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What would your reaction be if one of the mane 6 was killed off?


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If any of them were killed, even Rainbow Dash, whose my least favorite of the main six, I don't think the show would ever be the same. I don't mind change, I would even venture to say I like it, but a sad change, no.

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Well... Hum... I would be like O_o


I mean, it wouldn't shock me that someone in a show dies... But someone in a "for 8 years old girl show" dying would feel really weird and twisted for me.

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Yep I think no speaks for its self over an over an well over an over


I do feel though that one of the mane 6 will go away for awile an during that time somthing bad will happen who or what or why im not sure

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It's a kid's show. Ponies won't die or whatever. But if one of them were to get killed off, it depends. If it's a sad and moving kinda way that the character dies, and shows how it affects the lives of the other ponies, then it would probably bring a tear to my eye. If they just kill one off, say "screw it" and call it a day, I would be a bit annoyed to be honest.


Here's something I think might be appropriate:



  • Brohoof 1

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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I would be really really shattered if they killed off one of the mane 6.... Like just............ awwwww......... I would just be.............. absolutely crushed...... Probably huddle in a corner somewhere and cry :(

But its cool ^_^ There is pretty much zero chance they would ever do it.... I mean what reason could they possibly have to justify killing one of the mane 6 off. (Especially since its a kids show)

Edited by Valureon


Made by C.Discord

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At first I would be like


Then I would chill out because they would find a way to bring them back... with magick and what not lol.

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of are looking at the stars" ~ Oscar Wilide


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Pierce my heart and bleed tears. I'll be confused and shocked- believing none of this happened. Doesn't matter which pony it is, it wont be the same.


Edited by indySkye

"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant."

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I'd love to see Pinkie Pie get killed by my own hands. That would be the happiest ending of the fanfic I'm making... Ooooh that would be so sweet!

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  • 4 weeks later...

If even one of them died, i would probably start going away from the show. Kinda depends on which one, and how they died. But if one of them dies, don't the elements of harmony disappear, and discord becomes free without resistance or any way of stopping him? Doesn't sound bad actually...


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I'd freak out really bad. I'd yell in Russian and pray that they'd come back with magic! If not then I'd have to give the creators a little 'visit'.


(just as long as it's not Fluttershy or else I'd cry deep down inside.)

  • Brohoof 1



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I would be like, "NO! WHY?! NOOOO! WHHHYYYYY?!" Thankfully, it won't happen. Replacing any of the name six with another pony would just be awkward. It would mean the mane six are no longer special, and just anypony can become the element of loyalty, laughter, etc.


However, "what if" situations where a character dies, like a pony dreams that a character dies, or a character is believed dead but comes back, would be okay with me.



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If the mane 6 were killed off, this is what I would do: I would storm over to Hasbro and demand for them to make a follow up where they are saved by the magic of friendship. But if only one pony died (I'm not naming names, but if I did it would be rarity) then that'd just be dandy.

Things just got 20% cooler.

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I'd be pretty torn up about it. If Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy died I'd have to take a week off work to mourn.

Not really but it would be pretty sad.

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Well, I kill off Rainbow Dash in my fanfic. I give subtle hints that she's not the real Rainbow Dash, but Chrysalis, and hopefully I'll play my cards right and people won't suspect until Chrysalis reveals her true form in the Changeling grounds and when somepony asks where she, y'know what? I'll copy-paste the scene. Please don't hate me. I might bring her back to life. :unsure:


“The city had love, yes, a lot in fact. Not quite like Canterlot or Ponyville, but still a lot. But nopony had met Rainbow yet and therefore had no love for her to feed off of and remain as Rainbow.

“I am brought you here for my revenge. The Elements of Harmony are not here at all, they’re scattered near and far over all of Equestria. Discord was foolish to hide them together. You will never find them, even if you had the means to find them, you will never have the chance. You will stay in my home, or at least part of it. Of course I mean the vault. Locked in there until you die. You will never know who to trust, because some of my changelings will always be there with you. You may be alone and never know.” She laughed as if it was the greatest gift anypony could give. “Really, did you expect to be locked in a dungeon? Everypony knows that’s where a classic villain hides their prisoners. It would be the first place they looked, if they had the guts to come here at all. Nopony has ever been willing to come here, you were the first.”

“Where is Rainbow?” Twilight stepped forward.

Chrysalis smiled, showing her two fangs. “You ponies are so predictable, you and your love.” She laughed, amused by these ponies idiocy. “Dead.”

Nopony could respond. They were all too stunned. The word bounced off the walls and sent chills down Amber’s spine. She remembered that while she was Princess Amber Sands she had been able to bring some ponies back from the grave, with help from the Elements of Harmony. She had only done it once in fact. She had resurrected Celestia. But now she was Amber, without any powers and a flank that was humiliatingly blank. She was helpless against the one she had defeated so many times and Chrysalis knew it. Amber shook her mane in anger. If her horn hadn’t been broken off this Changeling would be gone from the face of the earth.

Her beetle-like minions surrounded them. Fluttershy ducked behind Amber who gave her a reassuring whisk with her tail. “It’ll be fine.”

“No it won’t.” Fluttershy sobbed. “At Shining Armor’s wedding, there, there were hundreds. We fought them off, well, I panicked, but when those were gone thousands more came in.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “It was terrible.”

Amber watched as the changelings approached. How could she be sure they wouldn’t kill them, despite Chrysalis’s desires?

“Whoa nelly. And ah thought there was a bunch o’ theme creeps at the wedding.” Applejack mumbled.

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I'll be very happy, as in "I got the lottery!" happy


Why? Because then we will actually see some fucking story! Not just some daily basis "oh noes I creamed my pants" problem, but something far more dire


Thanks for my Bon Bon for the awsum sig

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I would take ten minutes to get over the initial jaw-drop of such an event, and then cry like a bitch for seventeen weeks nonstop.

Pff, as if that would ever happen. It isn't even a possibility so I don't have to saw what my reaction would be... because you know, I'm totally manly and would't be emotionally scarred in the least...

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When it happens in a fanfic, I roll my eyes and groan and stop reading immediately. (Partly because I disagree with the concept, but also because most writers just don't know how to do it properly.) If it happened on the show, I would be sad about the deceased pony and angry at the writers for doing something so inconsistent with the spirit of MLP. A minor character being killed off would make me squeamish enough; one of the 6 would drive me away for good.


And no, it doesn't matter which of the 6 it would be. Seriously, some of you dislike one of the ponies so much that you want them to be killed off? I don't even know how to approach that.

Edited by TailsAlone
  • Brohoof 1

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