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What is the latest pony related merchandise you bought?

Apple      Bloom

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I recently got this beauty from Target :catface: 


It's now on my shelf along with my Derpy and Luna lunch boxes   :P

That's the next thing I'm buying since I didn't get it for my birthday Saturday; but I did get...


Toys R Us Fan Favorites Collection from my Dad! Need to fix hair lol


And an Applejack blind bag figure from my friend at work!

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Well, it's been quite some time since I've posted in this thread. Partly because of all the breaks I took from the forums throughout the course of my last semester of school, and partly because...I've just been too damn lazy to take pics of and catalogue everything I buy. Be warned, there's a metric ton of new shtuff I've amassed like an obsessive compulsive hoarder....
























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Well, it's been quite some time since I've posted in this thread. Partly because of all the breaks I took from the forums throughout the course of my last semester of school, and partly because...I've just been too damn lazy to take pics of and catalogue everything I buy. Be warned, there's a metric ton of new shtuff I've amassed like an obsessive compulsive hoarder....


Wow, that's a lotta stuff man!


Count me as jealous. I couldn't find Big Mac anywhere near me so I'll probably have to order him, but I did pick up an Applejack about two days ago.


In fact, I'll have to post some new stuff I've gotten too... but I think you've officially got a bigger collection than me now, man.



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Wow, that's a lotta stuff man!


Count me as jealous. I couldn't find Big Mac anywhere near me so I'll probably have to order him, but I did pick up an Applejack about two days ago.


In fact, I'll have to post some new stuff I've gotten too... but I think you've officially got a bigger collection than me now, man.






Hard to believe I've eclipsed the great and mighty Hash's collection.


Dost thou have what it taketh to catch up and reclaim thy title? :comeatus:

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Hard to believe I've eclipsed the great and mighty Hash's collection.


Dost thou have what it taketh to catch up and reclaim thy title? :comeatus:



Mark me words, ya scurvy collector, I'mma catch up with ya when ye least expect it!


But seriously, I went into a rut where I wasn't buying anything, but two days ago I stopped by Hot Topic and went crazy again.


I totally have it in me to catch back and show you what for! Just you wait!


Until that time comes though... nice stuff man! Make sure to put all those pony cups to good use, bud. Preferably with some nice apple cider, gotta be show-accurate after all.

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Be warned, there's a metric ton of new shtuff I've amassed like an obsessive compulsive hoarder....

It's an impressive collection indeed. If I could, I would double brohoof your post just for the apple family shirt alone! :)

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I checked Build a Bear's website on a whim this weekend and bam AJ's there.  So Saturday I went to BaB and made an AJ.  I must have looked like a nutjob going through all the Appleblooms to find the best one lol.  They had a Trixie too but never been much of a fan of her...plus with her I'd kind of have to buy the overpriced outfit and hat whereareas I only felt obligated to buy AJ's hat.  And Zecora is available online only if anyone is into her, not sure if I'll get her or not. 


I also got the Hot Topic variant cover (comic) for issue #20.  It has Pinkie and Maud on it which is pretty sweet.

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Went to Target today with the $ I got for my birthday; hoping to get that sweet Rarity lunchbox; but they were out :( how unfabulous! But I did get... Rainbow and Twilight brushables to complete my Mane 6! The sweet treats playset with Mrs. Cake and Twisty Treats, and both of the Target Exclusive glitter ponies; Pinkie Pie & Wysteria! Yeah G3 pony! I'm ignoring the haters cause I like all Gens! FIM is best; but I still like them all!


Edit; my silly phone posted image upside down! lol. Sorry.

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I got two things to share today. Finally got my Rarity lunchbox


And the DVDs my wife ordered for my Birthday

Meine Kliene Pony; Freundschaft ist Magie!


She compromised and will some episodes with me; if we watch them in German!

Saw the first two episodes last night and it was fun! I understand very little German but knew what was happening since I've seen it in English so many times. I look forward to watching the next 4 episodes (3 per disc) with her too!

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I haven't bought any pony merchandise in months but I was recently searching EBAY and I saw Daring Do Funko Vinyl pre orders so I am going to be buying one of those! I also got Photo Finish but I have to wait until it ships

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I recently just bought myself an applejack vinyl figure and The Journal of the Two Sisters!


although i was hoping the journal would have a lot on nightmare moon or along those lines, i still really think its an adorable book



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btw I have a few things up for sale




If your thinking of wanting to start playing the MLP TCG, this is the bundle/lot to get.. It included ever pre-built theme to date and loads of extra boost packs.. The best way to get into the TCG


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Today I bought three of those bind bag thingys, the first three I ever bought and I got Flim Skim, Green Jewel, and Junebug. I have to admit that these things look cool and I will probably be buying more in the near future.

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