, standing in front of Ix and beginning to charge a spell "guys, I might need a litlte help here" she'd say, "Can you cover me?"

Vibrant would see that the time for music is over. He heard Caramel's call for aid, so he quickly flew towards the remaining changeling and smacked it across the face with his guitar. The wood was sturdy fortunately, so there was only a small dent in one spot, easy to fix. Fortunately his proper instrument he has given to @Sophie H.before all this happened... he hopes she keeps that one safe.

The hit made changeling completely defenseless for what's to come. Its hooves were already held by the veins, all it could do is watch.

Then Vibrant shouted to his team "Hurry up, everypony! @AuroraGlimmerCaramel, this one is Yours to finish off! Everypony else, let's get ready, we better not stay here for too long!". He was already ready at the exit, looking around if all the corridors are clear. So far he saw nothing but darkness there, it seems like there were only 5 sent after them. A surprisingly low amount given how many ponies were gathered. 

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Listening to the commotion of theories about the potential mane six being on the other end caused Silky to furrow her brow in a ponder. Could this be true? Were these some missing gems that would allow them to find freedom and access to some legendary heroes? Her heart would race as she'd try to find some kind of connection to this. Gently brushing away more and more dust and vines blocking the view. Sophie's gem fit in and it glowed, adding a source of guiding light to anypony nearby. 

But the little pegasus was silent. Trying to shove her own gem into the sockets. None of them were working. None of them were near a symbol that even remotely matched her cutie mark. She would whimper with discouragement and try to slide it over many others. pleased to see enough ponies had collected together in her presence to witness this.

"Alright, anypony who has gathered a gem or a stone, your presence is requested!" She'd call out, her voice carrying on enough for even Ana and Gust to hear @Totally Lyra @Stone Cold Steve Jobs

She'd look around as if to do a head-count and noticed several ponies had scattered! But then, in the distance, she'd see them. She even noticed Magloria @Props ValRoa using her magic to store away the stones. Her eyes would narrow at the resistance she had sensed, it looked like they were being greedy during such an important moment of team-work and union. These two were always causing trouble in her life. And now, it was time to finally face this....

The little cloaked figure would walk herself halfway through, the clanking of freshly brewed potion bottles could be heard as she approached the two with her own crystal blue eyes concealing their hurt by defiantly narrowing her gaze.

"Those gems are not to be hidden. They're to be united with the rest of ours... " with an awkward shift of her eyes as she'd realize, "Besides, they may not even fit into the socket." She'd call. "If they don't fit, you may keep them. If they do, then, it may be the key to our escape." Her voice was firm and authoritative despite the softness in them. Her poise was regal as she lifted her chin to speak with such confidence. She was doing this for the greater good. For the team. And this is where she got her strength from. 

She'd look back at @Sophie H. for to check in with her, then at the little filly @Silverspark184and her filly friend @Sycofear13to see if they had gathered any gems that may fit. She'd sigh and look back to Magloria and Frostbite. She wasn't sure if she had spoken loud enough for @Reality Check @Astral Souland Tree Song @Silly Druidto hear. But there seemed to be threat being posed here and she'd hope this could be diffused soon without the need of bickering or worse.... violence. 


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12 hours ago, AuroraGlimmer said:

@Dynamo Pad @GeneralDirection @Sir Hugsalot @Skylight Scintillate @ChrysalisM

Caramel would stop in her tracks and turn to face theChangeling that was about to charge at Ix "Didn't you all hear me before?" she would growl, "I will not allow you to harm our new friend!" she'd say, standing in front of Ix and beginning to charge a spell "guys, I might need a litlte help here" she'd say, "Can you cover me?"

As another changeling managed to avoid the vines that has captured the others, Dynamo turned to face off against the adversary. His ears, however, perked up at the sound of growling. Yet the growling didn’t come from the changeling, but from @AuroraGlimmer Caramel, who stood in front of Ix. Hearing the mention of cover, Dynamo wasted no time as he rushed up and stood beside the spider changeling. “If you need me to give you cover, then you’ve got it, Caramel. It’s like I said before that no matter what, I’ll always have your back. Plus, I’m not allowing anyone to harm any of my friends.” He says, charging up the same Will-O-Wisp spell to help provide cover for Caramel. 

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7 hours ago, Roswell said:

@Brony Number 42 @Sparklefan1234 @Tao

Two things.

First, give me back my stick.

Second, you mentioned changelings?

"That's right, there are changelings among us. Go ahead, poke them too." Wane smiled and handed Roswell the stick.

  • Brohoof 1

Make yourself happy with a mango.

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4 hours ago, Princess Silky said:

Listening to the commotion of theories about the potential mane six being on the other end caused Silky to furrow her brow in a ponder. Could this be true? Were these some missing gems that would allow them to find freedom and access to some legendary heroes? Her heart would race as she'd try to find some kind of connection to this. Gently brushing away more and more dust and vines blocking the view. Sophie's gem fit in and it glowed, adding a source of guiding light to anypony nearby. 

But the little pegasus was silent. Trying to shove her own gem into the sockets. None of them were working. None of them were near a symbol that even remotely matched her cutie mark. She would whimper with discouragement and try to slide it over many others. pleased to see enough ponies had collected together in her presence to witness this.

"Alright, anypony who has gathered a gem or a stone, your presence is requested!" She'd call out, her voice carrying on enough for even Ana and Gust to hear @Totally Lyra @Stone Cold Steve Jobs

She'd look around as if to do a head-count and noticed several ponies had scattered! But then, in the distance, she'd see them. She even noticed Magloria @Props ValRoa using her magic to store away the stones. Her eyes would narrow at the resistance she had sensed, it looked like they were being greedy during such an important moment of team-work and union. These two were always causing trouble in her life. And now, it was time to finally face this....

The little cloaked figure would walk herself halfway through, the clanking of freshly brewed potion bottles could be heard as she approached the two with her own crystal blue eyes concealing their hurt by defiantly narrowing her gaze.

"Those gems are not to be hidden. They're to be united with the rest of ours... " with an awkward shift of her eyes as she'd realize, "Besides, they may not even fit into the socket." She'd call. "If they don't fit, you may keep them. If they do, then, it may be the key to our escape." Her voice was firm and authoritative despite the softness in them. Her poise was regal as she lifted her chin to speak with such confidence. She was doing this for the greater good. For the team. And this is where she got her strength from. 

She'd look back at @Sophie H. for to check in with her, then at the little filly @Silverspark184and her filly friend @Sycofear13to see if they had gathered any gems that may fit. She'd sigh and look back to Magloria and Frostbite. She wasn't sure if she had spoken loud enough for @Reality Check @Astral Souland Tree Song @Silly Druidto hear. But there seemed to be threat being posed here and she'd hope this could be diffused soon without the need of bickering or worse.... violence. 




4 hours ago, Princess Silky said:

Listening to the commotion of theories about the potential mane six being on the other end caused Silky to furrow her brow in a ponder. Could this be true? Were these some missing gems that would allow them to find freedom and access to some legendary heroes? Her heart would race as she'd try to find some kind of connection to this. Gently brushing away more and more dust and vines blocking the view. Sophie's gem fit in and it glowed, adding a source of guiding light to anypony nearby. 

But the little pegasus was silent. Trying to shove her own gem into the sockets. None of them were working. None of them were near a symbol that even remotely matched her cutie mark. She would whimper with discouragement and try to slide it over many others. pleased to see enough ponies had collected together in her presence to witness this.

"Alright, anypony who has gathered a gem or a stone, your presence is requested!" She'd call out, her voice carrying on enough for even Ana and Gust to hear @Totally Lyra @Stone Cold Steve Jobs

She'd look around as if to do a head-count and noticed several ponies had scattered! But then, in the distance, she'd see them. She even noticed Magloria @Props ValRoa using her magic to store away the stones. Her eyes would narrow at the resistance she had sensed, it looked like they were being greedy during such an important moment of team-work and union. These two were always causing trouble in her life. And now, it was time to finally face this....

The little cloaked figure would walk herself halfway through, the clanking of freshly brewed potion bottles could be heard as she approached the two with her own crystal blue eyes concealing their hurt by defiantly narrowing her gaze.

"Those gems are not to be hidden. They're to be united with the rest of ours... " with an awkward shift of her eyes as she'd realize, "Besides, they may not even fit into the socket." She'd call. "If they don't fit, you may keep them. If they do, then, it may be the key to our escape." Her voice was firm and authoritative despite the softness in them. Her poise was regal as she lifted her chin to speak with such confidence. She was doing this for the greater good. For the team. And this is where she got her strength from. 

She'd look back at @Sophie H. for to check in with her, then at the little filly @Silverspark184and her filly friend @Sycofear13to see if they had gathered any gems that may fit. She'd sigh and look back to Magloria and Frostbite. She wasn't sure if she had spoken loud enough for @Reality Check @Astral Souland Tree Song @Silly Druidto hear. But there seemed to be threat being posed here and she'd hope this could be diffused soon without the need of bickering or worse.... violence. 


Silverspark;was levitating the one gem that looked like her necklace not sure why but there was something about it she had collect gems with awesome shapes she never seen anything like it  though if these gems are related to the elements of harmony this could mean the heroes  of equestria are in trouble or this is a test she saw her reflection in that gem then something flashed she sees what look like five ponies two older ponies and three younger ones she closed her eyes then opening them as wonder who the other four could be since only reconize the fifth she shook her head like any alicorn she tend to get weird dreams and not sure what they were about "@Princess Silky "she called and flying quickly 

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Mlp is awesome I don't  care if it's for little kids I am 34 and single but mlp help me through somethings and I thank them for that

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2 hours ago, Magloria said:

@Princess Silky @Cagey

Magloria would look into Silky's eyes deeply, not able to see her face. She didn't move - she was silent as she processed her words. At the end of it all, Magloria would look up - and then back. Wondering how she even found herself here.

"I don't know who you are - or what you want from us. I don't care about the gems." Magloria said in a neutral, dry tone. "For all I know - you are Chrysalis herself, manipulating the ponies here so you can harvest their emotions for yourself. If this is the case, I'd be a fool to sign over these gems to complete to process when you have given me nothing of substance for me to trust you. It seems very convenient for there to be such an "Escape" right under the noses of the Changelings, as if it's a deception they themselves designed so one of their own could infiltrate the captured ponies and lead them all here." she would then step back, mistrusting of the cloaked pony who was speaking to her.

"How many times has your world walked out on you after broken promise after broken promise, and how have you felt then about trying again?" Magloria would suddenly ask. 

The eyes that Magloria would look deeply into would visibly wince as if struck by her words. But they remained sturdy and defiant as she stood there, wind blowing at her cloak quietly as if she posed some menacing threat. But in that moment, seeing the subtle insecurity of Magloria and even Frostbite (?) as she mentioned them all being lured there, Silky's form would -- ever so softly -- deflate. She'd look back at @Sophie H. as the mare tended to the two fillies, @Silverspark184@Sycofear13 all of them so innocent yet still loyal and curious. That's what got them into this mess in her first place -- curiosity.

She'd then revert her gaze back to Magloria. "You're right..." she'd sigh. "My plans were made into a mess. A complete disaster due to interferences that decided to show up... I don't know what's going on... or even what provoked it... however.." she'd gently straighten up. "Do you know another way out? Were you not around when I was fighting the changlings, myself? The help that we've provided? Why would I brew potions of self defense and not use them against you when I clearly outnumber you six to two...?  And yet we haven't stirred any uproar. I'm not a very loud pony, I don't like obnoxious flexing... " The rustling of the leaves would make her realize she was standing there for too long and getting cold. 

"Regardless. I merely ask that you cooperate, as the gems might not even fit on this door. Nothing may even happen." She'd softly shrug. "We may just be wasting time." She'd look from @Props ValRoaMagloria and over to @CageyFrostbite... then gently shake her head as if in defeat. "Mine certainly doesn't work or fit." Turning her back on the two, she'd now make her way to the door in silent defeat. 

Suddenly, upon seeing @Silverspark184 call her name, she'd notice that Silver's gem was a perfect fit to the door socket despite its curious form, she'd perk up with interest. Finally, something of encouragement. She'd gently trot to the little filly's side to see what happens. "Wonderful, little one," she'd gently pat her back. Upon closer inspection, she'd notice that the socket of the gem vaguely resembled Silversparks necklace and the symbol next to it was like that of swirls and sparks. "How curious," She'd utter under her breath, the gem now glowing in the filly's favorite color. 

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9 hours ago, Princess Silky said:

Listening to the commotion of theories about the potential mane six being on the other end caused Silky to furrow her brow in a ponder. Could this be true? Were these some missing gems that would allow them to find freedom and access to some legendary heroes? Her heart would race as she'd try to find some kind of connection to this. Gently brushing away more and more dust and vines blocking the view. Sophie's gem fit in and it glowed, adding a source of guiding light to anypony nearby. 

But the little pegasus was silent. Trying to shove her own gem into the sockets. None of them were working. None of them were near a symbol that even remotely matched her cutie mark. She would whimper with discouragement and try to slide it over many others. pleased to see enough ponies had collected together in her presence to witness this.

"Alright, anypony who has gathered a gem or a stone, your presence is requested!" She'd call out, her voice carrying on enough for even Ana and Gust to hear @Totally Lyra @Stone Cold Steve Jobs

She'd look around as if to do a head-count and noticed several ponies had scattered! But then, in the distance, she'd see them. She even noticed Magloria @Props ValRoa using her magic to store away the stones. Her eyes would narrow at the resistance she had sensed, it looked like they were being greedy during such an important moment of team-work and union. These two were always causing trouble in her life. And now, it was time to finally face this....

The little cloaked figure would walk herself halfway through, the clanking of freshly brewed potion bottles could be heard as she approached the two with her own crystal blue eyes concealing their hurt by defiantly narrowing her gaze.

"Those gems are not to be hidden. They're to be united with the rest of ours... " with an awkward shift of her eyes as she'd realize, "Besides, they may not even fit into the socket." She'd call. "If they don't fit, you may keep them. If they do, then, it may be the key to our escape." Her voice was firm and authoritative despite the softness in them. Her poise was regal as she lifted her chin to speak with such confidence. She was doing this for the greater good. For the team. And this is where she got her strength from. 

She'd look back at @Sophie H. for to check in with her, then at the little filly @Silverspark184and her filly friend @Sycofear13to see if they had gathered any gems that may fit. She'd sigh and look back to Magloria and Frostbite. She wasn't sure if she had spoken loud enough for @Reality Check @Astral Souland Tree Song @Silly Druidto hear. But there seemed to be threat being posed here and she'd hope this could be diffused soon without the need of bickering or worse.... violence. 


Ziggs showed up, stating we can avoid violence by offering ponies race car tires and skateboards.  We can throw in some lightsabers to fix the small sockets.  Ziggs offered to Silky the Astro Megaship to fly in emergency for more supplies.  Ziggs quickly had questions about the potions.  

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Special thanks to Emerald Heart for the banner!  


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On 2/25/2023 at 2:47 AM, Dynamo Pad said:

Dynamo winced as he saw the changeling had slammed against the floor. From the looks of things, it looked like it wasn’t going to get up anytime soon. Taking that as a good sign, he looked to the others to help anyone out. Moving over towards Ix and @GeneralDirection Nebel, the gaming unicorn assisted the others in getting the changeling off of @AuroraGlimmer Caramel. Without warning, vines had appears and spread, while taking entangling the last changeling up. Looking towards Caramel, Dynamo nodded with a smile. “You’re welcome and it’s no problem. I’m glad to hear that you’re okay, Caramel and that we were able to help you out.” Blinking in surprise about the mention of magic, Dynamo shook his head as he looked at all the vines that were capturing the other changelings. “Uh…that wasn’t me. I don’t know any spell in order to do that. With how this maze has been, maybe this area is able to help us. If no, then it could be someone else’s magical abilities.” He wondered, nodding in agreement about making their way out of there. 

“Okay and you can say that again, Caramel. We should try to regroup with the others while we have the chance. Hopefully we can find some medical assistance to make sure the scuffle didn’t hurt you as much.” Even though she said that she was alright, Dynamo still wanted to make sure that Caramel was okay. After everything that had happened, he knew he didn’t want to lose her. Turning towards @Skylight Scintillate, the gaming unicorn rubbed the back of his neck with a fire hoof. At the same time, he had a sort of sheepish expression upon his face.

“Do you remember that time I stood up to those bullies when we hung out to explore Canterlot? After some time, I learned that sometimes magic can be connected to one thing or another. If one’s magic was tied to one’s emotions, then the emotions leads to more powerful of a spell. I don’t know how to really explain it, but the moment I saw Caramel in trouble, I guess my magic responded. Maybe it’s due to protecting my friends, loved ones and those that are important to me.” He explained, trying to suppress a chuckle at Skylight’s antics. “Seeing you do that reminds me of the time you tried to do something similar to the bullies after we defeated them at a video game challenge in Canterlot.”

"Oh yeah, now that you point that out, the vines growing is strange. Is there anypony here that has that ability?" Skylight asked the group before turning back to Dynamo. "Yeah that makes sense. At Celestia's School of Gifted Unicorns, we talked about how magical strength is affected by emotions. However, I meant where did you learn that spell? I don't think they taught that at school," Skylight asked Dynamo.

On 2/25/2023 at 9:41 AM, An impersonating changeling said:


A loud thud could be heard as the changeling fell to the grass. The vines were already trying to ensnare the changeling. It tried to wiggle out with what strength it had, but the grip was very tight. What magic made the vines act clearly was becoming stronger with time. As the vine completely trapped the changeling a small flower can be seen on it. It smelled like lilac and it seemed to hold a gentle, yellow glow within itself... the color had uncanny similarities to Nebel's mane

@AuroraGlimmer @ChrysalisM

As Aurora attempted to escape last changeling would suddenly pull Ix. "You're not going anywhere, traitor!" it hissed. It seemed unaware as of now what happened to the other one left standing. It did not understand the concept of loyalty the ponies already well developing along with Ix, thinking that she'll just be left behind at changeling's mercy. 

There was a complete silence coming from the changeling now. It seemed to be completely speechless, unable to understand the behaviour of pony that just defeated it. Some leftovers of the pie were still seen all over its head as it struggled to move.

As Skylight was finished with turning remaining changelings into living art galleries all that was heard were desperate hisses of the only one capable of fighting still and intense coughing of the rest as flour was getting inside their snoots. 



23 hours ago, AuroraGlimmer said:

@Dynamo Pad @GeneralDirection @Sir Hugsalot @Skylight Scintillate @ChrysalisM

Caramel would stop in her tracks and turn to face theChangeling that was about to charge at Ix "Didn't you all hear me before?" she would growl, "I will not allow you to harm our new friend!" she'd say, standing in front of Ix and beginning to charge a spell "guys, I might need a litlte help here" she'd say, "Can you cover me?"

Skylight attacked the last changeling by throwing 165.3 hey dogs at it before squirting ketchup and mustard all over it.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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8 minutes ago, ZiggWheelsManning said:

Ziggs showed up, stating we can avoid violence by offering ponies race car tires and skateboards.  We can throw in some lightsabers to fix the small sockets.  Ziggs offered to Silky the Astro Megaship to fly in emergency for more supplies.  Ziggs quickly had questions about the potions.  

Silky would blink at the peculiar specter. As he would give her many questions about the potion she would begin to believe that perhaps she had been dabbling in **too many** potions... her stern visage now focused on what the result of the team effort would bring.

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13 minutes ago, Princess Silky said:

The eyes that Magloria would look deeply into would visibly wince as if struck by her words. But they remained sturdy and defiant as she stood there, wind blowing at her cloak quietly as if she posed some menacing threat. But in that moment, seeing the subtle insecurity of Magloria and even Frostbite (?) as she mentioned them all being lured there, Silky's form would -- ever so softly -- deflate. She'd look back at @Sophie H. as the mare tended to the two fillies, @Silverspark184@Sycofear13 all of them so innocent yet still loyal and curious. That's what got them into this mess in her first place -- curiosity.

She'd then revert her gaze back to Magloria. "You're right..." she'd sigh. "My plans were made into a mess. A complete disaster due to interferences that decided to show up... I don't know what's going on... or even what provoked it... however.." she'd gently straighten up. "Do you know another way out? Were you not around when I was fighting the changlings, myself? The help that we've provided? Why would I brew potions of self defense and not use them against you when I clearly outnumber you six to two...?  And yet we haven't stirred any uproar. I'm not a very loud pony, I don't like obnoxious flexing... " The rustling of the leaves would make her realize she was standing there for too long and getting cold. 

"Regardless. I merely ask that you cooperate, as the gems might not even fit on this door. Nothing may even happen." She'd softly shrug. "We may just be wasting time." She'd look from @Props ValRoaMagloria and over to @CageyFrostbite... then gently shake her head as if in defeat. "Mine certainly doesn't work or fit." Turning her back on the two, she'd now make her way to the door in silent defeat. 

Suddenly, upon seeing @Silverspark184 call her name, she'd notice that Silver's gem was a perfect fit to the door socket despite its curious form, she'd perk up with interest. Finally, something of encouragement. She'd gently trot to the little filly's side to see what happens. "Wonderful, little one," she'd gently pat her back. Upon closer inspection, she'd notice that the socket of the gem vaguely resembled Silversparks necklace and the symbol next to it was like that of swirls and sparks. "How curious," She'd utter under her breath, the gem now glowing in the filly's favorite color. 

@Props ValRoa

"Her argument is baseless," Frostbite grumbled, not taking his eyes off the cloaked pony. "The whole point of being a changeling is deception. She'd gain nothing from fighting us -- the entire fight could've been a ruse to make us trust her."

They watched as the door glowed. If anything, Silky's words had made Frostbite even more suspicious. 

The worst part was that there was no way of making sure she was telling the truth. They couldn't ask her to say something only the real Silky would know; one of the changelings had known about a pony Frostbite had grown up with, back in the fight. The changeling had used it against him. There was no telling how much intel their enemies had. 

Not for the first time, Frostbite wondered: what was the evil changeling queen's goal?

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Perfection in all forms -- that is true strength. If you aren't the best, you are nothing. 


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@GeneralDirection @Skylight Scintillate @ChrysalisM @Dynamo Pad @AuroraGlimmer

"Ok, everypony, I believe we should hurry. I don't think they're going to pursue us any time soon"

Vibrant would step outside. The stench of the maze again caught his nostrils, so he would initially wince in disgust. He needed to know, where the rest of the ponies went. They may be in trouble if more changelings arrive. 

He would notice several hoof trails leading into one of corridors. He didn't like being here, the area again giving him a sense of dread, but he's sure he's not the only one with that feeling. 

"Follow me, everypony! I believe they went that way" Vibrant shouted at others, waiting for them to join him. 


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6 minutes ago, Princess Silky said:

Silky would blink at the peculiar specter. As he would give her many questions about the potion she would begin to believe that perhaps she had been dabbling in **too many** potions... her stern visage now focused on what the result of the team effort would bring.

Silky and Ziggs decided to fly in space and rob the planet ILUM of its crystals to increase potion magic.  Not realizing they would run into Darth Malgus, who was ready with the Stealth Empire.  

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Special thanks to Emerald Heart for the banner!  


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15 minutes ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

Skylight attacked the last changeling by throwing 165.3 hot dogs at it before squirting ketchup and mustard all over it.

The remaining changeling can't even be seen anymore, completely drowned under a wave of some odd looking food. Its only response was the following 

"Where did that pony get all this stuff from?" - it groaned weakly.

At least it won't be hungry as it ponders on that - it thought to itself.

All five changelings now lie in defeat. 4 covered in vines, 1 covered in exquisite food. 

  • Brohoof 1

**For Mossy Wall team**

Dynamo Pad, Caramel, Raven, Nocturne Blue, Dark Horse, Wolf Tracks, Roswell, Wind Walker, Skylight Scintillate, Nebel

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1 hour ago, Magloria said:

@Princess Silky @Cagey

Magloria gives Silky a suspicious look and then looks to Frostbite. "I don't trust any of this here at all. But I have a question." Magloria would say to Frostbite, and take a few steps towards Silky - her eyes looking towards the suspicious cloaked pony. "Even if we know who she is - there is no way to tell her apart from a Changeling." she huffed slightly, and would walk up towards Silky. Though Silky would notice that Magloria didn't walk too far away from Frostbite - indicating that she trusted him to back her up in case there was a changeling attack here.

Magloria didn't remove the gems from her bag and looked to Silky intently. "Who even are you anyway? Why should we trust your word? If we knew another way out - we'd have left as soon as we found it." Magloria stated - her eyes narrowing in suspicion. 

Sophie would watch the whole scene curiously as she sits next to @Silverspark184and @Sycofear13 "hey guys, give me a moment, Oki?" Sophie asks both of the fillies with a warm smile before she'd get up to walk over to @Props ValRoaand @Cagey"hey guys" Sophie says warmly with a sway of her tail before she gazes over to @Princess Silky"i know you guys have a doubt about Silky being a changeling but.." Sophie would pause for a moment, clearly thinking about the words she could say "Don't you guys think it would be the best to give to gems to someone.. neutral? Like.. what IF you guys are the changelings?" Sophie asks with a lifted brow before a chuckle escapes her lips "not that I'd say you are but.. I think, you should give me the bag with the gems, i can keep them safe! Also I think Silverspark would love to learn something by protecting something very important.. instead of just fighting each other.. don't you think?" Sophie says with a slight tilt of her head and a slow blink, waiting curiously of their answer.

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Do I smell Cupcakes?

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@Dynamo Pad @GeneralDirection @Sir Hugsalot @Skylight Scintillate @ChrysalisM

Caramel would nod and smile to Dynamo "Alright, I-I've never even actually cast this spell before, I only know i have it, so I hope it works and it doesn't go awry" she'd say, watching as the others fled, returning her focus to the one remaining Changeling, her horn glowing a soft brown as a series of spider web string would shoot out towards the Changeling, spreading out to create a full web, and sticking the Changeling to a wall of the maze.

As the Changeling would struggle against the web, she looks to Dynamo "I don't know how strong or how long it will last, so we better retreat with the others" she says "Mak sure you got your gem first, lets go" she says, changing back to her disguis and dashing off of to where the others were.

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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12 minutes ago, Sophie H. said:

Sophie would watch the whole scene curiously as she sits next to @Silverspark184and @Sycofear13 "hey guys, give me a moment, Oki?" Sophie asks both of the fillies with a warm smile before she'd get up to walk over to @Props ValRoaand @Cagey"hey guys" Sophie says warmly with a sway of her tail before she gazes over to @Princess Silky"i know you guys have a doubt about Silky being a changeling but.." Sophie would pause for a moment, clearly thinking about the words she could say "Don't you guys think it would be the best to give to gems to someone.. neutral? Like.. what IF you guys are the changelings?" Sophie asks with a lifted brow before a chuckle escapes her lips "not that I'd say you are but.. I think, you should give me the bag with the gems, i can keep them safe! Also I think Silverspark would love to learn something by protecting something very important.. instead of just fighting each other.. don't you think?" Sophie says with a slight tilt of her head and a slow blink, waiting curiously of their answer.

@Props ValRoa

Frostbite blinked at being addressed by the suspiciously cheerful pony, then scowled. "We're the changelings? I could say the same about you! If I were a changeling, I'd at least pretend to get along with you weak ponies. Changelings are all about deception, like what you're trying to do now." He poked Sophie with a hoof. "We found the gems, so they're ours."

  • Brohoof 3

Perfection in all forms -- that is true strength. If you aren't the best, you are nothing. 


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2 hours ago, An impersonating changeling said:

The remaining changeling can't even be seen anymore, completely drowned under a wave of some odd looking food. Its only response was the following 

"Where did that pony get all this stuff from?" - it groaned weakly.

At least it won't be hungry as it ponders on that - it thought to itself.

All five changelings now lie in defeat. 4 covered in vines, 1 covered in exquisite food. 

Realizing this battle, Ziggs and Silky stopped at a Republic base on ILUM and were offered hot dogs for lunch by the base's occupants.  

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Special thanks to Emerald Heart for the banner!  


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1 hour ago, Sophie H. said:

Sophie would watch the whole scene curiously as she sits next to @Silverspark184and @Sycofear13 "hey guys, give me a moment, Oki?" Sophie asks both of the fillies with a warm smile before she'd get up to walk over to @Props ValRoaand @Cagey"hey guys" Sophie says warmly with a sway of her tail before she gazes over to @Princess Silky"i know you guys have a doubt about Silky being a changeling but.." Sophie would pause for a moment, clearly thinking about the words she could say "Don't you guys think it would be the best to give to gems to someone.. neutral? Like.. what IF you guys are the changelings?" Sophie asks with a lifted brow before a chuckle escapes her lips "not that I'd say you are but.. I think, you should give me the bag with the gems, i can keep them safe! Also I think Silverspark would love to learn something by protecting something very important.. instead of just fighting each other.. don't you think?" Sophie says with a slight tilt of her head and a slow blink, waiting curiously of their answer.

Silverspark:looking up between Silky and Magloria then hearing what Frostbite said then her a small alicorn fly up somewhere other ponies might see her she remembered watch how confident Cadence was she took a deep breath before let out a voice she never she use as her Violet blue eyes turn silver as she spoke "have you lost your minds  we were brought together for a bright purpos to make friends and maybe for another reason but we are here now these gems could be a key of getting out they could relate too the elements  of harmony "she looked to @Princess Silky @Cagey @Props ValRoa as she showed a bit her own courage she turned to  Magloria "if you are so suspious of your own daughter of being a changling you ask her questions or just  use some type secret hoof shake or what ever you remember most about Silky that is what Twilight did when she was making sure that her sister inlaw wasn't  a changling or have like a secret code word "she soon turn to Frostbite"what would you want more your gem or your freedom other wise we be stuck in here for the rest of our lives

Edited by Silverspark184
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Mlp is awesome I don't  care if it's for little kids I am 34 and single but mlp help me through somethings and I thank them for that

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18 minutes ago, AuroraGlimmer said:

@Dynamo Pad @GeneralDirection @Sir Hugsalot @Skylight Scintillate @ChrysalisM

Caramel would nod and smile to Dynamo "Alright, I-I've never even actually cast this spell before, I only know i have it, so I hope it works and it doesn't go awry" she'd say, watching as the others fled, returning her focus to the one remaining Changeling, her horn glowing a soft brown as a series of spider web string would shoot out towards the Changeling, spreading out to create a full web, and sticking the Changeling to a wall of the maze.

As the Changeling would struggle against the web, she looks to Dynamo "I don't know how strong or how long it will last, so we better retreat with the others" she says "Mak sure you got your gem first, lets go" she says, changing back to her disguis and dashing off of to where the others were.

Dynamo nodded in understanding as he looked towards @AuroraGlimmer Caramel. Tentatively placing a hoof upon one of her shoulder's as he didn't want to break her concentration. "I know it's not the same, but I've always struggled with magic when I was younger. Sometimes I still have trouble, but I know that you've got this, Caramel. No matter what, I believe in you." He says, watching as her horn began to glow as a series of webs would launch out towards the changeling. Trapping the last changeling to the mossy wall of the maze. "That was pretty cool. I never new changelings had that kind of magic. It kind of reminds me of Spider-Mare in some of the video games." He noted, before nodding at the mention of retreating. "Hopefully it'll last long enough for us to get some distance, but I have hope that it'll hold." He says, remembering holding the gem close to him so as to not lose it. "Thanks for the reminder and no worries. I still have mine, so let's make our way out of here. Hopefully the others aren't too far ahead for us to catch up." He'd say, rushing after Caramel to meet up with the others.

1 hour ago, Vibrant Grove said:

@GeneralDirection @Skylight Scintillate @ChrysalisM @Dynamo Pad @AuroraGlimmer

"Ok, everypony, I believe we should hurry. I don't think they're going to pursue us any time soon"

Vibrant would step outside. The stench of the maze again caught his nostrils, so he would initially wince in disgust. He needed to know, where the rest of the ponies went. They may be in trouble if more changelings arrive. 

He would notice several hoof trails leading into one of corridors. He didn't like being here, the area again giving him a sense of dread, but he's sure he's not the only one with that feeling. 

"Follow me, everypony! I believe they went that way" Vibrant shouted at others, waiting for them to join him. 

2 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Oh yeah, now that you point that out, the vines growing is strange. Is there anypony here that has that ability?" Skylight asked the group before turning back to Dynamo. "Yeah that makes sense. At Celestia's School of Gifted Unicorns, we talked about how magical strength is affected by emotions. However, I meant where did you learn that spell? I don't think they taught that at school," Skylight asked Dynamo.


As the couple made their way back into the maze, Dynamo looked around as he tried to gather their bearings. "Hey, Caramel." He says, grabbing her attention as he pointed at the hoof trails. "It looks like if we follow the trail, then we'll run into them. By the look of how many hoof trails there are, then that might be the group." He would say, using a light spell to illuminate their surroundings as they continued to follow the path. In no time, they managed to locate and catch up to the group. "Hey, guys! Wait for us!" He called out towards @Sir Hugsalot Vibrant and the others. "Sorry about that. Caramel wanted to make sure one of the changelings was tied up and I wanted to make sure to provide cover." Looking over towards @Skylight Scintillate, Dynamo nodded as he listened to his friend's remark. "It's actually from when I was playing video games. Some of the games Final Fantasy, Pokemon and other such games that have their own unique magic. After studying magic at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, I remember we learned about elemental magic. I wondered if recreating video games with elemental magic would work or be the same thing. However, I managed to create my own style of magic called video game magic. There was that one time that you saw that spell, but it wasn't like it was now. During the time you, Twinkle and Sealight helped me to defeat Cosmic, I summoned up that magic as he wanted to cause more trouble. Thankfully, they left, but it was wanting to defend you guys that I managed to find that magic from within." He would say as he recalled the old memory

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2 hours ago, Magloria said:

@Princess Silky @Cagey

Magloria gives Silky a suspicious look and then looks to Frostbite. "I don't trust any of this here at all. But I have a question." Magloria would say to Frostbite, and take a few steps towards Silky - her eyes looking towards the suspicious cloaked pony. "Even if we know who she is - there is no way to tell her apart from a Changeling." she huffed slightly, and would walk up towards Silky. Though Silky would notice that Magloria didn't walk too far away from Frostbite - indicating that she trusted him to back her up in case there was a changeling attack here.

Magloria didn't remove the gems from her bag and looked to Silky intently. "Who even are you anyway? Why should we trust your word? If we knew another way out - we'd have left as soon as we found it." Magloria stated - her eyes narrowing in suspicion. 


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36 minutes ago, Silverspark said:

Silverspark:looking up between Silky and Magloria then hearing what Frostbite said then her a small alicorn fly up somewhere other ponies might see her she remembered watch how confident Cadence was she took a deep breath before let out a voice she never she use as her Violet blue eyes turn silver as she spoke "have you lost your minds  we were brought together for a bright purpos to make friends and maybe for another reason but we are here now these gems could be a key of getting out they could relate too the elements  of harmony "she looked to @Princess Silky @Cagey @Props ValRoa as she showed a bit her own courage she turned to  Magloria "if you are so suspious of your own daughter of being a changling you ask her questions or just  use some type secret hoof shake or what ever you remember most about Silky that is what Twilight did when she was making sure that her sister inlaw wasn't  a changling or have like a secret code word "she soon turn to Frostbite"what would you want more your gem or your freedom other wise we be stuck in here for the rest of our lives

"I have no need for the gems, but there'll be no freedom if that pony is leading us to our doom," Frostbite snapped back.

The debate was momentarily waived by Magloria's words: 

11 minutes ago, Magloria said:

@Sophie H. @Cagey @Princess Silky @Silverspark184

Magloria's eyes would widen slightly at the revelation that the cloaked pony was her own daughter - just that she was disguised. Magloria looked to Silky, her eyes softening slightly before narrowing again. She'd pull out her rapier. "There is one thing I forgot about Changelings until now. They can change shape and disguise - but the one thing they can never change? The color of their blood." Magloria spoke as she focused on Sophie.

"If you have any doubts as to who I am..." Magloria would say, as she gently cut her front hoof a little bit. A small bit of redness appeared on the surface of the cut - it was a tiny tiny cut, but enough for them to see that she wasn't a changeling. "They are gone now." she would say, and straighten up. Her horn glowed softly as a bit of ice formed over the tiny tiny cut - sealing it up, but it was visible for them all to see still, that she indeed, was not a changeling.


"Star Silk." Magloria spoke, her words cutting through the air like glass. "I will give you my gem on ONE condition. You tell me exactly why you've been avoiding me. I came here searching for you. You constantly get into trouble when you leave my sights. Now you are to tell me that you've been here for all this time, while Queen Chrysalis is dangerously lurking here?" her eyes narrowed more as she huffed. "I haven't seen you in a long time. Abandoning me...and then hiding from me, to boot! Hmph." she straightened up, her face bearing a look of disappointment.

Magloria looked to Frostbite with a look of complete agreement. "After you prove to us that you aren't Changelings. For all I know, there could be changelings among you. Waiting, manipulating, waiting for the right time to strike! If we are to defeat the Changelings for good, we must first know that those among you aren't Changelings! Then we arm ourselves, put those gems in whatever that..." she pointed to the door, but she was still highly sceptical and suspicious of the whole affair.

The kirin nodded, striding up to @Princess Silky. "Prove it with your blood, too."

  • Brohoof 2

Perfection in all forms -- that is true strength. If you aren't the best, you are nothing. 


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Silky became tense as she was instantly recognized by her own mother. Her pupils dilating into tiny little specs as she felt the world spin around her, paralyzed on the spot. There was a commotion as @Sophie H. was trying to bring peace and the fillies were now getting stressed and then @Astral Souland @Silly DruidTree Song seemed far far away along with the other who seemed lost. She was incredibly tense, almost to the point of dissociating with being so mortified.

The moment that @Cagey Frostbite would advance and ask for her blood, she'd hide behind Magloria, responding by reflex, nothing even thinking twice -- she saw it as a threat and "OH FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!" She'd squeal, immediately grabbing a potion from underneath her cloak and SMASHING it to pieces at Frostbite's feet @Cagey -- fumes would emerge from the ground from it. "This should pacify you!" She'd stomp her hoof on the ground with her being so indignant. "Oh... wait..." the fumes, however, were pink. She'd blink once in confusion and suddenly realize... "oh no..."

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25 minutes ago, Frostbite said:

"I have no need for the gems, but there'll be no freedom if that pony is leading us to our doom," Frostbite snapped back.

The debate was momentarily waived by Magloria's words: 

The kirin nodded, striding up to @Princess Silky. "Prove it with your blood, too."

Seeing how clearly invested in their beef Frostbite was, Cali decided to simply try walking up and taking the gem while he wasn't looking. 

Edited by Sycofear13
wrong pronoun
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