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private Sky's romantic house party.


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Snow Flake flew up to the balcony and listened. "Yeah I see them why?" Snow Flake asked curiously. "Did you have some accident or something?" Snow Flake asked as he leaned on the safety rails of the balcony.

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Taking a deep breath he takes off the clamps and bolts that hold the braces down. I may have gotten away but Slendermane left his mark on me. On the part of his wing where the bone should be the dark red aura of Slendermane was there. Barely getting away from Him still left His mark on me. As i was flying from him he chased me all through the sky and almost caught me. Just as he was about to wrap his wings around me and engulf me i did the war boom. When i got home my mother could see the fear on my face, and as she hugged me she saw my wings and noticed i had been touched by Slendermane. She had my grandfather make these for me. One to seal the dark aura, two the hide that i had been touched by Slender. Putting the braces back on he looks into the night. I was one of the lucky ones. My older brother sometimes talks about the sister i never knew and how she saved him from Slender. She was not so lucky and is now a permanent part of Slender. So now that you know my story do you believe me?

Edited by Razorwing58
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"Kinda, but I still need to see Slendermane with my own eyes to fully believe." Snow Flake replied as he stared at Razor's wings casually. "If I see Slendermane right up in my face I'll believe you fully." Snow Flake added.
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Letting out a sigh of disappointment. You just wont be happy until you lose a loved one will you? Fine i will not make you believe what i say but Slendermane is real and hes out there. Looking off to the south where his home is. But if you really want to see him im taking a trip back to Black Water City in a few weeks to let my family know im still alive, and if you want to come you can so you can find him yourself. But i will tell you this if you do come dont bring Cherry Blossom and be ready to jump into a lil bit of a war.

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"What a nutcase." Snow Flake said to himself. "Alright I'll go with you to see Slendermane." Snow Flake replied as he went back to get some more punch. "Either he is telling the truth or he has mental problems." Snow Flake said to himself as he poured punch into his cup.
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"Well I can vouch for him being real," Cosmo said walking towards the balcony with a horrified look on his face, "Those wards I mentioned had the same problem as those children did, in the momment they activated, the wards couldn't erase the memory of Slendermane from my mind, they could only supress it and bury it in an attempt for me to never have to deal with it again... They didn't work," He finished before throwing up the same punch he'd gotten drunk on earlier. (If their above another building or a stone patio or something Cosmo would've puked in a trash can), "Those children were right, they really did seem him, something must've got his attention or scared him off but still..." Cosmo drifted off before a blast of energy shot at him. After looking dazed for a moment, he looked toward the direction the blast came from, "Looks like I underestimated the range of those charms, lucky me. Hey Razor, if you'd like, I can take a look at your wing and see what I can do about that aura you mentioned. I'm pretty expirienced with those kinds of things, and I can definately help with the memories that go with your encounter with him. I wont erase them, they have too much of an impact on you life to even try to, but I can ease the pain they bring if you'd like," Cosmo offered, clearly feeling much better than he did a moment ago. "I'm not expecting an answer right away but if you would like some help," teleporting a piece of paper from his house, "here's my business card. And don't worry about the price, something like this I'll never forgive myself for charging you for." With that he went back to the party and started small talk with the others.

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Sighing I hope he knows what hes doing. If i can get one more soul to believe that he is real thats one more soul i can save. Looks at Cosmo Thanks but the memories are the only thing that keep my sister in mind and the aura is what helps me never forget what i went through. But ill keep in touch and thanks for the offer.


(OOC) im calling it a night you guys. So im going to leave Razor on the balcony with more of that punch. But i think this party is turning out great.

(OC) Sigh This has been some night. Looks back at his mane. Damn it Ember why is my mane still glowing?!

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Sky's heart began to beat faster as he started to kiss Krystal back. "This must be a dream" Sky thought to himself. He then broke the kiss. "You...are...amazing" Sky said inbetween breaths.

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Sky's heart began to beat faster as he started to kiss Krystal back. "This must be a dream" Sky thought to himself. He then broke the kiss. "You...are...amazing" Sky said inbetween breaths.


"Shut up" she then reinitiated the kiss, this time it lasted much longer, and when it ended it left her gasping for breath.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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"Wow..." Was all Sky could say. He was so happy. "I know this is crazy and all but I think I love you, Krystal." Sky said. "This may be the best night of my life" Sky thought to himself.

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Krystal giggled "I'm having fun too. Wow, I think that punch is really starting to kick in. Say, why haven't you had any of that stuff yet?"


'Come on, Krystal tell him you love him back' she though to herself.

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"Well if I get drunk and everypony ruins my house then im not going to be able to do anything about it, but I guess one drink wont hurt." Sky replied now feeling rather foolish for saying he loved her. Sky then took a glass of punch turned it into a cloud and ate it.

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Krystal's eyes widened "That's so cool! How'd you do that?" she said as she curled herself up into the corner of the sofa.


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"Ha its quite a long story. But I can turn all liquids into clouds though doing it can have a few side effects." Sky smiled as he got another glass of punch and turned it into a heart shaped cloud and made it float over to Krystal. "Here, try it."

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"Aww, thanks" she said right before she opened her mouth and let the could float in "Mmmm. Wow. That's great. Like, I can't even describe how cool it is to drink something like that. Or maybe its just the alchohol limiting my mind" she giggled as she stretched and yawned.

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"Yeah." she put on a 'worst possible thing' Rarity face "But oh woe is me I'm too drunk to fly home." She got up and draped herself around Sky "I guess I'll have to spend the night here..." she gave him a grin.

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"Well I guess I could sleep on the couch tonight and you could have the master bedroom." Sky said.smiling.

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"Uhg. You're no fun" Krystal pouted as she pushed off from Sky with both hooves and plopped back onto the couch.


(OOC: I'm going to bed. Be back in a few hours)

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Sky then realised what she meant by sleeping here. "Or we could share the master bedroom" Sky winked. Though Sky was confident on the outside there was still a voice nagging at the back of his head telling him if she slept here with him it would be illegal.

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(OOC: I can't sleep. I have Deadmau5 stuck in my head. I'm probbably going to pass out at any moment so if I don't reply for a while that's why)


"Or we could just share the coutch now" she said as she got up and pushed him onto the couch. She then snuggled up next to him "Sorry, I'm a cuddler" :3


(OOC: well your profile on Sky says that he's 15 so yes it would be illegal)


Vinyl Scratch noticed what was going on and started a new track

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(OOC) Im back. Lets go


Going back inside looking down at the party he see Sky and Krystal "getting to know each other better". Hey Sky your wing boner is showing, check yo'self man. He said to Sky as he walk by the punch bowl. Go get'em tiger. With sly look on his face.

Edited by Razorwing58
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(ewwwwww deadmau, not the best music....i think) Embers sat back "Pshhhhhhhhhhhh Slendermane is a hole bunch of foony, its supost to be a faceless pony with long arms and tentacls, but i dont beleave in it at all (wing boner...LOL!)

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Walks by Ember While you may think Slender is a joke or fake he is not. But one thing that is a joke is how you have not fixed my mane yet. Points at mane and puts it in his face. Now im all for a good joke and all but you got my hair looking like the Galas firework show over here.

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"Pshhhhhh, fine" Embers used his magic to put his mane back in place "You have a vary spikey mane" Embers chuckled "So, untill i see proof that slender is real, i wont beleave you. Untill i see him with my own eyes"

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