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Moments in MLP that really touched you


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A canterlot wedding - BBBFF song... Near the end of the song where she gets sad... And other parts in that episode... Like the last song "love in bloom" made mi happy 2 while being sad xD

Edited by koochi
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Baby Cakes had a lot of touching moments in it.


Like when the twins look at Pinkie crying and then we see their faces. They feel really bad for what they have done to her and then they get Pinkie to smile.




Another part that touched me was, when Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake said Pinkie Pies name while they were sleeping. It was very cute and it kinda shows that they well become Pinkie Pies side-kick characters.



This one was not in "Baby Cakes." This one was in Canterlot Wedding. This part would be during the song "This Day aria," when Cadence is trying to push the cart and then we see Twilight smiling at her. Twilight look was like, "This is the real Cadence and she does care for my brother a lot." The smile she makes I think is the best one threw this season.

Edited by pinkiefan1287
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Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Hmm... Well, I Have plenty of moments but I do not want to explain them all :P So I will choose one. One of the moments that touched me is when twilight sang BBBFF. I found it sad that she thought she was losing her brother and it made me want to cry. Also the other part in that episode where everyone gets angry with her because she accused evil candence of being evil and she collapse on the step crying and singing which made me want to bawl my eyes out. :( poor twi

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The reunion of Celestia and Luna in the pilot, Fluttershy defending her friends in Dragonshy, the stories in Cutie Mark Chronicles, in Owl's Well That Ends Well, Spike tearing up and thinking Twilight no longer loves him, Pinkie Pie the end of Baby Cakes, the ending to Secret Of My Excess, Twilight reading all the letters in Return Of Harmony... there's a lot of scenes I found really sweet and touching, many of them making me want to cry, but only one did, because of how much I relate to it;


I'm very close to my older brother, and I really look up to him. When I first heard BBBFF, I was just getting the basic message in my head, the second time, I was learning it. The third time, however, was one day when my parents were out and my brother was still away at university. He was supposed to be coming home that week, but ended up having to stay a couple weeks longer. I was listening to BBBFF and noticed how much it fit my childhood with him, and it reminded me that I had to wait longer than I should have to see him again, and I just sat crying for half an hour, replaying the song over and over.

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The end of season 2 episode 9 - Sweet and Elite, I honestly had no idea whether Rarity was going to stick with the poshies or go with her old friends :P It was pretty good.


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I didn't see anyone else mention this yet. Surprising, actually. It's at the end of Green Isn't Your Color, when Rarity and Fluttershy confess their feelings toward Fluttershy's career, and then reconcile.

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I loved that part in episode 1 with fluttershy. That totally was a big deciding factor that I'd totally be liking fluttershy :P I'm terrible at meeting people IRL as well.

I think for other ones obviously hurricane fluttershy and the finale when twilight gets scolded by basicly everyone... Felt real bad especially the first time.


However I never cried watching any episodes of MLP or even reading my little dashie. I feel my heart drop and feel sad but thats the most that ever really happens. I don't really burst into tears, I guess it has to be real for me to do that but who knows.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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i dunno if this is crying mouments or just emotinal mouments but anything fluttershy or pinkie pie

fluttershy in the first episode saying her name,fluttershy crying in huracane fluttershy also when she was goin round and round and round and round and rainbow dash had to stop her that was like aww,rainbow dash doubting herself when she has her tougher then life atitude in sonic rainboom (i think thats what its called) pinkie pie doing the piggie dance for the babys, pinkie pie crying cuase the babys whont behave then they cover themselfs with flower and are all like TADA :DD,applejack trying to stay awake to harvest all the appels apple jack confessing that she hadnt won any first place ribbons and twilight saying its al;right they all love her,twilight makeing spike think she dosent love him anymore by saying''this isnt the spike i know and love...'',fluttershy crying over the phenox bursting into flames fluttershy not wanting to see the dragon migrration and fluttershy being mean to pinkie pie and rarity


and also if i can put something non cannen this song



OH AND ALSO!!!... squee :3


damb ive edited this like five times now lol i just about gotta put every second... exept the opening

i thought of applebloom wanting twilight to stay,applejack saying her tree wasent a baby hes a big and tough apple tree,twilight going insane fluttershy saying LOVE MEEE!!! i cant stop updateing this lol the funny part was when i opend this thred i couldnt think of anything

Edited by pikawesome
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My teary moment was during the sister hooves social whenever rarity reveals herself from the mud.


My second most emotional moment from the show is whenever the hydra was chasing the ponies on froggy bottom bog, that really got to me for some reason, probably because i didn't want then to get hurt

Edited by Alaxandir
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The Sonic Rainboom and Hurricane Fluttershy for sure. There have been other moments but none pull tears out of me as easily as those two episodes. Moments that are nothing but pure courage and heart from one pony in a moment of extreme duress. Moments like that are too good. There's almost no feeling in the world as good as when you are born to fail and you succeed.


It makes me miss my Army family. As one tackling challenges that any one of us would fail at. Just perfect, man.

  • Brohoof 1

"The dead don't talk. I don't know why." - Odd Thomas

"You want to take the easy way out because if you try and fail there's only you to blame.  But you know what?  Life is scary.  Get used to it.  There are no magical fixes.  It's all up to you.  So get up, get out there, and go start doing the work."
"Nothing worth having in this life comes easy." - Shadow Chaser
Night Apples - A Luna x Mac romance fic. It's cute. Trust me.
OIF 07-09 Veteran

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There are a few. The falling scene with Rarity and Spike I loved they seemed to have a mutual understanding in that moment and it was awesome. Also, the scene in A Canterlot Wedding where Cadence and Shining Armor repel all of the Changlings out of Canterlot with the power of their love was a pretty d’aww moment. Pinkie’s story in The Cutie Mark Chronicles too, just because I feel it is so applicable to life and Pinkie Pie should never be sad, ever.


Signature Courtesy of

Like A Boss

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  • 1 month later...

Now that I've seen all of Season 1 and most of Season 2, I think I'm finally ready to add something to this...


After watching Hurricane Fluttershy for the first time, I think I understand her much better than I did before. When Fluttershy performed badly at the speed test and thought the other pegasi were staring and laughing at her--they weren't really, but all she could see was the bad memories dredged up by her failure...it's hard to describe. It was like I saw myself in her. Rainbow Dash, echoing the words of so many well-meaning assertive people who have tried to help me, says, "So you got some stage fright. Big deal! You aren't gonna go quit just because of that, are you?" When Fluttershy wails "yes!" and runs away because she "just [doesn't] have the courage right now," I nearly cried myself. A cartoon summed up my whole childhood in one moment. Nothing else in the show has touched me like that.

Edited by TailsAlone
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"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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"Party of One": When Pinkie's hair deflates and she becomes Pinkamena. Along with a few scenes before the whole crazy part. You could really feel how abandoned and insecure she felt. (Alternate: The Royal Wedding, when Twilight is shunned and scolded by her friends, her mentor, and her brother.)


"Family Appreciation Day": When Applebloom finally stands up to Granny Smith, learning to accept her for the way she is.


"Return of the Harmony": When Twilight turns gray. Hopelessness right there guys.


Aaand of course "Hurricane Fluttershy". I'll just cut you guys some slack since it's pretty darn obvious why that episode is included.

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There's a whole lot of them but I'll mention only those which made me cry:


1) Relationship between Rarity and Spike. Rarity's reaction was... No words could explain what I felt

2) Whole episode about Apple Bloom and Granny Smith and her story at the end. Same reaction...

3) And finally great 2 episodes about Canterlot Wedding and "Love is in bloom" song at the end


I pretty much never felt that way in my whole life ( there were similar moments), and it felt so good I was so happy it was indescribable.

Pain and sadness can't make me cry but to much emotional happiness sure can.

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So many moments touched me during both seasons of MLP, and I can't decide which. Probably that one time when Rarity and Sweetie Belle got into a fight and Sweetie Belle left to stay with Applejack and Applebloom...and Rarity felt lonely without her. That moment touched me because my sister and I were the same way.


And that one person (I forget) who mentioned the whole episode of Hurricane Fluttershy...I also agree!

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Granny Smith talking about the origins of Ponyville and the discovery of the Zap Apples. A lot of the elderly in Real Life gets pushed to the side and forgotten about, when they've lived through so many interesting and historical moments that we only read about in history books. Watching this episode made me want to ask my own grandmother about life when she was a little girl.

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The part in the first episode of season 1 when Twilight first meets Fluttershy. How she can barely even say hi. That's what made me decide to start really watching the show. I also love her reaction when she sees Spike for the first time.

  • Brohoof 2



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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Fluttershy finding out she's a monster


Twilight Sparkle getting ditched by her brother


When Twilight Sparkle finally goes gray when the mane six becomes destroyed by Discord


Fluttershy's Rocky montage


Twilight Sparkle realizing what the last element was on the second episode.


Probably more that I don't remember though.

Edited by poniesforfun


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That tough... but I'd have to say.... First was Apple Bloom's sadness about being the ony pony in her class without a cutie mark....


Posted Image


I can totally relate to being picked on for being different.


And another one was the big fight between Rarity and Sweetie Belle


Posted Image


I have a younger sister and I'd be really hurt if she said we were no longer sisters.....


That was one of the few moments that made me cry..... :(

  • Brohoof 2



(sig was made by Bari)

Red like roses fills my dreams and bring me to the place you rest

White is cold and always yearning, burdened by a royal test

Black the beast descends from shadows

Yellow beauty burns gold

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I really liked the episode where they go looking for Apple Jack and find out she got second place in the rodeo and thought that she couldn't show her face back in Ponyville again. It was such a sweet episode. I also like the episode where they find out that they all got their cutie mark the same day and it was all tied to Rainbow Dash. I think its awesome how much thought had to have been put into it to come up with that.

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I teared up pretty good when Rarity saw Sweetie Belle's drawing in Sisterhooves Social and when Twilight did the reprise for bbbff in A Canterlot Wedding, but I cried buckets when Spike confessed his love for Rarity and she silenced him. I can relate to all of these situations in many ways.

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