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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde isn't really that bad of a game. You just need the patience and time to do it.


But,I will agree that Jekyll walks too fucking slow,and it's annoying that you can't hit the townspeople with the cane.

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I have more unpopular opinions. Some might not be that unpopular.. I don't know.

  1. I would visit Russia and Ukraine even though there's unrest over there.
  2. I don't like the F/F Rainbow Dash ships because I don't think she's a lesbian.
  3. I hate cold weather
  4. GTA Vice City, San Andreas, and to some extent III were better than GTA V.
  5. Call of Duty Advanced Warfare sucks.
  6. Black Ops II was the best COD game.
  7. Halo 3 is the best Halo game
  8. I consider auto racing a sport.
  9. The 1970s and 1980s seem like the best decades to live in.
  10. I think LCPDFR videos are pretty fun to watch
  11. SimCity 4 is a great PC game
  12. Hockey is actually a pretty good sport (I used to not like it at all)
  13. I find golf to be very boring. I don't like playing it or watching it.
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-There's a good reason why I quit making video rants on YouTube, it's because there's too many damn Nickelodeon rants that have the same format over and over again. Also, ranting is starting to face the doom that Let's Playing had, being a job, making unfunny jokes, etc. 


-Speaking of Nickelodeon, more than half the 90s shows people praise about haven't aged that well. In fact, I would go far enough to say that some of them can be as bad as Breadwinners.

Edited by Kilobyte The Pony
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I freaking hate the Forrest Gump movie.


they took a bad ass character in a book, and turned him into some brain-of-a-child-man who does everything by accident.


besides, they left out every good good or funny scene the book had, killed off jenny.... what did jenny do to you!? she did not die in the book.


it is unrecognizable.



One of the main weaknesses of democracy is the emphasis on popularity, rather than competence. Also voter ignorance and voter apathy, among other things. A dumbass can only elect a dumbass.

could you think of anything better though?

My unpopular opinion for the day:




The sky isn't blue.

o3o Dear sir, it seems as though I disagree.



Lady in the Water was a good movie. It's one of my favourite movies.

Yeah, I said that. Come at me bitches, hit me with your best shots.

the best shot I have to give is agreeing with you.


sorry, I don't see how any one could dislike the movie.

Edited by Lucky Star
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here goes:


  1. Pansexuality IS a sexuality like heterosexuality and homosexuality (LGBTQ Community, Y U NO Count Pan?!)
  2. Fascism is the ultimate form of government
  3. Bass guitar is best guitar
  4. Hipsters are good people
  5. The 60's were greater than the 90's
  6. 4th Doctor is best doctor
  7. Braeburn is best pony
  8. Isolationism (music) is best Ambiance / Doom Metal is best metal / Harsh noise is best Electronic music
  9. America SUCKS (and I mean A LOT)
  10. Courtney love DID NOT kill Kurt Cobain
  11. Grunge is best music genre PERIOD
  12. Grey is best colour
  13. English way of spelling 'grey' 'colour' 'armour' 'shoppe' & 'theatre' makes more sense than the american counterparts
  14. MLP (the show) is actually not too great a show, but it's watchable
  15. Guns are NOT bad
  16. Republicans AND Democrats both suck. Libertarians are the most sensible
  17. Women are DENSE
  18. Men are FAR more attractive than women and in many cases make better ladies than women
  19. Black and white television is the best kind of television
  20. Gordon Freeman would destroy Adam Jenson AND J.C. Denton
  21. Rap in general is terrible
  22. Suicide is ALWAYS an option
  23. Super Hero movies SUCK and there are way too many of them
  25. Abortion is always murder and murder is %100 unjustifiable
  26. The American constitution is flawed to hell (yes, I've read it)
  27. Smoking is cool
  28. Drinking is stupid
  29. The Prius and the Smart Car are both retarded
  30. T.V. these days is just awful

I have many many more but, this should do for now

wow, you have a lot of unpopular opinions. 


especially 25, 17, 19.



abortion? it is a fetus, get over it.


and I don't think it's an unpopular opinion, it is annoyingly common.


life with out abortion is like a computer program without the undo button.



Dense? don't generalize stupidity onto a whole group of people.




the only good black and white shows are "bewitched" and "I love Lucy"



Wow someone actually thinks all women are dense? Way to insult a lot of the fanbase and generalize half the world's population.


And this ladies and gentlemen is why sexism still exists.


More unpopular opinions-


I like tumblr a lot.


I love rats.


Doctor Who isn't my cup of tea despite me being British.

rat's are awesome, best pets ever!  :wub:

I hate when I see a translation of some ancient language, and they translate it to sound like old English.,


just tell us what it says! you don't have to get into freaking character.




it's annoying!


I only like unpopular opinions that are also my opinions.


but I guess that isn't an unpopular opinion! xD

Edited by Lucky Star
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-Minecraft Pocket Edition is actually in my opinion more enjoyable than the Xbox Edition.


-I have some American Capitalistic points of view that I refuse to share on this site do to it's vast Socialist majority.


-The word "overhated" is just equally as annoying as the word "overrated". Let people love what they love and hate what they hate.


-You're never too old to sleep with a teddy bear. :3


-FPS games are... not my thing.


-I still believe dinosaurs are still alive today. Very few, but if we keep looking I'm sure we'll find at least one.

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-I still believe dinosaurs are still alive today. Very few, but if we keep looking I'm sure we'll find at least one.


Of course there are dinosaurs today! What do you think chickens are? They're a descendant of dinosaurs, so therefore they must be them, at least a little bit.

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-Minecraft Pocket Edition is actually in my opinion more enjoyable than the Xbox Edition.


-I have some American Capitalistic points of view that I refuse to share on this site do to it's vast Socialist majority.


-The word "overhated" is just equally as annoying as the word "overrated". Let people love what they love and hate what they hate.


-You're never too old to sleep with a teddy bear. :3


-FPS games are... not my thing.


-I still believe dinosaurs are still alive today. Very few, but if we keep looking I'm sure we'll find at least one.

Here we have a constantly reasonable and rational brony who stands up for his views

applause needed, people.

About conservatism and liberalism, liberationists generally shut off conservatism, which is pretty hypocritical when you think about it. I'll put it this way: REAL conservatism is wrong, but when people are against new things, it doesn't make them conservative. They generally just think about what they're supporting.

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-Rod Stewart is awesome

-PC gaming isn't as good as others think.

-There's nothing wrong with being a femboy.

-60s rock/pop is terribly underrated.

-AMC made decent cars

-Playstation 2 is best console

-I dislike furries

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A year later, and I still don't believe Frozen garners this much attention and love as the best disney film and movie overall.


If it wasn't for Sony's horrible marketing and bad decisions, the vita would be doing massively okay like in Japan.


Sorry to say, but I don't enjoy the controll scheme of smash bros on 3ds, so much that I don't consider it as awesome as everyone else.

Edited by ~Silver Essence~
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Out of the major 3D Mario games I've played so far (Note: Haven't played 3D World or a lot of 3D Land), the Super Mario Galaxy games are the weakest of the bunch. I like them and all, and they could've been really GREAT games, but the god dang motion controls are irritating and are just torture playing with them on certain levels.


And that's why the Wii, even though I still like it, is in my opinion the weakest of the major Nintendo consoles so far. There are some really great games on it, but ruined by incredibly annoying motion controls..

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My view on religion is quite different from others.

Thus it is unpopular.


Religion originally was a result of superstition.

But where did this superstition come from?


That's where I look back on other religions.

I personally believe Yahweh, the God of the Bible, was the original divine being that sparked superstition among mankind.

The question is, did he exist?

Well I believe he did and still does.

I don't believe he had a name at the time he began interacting with mankind, but I do believe this divine power, this "God" existed.

What is he?

I believe he is an all-powerful being that comes from a different dimension than ours where nothing has a begining or an end.

When this divine being began interacting with mankind people didn't know what to think of it.

Some called it "Yahweh!", some called it "Zeus!", and some called it other names of different gods.

This is what sparked superstition and thus many religions were made.

Now what I believe is that the divine being interacted with a particular people group.

You would know them as the Jews.

They recorded the actions and commands of "Yahweh" (that's what they called it) in manuscripts.


Now onto the Bible...

The original manuscripts the Jews wrote down are long gone.

Now we have the Bible.

The question is, "Is it a reliable source."

In my opinion, it's as reliable as Wikipedia.

So... not so much.

Well, what happened to the original manuscripts?

The Roman Catholic Church.

That's what happened.

What had happened was around the time of the Medieval Ages the Roman Catholic Church was the leading power of Europe.

They had the original Hebrew texts with them and that's when they decided to make it into a book.

The Bible.

BUT I and many others believe the Church did something to the Bible.

They manipulated what the original texts said to control the people with superstition.

This is where lots of people blame religion as a controlling mechanism.

I also believe this is where the corruption of the Bible happened.

I am not a creationist because I personally believe "creationism" was added into Genesis by the Church.


Now what are my beliefs classified as?

Get ready for this long name.

I am a non-denominational partially biblical Christian who is also an evolutionist.

So basically the very minimal of what it is to be classified as a Christian.

I do believe "getting saved" is an actual thing.


Because before I got saved, certain things like pornography, lying, and the insults I gave to my parents didn't seem to feel wrong to me.

At the age of 15, a couple weeks after I did get saved, I noticed that all those things felt wrong.

I basically became a better person.


So there's my entire unpopular viewpoint of religion in a nutshell.

Edited by Emerald Starlight
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No, religion has set me free. Jesus loves you. He died for me, and you. Being free is far from controlling.

They tell you that you have no free will and that God has a "better plan" for you than what you can come up with yourself, among other things, how is this not controlling?

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Competition brings out the worst in people especially when it comes to sports. People getting in fights and killing each other over which sports team they think is better is not a healthy way to live. I never liked competition. All I saw in it was people getting way too competitive and letting this competitive mindset take over their minds to the point where they say irrational things about their rivals. It just brings a bitter angry side in people. I don't think it's the fault of competition but the fault of human stupidity.

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-Football sucks

-Defining ppl by the color of their as a race is b.s,  we are all human.

-Rainbow Dash sucks

-OC's can have a depth if ppl take time to write them as such.

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I think the haters of bronies are actually much MUCH more pathetic than the people they try to make fun of. In general hating on anything is stupid. Let people like what they want to like. Why judge people on what they like if they aren't hurting anyone? There so many people I meet that seem to have a hard on for despising things. 

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Frozen is an abomination of a film (As are most Disney films IMO).

Football is an overrated and overpublicised sport.

Youtube-ing is money worthy I.E. It should be a job (For professional entertainment not mediocre minecraft crap that no one even cares about)

Minecraft is a crap game. Is one of the worst games I've ever played, possible the worst.

Bassists in bands deserve more attention.

Christmas makes me feel a little sick inside.

Some things can't be dealt with democratically.

When someone says "I'm being racist... but" I assume that they're a racist.

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I can't stand sexualized material. Barely found out yesterday that it plagues my fav show.


Outside of that, I think this world is severely overpopulated. Mother Nature only has a limited capacity for all living things to live in peace. More excess humans means more corruption, destruction, and misery. Technology will never be a simple solution either

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