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What's your pet peeve?

Tom The Diamond

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-People who drive anyway when the pedestrian isn't even halfway across the street.


-Bias people


-People who think that rap is actually a talent.


-People who listen to dubstep and say it's the beat way to start looking like you're having a seizure.



-People who think Windows 8 IS better than 7.

No. Just stay away from me of you want to live.


-People who think stand up comedy is laughter gold.


-People who are Homestuck fans and say it's the best comic ever.


Signature created by: Gone Airborne


Imagine if you will being on your death bed – And standing around your bed – the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life.

And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book.

And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying "We came to you, and only you could have given us life! But now. We must die with you FOREVER!

The question is – if you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you?

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Click pens that lay clicked (writing mode) when not in use. I feel a mild OCD need to click it "closed".


But by far the most irritating thing to me is, I can't stand smacking (sound of people chewing food.) I have to leave the source, or I start to literally go insane. I despise Thanksgiving for this reason. Unreasonable hatred, but I broke a dinner table one year cause it wouldn't stop, needless to say, the fam wasn't thankful for that.

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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Two things.


1. the pain you receive for eating something to fast. It's like what the buck I was eating you isn't that what you are created for and wan't? Why must you hurt me so!?


2. When people say the word pet peeves I am fine reading it I just hate when it is said :okiedokielokie:.

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I have plenty of those ^^; main ones

-celebrities that treat their fans like they are idiots.

-when I want to sleep but there is this bug buzzing around me and I just can't sleep

-small breed dogs(generally because they bark at everything and I just find them annoying mostly of the time)

  • Brohoof 2
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Okay. Here's one:


I get annoyed when tech hobbyists hijack threads or chat groups, and discuss things like the best computer components or the PC vs. console video game debate.


I don't think most people are honestly interested.

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Alright, here I go! D:< *gets rage face on*

When I bump my hip on a hard object.

Stubbing my toe...it hurts so much. ;-;

People who use fancy big words to sound intelligent, but they can't give logical reason.

When people use "Ummm" before a sentence. It's so smart aleck, and very stupid.

It bugs me, or in fact gets me mad, when you remember something you did for somebody (like standing up to bullies for them, comforting them, etc), but they don't remember it. ._. You're welcome?

It irritates me when YouTube buffers up the butt. Mine's been doing that for two days.

People who don't know how to shut up.

That's all.


      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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Allergies or when it acts like a cold! (which I'm fighting right now)

Hobo Spiders (not looking forward when they show up in July or Aug). I remember last year, I would kill one in my room and then another one will show up! Grrrr......

When bugs or deers decides to eat the good apples from our apple trees. :(


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My brother. 'Nuff said


Having to dumb things down to the point of making myself sound stupid for somebody that would get what I'm saying easily.


Being forced into something I never wanted to even do by someone I feel too sorry for.


Being harassed for something I like.


bugs, especially BUCKING horse flies!



Not getting out of my keyboard on here when I'm on my phone.

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Fun!  I'mma adopt an especially curmudgeony tone for this lol:


When a dog barks at me ever.  Shut up!  I don't understand your crude bark-ish language!  Cats don't "meow" loudly at everyone they see - why must dogs bark!??!  They probably know I despise them.


When someone pulls up at the neighbors' and just sits in their car honking their horn.  Really?  GET OUT OF THE VEHICLE!  There is a DOOR not twenty feet from your car!!


When someone pulls up at the neighbors' and uses their vehicle as an oversized boombox with which to share their lousy music with the whole of the neighborhood.  Why?  Why you do this??  MP3 player - get one.  Also, good taste - develop it.


When someone sneezes or coughs into their hand.  How is...  Why would that be better??  Cough or sneeze at the floor - it's the floor!  No one will complain.  Don't sneeze into your hand and then touch the thing at the grocery store *I* had my eye on.  Oh, and it's the LAST one, too.  I hope...  I hope a dog barks at you.  And darker things.


When someone strikes up a conversation with me while I'm listening to music.  Oh, sure - let's talk about this or that.  Wasn't playing this song because I like it.  Just needed a nice background by which to speak with you.


When someone says "no offense."  Don't.  Just stop.  The next thing you say will be the most offensive thing I've ever heard, so just spare me the "no offense" band-aid you put on it beforehand.

  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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- people chewing with their mouth open, ESPECIALLY when it's a crunchy food

- people making comments about how short I am or how young I look

- people expecting an immediate response when they text me and then taking it personally if I do not happen to be looking at my phone 24/7

- people awkwardly wording their orders or screaming at the speaker when getting food through a drive-thru

- people telling me to smile

- people randomly asking me "what's wrong?" when there's nothing wrong

- when people start statements by saying "I'm not trying to be racist/sexist/homophobic/etc, BUT..."

- people getting angry about "political correctness" and how its apparently ~so hard~ to not act like a scumbag

- people flaking out on plans at the last minute

- people criticizing what other people look like or choose to wear (ex: "omg did you see that girl's ugly dress!?!?!")

- people who are overly-critical of grammar and spelling... I'm a language arts teacher and even I don't see the point in shaming people and making them feel stupid in everyday conversation/casual internet chatting

- people offering really obvious and over-simplified advice (ex: "I'm really tired." "Oh, maybe you should go to bed earlier." OMG WOW I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT THANKS.)

  • Brohoof 2


pleasant pegasister fluttershy fangirl cupcake connoisseur

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The sound of a bouncing basket ball piercing my quiet afternoon...




The above gif is not a exaggeration by much...

Edited by Pinkamena-Pills

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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Being touched when: I'm busy, tired, without my permission, and when I'm pissed off.

Being told to put my iPhone down and join in on others.(I'm not sure but I think this a sign of anxiety.)

People who talk down to me.

Plastic clamshell containers, plastic tying twist ies that bind toys in packages,shit lets just say plastic containers in general.

Animals barking, meowing, chirping and all that late at night.

Mondays.(sure sometimes good stuff happens on them but a bit more bad stuff happens on them as well.


^full sized avatar picture there

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When you wanna debate or even just discuss something with someone and they automatically take it as "arguing".

Edited by LatinoChurro
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1.) When people ask me for my opinion, and then tell me I should change it.

2.) When I'm walking around my house with socks and I step in a wet spot.

3.) When people keep on trying to speak to me while I have my headphones on.

4.) When someone asks for a piece of my food, and then takes basically all of it.

5.) When I'm sleeping and someone wakes me up just to ask for a favor.

6.) Not having enough time to do what I originally wanted to do because I was to busy doing something for someone else.

7.) When people step of my shoes purposely.

8.) When it is 95° in my house and someone says to turn off the AC.

9.) When someone takes the last of something I wanted, and doesn't even use it.

10.) When I walk into the bathroom, only to find out someone went all R. Kelly on the seat.

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I cannot stand BOTH my nostrils being stuffed. I can deal with one if I have am sick, but when both are clogged, I go near bat-sh** crazy. I feel like I'm suffocating even though I can still breathe through my mouth....


My husbands' constant killing of our toilet....can't tell if I'm more peeved at the toilet's inability or my husband....


dead batteries...


cell phones in general...the fact that they exist at all...especially smartphones


What's on TV and its subsequent dumbing of the population...Can't have a decent conversation with anyone without "so how about that new Breaking Bad, or Game of Thrones, or whatever is cool and popular on TV right now?"....and having to tell them I don't watch TV and then getting the "well you are missing out" reply....It usually ends with me telling them something along the lines of "you don't get much, do you?" due to the lack or real conversation. I don't talk about MLP for its sake unless I know I am talking to a fellow brony. I don't just assume. And even then, I try to converse about other stuff than MLP...you know, actually communicating???


Women...Nearly all are walking peeves (there are exceptions, but the majority annoy the ever living daylights out of me)


Getting judged without people even knowing who the frick I am....


Greed....It's more than a peeve, it's just downright sickening.


Politics...see above


"Political Correctness"


People going out of their just to have a religious debate because I'm a Theologian. That's not the point as to why I am one, plus no amount of knowledge will sway people who are stubborn anyways.


People in our crafts who act like they are all that because they know more, do more, and have experienced more. The point of pursuing crafts/hobbies to get better than you already are and teaching others, and if you say you are perfect already, then what's the f***ing point of doing it anymore? Showing off will only get people to hate you, and as if you are going to teach those who actually want to learn (my husband and I met an older blacksmith one day who had his head too far stuck to save, and he really laid his pompous act into us..made my husband quite depressed).


People who would rather argue than have a down to earth, thought provoking debate.


Frozen Skittles


Leaving Applejack out

Edited by Borderline Forge

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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I forgot a bunch of others...


11.) When someone asks me what am I listening to, and I'll probably tell them Hip Hop (because it's what I listen to most of the time), and they tell me it isn't "real" music. You know, I think you are a rude asshole. How dare you disrespect my preference of entertainment. Yes, you are entitled to your own opinion, but what evidence can you show me to prove your statement to be true? If you cannot provide it, then you can use the rectangular hole in the wall to exit the conversation.

12.) People who hate on things without having any knowledge on said topic. Have you ever done a thing called research? It can help you become less of an idiot.

13.) The God-awful stinch of someone's sweaty armpits.

14.) The use of the word "pony" in place of the word of "person".

15.) People who hate the newer Pokemon and say things like "The people who design Pokemon are seriously running out of ideas. A trashbag for a Pokemon, seriously?" The first generation had Grimer, which was basically a puddle of sludge. They also had Exeggutor, a coconut tree.

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When you wanna debate or even just discuss something with someone and they automatically take it as "arguing".

Why does this make so much sense?

You will see that mostly when people have some kinda title they have to stand by, and by that, I mean take everything that can be considered anger, into an assumption that you're going to kill them.


I've been in a situations that's happened like that, not the exact one I said, but the formula of it.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature created by: Gone Airborne


Imagine if you will being on your death bed – And standing around your bed – the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life.

And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book.

And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying "We came to you, and only you could have given us life! But now. We must die with you FOREVER!

The question is – if you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you?

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- people telling me to smile

I should post Pinkie's song just to spite you.  ;)  But actually, I know exactly what you mean.  I'm not much of a smiler.  I don't smile much, and I can't fake a smile either.  Doesn't mean I'm unhappy.  I just have kind of a naturally solemn face, and all my life people have heckled me about it, constantly telling me to smile.  I just want to tell em to mind their f*ckin business.  A friend of mine gave me a great trick.  If you're in a social situation, or maybe on a job, and you need or want to look cheerful, but have a hard time faking a cheesy smile, just raise your eyebrows.  Keep the rest of your face relaxed, but just raise both your eyebrows.  Look in the mirror and try it.  You suddenly look warm and friendly and sociable.  Works every time.  I got through many a work shift like that when I had to be friendly to customers.


Here's a new pet peeve I thought of.  This one's for colts and stallions only.  When you're taking a wiz and you think you've got all the last drops out, and you go to zip up and accidentally shake one last drop out and you feel it hit your bare foot.

Just makes me wanna:


  • Brohoof 1


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