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general Talk about your creative projects


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The forums are teeming with creative ponies and lots of talent. What creative projects are you working on? What mediums do you like to work in? Are you an artist, writer, musician, designer, or something else entirely? Tell us about your creative works, past, present and planned for the future. It can be anything! Let’s get some details!

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I'm still thinking of starting a new fanfic and still thinking of where to go in my fanfic that I started writing years ago.

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                                                                                                                              sig by @Kyoshi

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I’m working on several computer game projects (which require code, art, and music). While I am only one person, I keep switching between my projects and what part to work on just before I burn myself out on one single detail.

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23 minutes ago, TheRockARooster said:


I'm still thinking of starting a new fanfic and still thinking of where to go in my fanfic that I started writing years ago.

From what I've heard you're stuff is great, Travs! You could alternate; doing some new stuff and adding to some old stuff. It's all good! :yay:


14 minutes ago, Splashee said:

I’m working on several computer game projects (which require code, art, and music). While I am only one person, I keep switching between my projects and what part to work on just before I burn myself out on one single detail.

It's good to switch between different aspects of the project. I often do that too and it keeps me from buring out or getting bored. Computer stuff is beyond my abilities, but it applies to all art. 

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Thank you so much, Kates. :rarity:

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                                                                                                                              sig by @Kyoshi

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Wow. Where to begin? :ButtercupLaugh:

Well, right now, I'm working on a three chapter manga that I'll be putting online. I'm most likely looking at putting up a chapter a month starting at the beginning of June, or even the start of May depending on how far along I am with all the storyboarding and penciling work of the whole project. It's actually a story I wrote a couple or so years aback and I'll be using it to test the waters so to speak. I promised myself that if it does really well, then I'll prepare something to send off to an editor.

I make a comfortable living doing commission work. But my main ambition is to be a manga artist. Very hard work. Especially if you work alone. But it's something I've had my heart set on for a very long time. I've held off on trying to get published until I felt I was at the right level to be seriously considered for publication. So many years have been spent refining my skills. Literally started off in my teens unable to draw the stuff. :mlp_laugh:

Outside of that ambition and project, I've also been building a video game. I promised myself that I would build at least one game in my lifetime. The story, characters and setting are all done. Literally just creating the graphics and programming stuff now. Also composing all the music and creating proper sound effects. So that's a really big project that I hope to get done. Although, I really want to draw out the story as a manga. At the moment, I'm sort of taking a break on it while I do that three chapter manga. :twismile:

My absolute intention is to just tell stories with my art until my last moments. No retirement for me. :catface:

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@Treeglow Flicker

You have a good approach to something as massive as the manga project. That’s no small undertaking, and it’s a good idea to take it in small installments. Your patience is also impressive; when I work on a project I want to finish it and move on as quickly as possible. And working on a video game as well? If you want to draw it as a manga as well, you can promote the game with the manga and vice versa. I’m glad you intend to keep at it without retirement. Art is like breathing; no one really stops once they start.


Crappy or not, it’s the fact of being creative that makes it all worthwhile. I’ll bet your stuff is better than you give yourself credit for. Artists are not the best judges of their own merits.


I’ve tried comic writing and drawing but never had the tenacity to stick with it. I wasn’t very good at it either. I’m okay at coming up with stories but not making them presentable to the reader.

As for my creative stuff, as long as I’m chiming in, I’m working on a (never ending) series of short romantic comedy stories, a book based on super heroes, a libretto for a stage play, two plushies, and an ongoing set of Imagineering projects, including my own version of Disneyland, Westcot and other resort properties.

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I often work on story concepts and rarely get to the point of putting pen to paper for diologue or art for it. This past week however, I've had one story I first came up with 6 years ago that just won't get off of my mind, and it's really been getting fleshed out. I rarely get so far along in such a relatively short period that a fully cohesive story forms, and I feel as though I could start writing character interactions in the near future.

The story is based around my second ever job working at a petting zoo. The idea started with the thought of the property becoming an island and seeing whether my coworkers and I could survive. It's since expanded into characters both based on aspects of us and completely nonexistent, and exploring a wide variety of challenges on top of just trying to survive and cope with an impossible situation. Tragedy, Warped Psychology, Love, Murder, and Ingenuity all wrapped into one. :)

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I do some writing, not much though. I also do some coding on computers, but again, not much of it. I am currently studying coding, economics, and writing, although it is mostly informal learning rather than formal. I want to practice doing a review or analysis of a movie, TV show, book, or video game, but I haven't been watching hardly any movies or TV shows lately. Maybe one day I'll get around to practicing writing a review or analysis, however.

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*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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I write fanfics for my own oc's but only a select few of my friends get to read those cause I plan to draw out whatever pops up in my head.
My main goal is still to become better at art but that means needing understanding of what i'm doing / how to portray everything.

I like making video edits aswell from time to time though because they help me with my mind which is 24/7 active. <3

I've made lots when it comes to my main oc but now my other oc's are up for their artworks etc! :D so.. lots to do but first i have 3 big commissions to finish. {might up the price because it takes a lot of work}

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#NoAI please be so kind to not throw my artworks into AI machines,
This is something that unsettles me heavily! <3
Signature by @Moonlight

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11 minutes ago, ZiggWheelsManning said:

Your fanfics sure to sound incredible @Pandora:grin:  

thank you kindly <3 ; A ; my human oc has like.. a lot of story {it has chapters and everything, haha.. and artworks that portray the story}
Some ponies do too tho less! <3 uwu

I love characters

  • Brohoof 1

#NoAI please be so kind to not throw my artworks into AI machines,
This is something that unsettles me heavily! <3
Signature by @Moonlight

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I do graphic design stuff, which is generally stuff like illustrations for web banners or other stuff like layouts for posters. I would also like to write at some point. I've been told that I'm good at it, but I never really had to chance to do anything with it.

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At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I began creating 3D models of historical woodwind instruments since they're so hard to find. I've begun with simple ones, of course. I use Blender for modeling, and PhotoShop and Quixel for texturing. Here's the two I have made so far:


Ancient Greek Aulos (my very first, could definitely use improvement)


And then the Shawm



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Everything needs more woodwind!

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