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Mane 6 favorites in order

Twi Rubix

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Currently my list goes:


1: Rainbow Dash

2: Pinkie Pie

3: Applejack

4: Fluttershy

5: Rarity

6: Twilight Sparkle


I get weird fixations with certain characters depending on my mood though. On a given day, Applejack can be close to or tied with Pinkie Pie and Rarity is also prone to moving past Fluttershy. This is just how things usually look. I still like all of them.

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1. Rarity <3

2.Twilight Sparkle

3. Fluttershy

4. AJ

5. Pinkie Pie

6. Rainbow Dash

If there was no Rarity, there would be no interest from me in MLP. She MAKES the show for me. I don't know why I hate Rainbow; I just do. And Twilight not an even close second, but she is far from being third. Nopony will ever replace Rarity.

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Well, here's mine:


  • 1. Rarity
  • 2. Applejack
  • 3. Twilight Sparkle
  • 4. Pinkie Pie
  • 5. Fluttershy
  • 6. Rainbow Dash


I'm starting to like RD a bit more, so I might move her up and switch her out with either Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie. 



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Pinkie Pie (ain't no party like hers)

Fluttershy (She's so fricking cute!)

Applejack (Her stereotypical country attitude is frickin' awesome. >w<)

Rarity (She's dramatic, and a drama queen, like me. :D)

Rainbow Dash (Reminds me of my brother, cocky, athletic, and in a way, lazy)



I like them all though. :3

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Twilight Sparkle

Rainbow Dash


Pinkie Pie 


Yeah, no amount of catchy songs can distract me from Pinkie's many annoying faults. 

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We actually already happened to have a thread for sharing what order that we like the Mane Six in, so yours has been merged with the older one.


Here's mine from earlier


Currently my list goes:


1: Rainbow Dash

2: Pinkie Pie

3: Applejack

4: Fluttershy

5: Rarity

6: Twilight Sparkle


I get weird fixations with certain characters depending on my mood though. On a given day, Applejack can be close to or tied with Pinkie Pie and Rarity is also prone to moving past Fluttershy. This is just how things usually look. I still like all of them.

Edited by DashForever
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1. Applejack

2. Pinkie Pie

3. Rainbow Dash

4. Rarity

5. Twilight











6. Fluttershy


And if we include Spike he'd be 2nd. I just love the little guy.

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Ugh... this is so hard to choose. I love the main six so much... XC


1. Rainbow Dash = Yes, deal with it.

2. I cannot choose between Pinkie or Fluttershy.

3. I definitely love Rarity. She may be my second favorite... errr

4. Applejack

5. Twilight Sparkle even though she has fathoms better episodes than Applejack's she... just isn't that appealing to me. (Sorry, Feld0)


Seriously, these are pretty unlikely orders. I'm really unsure about all this. It may change pretty soon. 

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1. Fluttershy -  She's so cute. :3

2. Rarity - She's so sophisticated.. like me. :3

3. Rainbow Dash - Just awesome.

4. Applejack - I wuv that she's so honest!

5. Pinkie Pie - Da party animal. :3

6. Twilight Sparkle (( Twilicorn )) - She's smarrrt. :D

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Here is my list, had a hard time choosing the last three:



trarity_smiling_by_crisx3-d4sxr6o.png1) Rarity

t239703__safe_fluttershy_vector_smile_wi2) Fluttershy

tapplejack_smile_by_drunkhedgehog-d5ltbt3) Applejack

t510__safe_twilight-sparkle_smile_reacti4) Twilight

tsad_pinkie_pie__c_by_mlpwallpapermaker-5) Pinkie Pie

t133004642951.png6) Rainbowdash

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1) Pinkie Pie 

2) Rarity

3) Applejack

4) Rainbow Dash

5) Twilight Sparkle

6) Fluttershy


of course its not to say I don't like any of them, but this is just my order :3 honestly these are probably based off how much they made me laugh XD

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1- Twilight (she kinda reminds me of myself these days and she has her moments in the show).

2- Fluttershy (mainly because my friends sometimes call me "Fluttershy" because I don't talk much around others I was a lot like her as a kid).

3- Pinkie Pie (she's just hilarious)!

4- Rainbow Dash (I envy her determination, though I don't find her that funny, but she has her moments).

5- Applejack (she's not that interesting, though I like her accent).

6- Rarity (no big surprise. She's not really interesting and she's rarely funny on the show).


But, this only my opinion though.

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Here We Go!

1.Rainbow Dash



4.Twilight Sparkle


6.Pinkie Pie


That Took 5 Minutes....


If You Can read This You Are Awesome


(This Character Thing Is Annoying)

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Well I do have the list right on my profile, but I suppose I can put it here too:

1. Rarity

2. Twilight Sparkle

3. Applejack

4. Fluttershy

5. Rainbow Dash

6. Pinkie Pie

I also have a blog post that explains my reasonings and shows my previous placings as well. I really do love all of the mane 6 though(but I will always love Rarity most), they're all just awesome. :)

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1. Fluttershy

2. Twilight Sparkle

3-4. Rainbow Dash-Rarity

5. Pinkie Pie

6. Applejack 


Just to be clear, I like all of them,  I just like some more than others. And the gap between Pinkie and Rainbow/Rarity is a bit bigger than the others. 

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