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Equestria Girls • High School RP


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@Aticus the Adequate @Props Valroa @GeneralDirection @Saturn Ring @14Fan @Megalobronia @Silky Bloom

"Of we stick together during the whole event, I'm sure that we will be able to overcome your fear of being ridiculous as well as my shyness!" Shiny said to Aticus before heading to the gymnasium.

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@14Fan @Aticus the Adequate @Megalobronia @Props Valroa @Saturn Ring @Shiny Silvermoon

Those who chose to show up to the information session would arrive at a well-lit gymnasium with a few rows of chairs set up in front of the stage at the other end of the room. As the students make their way over, Aticus and Shiny may notice an acquaintance from earlier has also decided to check things out, Silver Star. A podium has been set up in the middle of the stage, with a table next to it. At exactly 3 pm, a girl walks out confidently from backstage and stands behind the podium. She would wait a few moments for the idle chatter to die down before addressing the group.

“Hey, everyone! For those who don’t know, my name is Charlotte, and I’m president of the student council. If this is your first year, I’m sure you’re wondering what this back-to-school party is all about. Rest assured; you’ll get all the information you need to know.”

Her emerald green eyes scanned the crowd briefly, as if she were looking for somebody.

“So, what’s this party all about? Well, it’s all about you! That’s right, this event is made especially for you to talk and share about what interests you the most. Now don’t worry, nobody has to give a speech, nor are you gonna need to stand in front of a large crowd. This is what I will need from you if you wish to participate.”  

She picks up a clipboard and places it on the table, pushing a stray strand of long, dark pink hair away from her face. 

“This is the sign-up sheet for the event. Please write down your name, grade, and the activity that you will be doing. After that, please talk to me about it, so we can discuss what you may need. I will stay up here for a while, so that you can have some time to think about what you’ll do. This event is a great way for everyone to get to know each other better through discovering common interests. Remember, as always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me. I love to help!” She said with a smile, stepping back from the podium, silently signaling the end of her announcement.

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@Props Valroa @Aticus the Adequate @Saturn Ring @Megalobronia @14Fan @Sleeping Silk @GeneralDirection

As soon as Silver Star turned around, she realized that Shiny Silvermoon and Aticus were just behind her in the line.

"So I guess that we won't have to sign the paper since you did it for us... Nice!" The teenager said to Silver Star before stepping next to her, in front of Charlotte, so she can hear her "I'm Shiny Silvermoon! Nice to meet you! I had an idea that might interests you! Give me a second, I just need to find the right book..." Shiny searched inside her backpack and took out the Necronomicon.

"Oopsie! Wrong book! I completely forgot that it was in my backpack! I actually got it in Hell! Long story! To make it short, a very bad accident was supposed to send me to Heaven but I was sent to Hell by mistake instead! It was a very instructive trip! For exemple, did you know that there was a guy in Hell who was cursed to never be able to reach a certain fruit in a tree! I decided to help him get the fruit and in exchange he gave me this book! Then, they made a mistake again and instead of getting me to Heaven they got me back on the world of livings! It's horribly managed! Anyway! What was I saying again?" 

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  • 1 month later...
3 minutes ago, SaturnAltAccount said:

(jishfhggh, sorry I haven´t been here! SOOO busy!) 


@Shiny Silvermoon R.K randomly popped back into existence, ¨Cool story, new bud!¨ she said, she gave a thumbs up at Shiny, and then looked around, closing her eyes halfway, she said ¨lemme guess, I blanked out again?¨ 

"Mmmmmmh... Maybe! I didn't pay attention to be honest because I was too focussed on finding what I wanted to find in my backpack... But now I can't remember what I was looking for! Shoot! I guess somepony else will have to come up with an idea!" Shiny Silvermoon said.

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2 minutes ago, SaturnAltAccount said:

@Shiny Silvermoon She paced back and forth for a minute and then spoke ¨Well, that sucks! What have I missed in the past few days?¨ R.K asked Shiny, fiddling with her hair, while sitting against a nearby table, as Shiny stood in front of her. 

"Few days?! Calm down, girl! We only got through our afternoon classes! Now we need to come up with an idea for a school activity or we will be executed by next sunrise! Kidding! Nopony is going to be executed!"

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  • 1 month later...

@Shiny Silvermoon Suddenly, a familiar someone burst into the room, and saw Shiny! It was Saturn Ring, she tackle-hugged Shiny to the ground, "SHINY!!!" she cried excitedly, "SOOOO, how've you been doing? Sorry I wasn't here, been out of town recently!!" she continued. Then she gasped when she finally registered the words Shiny had said before Saturn entered "A SPECIAL TALENT? And you haven't shown me?!" she cried giddily, waiting to hear what Shiny's talent was. 

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2 hours ago, TheREALSaturnRing said:

@Shiny Silvermoon Suddenly, a familiar someone burst into the room, and saw Shiny! It was Saturn Ring, she tackle-hugged Shiny to the ground, "SHINY!!!" she cried excitedly, "SOOOO, how've you been doing? Sorry I wasn't here, been out of town recently!!" she continued. Then she gasped when she finally registered the words Shiny had said before Saturn entered "A SPECIAL TALENT? And you haven't shown me?!" she cried giddily, waiting to hear what Shiny's talent was. 

"Glad to see you too, Saturn Ring! That's right, I have a special talent and believe me, it's special!" Shiny Silvermoon responded to @TheREALSaturnRing while she was hugging her back. Then, she made a few steps away from her friend and started to search in her backpack again when finally...

"Ah! I found it!" Shiny exclaimed before taking out, from the backpack, a cowboy hat and a western-like belt with croissants stocked on it. After putting the hat on her head and the belt around her waist, the student's expression than became serious as she stared at some random empty bottles lined up perfectly on a table.

Slowly, she took a croissant out of the belt while a bush rolled between her and the bottles, in the gymnasium.



"You should be in the recycling like others..." Shiny said to the bottles like a punch line before she suddenly threw the croissant at them.

The croissant flied between the students, zigzagging to avoid the obstacles on it's way, and finally stroke the bottles, making all of them fall to the floor. The croissant, like a boomerang, then returned in the girl's hand and she placed it back in her belt.


Edited by Shiny Silvermoon
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"I have something special too, actually...Shiny, meet, Saturn Speckle!" Saturn would say as a girl who vaguely resembled Saturn stepped into the room...


(Pony form because I have no human ref of her, hehe)

"H-Hello, I'm Saturn Speckle, are you S-Shiny Silvermoon?" Saturn Speckle asked, as she hid her face under her hat

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13 minutes ago, TheREALSaturnRing said:

"I have something special too, actually...Shiny, meet, Saturn Speckle!" Saturn would say as a girl who vaguely resembled Saturn stepped into the room...


(Pony form because I have no human ref of her, hehe)

"H-Hello, I'm Saturn Speckle, are you S-Shiny Silvermoon?" Saturn Speckle asked, as she hid her face under her hat

"It's nice to meet you, Saturn Speckle! I didn't know that Saturn had a twin sister with a cowboy hat! What a coincidence, I, myself, am currently wearing a cowboy hat to show my special croissant-thrower talent! Don't be shy, I don't bite!" Shiny cheerfully greeted Saturn Speckle.

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Suddenly a crack through space and time appeared above the canterlot high statue.

There a white pony with shiny beautiful black mane appeared floating through the air... MENACINGLY!

but soon would glitch and end up dangling in mid air, as if he is stuck at nothing.

" what is the meaning of this? Who is ruining my entrance!"

He continues to glitch as he slowly but painfully adjust into this world's order and began to morph into a pastel colored human.



and then he fell face first on to the ground as a weird crazy normal boy... Who is 17 years old.

He lifts his head of the ground slowly and in pain.

" no... Nononono....my powers!?.... iiiyah..." He flings his arms.

" gasph!? My hooves!? What the..." he checked himself.

" the place is more cursed than i thought...."

He tries to stand up. Luckily he is trained by Lyra, a martial artist of the vertical pony style, Man magra!

" huh who knew her teachings would come in handy...sorry i doubted her... But she's still crazy."

Hed dust himself off and begins to look at his surroundings... What crazy adventures await Light?


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1 hour ago, TheREALSaturnRing said:

@Evil Pink One The pink girl  turned to look at Light while trying to keep her hat on her head,  ¨AIIYAH!¨ she squealed in surprise as she put her hat over her eyes fearfully. ¨Don´t kill me-Please...¨ she murmured beneath the hat. 

Her shriek equally scared Light as he thought a Gorgonzola had screamed him to stone.

Both of them shrieked in unison

" IIIKK!!! AHMMM uuu i mean Aaaa...."

"GASPH! LADY! please! Have some manners! Your scream almost sent me off my hooves." He looked bellow and forgot he has none. So he adjusted accordingly.

" ...i meant feet... Its what its called correct?" He questioned 


Edited by Evil Pink One
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¨I-I think so...I mean yes!¨ Saturn Speckle gasped out, she hid her face more, she thought she´d given herself away to the stranger for a minute... She stared ahead waiting for the newcomer to respond, with a tight-lipped and frightened expression on her face. 

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On 2024-01-12 at 11:47 PM, TheREALSaturnRing said:

"The thing is-" Saturn began, but S.S cut her off, she then began to talk to Shiny....

"I'm not her sister...I'm actually a-*she'd look down, afraid to say it* a clone," S.S told her, shaking her head solemnly 

"A clone?! But that's too awesome! Did you escape from a laboratory or something? If yes, don't worry, I won't telk the cops! I never do tell the cops!" Shiny Silvermoon cheerfully said to S. S.

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10 minutes ago, Evil Pink One said:

Her shriek equally scared Light as he thought a Gorgonzola had screamed him to stone.

Both of them shrieked in unison

" IIIKK!!! AHMMM uuu i mean Aaaa...."

"GASPH! LADY! please! Have some manners! Your scream almost sent me off my hooves." He looked bellow and forgot he has none. So he adjusted accordingly.

" ...i meant feet... Its what its called correct?" He questioned 


Shiny Silvermoon turned her head to look at what made ger friend scream and saw this dark-looking teen that she never saw before.

"YOU!!! You came out of the statue, don't you?! They always come out of the statue! Welcome to Canterlot High! Just to make sure, you know what a school is?"

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22 minutes ago, TheREALSaturnRing said:

think so...I mean yes

" hmmm.... Curious.... You ain't from around here huh...." he asked.... Curiously

9 minutes ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:


Once again Light was shocked and forced to answer quickly.

"Huh! ME!"

11 minutes ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

don't you?!

"... don't...I?" He answered, confused as the way this person constructed her sentence.

12 minutes ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

Welcome to Canterlot High! Just to make sure, you know what a schoo

" ....nnnnyes."

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¨I-Uh, you, uhm, uhhhhh,¨ Saturn Speckle said starting to panic wildly while pacing back and forth in the gym, breathing a little heavily as she went about it all. She felt as if everyone was looking at her, and she looked to  (REAL) Saturn for reassurance but she just looked concerned, while reaching out a hand as if to put it on S.S´s shoulder. 

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31 minutes ago, TheREALSaturnRing said:

¨I-Uh, you, uhm, uhhhhh,¨ Saturn Speckle said starting to panic wildly while pacing back and forth in the gym, breathing a little heavily as she went about it all. She felt as if everyone was looking at her, and she looked to  (REAL) Saturn for reassurance but she just looked concerned, while reaching out a hand as if to put it on S.S´s shoulder. 

Light got dizzy as he was first outside the yard where the statue was and now he is inside the gym.

Hed trip out of no where.

" ouch my foot..."

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Saturn Speckle attempted to leap out of the way, but wasn´t fast enough and was knocked over by Light, they both went tumbling to the ground, and S.S´s hat came flying off of her head, and now her whole face could be seen. She looked around for the hat in a big panic, and found it a few inches away, she picked it up. 

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1 hour ago, TheREALSaturnRing said:

Saturn Speckle attempted to leap out of the way, but wasn´t fast enough and was knocked over by Light, they both went tumbling to the ground, and S.S´s hat came flying off of her head, and now her whole face could be seen. She looked around for the hat in a big panic, and found it a few inches away, she picked it up. 

" oh shoot sorry my bad!"

He would quickly pick her up and give her her hat.

" deeply sorry ma'am."

He lowered his head, quite apologetically.

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