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gaming What kind of loser you are?

Motion Spark

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how do you react when losing in a game?


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what kind of loser you are? do you take it seriously? do you curse? throw controllers? I want to know every single detail haha.


This is more suitable for online playing when you play and chat with other players around the world, tell me how do you handle the frustration when they beat the crap out of you in whatever game that you are playing. Do you yell? do you send them hated messages?


But also it applies for offline games, what about your trying to beat a really hard game and when you are about to kill the boss, he kills you and have to restart again...how would you react? what if you forgot to save? tell me some experiences.


Do you take out your frustration to your real life, are you rude to your family or friends because you can't let it go?

  • Brohoof 5


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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I suppose there are points when I get mad playing a game, but it's not because I died or whatever. It's only for lag, and even then, I just grump a bit. I don't take it out on other people :P

If someone beats the crap out of me, I commend them, because they obviously are pretty good to defeat me *preens*

Nah, I'm kidding :P That's the point of the game! I'm not complaining, I still enjoy myself :)


EDIT: Actually no, I lied a little. Playing Oblivion I would flip *hit if I didn't save in a Gate. HATED those things with a passion.

Edited by Dug
  • Brohoof 1


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It's very dependent on the setting.If i'm gaming with friends and I loose I would playfully rage as joke and not take it too hard.However,Online matches bring out the worst in me.(even though it's rare)When I loose online I tend to just leave.Just drop the control right there and leave.The worst I've done is toss a controller into a wall

Edited by OdinForced



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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I don't have a competitive bone in my body.

Even when we'd race to get the non-flat basketballs in gym.

I'd wait for the swarm of children to pass and take the flat basket ball and pick-up and drop it #swag.

I just don't get frustrate when I lose and I don't feel overly accomplished when I win.

Besides I prefer just playing through story mode by myself, I'm a solitary gamer.


My husband on the over hand is the crazy overly competitive type.

If he loses too many time online, I have to deal with a grumpy husband all night.

Sometimes I'll fall asleep and wake up because he'll yeah "buck yeah" or "no! so cheap".

He gets really into it,

REALLY in to it.


  • Brohoof 5

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I don't rage that much, although I do get pissed at certain points. Never to the point of throwing controllers, kicking down walls and flipping tables.

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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Depends on the game and the nature of the match Posted Image


If it's Dota and I play it with my friends, I'll just wave it off and resume laughing together. If it's a prestigious tournament and I lost because my healers forgot they have multi heal, gods have mercy on anyone around me. I'm a sore loser :P


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I saw the controllers in their hands and this is all I could think of.



Ah good times. Truth be told, I reacted in a similar fashion when my parents gave me a Super Nintendo.

  • Brohoof 4



Big, no, MASSIVE UPS to ~Chaotic Discord~ for the undeniably fabulous sig!

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I almost never rage offline. When I do, it's very light raging though.


Now Gran Turismo is another story. Especially when you get around idiots. Almost broke a controller once I threw it so hard.

  • Brohoof 2


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@@Shankveld, I admire you, haha normally when I play a videogame in where I know that I am not good at all, I don't care when I lose, but if you dare to win in one of my fetish favorite games then I will build anger on you, especially if it is online.


My husband on the over hand is the crazy overly competitive type. If he loses too many time online, I have to deal with a grumpy husband all night. Sometimes I'll fall asleep and wake up because he'll yeah "buck yeah" or "no! so cheap". He gets really into it, REALLY in to it. ~

OMG this is so funny XD


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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I felt many times like doing that, because I can't accept that some noobs beat me, but I won't bring myself to do that because I paid for my things and I appreciate the things I have. :)


Funny thing is I tried to stop myself in the middle of the throwing motion because I realized how stupid that would be and ended up doing a small girly throw. LOL.I won't be throwing my stuff again -_-

  • Brohoof 2



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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Like Dale Earnhardt said: "The winner ain't the one with the fastest car, it's the one who refuses to lose..."

The only game I play/own is Forza Motorsport 4 for the XBOX360, which I play nightly online with many others. Now, I always looked at losing as a mindset. Have you really lost when you put in a full amount of effort and done the best that was possible at the time, and on a side note, if you win all the time where is the challenge?

On Forza Motorsport 4 there is a vast amount of vehicles ranging from everyday cars to your Ferraris and Lambos, sure I could climb in a Ferrari F50 and whoop everyone, or I could climb in a 77' AMC Gremiln and try my hardest to keep up in the top five, and that's where the enjoyment of gaming lies. The enjoyment of gaming lies wherever your mindset says it does. If all you want to do is win and you'll quit if you don't, then your not a true winner, a winner is the one who refuses to lose, patience is the key to the biggest doors in life, or in this case... video games.

  • Brohoof 1


Chevette x Chevelle ~ OTP

"Happiness is a quarter of a million Chevettes"



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Now Gran Turismo is another story. Especially when you get around idiots. Almost broke a controller once I threw it so hard.

OMG this is so true, I can't ACCEPT to lose to some noobs that they don't know what they are doing, I hate cursing but I do when they win because it's not fair. but I don't yell though...

haha...your controller throwing was so funny XD


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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I used to rage intensely. Campers, spawn killers, snipers, noob tubers, they were the bane of my existence. That's why I quit playing CoD and I'm never going back. Now, Halo is my main FPS and I rarely get angry. Halo is more about playing the game, teamwork, and having fun rather than winning.


I've never sent a rage message to anypony in my life but I have received my fair share ;)

  • Brohoof 3

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I saw the controllers in their hands and this is all I could think of.




Ah good times. Truth be told, I reacted in a similar fashion when my parents gave me a Super Nintendo.


Ok, that is the best video I ever have seen. Anyways, that is how I react occasionally when I lose. Especially if I am in a quickscoping match, and the final kill cam (game score was 1000-9990) was of a hacker that hacks into our game and puts a scrillex remix of us looking terrible at the game.

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Funny thing is I tried to stop myself in the middle of the throwing motion because I realized how stupid that would be and ended up doing a small girly throw. LOL.I won't be throwing my stuff again

hahaha THAT made me laugh... I would love to see how that would be haha, especially in the girly throw, I don't know why I found so funny when people toss the controller, but I've felt the urge to do it XD
  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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It all depends on the situation, there have been times where I have wanted to toss the tv out the window and then there are other times like today when I was playing Assassins Creed III and accidentally killed George Washington and couldn't stop laughing afterwords.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Shankveld, I admire you, haha normally when I play a videogame in where I know that I am not good at all, I don't care when I lose, but if you dare to win in one of my fetish favorite games then I will build anger on you, especially if it is online.


I'm pretty good at SSB Melee, since when I was a kid, my sister and I would play it for 16 hours straight every weekend.

Anyway like a year ago my sister's boyfriend find our old gamecub and SSB and we all play. And even though I haven't played it years I still, well to put it nicely, rape everyone. Now this now ex boyfriend of my sister had a pretty big gaming ego, after 10 rematches he stormed off and my sister says when she caught up with him he was crying.

I've seen it brah, I've seen it.

  • Brohoof 2

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Multiplayer: Generally congratulate the victor but get a tad frustrated.

Singleplayer: Really depends on the boss. The second boss in Dues Ex Human Revolution was a pain in the plot and I freaked out when I got close and lost. but something like a Halo: Reach General, I just laugh it off and try again.

PIE. Lot's of pie. And bacon, and Dr. Pepper, and popcorn, and hot cocoa. Buck it, if it's junk food I'll eat it!

My OC http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/thunder-twister-r1284

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I'm a solitary gamer. I really don't ever play multiplayer or online. But I do occasionally get pretty irked at a game I'm doing if it's exceedingly difficult, because I feel like I'm wasting my time.


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Echoing Star Weaver's point, it does rely on the game for me. In my mad fits of rage though, the common underlying theme is always how I justify my death. Always in offline games when I just talk to myself and talk to the game, I'm expecting the developers to hear me and realise their mistakes.





And then the slightly more calm, but even more bitter remarks.


"Oh no, that's fair. He's an ancient being from hell and I'm some dude who got lost on the way to the pub. Of course I'll defeat him."

"Sorry I can't hear the compelling story and rich narrative over the BATTALION OF TANKS OWNING ME."

"I swear to God if you didn't save that checkpoint..."

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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Well, I'm the type of loser that no one likes, hence the reason I'm a loser. I'm a social outcas- Oh, wait, we're talking about gaming...


I am the kind of person who does not care whatsoever. I find it quite fun to lose, as it means there's just reason to practice and get better. I hate it, though, whenever someone else is being a buttface and being a noob and they somehow destroy me in a game. I rage at them. Not the game, but the people

  • Brohoof 1


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