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Your experience when you wore your MLP shirt publicly?

Ad Foedera Cresco

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Well 2 things... Well 4 things... Well 4 things and a uh little bunch from that. From what I experience among wearing my pony shirts is at first is people asking me "Why do I like Ponies." Cause I do! I am a fan and that is to it. At first I had the brony shirt which I had to tell my friends who asked me what does brony mean. Then I started getting other shirts. In total I have 7. So sometime get asked question or comments upon saying, why i like ponies, or thats cute shirt (from women or girls), even kids whom watch mlp say I m 20% cooler when I wore my shirt, and also upon say, The Doctor is in the show? Yeah I answered that to them. I luv my Doctor Whooves shirts. Thats my experience.


Sometimes there are things that get me down. They can be hard to deal with, but I try not to worry too much about the thing I cannot change. So I just accept them.....Hehe Well I Figure if I can't beat them I'll laugh it off.

PSN: VChronosV23 Tumblr: http://viewtifulchronos.tumblr.com/

Steam name: Doctor D. Whoof

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I've worn my shirts to Walmart, to restaurants, to the movies, to ball games, and just about anywhere else that I've been. There have never been any questions or comments. Doesn't help that there aren't many bronies or people aware of bronies in Virginia, otherwise I might have heard something by now.


I HAZ NO PONY MERCHANDISE!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Go somewhere that sells pony stuff and rectify this tragic situation.

Edited by Artemis


Kyoshi made this ^^



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I've never worn it to school yet, but I'm wearing it the first day. I'm like this:


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My shirt is FlutterYAY. If you know what I mean. When I wore it in public people don't seem to care, though I get a few stares.

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I wear my Daring Do shirt in public all the time. I've found that for the most part, people do not care. Outside of going to BronyCon and a few meetups, I've only had two people mention it. One was some random guy who said it looked cool, but didn't otherwise seem to know what it was about, and another was a random brony I ran into at a nearby mall.

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I've never worn it to school yet, but I'm wearing it the first day. I'm like this:

My shirt is FlutterYAY. If you know what I mean. When I wore it in public people don't seem to care, though I get a few stares.


I can see comparisons in this. ^_^ When I wore my Derpy shirt to school, I could see so much people looking at my shirt for 2-3 seconds, then look up at me for 4-5 seconds It's awkward when you feel like so much people are looking at you through your peripherals! It can be very creepy, but I find it hilarious at the same time because their facial expressions make it look like they've never heard of Freidnship is Magic :huh:. I don't see the logic either, but Haters gonna hate! :wub:
  • Brohoof 2

"Ad Foedera Cresco"


"I Gain by Treaty"


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I wore a this shirt just got 20% cooler shirt lol.

No one said anything about it until later on in school.

At lunch someone called me gay, my answer: *middle finger* Buck you. I said it outloud so EVERYONE can hear it.

My friend laughed and just pointed.

It was hilarious.


Feld0 spelled backwards is illuminati


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I don't own any clothing of the sort but my facebook profile pic is scootaloo and my cover photo is spitfire XD



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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Haters gonna hate bro. he was calling me gay, then he pushed me, so i grabbed him by the pressure point in his wrist, and clocked him in the nose, then i blacked out ^_^


Oh you know where that pressure point is too, haha, my friend tried to take my pencil in class (I have weird reactions to most things) most of my reactions to anything are quick and weird to I grabbed the pressure point without thinking and yelled "NO BITCH!"
  • Brohoof 1



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I have yet to own a pony shirt. I may receive one as a gift for my birthday. However, the person that plans to give me it wore a doctor whooves shirt once and I nearly shat myself in joy....

I'm pretty cool. I think.


Also, new OC (it has a cutie mark this time!).

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The other day I was riding my bike with my rainbow dash on and a guy looked at me at a stop and said..."cool shirt"


Then several months ago I was wearing my Pinkie Pie in a Walmart. I come around a corner with my wife and a little girl looks at me and says "You have Pinkie Pie on your shirt" and I responded "yes I do!" She said it with innocence and didn't judge...she just recognized a guy who likes Pinkie Pie


THAT is the reality I support

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