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Equestrians are Omnivores

Rainbow Sparkle

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After some checking....I believe I can safely say that the Equestrians are omnivores. My proof?


Well, for starters, we have the fact that they eat eggs, and unless I'm mistaken eggs are considered meat. Secondly, we have what looks like a deli-meat sandwich in the episode A Bird in the Hoof. We have also seen (at least once to my knowledge, though I could be wrong) a set of sharp teeth (Canine teeth, incisors, whatever you call them).


But more importantly, I just recalled something from the episode Fall Weather Friends, or rather, two somethings. The first, though not what really got me thinking about this, is that AJ says that Rainbow Dash is "trussed up like a turkey" after she ties her wings. I cannot think of any reason other than cooking a turkey that one would need to truss up a turkey, though if anyone can enlighten me on a reason that doesn't involve cooking please do so.


The main thing that got me really thinking this though was a comment from good ol Pinkie while she was commentating. Its possible (though very slim in my mind) that it was some sort of weird 4th wall breaking slip up, but since Spike didn't seem completely confused by what she said, (more like he was getting to much of an overdose of being near Pinkie being Pinkie in my mind, she can be the embodiment of the Chewbacca Defense after all) I have to think that this does indeed imply that the ponies eat meat.


What exactly is it that spirred this reignition of such a thought in my brain? This line.


Pinkie Pie: I'm not sure how ketchup is going to help her in this contest. Now, in a hot dog eating contest it can make them doggies nice and slippery, but personally I prefer mustard. How about you, Spike?


This line makes me have to stop and ask, how in tartarus's name would a species of herbivores know about hot dogs (thus the reason I implied the slim possibility of it being a case of 4th wall breakage)? It made no sense to me, because I find the idea of them coming up with vegetarian hot dogs without having meat-based hot dogs, not to mention calling them the same thing, to be within the realm of ASB (this, while talking about a show where there actually is an ASB sitting around Posted Image)


So, from that piece of information and other tiny things (I'm sure if I go hunting I can find more) I have determined, in my head canon at least, that the Ponies of Equestria are definitively omnivores. Obviously, as I would like to assume we wouldn't, they don't eat anything sentient (and I could theoretically see Fluttershy being a vegetarian for the most part) but overall, they are omnivores just like us, only with a slimmer selection of what they are willing to eat.



I felt like sharing this weird/random rant on a possible fact of Equestria with you all. I am interested in your own thoughts on this.

  • Brohoof 1
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Makes sense to me. Obviously, they were intended to be vegetarians, sticking mostly just to horse foods (Hay and the like), but just by "humanizing" the ponies, it made them omnivores, because humans are omnivores.... If that makes sense to you...

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I don't think Ponies farm animals and send them to slaughterhouses like us, or have anything like a Steakhouse or Mcdonalds restaurants.


But I guess they do harvest eggs from Chickens in order to make cakes and stuff.


They are Omnivores, but they do not need meat to survive, so I would guess most are vegetarians.

Edited by Rush
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In the opening scene to Canterlot Wedding, Dash was eating a sandwich that appeared to have had a type of meat in it, too. But upon closer examination, it appears it just vegetables and some cheese.


Posted Image


But nonetheless, pinkie's line among other lines would hint towards it, so there's not much to say other than I agree with this premise, so that's that.

  • Brohoof 4
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There may be also psychopath Ponies (perhaps from a different universe to the show) who hunt animals to eat or kill Ponies to eat.

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Makes sense to me. Obviously, they were intended to be vegetarians, sticking mostly just to horse foods (Hay and the like), but just by "humanizing" the ponies, it made them omnivores, because humans are omnivores.... If that makes sense to you...


I think to an extent it might have been an accident on the part of the shows creators. I'm tempted to try and contact Lauren Faust and get a Word of Faust on this (after of course presenting the evidence to make sure an informed decision is made)

I don't think Ponies farm animals and send them to slaughterhouses like us, or have anything like a Steakhouse or Mcdonalds restaurants.


But I guess they do harvest eggs from Chickens in order to make cakes and stuff.


They are Omnivores, but they do not need meat to survive, so I would guess most are vegetarians.


That's my thought. They follow a diet based heavily on vegetables, but have meat in there sometimes.

In the opening scene to Canterlot Wedding, Dash was eating a sandwich that appeared to have had a type of meat in it, too. But upon closer examination, it appears it just vegetables and some cheese.


Posted Image


But nonetheless, pinkie's line among other lines would hint towards it, so there's not much to say other than I agree with this premise, so that's that.


Actually, look carefully at that picture, very carefully. I see something that looks vaguely like Salami hiding between the cheese and tomatoes.


However, I don't think their as big meat-eaters as us, not on the scale we do anyways, but I do believe that they eat meat.

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I think to an extent it might have been an accident on the part of the shows creators. I'm tempted to try and contact Lauren Faust and get a Word of Faust on this (after of course presenting the evidence to make sure an informed decision is made)



That's my thought. They follow a diet based heavily on vegetables, but have meat in there sometimes.



Actually, look carefully at that picture, very carefully. I see something that looks vaguely like Salami hiding between the cheese and tomatoes.


However, I don't think their as big meat-eaters as us, not on the scale we do anyways, but I do believe that they eat meat.


No, that looks purple to me, aka onions. I think that particular sandwich is a vegetarian option xPP

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Or we're all over analyzing this show because they SPECIFICALLY say in multiple episodes that they're vegetarians. Yeah, they mention meat food, writers error. Nothing more.

  • Brohoof 2
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In the opening scene to Canterlot Wedding, Dash was eating a sandwich that appeared to have had a type of meat in it, too. But upon closer examination, it appears it just vegetables and some cheese.


Posted Image


But nonetheless, pinkie's line among other lines would hint towards it, so there's not much to say other than I agree with this premise, so that's that.


I just have to say, I very much enjoy that animation. I can't stop laughing... Haha... Rainbow Dash eating a sandwich... You're so funny...
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I think they were meant to be vegetarians, and I still consider them generally herbivores. They consume animal byproducts such as eggs and milk, but I don't think that makes them omnivores.


Well, technically it does, but I don't think they eat full on meat.


In the opening scene to Canterlot Wedding, Dash was eating a sandwich that appeared to have had a type of meat in it, too. But upon closer examination, it appears it just vegetables and some cheese.


Posted Image


But nonetheless, pinkie's line among other lines would hint towards it, so there's not much to say other than I agree with this premise, so that's that.


And I don't know why, but I can't stop looking at this gif 0.o



Edited by Eljordo
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Okay, first of all...


eggs are considered meat


Posted Image

I believe eggs are dairy. I don't know how they would even be confused with meat.


Other than that, you made a good point.


Also, I'm really glad I got an excuse to use that picture.

Edited by TessHM
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I just have to say, I very much enjoy that animation. I can't stop laughing... Haha... Rainbow Dash eating a sandwich... You're so funny...


Me too. I've been staring at her cheeks for at least a minute.


On topic, I really don't think that they eat meat. I guess that they must know what meat is and probably somepony eats it but for the most part, I don't think so.

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Okay, first of all...




Posted Image

I believe eggs are dairy. I don't know how they would even be confused with meat.


Other than that, you made a good point.

I was gonna say you were over-analysing a one-off line by Pinkie Pie, but then I realized it would be kinda hypocritical of me to do that, considering I wrote a whole series of Fallout 3 fanfics inspired by nameless NPC chatter.


Eggs are considered meat in the sense that they come from an animal, and therefor a true vegetarian wont eat them.
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Or we're all over analyzing this show because they SPECIFICALLY say in multiple episodes that they're vegetarians. Yeah, they mention meat food, writers error. Nothing more.


Its not just a writers error, it's also an animators error. We've seen them make Eggs. Eggs are meat. Not too mention the fact that they use eggs in the baking of all their sweets and such.


Besides, we're nerds, over-analyzing a show is what we do.


No, that looks purple to me, aka onions. I think that particular sandwich is a vegetarian option xPP




Zoomed in, it's color is less purple and more a sort of reddish-purple brown color. It looks like the color I'd use for sliced roast beef or for salami. I'd use a deeper purple or a purple red for onions. Besides, wouldn't the inner part that can be seen be a purplish white?


Okay, first of all...




Posted Image

I believe eggs are dairy. I don't know how they would even be confused with meat.


The idea of eggs being dairy makes absolutely no sense to me. If allowed to actually grow as their supposed to, they become live chickens. Besides, not all people mix milk into their eggs (its the only way I can even consider them being dairy.)




USDA[/url]) categorizes eggs as Meats within the Food Guide Pyramid.


Edited by Rainbow Sparkle
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Eggs are considered meat in the sense that they come from an animal, and therefor a true vegetarian wont eat them.




Dammit, vegetarianism is confusing. I thought that was vegans?

Also, does that rule go for milk and cheese and stuff?

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Dammit, vegetarianism is confusing. I thought that was vegans?

Also, does that rule go for milk and cheese and stuff?


Vegans, vegetarian, I don't bother too much in differentiating them. Some 'vegetarians' will eat eggs, so long as they are unfertilized, but no herbivore as far as I am aware does.
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Eh, it's a cartoon, details for meat may not be 100% accurate. Not saying no, but I'm not closing my idea to onions either.


I won't discount it being onions either, it just looks more meat colored to me. I'm half tempted to say that whatever it was must have been a thing just suddenly tossed in there and not given much thought.

Vegans, vegetarian, I don't bother too much in differentiating them. Some 'vegetarians' will eat eggs, so long as they are unfertilized, but no herbivore as far as I am aware does.


Vegans will not eat anything that is meat or comes from animals. Plants, and I mean plants, only. Vegetarians differ, some will eat eggs, some will eat fish, others won't, some will drink milk, etc.


EDIT: What's Lauren Faust's Deviant Art page, I want to message her and see if I could get some kind of word of faust from her.

Edited by Rainbow Sparkle
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My best guess is that most of them are very loose vegetarians like they are willing to eat byproducts of animals. Fish is still unknown.


I wouldn't be surprised though if RD eats a small amount of meat based on the fact she was friends with a griffon.

AJ may eat meat some aswell.

Fluttershy ...... no

Twilight ......... who knows

Rarity........... unlikely but she is willing to eat eggs.

Pinkie......... yes because she obeys no laws of logic.

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Eggs are not considered a meat. Eggs are a protein and do fall under the protein category in the food pyramid, but they are no more a meat than beans are.


Vegans will not eat them because they come from an animal and most of them feel it is wrong to exploit the chickens by forcing them to lay eggs for us to eat.


Most vegetarians will eat eggs, though often they are classified as "lacto-ovo vegetarians". I've personally never understood the need for that classification but the non-meat eating community is exceptionally picky about putting everyone into their little pigeon hole. As no animal is killed to bring about an egg it's generally deemed acceptable to eat them in the vegetarian community.


Those who eat fish, or chicken, or other things and avoid only certain types of meat are not considered vegetarians and usually have their own classifications.


When it comes to animal classifications there are herbivorous animals that eat eggs and are still classified as herbivorous.


I can see where you're coming from with this argument as even when I saw them eating eggs for breakfast my first thought was, "that's not a very pony thing to be eating", but I think their intention is for them to be herbivores. It's simply very difficult for the writers to avoid certain cultural references as they themselves were most likely raised in a meat eating culture and no matter how hard you try something of that is bound to slip through into your writing. Hence the turkey and hot dog comments.


I must admit, those are some well caught phrases you presented for evidence.

Edited by MoonFeather
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We can only goes on Pinkie's word (which can be difficult to do at times), so we have to fill in the mental imagery with our own concept of what a hotdog is. In truth an Equestrian hotdog may be a vegetarian substitute; I suspect such would be the case in a world occupied by friendly equines. It seems as if the writers have gone out of their way to avoid having the ponies eat meat products and have consistently emphasized their herbivore nature (most of their food is explicitly vegetation).

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I can see where you're coming from with this argument as even when I saw them eating eggs for breakfast my first thought was, "that's not a very pony thing to be eating", but I think their intention is for them to be herbivores. It's simply very difficult for the writers to avoid certain cultural references as they themselves were most likely raised in a meat eating culture and no matter how hard you try something of that is bound to slip through into your writing. Hence the turkey and hot dog comments.


I must admit, those are some well caught phrases you presented for evidence.


It was oddly enough while trying to decide whether to make the ponies be omnivores in a fic I'm writing, and then the hot dog line just popped into my head (I blame pinkie :P), and I then recalled the trussed up like a turkey line. It just made no sense for such a phrase to be in their vocab if they didn't truss up turkeys and cook them.

soydogs. I'm just sayin'


also pinkie said that they were vegetarians in over a barrel.


Just throwin' those out there for ya.


I pointed out however, if you didn't have meat based hot dogs in existence, why would you have vegetarian hot dogs and still call them hot dogs? That to me enters Alien Space Bat territory. I mean, if we didn't have meat-based hot dogs, I don't see why we would create a soy/non-meat based version, nor why we would call it a hot dog.


Never said canon can't be conflicting! :)

We can only goes on Pinkie's word (which can be difficult to do at times), so we have to fill in the mental imagery with our own concept of what a hotdog is. In truth an Equestrian hotdog may be a vegetarian substitute; I suspect such would be the case in a world occupied by friendly equines. It seems as if the writers have gone out of their way to avoid having the ponies eat meat products and have consistently emphasized their herbivore nature (most of their food is explicitly vegetation).


I did suggest the possibility that Pinkie Pie was doing some 4th wall breaking there in that scene, which could to an extent explain Spikes confused response.

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I did suggest the possibility that Pinkie Pie was doing some 4th wall breaking there in that scene, which could to an extent explain Spikes confused response.


It wouldn't be breaking the fourth wall really, since Pinkie's comment doesn't acknowledge the fact that there is an audience. I suspect that it is merely remark which, given some elaboration, would reveal that the hotdogs in Equestria are quite different from our own, i.e., suited for herbivores.

Edited by Thereisnospoon303
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I think what you are all forgetting is that there is a difference between vegan and vegetarian, vegans do not eat anything that was produced by animals nor do they eat animals. While vegetarians can eat things like cheese, eggs, milk, yogurt. Does that make them omnivores? Technically yes, but that does not change the fact that they are indeed vegetarian. I rest my case.

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