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gaming Are video games art?


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At this point, I don't trust the search feature but I did search for it and found nothing.

Also, sorry if this comes out badly written, I am tired and have been up for about 26 hours.


It is certainly a big topic as to weather video games are art, and I'm sure a lot of people here will say that they are.

But sometimes you have to state the obvious for people to see it, so without further adieu, we will examine what a game is made of.


Music: I think almost all people will agree that this is art.

Pictures/graphics: Also art, although a lot of games use stock images.

3D Modelling: Arguably art, I would say it is. You need to be quite creative to be good at this.

Programming/technical aspects: Very debatable, you do need some creativity to program but it is usually not art.

Story: Again, most people will agree that this is art.

Marketing: Not really art.

Design: Probably art. This includes maps, vehicles, sound placement etc.


It is obvious that this is somewhat of an over simplification but I think it sums it up quite well, and even if it doesn't I think it suffices.

So I think what can be drawn is that video games are not art, but a combination of many things. Some of which are art, and some not.

This is not to say video games do not take a lot of talented people to make, and I have some of the utmost respect for people like Martin O'Donnell, Jason Jones, Markus Persson (Notch) and many others.

Edited by I_wesley125
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Yes video games are art. If film is art then video games are also art. Video games have made me laugh, theve made me cry, theyve made me think. Video games have changed my life over and over, yes they are art

  • Brohoof 1
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I think the major point of art is that it is expression. In that case, it depends on the video game. There is a LOT of shovelware out there, video games so crappy that they should just be thrown in a land-fill in New Mexico somewhere. These are not art, because no one really intended to express themselves. But then, you have masterpieces, games like Red Dead: Redemption or Super Mario Galaxy 2. These are the games that make me believe that it is possible for video games to be art.


As such, I find that the most major obstacle to video games being true art is the intense cost. Yes, it's possible to make video games without significant investment, but they tend to be low-quality, in general. What needs to happen, similar to movies, is to make it much easier for smaller groups to make high-tech video games. Unlikely? Yes. Possible? Definitely.

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Video games are indeed art. The technical side of things would be nothing if we didn't have the designs of characters, environments, enemies and such (design and 3D modelling could essentially be the same thing) music to flesh out an experience, voice acting to hear what the characters say (regardless of what anyone says about the quality of voice acting in any game it is still an art and is different but the same as acting. It is equally an art)


Games are a technological and artistic wonder. They do things and combine things in a way other mediums can't. Even movies dont' stand a chance against the power of a game. Movies have to end at some point and still cost a lot of money while games are made with much less money yet are made to stretch out farther.


On top of that, video games are an experience, they aren't just entertainment or distractions. Some games are made for artistic purposes like Flower and Journey while other ones made for a specific reason like RPGs and platformers but they are all equally an experience and if you let yourself be sucked in like you do a movie or book what's the difference?

  • Brohoof 1
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Games are my favorite kind of art. Both playing and making. Its an art that allows other people to control what happens in a sense.


I want to make this kind of art by becoming a programmer. :3

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Video games are a unique kind of art. They set themselves apart from other artistic mediums with the ability to never be perceived the same way twice. Anyone who plays a video game will have an immersive experience playing it once, and have a completely different experience playing it a second time. Video games are portals to fictional worlds, much like books and illustrations, and even more mentally engaging due to the fact that the player has control of aspects in this fictional world, unlike books and paintings, in which the reader/viewer is just along for the ride.
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A wise teacher of mine once said, "If you have to question whether something is art or not, then it is art."

Considering the sheer amount of effort, skill, and heart put into every (good) game, I'd definitely say video games are art. The developmental process is along the same lines of artisans carefully creating inspiriting works of art.


I think the real question should be, "Why do people not recognize video games are art?"

Ya think it would be a fact by now, eh?

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When you have mindless shooters consuming 90% of the market, of course you'll have nay-sayers. I do believe that most classic games, and stand out modern gems SHOULD be considered as art. If they really make a lasting impression then I believe it's art.

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Well, I don't know, I'm not really a hardcore gamer, and I sure as hell have not the slightest idea in programming. And I know alot goes into making a good game, but it just doesn't feel like art, it's probably just me but, I don't know, it's hard to explain. So I'm gonna say no? maybe? I don't know.

Edited by RiverBankNut
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When you have mindless shooters consuming 90% of the market, of course you'll have nay-sayers. I do believe that most classic games, and stand out modern gems SHOULD be considered as art. If they really make a lasting impression then I believe it's art.


Not all shooters are mindless, though.

Halo, probably one of the best shooters of all time is by no means mindless. It has a truly amazing story (over 10 books) and decent gameplay, as well as a pretty good community.

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Yes, video games are art. You don't have to combine all of the things like music and graphic design to call it art. You are expressing yourself through making a video game, which is done through music, paintings and films. If those 3 are forms of art, the so are video games.

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YOUR DAMN RIGHT THEY'RE ART!!!!.... lol sorry.


I'm attending college right now to make video games, and it sucks how many people don't know just how much work is put in to making these things. It takes the combined work of dozens of artists, writers, animators, riggers, modelers exc...


Don't let anyone ever tell you video games aren't art.

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There is so much creativity in video games. I think art is an expression of somepony's creativity. The people who make video games pour their heart and soul into the games they make so on those grounds I say they are absolutely art and a beautiful form of art in my opinion.

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Video games a certainly art, just look at the many different styles games have! Video games are the best forms of art

since you get to actually interact with them.

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I think you can't really group all video games and make a judgement as if their all the same.


In the case of CoD series, for example, where they replace the bad guy voices from arabic to russian, and publish it as a sequel (im paraphrasing here, but you get the point), i definately wouldn't call it art.


But then again, there are games like Minecraft, Proun, Audiosurf, Evil Genius, Red Alert etc. which in my opinion (i might be wrong here) weren't made to pile up millions of dollars in profit, but to make an awesome vision come true. I feel as if the folks who made these weren't really looking to earn, but rather to entertain, and instead of copy pasting some other already copy-pasted game, they got creative and made something revolutionary that pushed the entire gaming industry forward.


As i said, i might be wrong, and maybe everyone actually is a greedy snob.


Conclusion: Indy developers and small rookie companies make art, and they do it with passion. Large corporations keep ctrl-c, ctrl-v already existing stuff, hoping to squeeze a bit more cash out of us. My view atleast. B)

Edited by Tol'Satha
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Posted Image


do i even need to say more? i mean, crysis is one of the most beautiful games i've ever seen in my superb

gaming adventures.

making a game like this isn't something you simply do.

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I think video games have the opportunity to be art.


But in the same way not every drawing is art, not every video game is art.

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Mother 3 of the EarthBound/MOTHER series. Enough said.


...but seriously, I do think that video games become art when enough effort is put into them so that they posess beauty in some form.

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Yep. Video games are also considered art. One of the reasons why I started drawing because video games inspired me to do so. :D


Also, its one of the reasons why I want to attend a college that allows me to do digital art, which were inspired by video games themselves, so I can become a digital artist, no matter what.

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I made a video game for a 12'th grade art assignment. The objective was to make a modernization of Adam and Eve and games are the most modern art medium we have out there at the moment. The only people who argue that games aren't art are usually non artists who really are clueless.

Edited by Lord Bababa
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Yes, video games are an art form and I would say the hardest art form to create. To me, all truly good video games have good gameplay (obviously) but also have good music (an established art form), good visuals (again, an established art form) and a good story (yet again, an established art form). So to say that all 3 of these art forms rolled into an interactive medium isn't an art form is essentially crapping on music, movies and books as well.

Edited by A Blithering Div
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Yes. From both a literal and practical standpoint.


From a practical standpoint, it is because of the vibrant colors and scenery. Take the Legend of Zelda for instance. Look at the beautiful worlds and levels.


From a literal standpoint it is because it is considered an art. Digital Arts is focused around video games in a sense, but not totally. Digital art is considered an arts class and therefore is an art.

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