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planning Big Pony


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So, I had this idea where we copy Big Brother, the TV series, only with, of course, ponies! Around 10-15 people could join and take part in the RP, and I could make an OC to watch over the house and lead it in one direction. You can't have your pony be invincible, and you'd have to be fair. Any thoughts on this idea or suggestions?

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Okay I love this idea. I am not kidding, I freaking love this idea. I am a huge fan of Big Brother, and if you do the make this into a RP, I would so join!


Great! But...do you have any suggestions? I need a routine. For now, I have something simple. HoH competition, nominations, PoV competition, Power of Veto meeting, voting. I may ad random things like the Pandora's Box now and then, but that's how much I have right now. Here, I'll put it in list form.


HoH Competition - Chosen by me


PoV Competition - Chosen from a variety of suggestions that can be posted on the OOC.

PoV Meeting

Voting for Elimination

Slob Competition - Chosen by HoH


There will also be a diary room.

Edited by The Opals
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Are your plan to make it where the fourm diside on our challenges or are we going to have a plan on all of them.

And we'll join in if you'll have us.

What about haveing people out side the compitition diside our challenges and reandom events in the house

Edited by MoosePony
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That sounds good, but shouldn't we include some form of the slop challenge, to learn who the people who have to sleep in the have not room and eat slop be.


That is a good idea, but will it be routinely mixed in with the other challenges, or an occasional thing, every few weeks in RP time?



Are your plan to make it where the fourm diside on our challenges or are we going to have a plan on all of them.

And we'll join in if you'll have us.

What about haveing people out side the compitition diside our challenges and reandom events in the house


That's a good idea, but I'm going to change that a little. The HoH can decide what the Slob competition will be. I will decide what the HoH competition is. And everypony can suggest ideas for PoV competitions and I will decide randomly from one of them.


I've decided that I should go ahead and make an OOC. The link will be posted here once it has been made. This thread will still be open to make suggestions until the actual RP begins.



Edited by The Opals
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