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private Equestrian School of Gifted Children


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''Um.. I think I'm just going to leave now.'' Said Splinter before running to the Other Dorms. ''I thought I took a left..'' Said Splinter while rolling his eyes.

Edited by The Hoodie Ninja
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(no just Pinstrype)


Krystal grabed a towel and dried herself off. She then started to get her saddelbag ready for the day.

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''I took a left instead of a right, Okay?'' Said Splinter while frowning. ''Who even cares? I wasn't doing anything there.'' Said Splinter before shrugging.

Edited by The Hoodie Ninja
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Musical climbed out of her bag. She put on a tag on it that said 'portal'. "I was testing the hidden portal in my bag." Musical said, climbing the rest of the way out of her bag.


"Oh okay." Quillusion said to Musical as she started to brush her mane.

Edited by TGAP Trixie Sparkle
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Alexandrite rolled out of bed and hit his head on the floor. "Ugg...." mumbled Alexandrite as he got up and walked out his dorm and stumbled down the hallway, he must of been really tired since only one thing raced through his mind at that moment.

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Alexandrite walked down the hallway and noticed some fillies and colts. "Hello there, what are you doing in the school?" questioned Alexandrite. Suddenly they grew wings and started flying around, "What just happened?" Alexandrite thought to himself.

(There are no fillies or colts in the school, if you've watched Meet The Pyro you'll understand.)

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"Whats your name little colt?" replied Alexandrite, looking at gearbox.

Alexandrite then turned to the white colt, "What are trying to say, I can't understand foal talk."

Edited by Almighty Tallest/GLaMOS
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"Whats that? I don't understand foal talk as I said before." replied Alexandrite, turning to gearbox.

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Krystal finished getting ready so she put on her saddelbag and went downstairs for breakfast. On the way down she noticed Mr. Gear and Alex taking to each other. Alex seemed to be talking gibberish so she just shruged and went on.

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