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private Founding of Equestria (RP thread)

Cherry Blossom

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He looked quizically after Surge, but is was Shelby he addressed first, "This could be a while, and this is a place that zaps spirits and twists souls. I won't blame you for going home." He walked up to the pegasus, "Hold this in your mouth," he said, producing something similar to a riding bit. He waited for her to put it on, "It's so that when it starts hurting you don't bite your tongue off. It's hard, I know, but I have to put your wings back into place. I'll give you something for the swelling, but if you stay in cold places, you should be alright. I know it's hard, but you have to trust me. If it consuls you at all, I could have killed you in ten different ways already." He looked her in the eyes, "I deal in the buisness of life now. And yours depends on your wings." And with that he pushed her wings back into place. He did it gently, but he knew that it would hurt more than her trying to close them. He looked away, and handed her a bundle, taking off the bit. "For the swelling." He walked into the afore mentioned cell, waiting for Surge to speak.


Windscar fell to the ground after he put the bone back in place. She was stunned for a second....but as she got up and looked back at the pony...Hey.....Thanks....for your help. She moves her wings around. It still hurts but not as much. She can at least fold them down again.


In the other room Surge was pacing back and forth. As Vlenir walked in.....Good your here. What did i just do? I.....i let her down......and then when she slapped me i didnt punish her. Iv.....never felt this way before. I feel like i was doing the wrong thing. As i looked at her i felt.....I dont know what i felt. It just felt bad and wrong. Why do i feel this way? What is this? Is.....Is this what made you stop doing this?

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When Flame Dancer threw him upon Cumulus and left, it was the perfect opportunity. Seeing his saddle bag strapped on Cumulus' back, he decided to go for it. As he shifted over from lying on his back to his stomach, he slipped his hoof inside his saddle back, pulling out one of his knives, and slipping it into his sleeve.


To complete the act, he flipped back over, lying on his stomach on top of Cumulus. When Flame Dancer finally returned, the weapon was fully concealed, frowning at Flame Dancer as he spoke to Cumulus.


Too busy with rearming himself, he didn't see Martin, the leader of the Earth Kingdom, with that Pegasus, the one with the grey stripes...


Flame Runner was thrown upon Flame Dancer, clutching the side of his body to make sure any "accidents", like what happened on the way here, wouldn't happen. Just to make sure, Runner turned to Flame Dancer and warned him, "You better not drop me again."

Edited by Toothless the Night Fury
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He looked at Surge, thinking, "I stopped doing this when the guilt and urges to kill myself became to much. I'm a herbalist, a healer, not a tourturer's brewer. If you'll recall, there was a day I didn't show up to work? I spent the whole day trying to work up the guts to kill myself. When I finally did, I missed every vital organ. On top of that, I began to feel as if it wasn't fair to the ponies in here if I killed myself. I told you I tripped. Now I don't know if you've fallen in love with a pegasi, and I don't care. I do want to know if you can feel it," he said, tapping his chest, "Like your heart screaming, 'This is wrong. What the buck am I doing?' That is called guilt, or remorse."

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Flame started flying towards the prison. When we land, You will go first and I will stay behind you. He said, hovering just outside the entrance to the cave and dropping Flame Runner. Now, Move. He pointed into the cave and placed his hoof on his Katana.

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He looked at Surge, thinking, "I stopped doing this when the guilt and urges to kill myself became to much. I'm a herbalist, a healer, not a tourturer's brewer. If you'll recall, there was a day I didn't show up to work? I spent the whole day trying to work up the guts to kill myself. When I finally did, I missed every vital organ. On top of that, I began to feel as if it wasn't fair to the ponies in here if I killed myself. I told you I tripped. Now I don't know if you've fallen in love with a pegasi, and I don't care. I do want to know if you can feel it," he said, tapping his chest, "Like your heart screaming, 'This is wrong. What the buck am I doing?' That is called guilt, or remorse."


Surge was shocked to hear what he just said to him. In love!? With a pagasus?! Thats preposterous! I....would never......And this guilt and remorse you know i regret nothing i do........But this just doesnt feel right......And loving a pagasus is a crime. Its something we were raised to stay away from. And like i said i regret nothing in my life........Ahhhhhh this makes me feel strange....Vlenir....What ........am i doing?


Windscar sat in her cell moving her wings around. They were starting to feel better. In thought. Im still stuck on why he let me go. And not just that he let me go....But how he did it. He just backed me into the wall and i felt like he was going to kill me. And when i slapped him he didnt try to strike me back. He just unlocked me shackles and looked me in the eye. It felt like he was looking into my very being. And it felt.......Strangely....Good........Oh my god....i cant be....no thats not possible.....i mean not after what he just did......but then again.....no i cant be...... Looking back at the door he walked in. Could i really??

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Velnir chuckled, "You're lying through your teeth, is what you're doing. And it's not against the law, it's against the chaff. Just because other ponies don't like the idea doesn't make it evil. And she is rather cute," he winked, patting his shoulder. He turned to walk away, but imparted some final words, "A lie to yourself is just as deadly as a lie to a friend." He exited to see Shelby still there, and walked up next to her. "Come on, let's go home. This place is starting to feel less like an emotional vacuum, but I still don't like it." He picked up his bag and made to leave.


Stormclash was flying around *Insert name of pegasus city here* looking for a higer ranking officer to give him orders, a normal day in the life of a soldier who's country is at peice. He spotted Comander Hurricane and landed. When he noticed what she was doing, his salute became sharper and he focused in a cloud elsewhere. Oh great, now I'm gunna have to sit at a desk for sure. Darn it, I always hae the worst timing for these things. He noted that she was kissing an Earth Pony with some sort of special boots. He wasn't conserned about the Earth Pony; it was the boots. Pegasi were supposed to be the only ponies who could walk on clouds. To see something like this developed was usettling, more so than his comander kissing him. The Comander can do what she wants, but those boots... We need to know if they can be duplicated.

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Martin closed her eyes and kissed back. He'd never considered himself much of a romantic pony before but something about Greylight just felt right. So he embraced her; wrapping his hooves around her neck and pulling her in. After what felt like an eternity he broke the kiss and jokingly laughed saying "Of course they work" he said with an alluring gaze into Greylight's eyes.


"Well, then... Um, I'm still going to need to get you to the main cloud... I mean, I could build steps or- or carry you up there.. But, if I am right in saying, I'm pretty sure we would both like the carrying more..."

She blushed when she said that.

"Look... There is an area up on the main cloud where you can work.."

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Stormcloud couphed, keeping his salute steady. "Excuse me, ma'am. Stormclash reporting for duty!" At this point, even a desk job will be preferable to laying around, or hitting the gym. For the 3rd time today. Just, give me something to do, I'm begging you. If I have to read one more book I'm going to go insane.

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"Well, then... Um, I'm still going to need to get you to the main cloud... I mean, I could build steps or- or carry you up there.. But, if I am right in saying, I'm pretty sure we would both like the carrying more..."

She blushed when she said that.

"Look... There is an area up on the main cloud where you can work.."


"I like the carrying" Martin replied as he continued to embrace Greylight "So... this is a really interesting relationship we have here." he gave her a wink "You know me: Leader of the Earth ponies and you: leader of the Pegasi... I don't think that this will fly well if anypony finds out..."
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Stormcloud looked at himself, Nope, still perfectly visible. "I really don't care what the Commander does with her life, as long as she is still loyal to pegasi. I'm more conserned about your boots. However, at this point I just want an assignment." He sighed inwardly.

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"I like the carrying" Martin replied as he continued to embrace Greylight "So... this is a really interesting relationship we have here." he gave her a wink "You know me: Leader of the Earth ponies and you: leader of the Pegasi... I don't think that this will fly well if anypony finds out..."


"No. And we should keep it just between you and I. Anypony who figures out may ruin it."

She took off slowly, using warm drafts to move upwards. The sunset and the warm drafts made her feel sleepy, so she yelled to Martin to stay awake.

"Hold on! I don't want you to fall off again!"

Edited by Nightfall
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"No. And we should keep it just between you and I. Anypony who figures out may ruin it."

She slowly started taking off and using the warm drafts to lift up. There was a sunset, and the warm air made Greylight feel a bit sleepy.

"Hey, hold on tight in case there is a gust, ok?"


"Okay" he held on and this time without restraint; feeling her warm body against his and smelling her beautiful coat. His moment was interrupted when he looked down at a pony who had been, unknowingly to them, been standing at attention and waiting for them to address him. "Umm... I think you're gonna have somepony to talk to after you drop me off..." he said as he pointed a hoof towards Stormcloud.
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"Okay" he held on and this time without restraint; feeling her warm body against his and smelling her beautiful coat. His moment was interrupted when he looked down at a pony who had been, unknowingly to them, been standing at attention and waiting for them to address him. "Umm... I think you're gonna have somepony to talk to after you drop me off..." he said as he pointed a hoof towards Stormcloud.


"Damn it."

They landed shortly.

"I should have told admin to send all new recruits to go wait by my office. Ponyfeathers!"

She stomped her hoof.

"This could prove to be an issue. Please standby as I talk to him."

Greylight called down to Stormcloud.

"You there! Up here, double time!"

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Stormcloud sighed; he was going to get in trouble over something he cared very little about. "Yes ma'am," he said, ending the salute and taking off.


Velnir was sitting at the entrance to the prison waiting for Shelby to follow him. He was beginning to think he'd done something wrong.

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Stormcloud sighed; he was going to get in trouble over something he cared very little about. "Yes ma'am," he said, ending the salute and taking off.


Velnir was sitting at the entrance to the prison waiting for Shelby to follow him. He was beginning to think he'd done something wrong.


As soon as Stormcloud landed, Greylight started barking at him.

"Did anypony tell you to find me? And who do you think you are flying solo when we have prisoners? State your name and answers now!"


Shelby followed him closely.

"So... is she ok..?"


((Going to bed. Night!))

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He saluted the Commander, "My name is Stormclash, ma'am. I have been looking for a superior officer to give me my orders all day. I did not mean to invade your privacy, ma'am. And I was not told of any prisoners ma'am. I'm new," he said, then hesitating, "I, umm, I didn't see anything ma'am. You are escorting an Earth Pony."


Velnir nodded, "She'll be sore for a few days. I don't know if she'll stick around or not, but I think Surge may... Like her. We should go."

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He saluted the Commander, "My name is Stormclash, ma'am. I have been looking for a superior officer to give me my orders all day. I did not mean to invade your privacy, ma'am. And I was not told of any prisoners ma'am. I'm new," he said, then hesitating, "I, umm, I didn't see anything ma'am. You are escorting an Earth Pony."


Velnir nodded, "She'll be sore for a few days. I don't know if she'll stick around or not, but I think Surge may... Like her. We should go."


"Stormcloud, I don't want to hear anything.. I repeat, anything, about what just happened! Do you understand?"

She seemed close to him, and at least a bit pissed off.

"Damn right I was!"

She turned back to Martin.

"Sorry. Now, let me show you were I can have you help us more..."


Shelby's eyes widened a bit.

"Inter-racial? That doesn't sound quite too bad.."

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Cumulus sat down under a pillar and shifted through the bag. "Let's see." he said to himself as he inspected the items. "What the hell is this? Do Earth ponies eat this?" The item he was holding was a cluster of seeds. "Doesn't look too healthy..." He looked through the other items. "Junk... Junk... Junk... Ah, a dagger... One dagger... Only one dagger... He had at least two... This is one... Must have dropped use on the fly here. What a shame."

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Flame started flying towards the prison. When we land, You will go first and I will stay behind you. He said, hovering just outside the entrance to the cave and dropping Flame Runner. Now, Move. He pointed into the cave and placed his hoof on his Katana.


When Runner's feet finally touched firm ground, his mind was in denial, tapping the hard rock underneath his hooves to make sure what he felt wasn't a dream. He finally breathed a sigh of relief, and shot an angry glance at Flame Dancer before obeying his order, marching forward into the cave.


It was quite dark, and the musky air felt like it was strangling him from the inside. Coughing to relieve some of the pressure tightening up in his throat, he squinted, trying to make sense of the strange shadows ahead of him. When he finally got close enough, he ran his hoof along the metal pole, soon finding another one, and another one, equal spaces apart from each other.


Thinking, he put the pieces together...


It was a jail cell.


"Uh, ya think I can move to the room with the 4-star luxury hotel? Preferably one with a view?" He joked.

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((OOC: Sorry if his escape is OP, but I don't think it would be fair if I got him captured. Just pretend he wasn't even there in the first place and don't chase after him. Oh, and I'm very sorry Random Sushi! I'll edit this post later.))


Splinter widened his eyes as he was surrounded by the Unicorns. He flipped one of the guards and just decided to run out of the holding area, with the closest door he could find. Splinter slammed the door behind him and locked it, but he also started putting wooden chairs to block it as well. He flew back on his cloud and started to fly away from Unicorn territory.


Cherry Blossom blinked twice before being fully awoken from her nap. She started to shiver and the prison blanket wasn't helping. She let out a soft, gentle, and graceful sneeze as she wrapped the blanket around herself. "E-Excuse me, but w-what just happened here?" the shy mare asked as she huddled into the center of the cell bed.


((OOC: Plan B, disregard all of it! :angry:))

Edited by Cherry Blossom
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Stormcloud sighed with relief, saying, "Yes ma'am. Just tell me what to do."


Velnir smiled, "I know ponies who would consider such things as this criminal, and what you just said heresy. However, I agree. It's actually the best possible outcome in this situation. Maybe we'll finally stop torturing ponies," he said wistfully.

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''Well, that was perfect! I get caught. But I escape. Sometimes I wonder why this is even necessary.'' Splinter said while rolling his eyes and ripping off his bodysuit. ''Guess I won't be needing this anymore.'' Splinter said while dropping the bodysuit off the cloud. ''Yup. Time to go to plan B. Become a vicious, sarcastic, awesome, and awesome killing machine.'' Splinter said. ''Now all I need to do is steal a sword or a pick ax or something.''

((OOC: 3 Brohoofs in less than 10 minutes. WOOT.))

Edited by Random Sushi
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(You ponies and your ninjas)


Aelicine heard his comment loosely as she began to chant. Her horn began to glow, and the moonlight intensified. Glowing glyphs circled around the intruder. They flashed twice and Aelicine cut herself for the second time that night; a silent offering. Her eyes glowed and her wound sealed over. She felt euphoric, and silver-white bars began sliding out of the glyphs in the floor, quickly.

Edited by Dawnpath
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"F-For the questioning? Y-You're not going to torture me are you?" Cherry Blossom slight leaned back against the cold wall, but after she gently sneezed again. "O-Okay, I'll t-tell you everything I know, but you won't get any good information from me though." she looked back up to Aelicine.

Edited by Cherry Blossom
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Vinyl Blade walked into the interrogation chamber behind Aelicine. She was calm and collected, even after a strange pegasus somehow managed to "sneak" into their base. She pulled up a chair and sat with her forehooves in her lap. "Hello there," she said to Cherry, "I hope you had a nice nap."

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