baba_booey 4,303 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Thinking about it, I feel like MLPForums' tournaments (or tourneys as I call them) are kind of just a giant flame war waiting to happen. You usually have 2+ ponies that both have huge fanbases who are probably just as determined for each other to win to tourney. I mean, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Thinking about it, I feel like MLPForums' tournaments (or tourneys as I call them) are kind of just a giant flame war waiting to happen. You usually have 2+ ponies that both have huge fanbases who are probably just as determined for each other to win to tourney. I mean, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? Must I bring up my blog on why best pony tournaments are civil wars? 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
True Rarity 1,240 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 I might accidentally list one I've already posted here. Bear with me. The FNAF craze is getting really old. Frozen is really, really overrated. The Pokémon franchise is just getting worse and worse. Granola bars are gross. So are brownies. Cinnamon rolls are the best thing ever. So are corn dogs. Potatoes are best vegetable. 2 My deviantART Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HereComesTom 2,268 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Liking My Little Pony does not make you a Brony. I thought that the very definition of the word "brony" was Fan of MLP + Above Target-Demographic Range and/or Male. If that isn't the definition, can you tell me what is? Potatoes are best vegetable Actually, potatoes are now in the same category as grain, rice, pasta---wait, am I not supposed to make comments like that here? 2 Help the main six stop the Weather Factory Meltdown! Click here to play: Click here to help build the game: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CosmicHooves 2,705 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 (edited) The FNAF craze is getting really old.I completely agree with you on this one.Did you know they're making a 3rd game in the FNAF series? It's ridiculous. Edited January 28, 2015 by GLaD0S 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,786 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 (edited) Thinking about it, I feel like MLPForums' tournaments (or tourneys as I call them) are kind of just a giant flame war waiting to happen. You usually have 2+ ponies that both have huge fanbases who are probably just as determined for each other to win to tourney. I mean, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? This is the same reason why I try to avoid Death Battle topics and anything regarding them. That shit's a time bomb Edited January 28, 2015 by Megas75 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,202 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 I thought that the very definition of the word "brony" was Fan of MLP + Above Target-Demographic Range and/or Male. If that isn't the definition, can you tell me what is? No one can create a fan title and define it in such a way that everyone under a certain criteria is one. It is a choice of identity. Besides, lets get real here... There were older MLP fans long before the "Brony" phenomenon. Yes, even male ones. 2 Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mesme Rize 15,687 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 John Cena is the cancer of the pro-wrestling business. Over the past 10 years, he has been protected time and time again in his matches, winning almost all of his matches and burying talent like Damien Sandow, Alberto Del-Rio and the Nexus in the process. If he loses, it's always because of stupid reasons. People think Twilight Sparkle is a mary-sue? think again. 1 My OC Mesme Rize: > Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gone~ 614 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Republicans and Democrats are almost exactly the same (big government through war, or big government through welfare). Governments are terrible, we should get rid of them all. Capitalism is good and it is the reason why we can have all these great things like computers, MLPF, and muffins! All the problems that people attribute to the "free market" are actually due to interference with the market economy. (sees a lot of political opinions...) oh uhh... math is fun! And tests are exciting (math tests are the best). 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TSD 86 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Republicans and Democrats are almost exactly the same (big government through war, or big government through welfare). Governments are terrible, we should get rid of them all. Capitalism is good and it is the reason why we can have all these great things like computers, MLPF, and muffins! All the problems that people attribute to the "free market" are actually due to interference with the market economy. (sees a lot of political opinions...) oh uhh... math is fun! And tests are exciting (math tests are the best). So Wall Street being de-regulated, again, and banks being allowed to gamble with your money, again, is a good thing? Last I checked, they tried that last decade and it didn't work out so well. Just putting it out there. That said, math is, in fact, beautiful. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phill 1,287 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 I like Superman more than Batman. People say Superman is a mary sue, but I think Batman is an even bigger mary sue with his whole ''he can do anything because he's Batman'' shtick 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gone~ 614 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 So Wall Street being de-regulated, again, and banks being allowed to gamble with your money, again, is a good thing? Last I checked, they tried that last decade and it didn't work out so well. Just putting it out there. That said, math is, in fact, beautiful. I'm not sure exactly what "Wall Street" is referring to (is it generally referring to the rich companies in the US and the buying and selling of stocks? If so then no, that shouldn't be regulated). Any sort of government interference is bad. It creates unintended distortions of incentives, such as in this very situation. I'm sure you've heard of the government "bailing out" these banks, right? The banks lose any sort of risk or responsibility and instead make incredibly bad/risky investments. If these risky investments pay off then the bank will profit. If the investment fails, the bank is bailed out. The original incentive for the bank to make safer choices (if they risk too much then they can fail) is now gone, so it actually makes sense that a bank would make that choice in such a situation. This one of many examples of a government action creating unintended consequences. Hopefully what I'm saying makes some sense ^^; I'm not really one to go and look up statistics and examples as much as just thinking through things myself with logic. I can try to look up some things if you have more questions though! ^^ 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Cynical Lone Wolf 615 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 This is my most favourite movie of my childhood.This and I want to see Nostalgia Critic do this movies 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TSD 86 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 One consequence of the bail-outs, however, was legislation preventing them from using consumer deposits as investment capitol. Legislation that was just rolled back. Meaning they're free to take the same risks. If they pay off, bully for the banks, I'm not seeing a cut. However, when those investments tank, I'm definitely going to feel that. Capitalism, like Marxism, is great in theory. In practice, its subject to all the same pitfalls. Either way, Joe Nobody gets the shaft. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gone~ 614 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 One consequence of the bail-outs, however, was legislation preventing them from using consumer deposits as investment capitol. Legislation that was just rolled back. Meaning they're free to take the same risks. If they pay off, bully for the banks, I'm not seeing a cut. However, when those investments tank, I'm definitely going to feel that. Capitalism, like Marxism, is great in theory. In practice, its subject to all the same pitfalls. Either way, Joe Nobody gets the shaft. I'm not quite sure of the details of how banks and these investments operate, but I'll try my best to respond. Legislation preventing certain voluntary actions can only be bad. Similar to Prohibition in the US, the War on Drugs, and minimum wage, preventing voluntary interactions between people only harms everyone. In this case, it falls along the lines of competition as well. Banks could have this certain quality of choosing to use "consumer deposits as investment capitol." In a free market, consumers would have the choice between banks that have this quality and banks that don't (not quite sure how this currently applies in the US and in most places in general since banks tend to be heavily regulated by government). As long as there are any incentives for either side, then it's similar to any other competition between businesses. If most people would prefer a bank that does not use consumer deposits, or uses them only in the certain way the consumer wants, then the bank that fulfills these qualities would get more customers and thus increase profits. Banks should have an incentive to most closely fulfill a consumer's needs, and the only reason a bank wouldn't have that incentive is if a government interferes to distort it. Capitalism works because everyone's "greed" helps everyone to get what they want. A company wants profits, and to get profits you need more customers. To get more customers, the company's product needs to fulfill the customers' needs. Thus companies have an incentive to make what's best for the customers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomeRetroGeek 110 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Okay. Here we go: -Spider-Man 3 and Amazing Spider-Man 2 were great -Seth Macfarlane is the greatest comedian of his generation -SpongeBob makes no sense. How is there snow underwater? Why do they drink water? They need water to breath in Sandy's house, yet manage just fine on land, away from water in the new movie. -Family Guy is one of the funniest comedies to grace the television screen. -People thought the dance scene in Spider-Man 3 was stupid, and yet no one complained about Star Lord dancing to Come and Get Your Love in GOTG. He looks at modern stuff too if your curious! Huge thanks to DanishToenails for my profile picture! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
long gone 8,929 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Mobile gaming will never be as good as actual gaming and poses absolutely no threat to the PC or consoles. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
remove p l e a s e ? 800 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Mobile gaming will never be as good as actual gaming and poses absolutely no threat to the PC or consoles. Yes, all my yes. You don't even have any buttons, making it difficult to play. 1 out of my swamp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,860 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 ATTENTION AND A REMINDER I believe some may misunderstand the topic. The Unpopular Opinions thread does not act as a shield against what may be inappropriate comments. Several posts were removed. Thanks all. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lisa 5,553 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 Yes, all my yes. You don't even have any buttons, making it difficult to play. You haven't seen the Nvidia Shield have you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
remove p l e a s e ? 800 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 You haven't seen the Nvidia Shield have you? Even then, you'll be bombarded with a million crappy games like Flappy Bird. Also, that thing's 200$ so I could instead buy something better like a 2DS for lower the price and have better games. 1 out of my swamp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HereComesTom 2,268 January 29, 2015 Share January 29, 2015 In a free market, consumers would have the choice between banks that have this quality and banks that don't (not quite sure how this currently applies in the US and in most places in general since banks tend to be heavily regulated by government). As long as there are any incentives for either side, then it's similar to any other competition between businesses. If people don't have perfect information or comprehension of what banks do, though...? Help the main six stop the Weather Factory Meltdown! Click here to play: Click here to help build the game: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gone~ 614 January 29, 2015 Share January 29, 2015 If people don't have perfect information or comprehension of what banks do, though...? If a bank lies to people, then its reputation is tarnished and it loses customers. A bank wouldn't want this, and thus has incentive to be more transparent. If people are assumed to be ignorant or uncaring towards something as important as where they save their money, why have a system where they vote on policies that will be forced upon everyone? Rather than a democracy where a majority of people (who hardly care about issues related to themselves, let alone issues unrelated to them) can force themselves upon the minority, we should have a system of individual freedom for all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plageius 263 January 29, 2015 Share January 29, 2015 As contrarian to my beliefs as libertarians are, I do have a certain respect for them; we both share the same ideals of freedom, we just have different ways of reaching it ^~^ Libertarians and communists should team up against liberals, conservatives and fascists =3 Oh man, I definetely agree with that last one. I'd much rather see trolleys and trains buzzing around a city x3 tbh I hate cars. Theyre ugly and wasteful and dangerous. <--- There's my controversial opinion! =D So how do you get around then? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CC_Maud_Pie 6,431 January 30, 2015 Share January 30, 2015 I'll just say this: Peet's Coffee & Tea > Starbucks Coffee Especially the pastries. All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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