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mega thread Your Favorite Episode?

AppleShy Sparkle

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Here is my list of favorite episodes, and possibly least favorite episodes if someone can amuse me.


Favorite Episodes:

Sleepless in Ponyville

Applebuck Season

Apple Family Reunion

Too Many Pinkie Pies

Magic Duel/Boast Busters

Cutie Mark Chronicles

Return of Harmony Part 1 & 2

Suited For Success

The Cutie Pox

A Canterlot Wedding

Sisterhooves Social

Least Favorite Episodes:

Spike At Your Service

The Mysterious Mare Do-Well

The Show Stoppers

Magical Mystery Cure

Games Ponies Play

Hearts And Hooves Day

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Ok  here is my top 5:

1.- Hurricane Fluttershy :

In my opinion the closest the series has been of a flawless episode.  Also the positive aspects are just too many: The humor always works, some great animation effects, new background ponies with awesome designs, shows that Rainbow Dash has grown as a character before Wonderbolt´s Academy, gives a lot of depth to Fluttershy, and the climax touches me every time.

2.-Return of Harmony

Gives the show a great villain, the first episodes to be visually interesting, Discords plan in the first part is great, tells us something new about why some of the mane 6 are the way they are, the first really emotional moment in the series     

3.-Cutiemarck Chronicles

7 stories, 22 minutes, and it never feels rushed (except in Rarity´s part). How is this even possible! Also has a nice song, gives a lot of information about the mane 6, work´s better as a season finale than The Best Night Ever  

4.- Lesson Zero

It has the mental breakdown that I wanted to see in Party of One. (I don´t like that Pinkie is sad and a second later she turns out to be schizophrenic, still like the episode) And it´s just a funny, insane episode.

5.- Magical Mystery Cure

The first half may be flawed, rushed, didn´t have that many great songs (exept What My Cutiemarck Is Telling Me) But the second half is just PERFECT




And those are just the main reasons of why I love them so much

Edited by ManiacForPonies
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I really like A Canterlot Wedding and Party of One. Party of One was very funny and Caterlot wedding showed some nice narrative drama.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mine would have to be season one, episode 22, "A Bird in the Hoof". It was one of the few episodes that blew me away. I don't want to spoil anything for anypony who has not seen it, but the ending is really surprising.



Made by my wonderful boyfriend Kyoshi <3

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I really like the episode, "Cutie Mark Chronicles". I like the stories behind how the mane six got their cutie marks. It's fun to find out a little bit about their pasts, be it just little snipits.

  • Brohoof 2


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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season 3 episode 7 the one where rainbow dash made it into the wonder blots academy because it gives a good moral lesson and it stars rainbow dash now that I think about it any episode that stared her was good

  • Brohoof 1


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Either Cutie Mark Chronicles or Luna Eclipsed. I just thought both of those were hilarious, and extremely well done episodes. 
I loved the story behind the Mane 6's Cutie Marks, and I liked Princess Luna's lines and character in Luna Eclipsed :3

Hurricane Fluttershy is another great one too.

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Hello there. We already had a topic for sharing favorite episodes, and it doesn't specify a season, so your thread has been merged with it. In the future please be sure to use the search feature before making threads to ensure that you aren't creating a duplicate.


My top three are:


1: Hurricane Fluttershy- Lots of fun internal conflict in this one. Everything was done very well from a writing standpoint, and there were all sorts of little things that clued us into Fluttershy's perspective. The training montage was very entertaining, it's one of the best Rainbow Dash episodes, and the ending was very satisfying.


2: Sleepless in Ponyville- Scoots' first episode did not disappoint. More of that fun internal conflict, some great performances from Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash especially, but also from Applejack, Rarity, Sweetie Belle and Luna. The conclusion was one of the most heartwarming moments I can think of, and the moral was very relatable and applicable.


3: Party of One- My entire life in a nutshell :P. Lots of great Pinkie Pie moments in this one, and seeing a new and different side of her character was extremely interesting. I don't think she was very high on my list of favorite characters before this episode.

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Here's my top 5.


5.  Sisterhooves Social - Sweetie Belle was just too irresistible in this episode.  Add in a healthy dose of Rarity being Rarity on top of that and I'm a very happy brony.


4.  Baby Cakes - The classic babysitter-over-her-head plot line featuring Pinkie Pie.  What more needs to be said?  


3.  Putting Your Hoof Down - I don't know why, but I like seeing Fluttershy going OOC.  First we had the gala, and then we had Discord.  So a whole episode based around Fluttershy going OOC is right up my alley.   


2.  Magical Mystery Cure - The first half of the episode blew me away.  The conflict of the swapped cutie mark was so well done and packed such an emotional punch that I was completely overwhelmed.  The second half wasn't as impressive to me (no thanks in part to the controversy leading up to it).  However, my argument is that the first half was so GOOD, that anything after that would have been a let down, even something as big as Twilacorn.  However, that first half was so AMAZING!   


1.  Lesson Zero - The first episode I ever watched, and what a way to enter the fandom!  From Rarity's overacting to Rainbow Dash's rainnuke to Fluttershy's bear wrestling, this episode was just flat out fun!  It also helped that a certain purple unicorn completely lost her mind! 


Honorable Mentions:  Feeling Pinkie Keen, Hearts and Hooves Day, It's About Time, Applebuck Season, Too Many Pinkie Pies.

  • Brohoof 1

Applejack is best pony!


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Sonic Rainboom is with out a doubt my favorite episode.  Fluttershy's "Yay!" was one of my favorite moments.  Others include Rarity's wings disappearing because of the sun, the Thunderbolts being unconscious, and Rainbow Dash coming to the rescue with the Sonic Rainboom.

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A Friend in Deed. The multitude of songs (including the incredible Smile Song) and Richard Newman as Cranky Doodle Donkey definitely pulled me in. Plus, Pinkie Pie was packed to deliver diabeetus during the episode.

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I've been watching MLP for quite some time now and I've seen all the episodes up until the end of season 3 with Magical Mystery Cure...I like all the episodes,but if I had to choose it would have to be The Cutie Mark Chronicles, because it shows how each pony from the mane 6 got her cutie mark and that they are all connected thanks to the one and only sonic rainboom!!!That overall is to me the best episode !!! :)

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 1 month later...

i have different ones for different characters but i cant decide between them, for fluttershy is hurricane fluttershy and for rainbow dash its sonic rainboom for pinkie pie its party of one.those are all tiebreakers for me


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I think "May The Best Pet Win" is the best episode, since it shows a lot of teamwork and I loved the song "Find a Pet." And also, it shows a rare occasion where she clips her wing, which adds a good plot. (( Despite the fact that it was in "The Wonderbolts Academy" too. ))


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  • 3 weeks later...

Return to Harmony, hands down. I loved Lesson Zero, but that didn't have Discord in it. Anything with Discord in it is awesome, no question.

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By the way, if you're talking to me in a thread, please quote my previous post. Otherwise, I might not respond to you.

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  • 1 month later...

- - -


What's your first favorite episode from 'My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic? From the entire show so far?


Mine is 'The Crystal Empire: Part One. Either that episode, or 'Party Of One, where 'Pinkie Pie is the main character. Also, I love 'Gummy; and he's with her for sometime in that episode, so yeah. :3.


It's hard to choose, but if you had to, which episode would it be?

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Magical Mystery Cure (Or whatever the last episode was called, I can never remember the name)


Oh dear Celestia please don't kill me

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"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Wonderbolts Academy.



Well, Lightning Dust is a great character, the setting is great, the action is great, the imagery is good, and Rainbow telling Spitfire and Lightning Dust off is just great.


It's an enjoyably episode and I love every minute.



Edited by WheatleyCore
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matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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This episode is beloved by the fans that wanted Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash as siblings so they were rewarded with Sleepless in Ponyville, that episode is my #1 favorite episode from the show. I love that it focused on Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo getting along, Sweetie Belle and Rarity getting along sort of, Apple Bloom and Applejack character development, and the special appearance of Luna!

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I'm talking about as far as quality, character development, humor, story


What's your first favorite episode from 'My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic? From the entire show so far?


Heyo, guys. I've merged your topics together with our all-around 'what's your favorite episode of mlp:fim' topic :3 Be sure to check out the search feature to see if the topics you'd like to discuss have already been made.


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Heyo, guys. I've merged your topics together with our all-around 'what's your favorite episode of mlp:fim' topic :3 Be sure to check out the search feature to see if the topics you'd like to discuss have already been made.


Thankies, Discord! You're epic! I hadn't realized there was already a topic on this. Hahah. But, seriously, thanks. Your one cool pony.

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Hmm..It's either Lesson Zero or Keep Calm and Flutter On. Both those episodes just have things in them that I love, and some great faces, and lines.

  • Brohoof 1



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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