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MLP Conspiracy Theories


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Ummmm, explain?


I don't know how that makes sense, given the muzzle.


It's like a JRPG thing where the males look very feminine. The conspiracy is that Rainbow Dash was made the same way.



Edited by Singe
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Cutie marks were artificially created to manipulate ponies on a passive level for generally positive reasons, but they can be altered to make the coersion active.


Ponies with the same cutie mark are compelled to act the same.


Celestia is not the one who set the cutie mark plan in motion.

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Twilight Sparkle has a human fetish, that's why he she never started a relationship with anypony.

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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Well, basically, pony society advances like us until the year 2000, when Discord is awakened by all of the, well, discord in the world. He bucks everything over and the survivors (plentiful compared to most apocalyptic stories) have to rebuild society, yadda yadda yadda. Their former land was ruined, so they moved north. Discord had played with their trust, so these survivors split off into many tribes, and lived this way, surviving (and partially thriving) until 2100, when Discord struck down again. His power was not as strong, but he did damage much. The ponies knew they needed to unite, but they were only able to unite by race (for a while.) AROUND 2125, the events in Hearts and Hooves Day happen. The races united and moved south to found Equestria, as to Hearts and Hooves Day. With all 3 races united, the 2 Sisters were born (I wonder who.) They grew up, and around 2150, defeated Discord. Cities were raised, such as Ponyville, and the grand castle in Canterlot was constructed. It was a time of enlightenment, and reconstruction. Luna and Celestia were immortalized. However, nobody was in a hurry anymore. Nobody needed the night. Nightmare Moon, yadda yadda yadda, around 2175-2200, so on, so forth. and one THOUSAND years later, the events of the show start. Wow. (like srsly, this is 1041 characters)

Ok I like that theory,this is a believable one, it seems realistic, I usually hate theories but I like that one. But i wanna know if there is any dark, twisted truth behind it like the adventure time one. I hope to god the one about the mane 6 being inspired by dead girls is fake, I don't think that is true.

Edited by DazManDer
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Ok I like that theory,this is a believable one, it seems realistic, I usually hate theories but I like that one. But i wanna know if there is any dark, twisted truth behind it like the adventure time one. I hope to god the one about the mane 6 being inspired by dead girls is fake, I don't think that is true.

The only real dark stuff is EXACTLY what discord does.


And, the thing is, he never directly caused any harm to the physical world (well, he didn't HAVE to.)


E.g., make it so that world leaders cannot see/hear/feel any other human being.


I want you to think about that and the harm it could cause.




Scary, isn't it?


Every existing person, he played with their fears and emotions.


Some were strong enough to withold the torture, others weren't.


Some took their own life, or took others', or went insane.


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Wow OK that is, what is your honest opinion on there's like ed edd n eddyeddy that they are all dead or something like that. I made up a theory that they are I'm the past or something becaise of all the mythical creatures and stuff, or something like the south park episode called imaginationland, only the world of mlp is a child's imagination. It is easy to make up theories, and since there are so many of them I just choose not to believe any of them

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  • 2 months later...

Holy Manure! Guess what I found out?


So me being a Discord geek and all I went all out finding FACTS about the next season, and I think I found a huge trail.


So I connected Discords voice actor to the Star Trek character Q, who was requested to voice on MLP and his personality was copied from the Star Trek series.

*This actor was named John De Lancie


I searched him up, watched every single episode he was in, and by the FIRST EPISODE I saw him in so many fan theories were undiscovered!


One episode that most MLP fans complained about was the "Its all about time" episode, a paradox that Twilight Sparkle had put upon herself thinking there would be a big catastrophe.


WELL I chose to use that episode because it almost directly copies "All good things..." In Star Trek, where Q (Discord) plays a role in starting...


you should just watch the episode its too confusing.


BUT SERIOUSLY, all episodes that I've watched on Q (Discords voice actor) have been copied by MLP. I'm not even a star trek fan but its ridiculous how obvious it is.


So by understanding the star trek episodes I've found out the meanings behind all of the MLP episodes.


Did you know the whole stone fiasco with discord simply represented him leaving Ponyville alone? He watched them over the entire time.

I'm not a bot but I've been trying to get word out that this ISN'T A THEORY!!!! I'm going off of ACTUAL FACTS HERE!!!!


I'm going to make a video later comparing the obvious scenes MLP copied.




these are legitimate facts and the explanations are too long so just watch these specific star trek episodes to compare with.

I'd tell you to read the wiki page on Q to see the OBVIOUS RESEMBLEANCE, but some people aren't flexible enough to see the difference by words and should see the episodes like me.




Okay and I can explain why the plot only happens on once or so during a series, it's actually intentionally done by Lauren Faust.


Q only appears once and a while and the other episodes in the Star Trek series represent the 'fillers'.

Although the 'fillers' are an important and moralistic part in Star Trek it could be that Lauren Fausts like for Q make the MLP series structure depend on the deep plot structure of Star Trek.



I see you still don't understand.


The reason why the episodes with discord and/or the main plot stand out so much in MLP is because the episodes with Q stand out so much from the more realistic and usual episodes of Star Trek.


Do you get it now?


And here's the episodes that copy Star Trek.

Copied from Wikipedia: The episode that was copied by MLP 

When Discord appears he gives the ponies a riddle to get back the elements of harmony:


Q was first encountered by the Federation when he appeared aboard the USS Enterprise-D in early 2364. He warned the crew of the Enterprise that Humanity should return to their home star system or be destroyed.


(Imagine Picard as Twilight Sparkle)When he encountered resistance, Q placed Humanity on trial (THE RIDDLE!),


-with Jean-Luc Picard and his command crew as representatives. Q accused Humanity of being a "dangerous, savage child-race." Picard managed to strike a deal with Q, however, and submitted to a test of conduct to prove that Humanity had evolved beyond its previously savage state. (TO SEE IF THEIR FRIENDSHIP WOULD HOLD TOGETHER!!!)


The Enterprise's mission to Farpoint Station served as this test. The Starfleet crew sufficiently proved their evolved state of being by discovering and assisting a spaceborne entity that had been coerced by the Bandi to take the form of a starbase. Q disappeared, but promised the crew they had not seen the last of him.


(Star Trek series: The Next Generation : "Encounter at Farpoint")


"The next time Q appeared on the Enterprise later that year, he created a bizarre and deadly "game" for the ship's crew, in order to demonstrate that he had given Commander Riker Q-like abilities (TAKING AWAY THE PONIES POWERS).


His motives for this were that Humans had a desire to grow and explore (THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP), which the Q did not have or understand. Q wanted Riker (RIKER IS NOW TWILIGHT SPARKLE) to join the Continuum so they could understand and possess this desire because, if they did not, Humanity could one day surpass the Q. Q and Picard settled on a bet that if Riker rejected his offer, the Q would leave Humanity alone forever. Ultimately, Riker rejected these new powers, and Q was forced back into the Continuum. (TNG: "Hide and Q") Because of these actions, he was asked to leave the Q Continuum




MLP just manages to inconspicuously cover it up so NOBODY has found this out yet!!!!!!!!!!!





I love MLP still though, and copying Star Trek in it makes it only better.








Sorry I'll cool down but I just think this is the most revealing revelation and that you should know that MLP copies Star Trek doggedly, and with this I can predict what will happen in EVERY FUTURE MLP SERIES!


Sorry, again. I'm still working on seperating what has already been used in Star Trek with what's haven't been used so the information is clear and uncluttered so I can make accurate theories.


Thank you for your consideration of listening to my hard work rambles.


Message me for further details ;) This is just one episode summary.


They also almost exactly copied Discord being summoned in the shower in "Princess Twilight Sparkle"


They mix up some episodes to make it look inconspicuous. This is just one that was really obvious like three others.

I have no comprehension of what I just read, but just in case you're on to something....



Check out my channel for awesome video reviews and analysis!




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Celestia freed Discord in return of harmony


Let me explain why. The main six learn the lesson in that episode: friendship isn't always easy, but is worth fighting for.


This is a very good lesson to learn. Think about it: everybody had friendships that just kinda went away. This lesson is very important.


Now, if the main six would really stop being friends because of something happening, then the elements of harmony won't work anymore. That could be devestating!


And while Discord is stronger then Celestia, we see in 'keep calm and flutter on' that Celestia does have the power to influence Discord, naimly tbat he can't take the elements away


Also, it's never revealed why at that moment Discord breaks free. Why not a year later?


all this makes me belief: Celestia wanted the main six to learn a important lesson, so that they would remain friends in the future. This would make sure Equestria would keep their strongest weapons. She used her magic to free or make the progress of being free faster on Discord. She then used the mind controlling spell from "keep calm and flutter on" on Discord, to make sure he woudn't hurt the main six. On top of that, she lowers the power protecting the elements, so Discord can steal them


Celestia knows who Discord is, so she probably knows that he will change the main six in their opposite to stop them.


And at the end of the episode, to be sure that Discord is defeated, she used the mind control spell, that was already cast on Discord, to make him not see the danger of the elements.


Discord gets turned to stone, equestria kees their strongest weapon and nobody would know it was celestia all along

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  • 4 weeks later...

princess luna is still evil and masqueraded as queen chrysalis in an attempt to take over canterlot, but failed. which is why she is seen only at the wedding reception and not during the whole battle.


I still wonder where she went you see Luna and Celestia talking together all the time. Granted ushally in crisis but still!

  • Brohoof 1
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princess luna is still evil and masqueraded as queen chrysalis in an attempt to take over canterlot, but failed. which is why she is seen only at the wedding reception and not during the whole battle.



My Theory: Or She was on the other side of the world looking for the threat to Canterlot.

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  • 4 months later...

My favorite MLP conspiracy theory is what I call 'The Theory of the One-Eighteen' or what is more commonly known as... dum, dum, dum...'The Theory of The Six Dead Girls of MLP' which explains 6 girls who died in 1989, 2004, and I think 2011. For the 1989 rave, Samantha Gales (Fluttershy) was abused to the point she overdosed on valium, taking her own life. Jamie Sanders's (Applejack) farm was dying, she couldn't feed her siblings, and her mother commited suicide and Jamie fell into a woodchipper by accident. Alexandra Matthews (RD) was obsessed with sports, especiqlly track. She took steroids to improve, but her heart let out in a track run, and died three days later. Janice Walters (Rarity) had good parents that were in debt and always fighting, on one fight driving home, crashed the car, snapping Janice's neck off. Katherine Jackon (Pinkie) is really bad. Her father assassinated her mother, who then commited suicide at age five, she moved around a lot. Some of these people neglected her for the money. Even with good foster parents, she would get night terrors from the day of the assassination. She'd act out in class, they thought she was hyperactive. On the 1-18, a voice told her she could fly, and she jumped off the school roof, and plummeted to her death. What's creepy is that Pinkie was meant to be a PEGASUS. Lastly, Cynthia Little (Twilght) was a straight-A student, and a really good school wanted her. In order to get in though, she'd need to pass an entrance exam. She studied die-hard. On the day of the exam, though, she cheated, and they caught her. This was on the 1-18. Hours later, she was so ashamed she hung herself to a tryst, or a Hanging Tree (you see where I've gone there) to kill herself. Is it true? Probably... not. It's less believable than the theory Pinkie's family was assassinated in a holocaust, and the ponies are her night terrors.

Heres my theory


None of these consperiacy theories are real, especially the one that says the characters are based off girls who died in 1989 and 2004. The show is simply a happy show about ponies learning the magic of friendship, there is no bull evil dark theories, if you believe them, let me tell you that they are all lies by people who have no lives and lots of time on their hands. Don't believe what you hear on the internet, 90% of the internet is lies, this is not

Then why is everyone saying the same thing? If more than one person told you, it might be true. Explain please? Pleez?

Edited by katnisseverhooves

"I am Katniss Everhooves, the Mare On Fire."

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Not really a 'conspiracy' theory but more of a headcanon I have. It is that Celestia hasn't let anyone know this but she is going to die soon (Alicorns never lose their youthful appearance) and Luna also has a thousand years left which is small for semi-immortal godlike alicorns and they're readying Twilight and Cadence to succeed them after they die.

Edited by The Awesome One
  • Brohoof 2



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My conspiracy theory is that Discord is the father of Celestia and Luna. It would explain their immortality.

Not really a 'conspiracy' theory but more of a headcanon I have. It is that Celestia hasn't let anyone know this but she is going to die soon (Alicorns never lose their youthful appearance) and Luna also has a thousand years left which is small for semi-immortal godlike alicorns and they're readying Twilight and Cadence to succeed them after they die.

That actually holds a lot of water. Cadence and Twilight are sisters (in-law), so I could see that happening. Celestia and Luna ruled over celestial bodies, which didn't work out too well for them in their reign, so I guess they decided to teach the other two alicorns more important lessons about love and friendship.

  • Brohoof 1

160zaea.png"Yeah, this post needs to be about 20% cooler."

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A theory I subscribe to is that Celestia is dying. Signs of this are pieced from her lack of involvment with villians or when she does interact with them she is taken down easily. It also has been noted that when ponies raised the sun and moon their magic would wear out (Hearths warming eve). Celestia, Cadance, and Luna giving Twilight Sparkle their magics was a test to see if she could handle the power for the survival of Equestrian life post Celestia.

  • Brohoof 1
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She probably sleeps in the morning because the wedding and invasion took place in the morning and afternoon.

i dont think one could sleep through such a loud battle taking place all throughout the city.

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Princess Celestia is grooming Twilight Sparkle to be her new host body one day in the future. Her true identity is a long forgotten Unicorn queen who developed a spell to switch bodies. She was inhabiting Celestia's and Luna's mentor before swapping with Celestia.

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FINALLY, A PERFECT PLACE TO TALK ABOUT MY CONSPIRACY THEORY! I think the flashback potion didn't tell the truth (or at least not the whole truth). Since the potion only responds to alicorn magic, it's very likely that Princess Celestia had something to do with its creation, and she did something so whoever drank it would only see what she wanted them to see. Now, the theory that I truly believe is that she changed Princess Luna's appearance in the flashback so nobody would realize she'd banished a filly who looked no older than 14 to the moon, and she may have changed her  own appearance as well because she was ashamed that her hair had become the way it is now after she banished her own sister to the moon. But that's not crazy, so here's the crazy theory. Princess Celestia didn't just change a few details. She changed the entire event. What actually happened was that Luna started a rebellion against Celestia's tyrannical rule and that's the real reason she was banished to the moon. And Princess Celestia and Princess Luna didn't really defeat Discord together. Discord and Princess Luna were leading the rebellion together, and that's the real reason Princess Celestia turned him into stone. Princess Luna was the one who later freed him. Princess Celestia doesn't know that Princess Luna did it. It was actually Princess Luna's idea to "reform" Discord. She pretended it was so his powers could be used for what Princess Celestia said was good, but really it was so Princess Luna and Discord could continue planning the rebellion. Discord hopes that by being friends with Fluttershy he will eventually be able to show her and the rest of the Mane Six that Princess Celestia is actually evil and they'll use the Elements of Harmony against her. The producers of the show are actually servants of Princess Celestia and will never show us what's REALLY going on.

Edited by melody5697
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