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gaming Which shooter game is best shooter game?


Best game?  

82 users have voted

  1. 1. What's your favorite game?

    • Battlefeild 3
    • Modern Warfare 3
    • Black ops
    • Halo
    • Gears of war
    • Team fortress 2
    • Other
    • TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
    • Borderland

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Torn really between Halo 3 and Battlefield. Both are great games, but I think Halo 3 has that element of crazy fun with the custom games, so many hours spent playing stuff like speed halo and Jenga tower, :3

Edited by FL_
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Mine is Counter Strike - Source.


It's a very old fps based from the he series and made for online play only. It feels very real as some guns kill with only one shot, but the best part is that it's so old and mod able that loads of different maps got made from racing maps to surfing maps and death run maps making it so much fun and very varied when you played it.


I also think the lack of stats helped people to just enjoy the game and not always try and get the best stats like what seems to happen now :P

Edited by Happy Plant
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I made that post before the thread title was what it is now.


I just never went back and edited it.


Ohh. I see what you mean then.


Sorry if I quoted your old post (even though it was only a four-day old post). ^_^

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For shooter, the Mass Effect series. Very story and character driven, which I find to be quite rare in many shooters.

Gears is okay, I suppose, if you like violence. I did enjoy them.


Not the best genre of course, but good for if you're playing with friends :)



Beautiful setting and great game overall, can't go wrong.


I don't know if ME counts as a shooter but if, I agree, it's one of the best.

And BS is soo awesome. Completed the second one 2 days ago :)

Still have to say the first is a bit better and has more memorizable and shock moments.


I don't play much multiplayer, therefore the story and the setting are what matters the most for me

Edited by Wildcard
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I don't know if ME counts as a shooter but if, I agree, it's one of the best.

And BS is soo awesome. Completed the second one 2 days ago :)

Still have to say the first is a bit better and has more memorizable and shock moments.


I don't play much multiplayer, therefore the story and the setting are what matters the most for me


I would say it is, from personal opinion. I mean, you run around. Shooting stuff. Isn't that what you do in a shooter?

But yeah, the first was loads better in my opinion. I loved it. But it didn't scare me much sadly :(

I just loved raping Insect Swarm on people C:<

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I would say it is, from personal opinion. I mean, you run around. Shooting stuff. Isn't that what you do in a shooter?

But yeah, the first was loads better in my opinion. I loved it. But it didn't scare me much sadly :(

I just loved raping Insect Swarm on people C:<


I must admit I was tense throughout the whole game, sometimes slowly going around corners but I am usually quite the coward in games. The characters were crazy and excellent creepy(Cohen and Dr. Steinman especially) and some scenes scared the hell out of me.(especially when the light flickers and stuff like that).

In the second one there were not THAT crazy and memorable guys(even Gil Alexander was quite "normal" in comparison to Cohen or Steinman) and the shock moments were not really good. Bioshock 1 uses the light and music a lot better to create a tense atmosphere and it's also a bit "darker".

My favorite combination was "Winter Blast" and the Drill. It's really powerful >:)

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Halo everyday.

Iost all respect for call of duty when i got tomahawked in the face across havana. -_-


That happened to me on Summit once. I learned mah lesson, which was never to walk in a straight line while going out of your starting spawn :lol:


Why MW2 is mah favorite shooter (Not the best! But I like it the most):


I also just noticed that even though the title says "Best Shooter", the description said something like "What's your favorite shooter?". Since you technically were asking us what our favorite shooter is, I'll say mine is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. As unbelievably broken as that game is thanks to literally 2-3 enormous problems (Not counting the occassional hacker), I have a lot of fun with it when playing it.


The guns in that game are almost perfectly balanced to each other. Some were better than others, but not enough to make them really OP. Some people even say that ALL the weapons are overpowered, so they're technically balanced as a whole :P. Mah most favorite guns in any CoD game can be found in MW2. To be more specific, ALL of mah Top 5 favorite weapons are MW2 guns. Some of the guns on that list are in other CoD games, but the MW2 versions are the ones I like the most.


I should also mention that mah favorite maps are in MW2. Highrise, Terminal, Afghan, Scrapyard, and Salvage are all MW2 maps, except for Terminal, which is also a MW3 free-DLC map :D. The spawns for the most part are also decent-to-great. Sometimes, a MW3 spawn will happen, but I can excuse it.


Hit detection has got to be mah favorite thing about this game. The hit detection is great, even with a not-so-great connection, and if you have the host advantage, it is superb :wub:! Hit detection can be a problem for me in other games, namely Black Ops I :(, so it's great that MW2 got this right.


The perks are also balanced great, EXCEPT for Commando -_-. THAT is one of the major problems with that game (If you don't know, Commando is a perk that enhances your knifing range so that it is longer. The knife is a one hit kill, so that fact that you can get lunged from a ridiculous distance is very fustrating). Other than that, everything seems balanced enough. One thing I should note is with the presence of Stopping Power made the game very rush-friendly and camping wasn't a big issue (Although it is still a douchebag method), and MW2's stealth perk, Cold-Blooded, wasn't all that used. It was quite useful, but Stopping Power just seemed much better to others. This leads to what I hate about the last 2 CoD titles the most. Stealth perks are too powerful every since Stopping Power and Juggernaut were removed, plus Ghost and Assassin (BOI and MW3's stealth perks) are much more powerful than the rest of the other perks in their respective tier, making both games a lot slower and more camper freindly.


Some people think the killstreaks are overpowered, but really, most people who complain about this don't run a class with Cold-Blooded with Stinger missiles. If you have this class and you use it against killstreaks, they have no chance. Killstreaks are very powerful, but are easy to shoot down. Hell, if you have Stopping Power, you can take down a UAV with just one assault rifle magazine.


Of course, no CoD game is perfect. Hell, even the best CoD game in most people's opinions, Call of Duty 4 (Modern Warfare 1), had some problems, but they were not bad enough to totally ruin the game which made it so fun for so many people. MW2 is the exact opposite. There are some problems in that game that totally ruined it for many, but others like me manage to treak through all of the crap. For instance, MW2's biggest problem was that grenade launchers were too powerful, too easy to use and were waaaaaay overused. Like I said before, Commando was another big problem. The knifing abilities people exploited were very annoying thanks to this perk, although noobtubes (Grenade launchers) were still way worse. Commando is unfortunately one of the most used perks in MW2. Most people probably use it for it's pro version, which is "No Fall Damage Recieved", while others just use it for it's advantage at close range. One thing I should note is this perk is only really useful on close quarters, so this is more of a problem on small maps than some medium and large maps. Some people complained that the UMP.45 was overpowered thanks to the fact that it has an unlimited 3-hit kill range without Stopping Power, but I consider it a little more used than most weapons, although the amount of different weapons I see people using proves that the UMP isn't OP or badly overused. I should also mention that hackers are becoming a recurring problem. The one's I see the most are aimbotters, and they're pretty annoying, but thankfully, I sometimes have a faster reaction time than them, and I win :). Last Stand is unique because, while very annoying, it is actually quite rare to see. Commando and Last Stand are in the same tier of perks, and most people either use Commando or Steady Aim, so Last Stand is kinda rare. Plus, it doesn't have as much benefits as Final Stand or even Second Chance from Blops (More like unfair advantages), so that has something to do with it.


There's also one problem that is sorta of it's own little respective class, and that is Deathstreaks. These were meant to give a small boost to players who kept dying over and over again. Unfortunately, IW made these TOO powerful, and 3 out of 4 of these are really annoying. Painkiller gives you a large health boost that is way more powerful than it needs to be. Martyrdom drops a live grenade upon death. While not as powerful as CoD4's, it is still annoying. Final Stand is basically a cheaper version of Last Stand (In which the player drops onto his ass and basically survives one more shot while dropshotting automatically), since in Final Stand, if the player survives long enough, can actually regain all his health and keep playing like normal. Copycat is the only one which isn't annoying, and this one isn't annoying AT ALL. It's kinda funny when I see someone who stole mah class through Copycat.


So there you have, this is why MW2 is mah favorite shooter out there.


TL;DR Version:


MW2 has a lot of good things, including good maps, balanced weapons, mostly balanced perks (Except for one), good hit detection, is rusher-friendly, and has good spawns. Unfortunately the bad things, which include grenade launchers, Commando lungers, the occassional Last Stand, deathstreaks, and occassional hackers, make this game unplayable for others. Despite this, I still love this game a lot, and will continue to play it for a while longer

Edited by akimBrony
  • Brohoof 1
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I would have to go with battlefield because it offers great gameplay, and teamwork is required in order to win, and you usually don't get that in the games you listed. Not that the other games are bad, but i just prefer battlefield. (Side note: I think its funny how MW3 has no votes lol)

Edited by bobthecableman
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Out of every FPS game ever made, I have to go with Doom.


IMHO, Doom set the standards for first-person shooters before the Halo, Half-Life, Call of Duty, basically any FPS game today. This game was the second FPS game I've ever played, the other being Wolfenstein 3D. I've enjoyed blasting my way from space to the depths of hell with my arsenals such as the Shotgun, Chaingun, Rocket Launcher and most notably, the Chainsaw, running at 10-15 frames per second back in the mid-90s, if I remember correctly.


Great memories from this game.

Edited by Deeмo
  • Brohoof 2
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Out of every FPS game ever made, I have to go with Doom.


IMHO, Doom set the standards for first-person shooters before the Halo, Half-Life, Call of Duty, basically any FPS game today. This game was the second FPS game I've ever played, the other being Wolfenstein 3D. I've enjoyed blasting my way from space to the depths of hell with my arsenals such as the Shotgun, Chaingun, Rocket Launcher and most notably, the Chainsaw, running at 10-15 frames per second back in the mid-90s, if I remember correctly.


Great memories from this game.


I must admit as a horror game fan, doom 3 really wasnt that scary due to the comforting arsenal at your disposal

Then again after waking the neighbours due to playing amesia i find it somewhat comforting.

Still i see your point.





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I must admit as a horror game fan, doom 3 really wasnt that scary due to the comforting arsenal at your disposal

Then again after waking the neighbours due to playing amesia i find it somewhat comforting.

Still i see your point.






TBH, I've only played the demo of Doom 3 and I wasn't really too thrilled about it. The game was dark and that it forces you to use a flashlight without using your gun at the same time. Stupid move by id Software.
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My love for shooter games has decayed over the years. I love the Halo series however, it has a great story aswell as fun gameplay.


No shooter game is going to be the best, because everyone has different opinions on what's better and to what they like.

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Halo CE > Armed Assault 2 > Battlefield 2 > everything else


I grew up with Halo and BF, and ARMA is just epicly realistic.


In preety much all fps's its like "Oh i just got killed.... nvm respawned", in ARMA its "Oh i just got killed.... my character got permabanned from the server and i gotta start all over again.".

When you know there are some actual consequences to dying, adrenaline really kicks in when bullets start whizzing around. Thats also why i love EvE... :P

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Out of every FPS game ever made, I have to go with Doom.


IMHO, Doom set the standards for first-person shooters before the Halo, Half-Life, Call of Duty, basically any FPS game today. This game was the second FPS game I've ever played, the other being Wolfenstein 3D. I've enjoyed blasting my way from space to the depths of hell with my arsenals such as the Shotgun, Chaingun, Rocket Launcher and most notably, the Chainsaw, running at 10-15 frames per second back in the mid-90s, if I remember correctly.


Great memories from this game.


Ah wolfeinstein ..


That had hitler as the last boss carrying 2 machine guns haha, that game was great


I have to also say quake is also a dps that should defiantly be considers one of the best FPS of all time. Loads of people still play it to !!!

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I was going to say Half Life 2, but then I saw someone put Metroid Prime and I thought, "Oh sweet Luna, both are so good..." :U


Eh, I guess I'll still go with HL2. I just love the plot in that game. I love the Metroid Prime series a lot too, however... there's not much dialogue really. I mean, yeah she and Gordon were both mutes, but apparently Gordon has more friends.


Wait, I just remembered, Samus did talk in a recent Metroid game... "Other M" was it? Oh yeah, now I remember why I forgot. I shall use an image from said game to describe my opinion of its attempted story:


Posted Image]


But I digress, HL2 will be and always will be best in my book. At least until HL3 comes out, whenever that will be.

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007: Goldeneye for the N64. It's really fun to play when bored, and at parties it's MultiPlayer mode proves for great fun. As simple as it is, it's really enjoyable. No 'kill streaks' or anything like that. Just cold-blooded murder. Heh.

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Ah wolfeinstein ..


That had hitler as the last boss carrying 2 machine guns haha, that game was great


I have to also say quake is also a dps that should defiantly be considers one of the best FPS of all time. Loads of people still play it to !!!


Wolfenstein 3D was freakin' awesome. My mom's former boyfriend installed the full version where there are six episodes. I really wish I can play those games right now. Sadly, Windows 7 don't have MS-DOS to run the games.


I've played Quake a few times, I was never hooked on that.


BUT, I used to play Quake II offline and online at the good ol' MSN Gaming Zone back in 2001 to 2005. That was the first FPS game I've ever played online. I've seen some servers on a website, but there's very little of the people playing it.

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Wolfenstein 3D was freakin' awesome. My mom's former boyfriend installed the full version where there are six episodes. I really wish I can play those games right now. Sadly, Windows 7 don't have MS-DOS to run the games.


I've played Quake a few times, I was never hooked on that.


BUT, I used to play Quake II offline and online at the good ol' MSN Gaming Zone back in 2001 to 2005. That was the first FPS game I've ever played online. I've seen some servers on a website, but there's very little of the people playing it.


I think you can make them run, my friend had a program called DOS-BOX that seemed to run games like this from what I remember. And I'm prit sure we used it to play loads of games like this (was going back a few years).


I'll check my PC when I get home :)

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Battlefield. Simply the best out of your list if you're looking for that true soldier feel. But you know what's better than BF3? Modern Warfare 1.

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