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Were you a hater/Anti-Brony?


Were You a Hater?  

162 users have voted

  1. 1. Did you used to be a hater?

    • Yes, I used to be a hater.
    • No, I wasn't a hater.

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I wasn't, but I wasn't especially aware that it had become a meme until a friend got me on board... Was totally willing to give it a chance, and here I am today.


That said I've honestly developed a few haterisms in my years in the fandom, mostly in jest so I can shitpost but I do genuinely see failings and faults in the fandoms like all others I'm in. Pone doesn't get special treatment.

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I was intrigued when I first saw ponies.  I gave the show a chance and enjoyed the fledgling community.  Things grew and expanded past 4chan and the ponies spread everywhere and it was good.  However, I notice I'm starting to slip towards being a hater simply because overexposure -- in everything I do it seems like there is a brony wanting to add ponies and I'm getting sick of it.  I'm also tiring of all the stupid hugboxing over every little thing.  In my eyes ponies are becoming the medium used as an excuse to start a second Tumblr, and this I want no part of.

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When my best friend first showed interest in the show, I didn't really care either way. But I eventually grew to love the show, after a considerable length of time.

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I was never a hater. I was at the absolute worst, bemused at times at the memes that were coming out of the fandom, but not understanding any of the context. Eventually, wanting to know what the fuss was about, I started watching... and watching some more, until I was a season deep and eagerly awaiting Lesson Zero.

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Actually i dont know what to choose. Before i watched G4, i once created an account to troll and hate some Fake Troll Bronies, and wanted that they got deleted. And i was insulting them for being cloppers and everything.


But i wasnt a hater of Bronys, as i said, i only trolled people who clearly were just trying to make bronys look bad.


So...um...yeah...i dont know  :lol:

But i never hated bronys. I just trolled some really bad bronys who were fake either way. At least i think they were fake.  :adorkable:

Edited by Dune
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I discovered bronies  for the first time when I was 11, like a typical 11 year old I just hated them because they liked something I didn't see as a normal thing for people older than me to watch. After a few years I had reasons for hating the fandom, I felt it was too invasive,  bronies I saw would spread MLP around in places that were completely unrelated. 

At one point i started liking the show but continued to hate the fandom.

Now I'm ok with bronies because the annoying bronies I saw are now mostly non-existent or I've grown used to their presence and ignore them.  


I know I was stupid hating people just because of what they like now, I've become more mature and don't judge others much any more.  :derp:

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When I first learned that adults were watching the show, I initially hated the idea, and called it gay. However, I probably would have been more hateful if it weren't for the fact that the first brony I knew of was a YouTuber I actually liked. That convinced me to try it and I stopped hating it afterwards.

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I was at one point until curiosity got the best of me and her I am now!.

I was at one point until curiosity got the best of me and her I am now!.

  • Brohoof 1
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 No not really. Since I grew up with my little sister and played with her pretty much every day (we're only 3 years apart) I ended up playing with her my little ponies and watching the gen 1 movie and some of the gen 2 cartoons. I was fine with ponies when my sister forced me to watch the FIM premiere with her. I've considered myself a brony since I saw the premiere because that was when I started watching MLP by myself and not with my sister.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was. In fact I thought it was the stupidest thing on the planet.

Then I watched a video by Hotdiggedydemon.

Then curiosity got the best of me.

From then on my point of view changed.

Don't judge a book by its cover, kids.

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I used to completely and utterly hate this series. Ever since I heard of a new version of the show coming out, I thought it was just horrendous. I watched the originals and thought it was just another modern butchering of a franchise. I used to have to avoid ponies and downright used to go on sites just to share my hatred. Not much aggravated me more...


About one or two years ago, I was raging about my hatred of it so much that I decided to view the first episode just to make fun of it. It started out badly, but then I started actually getting involved into the episode, suddenly realizing it wasn't that bad.


Now, one or two years later, I'm a massive fan of the series and proud to call myself a brony. A show I first thought was stupid and childish, now that I'm depressed and notice I am surrounded by rude and aggressive idiots. I had the revelation that it's innocence and light-hearted humour really is a wonderful thing to experience in such a dark and dreary world like ours.

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I will say that I was, at one point, an anti-brony and hated ponies, bronies, and cloppers, saying things like "LOL YOU LIKE PINK PRINCESS PONY HAHAHAH" But now I've changed from that, and I'm now I am a part of everything I hated before Lol

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I've actually always liked bronies, and pegasisters of course! :P  I never hated, but I never expected myself to like the show either, that is, until I became friends with a brony :)

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I wouldn't say I was a hater, but I was intrigued by the fact this kind of show was getting famous. I remember G3 and I would say it was too... for kids? So I was impressed and "what is wrong with society" like. But I gave it a chance and now I'm here. I'm so brony that whenever somepony who knows me see pony related stuff, I'm the first person who pops in their minds. 

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To be honest, besides the name, I had never heard of this show. I accepted it as part of society. I didn't see all the ponies overflowing the internet. When I finally did see, I reacted more "what?" than "NO."

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Nah, thare are actually things worth hating than a bunch of dudes liking ponies, things actually harmful. Besides, it's the internet, if we come to weird stuff, bronies fall WAY behind  :lol:

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I wasn't, mostly becuase I've always been into kids shows, mostly on the anime spectrum, so it wasn't really something that stood out to me. I actually didn't even really know about the subculture until I sat down and watched a documentry on the whole thing. A day later I marathoned the first season, kek.

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I was a big time anti-brony to the point where I basically "bullied" myself when I started liking it up until like 2 months ago... Keep in mind that I'm very much recent having only started watching it in January of this year... The funny thing being that my blind hatred was transformed into curiosity by being shunned for 2 months prior... It's along story...

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