Scootalove 10,689 February 14, 2013 Share February 14, 2013 Well since, most humans have greed we might try to take over. Ponies might either take us in or, force us to live or they tear us to shreds. I find that, humans in Equestria might work if done the right way. Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 February 14, 2013 Share February 14, 2013 I find the lack of faith in humanity in this thread to be extremely depressing and think that the vast majority of us are good people at heart. I think that our First Contact with ponies will be something more along the lines of Close Encounters or Star Trek- with a sense of wonder and curiosity, and ponies would probably react the same way. 3 Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DR Leper Lupinstein 410 February 14, 2013 Share February 14, 2013 (edited) it'd go sumthing like this... jkjk but idk iwould think pinkie would want to throw a party for the humans and welcome them to equestria Edited February 14, 2013 by zombronie 1 hXc i ain't like you and i don't wantyour love and i don't need your respect!!!! hXc ^ - BLOOD FOR BLOOD/OUTLAW ANTHEMS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow RapiDASH 53 February 14, 2013 Share February 14, 2013 Asked and answered. Considering how they got with Zecora, I wouldn't be surprised if they did something like this if a human ever did show up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelvocity 211 February 14, 2013 Share February 14, 2013 How would we react if an intelligent alien race were to visit our planet? Got it? Alright, now tone that down a little and remove all the crazy military stuff and just have the reaction be the level it would be in Equestria. Now you see? If you don't, then I guess I didn't really answer your question. But basically I believe they'd treat us as an intelligent alien race... however that would be. As long as bad humans don't make their way to Equestria. They'd probably seize some kind of inter-dimensional portal and take Equestria over in the name of the Earth. Wait for it... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skygunner 352 February 14, 2013 Share February 14, 2013 (edited) Where to begin. As mentioned pervious, we need to define what "humans" are arriving. Starved sailors who were magically transported there via unworldly magics. Well they would probably react by being dinner. The other side of the fandom? I don't even wanna know. Regular ol people? Probably the same way they'd react when a strange pony comes to town. While we're on it, what kinda ponies? It's all very situational. However more than likely theres a few common things going. Language - As far as we know, ponies speak english. Instant connection, a shared language is dang useful, it'll make communication far easier nd you can explain exactly whats going on. "Hi, I've been on a ship for the last 3 years and wish to dine on your flesh, om nomnonmnom". Pony understands it's going to be dinner, kicks it in the face and runs away. Going with the non-started sailor route however, limitless possibilities open. So i'll go with "What would happen if a human arrived in ponyvill" More so that that, I'll go with "what if I did" First things first is I'd probably be screaming. Not that excited "oh boy, i'm so happy scream", but more like "holy #%@$ I am in equestria with talking ponies" fear sorta thing. The screaming would last for some time. Once all that was out of the way, I supposed the next deal woulf be establishing a greeting. Mind you, by this point there may be pony spears pointed at my face, but we probably both speak english so a good hardy "Hello" would be a nice start. Then i'd eat them Edited February 14, 2013 by Skygunner -signature under construction- Going to a convention I'm going too? --- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RWB 229 February 14, 2013 Share February 14, 2013 Also, they are called “My little ponies”. For all we know, we could be giants to them.With the help of a certain pole seen in Hearth's Warming Eve, someone managed to calculate that The average female pony(Mane 6) is about 150 cm high(slightly smaller) from hoof to top of head. Big Mac is roughly two metres by the same comparison. This means that the male ponies seen in the show is essentially the same size as the common ponies in our world, but with longer necks, while the females are smaller than the average pony, but not by much. Celestia, judging from her size in comparison? Outsizes Samson, the biggest recorded horse in history. "The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin." Max Lundgren, Author, 1981 (Translated from Swedish) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 February 15, 2013 Share February 15, 2013 Probably the same way they reacted to Zecora in Bridle Gossip, prematurely judge them, cower in fear and come up with all sorts of ridiculous over the top rumors about how they are these dangerous evil monsters. Of course if any bad apples got in that would reinforce that fear rather nicely but if decent people go in it might eventually work out, it all depends. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bendy 1,821 February 15, 2013 Share February 15, 2013 (edited) I believe in my whole the honesty, courage, intelligence, durability... and goodness of the overwhelming majority of my brothers and sisters everywhere on this planet. I am proud to be a human being. I believe that we have come this far by the skin of our teeth, that we always make it just by the skin of our teeth — but that we will always make it … survive … endure. I believe that this hairless embryo with the aching, oversize brain case and the opposable thumb, this animal barely up from the apes, will endure. --- Robert A. Heinlein From reading many member's posts you don't seem to have much fate in Humanity, we aren't complete monsters! We are in the grey. With good luck have we may have a peaceful scenario like that of The Gentlemanverse: Gentleman for Mares. Warning it's a clopfic. __ Or a really bad scenario where the Ponies commit genocide on the Human race from one of thr crazy Conversion Bureau fan fictions. Hopefully it was written by an Anti Conversion Bureau author, that way both Ponies and Humans can live. Edited February 15, 2013 by Rush 1 Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on under the same username here: Rush. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wingnut 7,003 February 15, 2013 Share February 15, 2013 I also noticed the lack of faith in humanity from a lot of people in this thread. Sadly, human history indicates there is some truth to it. Anytime humans discovered a new world and a new people, the result is usually either to conquer it outright or to overrun it with people from their home country until the original culture and way of life is hardly recognizable. The best way to prevent this is to limit the number of humans going to Equestria. I don't think ponies would suffer fromt human immigration. They live with several sentient non pony species on their planet. MLP is too light hearted to touch on this topic, but being minorities in a world full of ponies probably leaves a lot of them with a sense of injustice and discrimination. But Princess Celestia is aware of these misgivings and she does what she can as a ruler to address these issues. Because they've been dealing with different peoples and cultures for centuries, it's hard to imagine anything but the largest influx of human immigrants changing the nature of Equestria. I also don't think humans can conquer Equestria. The ponies have shown themselves to be very resourceful and their mastery of magic offsets our huge advantage in firepower. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Alexer 763 February 16, 2013 Share February 16, 2013 So much misanthropy here, thats really sad. I highly doubt that nations (well, the first ones) simply will invade equestria without good reasons. "There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt." "Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body." "He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 February 16, 2013 Share February 16, 2013 I also noticed the lack of faith in humanity from a lot of people in this thread. Sadly, human history indicates there is some truth to it. Anytime humans discovered a new world and a new people, the result is usually either to conquer it outright or to overrun it with people from their home country until the original culture and way of life is hardly recognizable. And as we evolve as a species, we reailze how wrong we were and admit our wrongdoing. No one looks at these moments in history with fondness anymore. Yes, we've made some mistakes along the way, but we're still learning. Are the people in this thread the only ones who share outrage at humanity's past atrocities? No, and I think that's true of most people. The problem is less humanity and more an issue of power. Power corrupts, it makes it very easy to give into temptation, and I think that's the problem with the vast majority of issues that we've faced over the years. 1 Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 February 16, 2013 Share February 16, 2013 It will probably be Lyra trying to either hunt us down or ask us questions about, humans. Plus her song, Anthropology really could explain it. Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yeh. 1 February 16, 2013 Share February 16, 2013 Would definatly make for an interesting episode They should probably slowly intergrate them into the show though, so not to shock anypony. maybe they'er already in the show and we just didn't notice not notice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMarkz0ne 962 April 28, 2013 Share April 28, 2013 Whether it be the ponies or changelings. How would they react to the presence of a human being in their world. Would they be hostile and imprison him/her. I find this interesting. The spiderman meets MLP video is kinda the closest we are going to get to a simulation like that though. But you think Equestria knows what a human is, like they are legendary creatures to them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue Moon 6,341 April 28, 2013 Share April 28, 2013 Well, when you ask something like that, you have to ask yourself: "How would Earth handle ponies?" Once you have the answer to that, then and only then will you know the truth of your question. Autumn Blue Moon Clear Skies Summer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stormwind 53 April 28, 2013 Share April 28, 2013 Well, when you ask something like that, you have to ask yourself: "How would Earth handle ponies?" Once you have the answer to that, then and only then will you know the truth of your question. The way humans would handle a sentient candy colored horse would be far different from the way they would handle us. Its established that many non-pony creatures live in equestria, so a human might not be earth shattering. The human might just be an object of curiosity, but nothing more than that (or at least in my opinion) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veylon 255 April 29, 2013 Share April 29, 2013 The ponies have way broader mental horizons than most humans. We have a very sophisticated understanding of the world that clearly defines what can and cannot exist. Since magical talking ponies are in the cannot category, we'd have a pretty rough time of it. Medieval peasants or Stone Age tribes might handle the encounter better, as they haven't invested so much of their ego into the idea that they have a firm grasp of reality. Ponies, likewise being less sophisticated, would have a far easier time accepting a human into their midst. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoenix237 353 April 29, 2013 Share April 29, 2013 Two scenarios 1)If the know about humans, but they are extinct or rare then they may be awed by the presence of a human or weirded out to a point of starrig at the human 2) if they have no idea what a human is they would be weirded out or in awe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Rainbow Crash- 3 April 29, 2013 Share April 29, 2013 They would probably react worse than they did toward Zecora. They would hide from him/her and start whispering about legends of humans and how they would force ponies to carry them in wagons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrauWitz 1,010 October 2, 2013 Share October 2, 2013 Sound crazy indeed, but it also sounds like a good idea. My idea would be that a team of humans show up in Ponyville and the ponies hide indoors (like they did when Zicora showed up), then the Mane 6 would follow them into a bunker in the Everfree Forest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
White-Lightning 5 October 2, 2013 Share October 2, 2013 Uh I don't think they would take so kindly to humans...I mean most of the human race would freak out if talking ponies came to our world. Besides how would they get there anyway? From what I've seen everyone get's turned into a pony when they arrive so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MobiusKing97 16 October 2, 2013 Share October 2, 2013 Uh I don't think they would take so kindly to humans...I mean most of the human race would freak out if talking ponies came to our world. Besides how would they get there anyway? From what I've seen everyone get's turned into a pony when they arrive so. i am gonna have have to agree with white lighning here, i honestly dont know how humans would get there and also this kind of episode would require a crapload of brainstorming in order to be a success 1 My Equestria Girl, my life, my soul, and my....rare-bear(its my nick name for her alright....dont judge me) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Exile Phoenix 20 October 2, 2013 Share October 2, 2013 Nope, i don't want that to ever happen it would just ruin it for me i cant deal with it, all those "HUMANS" will corrupt us and ride us, and....and.... i am gonna stop now 2 made by me......uhhh......any questions? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunnerino 182 October 2, 2013 Share October 2, 2013 I think it would be an awful idea and if it was like an episode idea, I would just die. Also Equestria doesn't seem to have any humans, just ponies, dragons, and whatever creatures. A lot of fanfics that have humans going to Equestria they tend to just get sent there while they are sleeping, it's sort of a cliche. 1 If you see me around, feel free to say hey! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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