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private Equestrian School of Gifted Children


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Alexandrite quietly walked into the dorm with the number one on it and sat down.

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Musical, trying to teleport to a place where she could take things out of her bag, accidentally teleported into the air and floated there. "Teleport fail.." she whispered, teleporting beside a bed and putting her bag on it.

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Musical, trying to teleport to a place where she could take things out of her bag, accidentally teleported into the air and floated there. "Teleport fail.." she whispered, teleporting beside a bed and putting her bag on it.


Quillusion laughed at Musical's mistake then started reading her last book she brought. She soon finished it, and laid down to go to sleep.

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Krystal finished unpacking "Time to hit the hay" she rolled into bed and pulled the coveres over her "G' night Sugar" she said while yawning.

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Gear lifted his head from his workshop table, realizing he spent yet another night sleeping in his workshop. He looked up at the clock, and on realizing he was suposed to wake the students, he shook his head and trotted outside, looking around to see if anyone else was awake yet.

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The light shining through the window woke up. She sat up, stretched, yawned, and scratched the back of her head "Ahhh... good morning Sugar" she said to her roomate.

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Gear stood at the beginning of the hall, and pulled a small brass tube out of his satchel, and pressed a button on it, making it tick. He rang a bell, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Wake up everypony. Breakfast is not served after ten!"

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Krytstal looked at the clock on the wall: it was eight o' clock. She decided she'd go down the hall to the mare's room and take a shower since she had some time.

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(it's 12:30 over here :P I'm just making it 8 in the RP) Krystal entered the bathroom, turned on the shower, and stepped in "Ahhh...".

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Pinstrype hadn't slept. He was playing with his laptop all night, not tired at all. "Good morning, Spli-" he began. Splinter wasn't in the right dorm. He quietly slipped out of the boy's dorm and poked his head into the girls' dorm. He saw Splinter, passed out on one of the unused dorms. "Psst! Splinter!"

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''Wha?!'' Said Splinter while jumping. ''Where Were you?!'' Splinter said Quietly while picking himself off of the floor.

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Krystal finished her shower and was about to towel off when she realized she forgot to bring her towel. So she figured she'd just go back to her room real quick and dry off there. She stepped out of the bathroom and imediately saw Splinter and Pinstrype "AAAHHHH!!!! GET OUT!" she yelled as she turned around and bucked Pinstrype right out the door and into the stairwell.


(just to help you visualize me right now


;) )

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