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Lord Theoretical

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Why do you take part in it if you loathe it so much?

It's not only me, there's a lot of people that hate the fandom on this forums, plus i never said i am a "brony",i am a fan not a "brony"

Edited by Deathstroke
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Redlettermedia>>>>>>That guy with the glasses



I honestly like half in the bag better than most of the newer NC reviews, as I feel his skits really bog down the actual comedy of the review, and really take away from the fun that his skits used to have before he failed with demo reels.

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It's not only me, there's a lot of people that hate the fandom on this forums, plus i never said i am a "brony",i am a fan not a "brony"


I feel like you are giving up too easily. I consider myself a Brony, but I do my best to improve what is around me. Bring problems to the attention of the fandom, do not abandoned the entire thing itself. 

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Wow where do I even begin? I have SO MANY...

1. I think Mario is as overrated as hell.
2. I think Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon is best Fire Emblem
3. Princess Celestia is Best Pony and Best Princess.
4. I think Rarity is a good character.
5. I think Navarre is the most interesting Fire Emblem Character.
6. I think Burger King is better than McDonald's

I could go on forever...There's way too many to name...

  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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Gaming related:

I think DLC is retarded and was never a good idea to begin with. (I would think this is a popular opinion, but the fact that it continues to exist and people continue to buy it keeps proving me wrong.) 

We really didn't need new consoles, and the ones we got both suck. I'm so sick of FPS games, by the way. How can anyone even get excited over something like Destiny, anymore? 

I don't even care about Zoe Quinn. Not even a little.

MOBAs aren't fun.

Not gaming related (and I'm sure most of you will say it's horrible):

I do not feel badly about 9/11.

How did we not expect exactly what happened to happen? You can't fight "war"s with terrorist organizations and not expect to get hurt. Bin Laden's decision to hit the WTC wasn't any more radical than our decision to bomb Hiroshima. It might have been less so.


Edited by Lifeinsteps
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I think Burger King is better than McDonald's

I fell like Burger King can get the burgers down better than McDonald's. McDonalds is not bad with the burgers, they just kind of taste bland. The only thing they can really master is their fries. 

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Avatar: The Last Airbender is waaaaaaaayyyyyyy better then Legend of Korra, but I like Korra more than Aang. And in spite of some parts I wish they'd handled differently, I think her arc will feel more satisfying to me when all is said and done. This is assuming they don't drop the ball with Book 4, of course.


Sunset Shimmer is cute as a button in the Rainbow Rocks previews, but I wish she'd kept a little more of her attitude. She kinda feels...neutered? I might be jumping the gun here. Part of me was hoping for her to be the brain of the group like Twilight, but also be a tad reflexively bitchy and/or manipulative in spite of her new good heart. Sunset being all




would make me happeh.


Lannisters > Starks. I also don't know if I actually like Stannis, or just want him to give Ramsay Bolton what that psychopath's had coming to him for a long time now.

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As somebody who has lived in California all his life, I don't understand why everybody thinks its so great here. Its too damn hot and all our bodies of water are evaporating. 

Not to mention, it's expensive as hell over there, and some of the money from that place needs to go to other states that need it. I've lived there twice and was born there, so I know. :P


The Classic Mega Man series never declined in quality, people just got sick of them. Guess who never got sick of them?


Second in Command of the Marvel Alliance!!!

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The episode I'm With Stupid from SpongeBob is good.



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


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I like The Great Snail Race, how do you think I feel? :P


I actually liked that episode too.


Plus without it we wouldn't have gotten this little goodie - 

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The episode I'm With Stupid from SpongeBob is good.

I like The Great Snail Race, how do you think I feel? :P


I love that episode! It's one of my favorites!



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pin-point-r7420


Ask me anything: http://mlpforums.com/topic/116218-ask-pinny-something/

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As somebody who has lived in California all his life, I don't understand why everybody thinks its so great here. Its too damn hot and all our bodies of water are evaporating. 


I've never understood that either... It's a gorgeous location to visit (IMO) but it definitely is not a place to live in my eyes.


Really, I don't understand the love for warm/hot locations altogether at all. Aside from California, it's always all about Florida... And ewww... Florida is like the very last state I would ever want to have to live in. It's so hot and humid where I live, and we at least have a little bit of a winter. I could not last long in Florida.

  • Brohoof 2

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I've never understood that either... It's a gorgeous location to visit (IMO) but it definitely is not a place to live in my eyes.


Really, I don't understand the love for warm/hot locations altogether at all. Aside from California, it's always all about Florida... And ewww... Florida is like the very last state I would ever want to have to live in. It's so hot and humid where I live, and we at least have a little bit of a winter. I could not last long in Florida.

I live in the rear end of Louisiana. Trust me when I say that both Florida and California is a walk in the park compared to the dreadful humidity here. Not to mention all of those damn tropical storms.

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As somebody who has lived in California all his life, I don't understand why everybody thinks its so great here. Its too damn hot and all our bodies of water are evaporating. 

My sister had her car set on fire by some kids,there. And they keyed the words "Fuck you" and "Faggot" into my brother's truck.


Yeah,California's a fun place to visit,but not to live.


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I live in the rear end of Louisiana. Trust me when I say that both Florida and California is a walk in the park compared to the dreadful humidity here. Not to mention all of those damn tropical storms.


Well, not that I want to live in Louisiana, either. The whole south/southeast is in the "never want to live" zone for me. lol

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Well, not that I want to live in Louisiana, either. The whole south/southeast is in the "never want to live" zone for me. lol

Yeah I live in northern Alabama but it's not that bad here. All the REALLY crazy stuff you hear about the south is just part of a very vocal minority, but people are kind of weird here compared to anywhere else.


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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