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How do ponies reproduce?


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Sounds like basic genetics to me concerning dominant/recessive genes. We just don't know what's considered dominant/recessive in pony genetics.


Maybe it's not even that, maybe it really is just a sort of equalised randomizer? Earth ponies just have more endurance in general, Pegasi have the genetic mutation of wings, and Unicorns have the genetic mutation of a horn WITH magical qualities.


....then again don't all the three races have some level of their own magic? The Pegasus can control the weather and walk on clouds, the Unicorns deal with alteration and manipulation of the world around them, and Earth Ponies have an attunement to nature, right?

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I just think that if two ponies breed, there's a 50% chance of the resulting pony born being of either species. Like some other people have said. My OC is the result of an earth pony mother and a unicorn father, after all. That theory makes my head hurt less.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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We haven't seen any mixed species mating, so I'd only assume maybe they aren't allowed to?

earth ponies with earth ponies, unicorns and unicorns etc.




what about Rarity's parents? Edited by Pinkazoid




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I think it runs along the lines of "rishathra" (Google it) A Unicorn with an Earth pony would be recreational and enjoyable, but that's about it.


Thanks Larry Niven!


Perhaps unicorn + pegasus = alicorn?


I also think Alicorns are either visitors from another planet, or supernatural beings along the lines of Angels or Goddesses.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I love discussions like this. I really do.


Awright welp...I'm gonna go off human genetics as an attempt to give my view off of it. Like...Red hair or blue eyes unicorn or pegasi traits could be cotinuisly in the gene pool but it's a percentage of chance of winding up either one of the three genus of ponies.


Like...Sweetie Belle has two toned hair and is paler in color then Rarity but their sisters...It could just be it's an off and on chance between generations. Like my OC Harmonic is a unicorn but her younger brother is an Earth pony due to her mom being a unicorn and her dad being an Earth pony.



Found at Hagaren.org


Proud Pega-sis/Brony and writer!

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All this discussion is making my head spin,let's just say ponies are ponies,and leave it at that ok?


Yeah I am really confused right now after reading all this


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This topic seems to be a bit confusing, with all of the different predicted outcomes. It’s similar to the discussions I’ve seen on cartoon physics and Pinkie’s teleportation interference from ep 10. There are many mysteries within the cartoon world that you could run in circles for days trying to justify completely, but it’s nice to piece together the world with fan predictions that make the most sense.

Awesomeness = at least 20% Cooler.

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My Celestia...I feel like I've posted this like 12 times...


It's simple genetics really. I think having wings and horns are recessive traits; and not having them is dominant. It makes sense considering how many Earth Ponies there are. (The same works for attached earlobes. Having them attached is recessive, not having them attached is dominant.)


So let's say (for this example, without getting too confusing) everypony holds two traits (again, we will just pretend they only hold two traits, to keep is simple. In reality we know there are many traits, such as eye and hair color; but those are not important for determining if the pony has wings/horns or not.)

We will use W and w for wings.

And H and h for horns.

How dominants and recessives work (in a rather small nutshell) is that if a dominant trait exists in the genotype, is is expressed. And the recessive trait is hidden (but still can be passed onto the next generation.)

WW is an earth pony with both dominant traits for wings (not having them)

Ww is still an earth pony, but can pass the trait for having wings.

ww is a pegasus. Woo-woo. Because both traits are recessive, the recessive trait can appear (because there is no dominant trait to mask it)


The same goes for horns.



If you combine the wing and horn genes (as in putting WwHh for an earthpony,) you can find all the possibilities of pony-children.

If you cross WwHh with another WwHh you could get any number of possibilities. Most likely, you will get an earth pony, due to how dominance and recessive-ness works. However, you can also get a Unicorn (WWhh/Wwhh) or a Pegasus (wwHH/wwHh.)



But over time, it seems that the traits have mostly evened out. So Most Earth Ponies will carry the genotype of WWHH, Unicorns will carry WWhh and pegasi will mostly carry wwHH. Most likely from just your basic 'ethics' of marrying a different species...

But it could happen.


Yes, this also means Alicorns are possible as well. But it won't come from a Unicorn and Pegasus; because that would just make an Earth Pony with WwHh. You would need to cross that WwHh with another WwHh to create an Alicorn. Because Alicorns hold wwhh. Hopefully now you can see why there are so many Earth Ponies, why there are almost equal amounts of Unicorns and Pegasi; and only two known alicorns. It will take two generations of forced-breeding; and really, in a kids show, it's going to be more about "true love" rather than Celestia dictating who gets to mate with whom.


Although, if a Male Alicorn (wwhh) were to come about, and mate with the princesses (wwhh) there is absolutely no possibility of getting a baby that isn't an alicorn. (Well...Unless you get into Gene mapping, splicing, and sequencing...but really, for the most part, this will be the case.)

  • Brohoof 1

But what do I know? I'm just a stupid kid.

҉ .Eternal ¸.•'´¯Chaos¯´'•.¸Comes¸.•'´¯With¯´'•.¸Chocolate¸.•'´¯Rain ҉


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It is possible that there is too much special differentiation between them so mating would either:

1. Not result in conception

2. Result in a still birth

3. Produce offspring that cannot breed (ie. mule)


But it may be possible for an Alicorn to interbred with a Pegasus or Unicorn, as they share major traits.

Edited by FlutterSchoer

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i would think it would be a unicorn, i would think unicorns would be dominant over earth pony


Racist much? :angry: I 'kid!


I once thought of an interesting discussion between the Apple sisters.


Apple Bloom: "Applejack where do fillies come from?"

Applejack: "Umm... err.. Why don't you ask Big Macintosh?"

Apple Bloom: "I already did!"

Applejack: "And where exactly did he say they came from, dare I ask?" :huh:

Apple Bloom: "The Market!" :P


I figure that Unicorn and Pegasis traits are dominant while Earth Ponies would be recessive.Do some Punnet Squares to find out the chances of getting your preferred Pony!

  • Brohoof 1

[New siggy in progress!]

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Maybe to avoid this kind of confusion it is forbidden under Celestia's order for an earth pony and unicorn to have a filly. If they are caught, then they are reported and sent to the moon. No questions asked. Same with other combinations. The DNA aren't allowed to mix because Celestia fears mutations and creating things like Discord.


Quando omni flunkus moritati

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I'd imagine it would be like Pokemon breeding.


They can interbreed with each other, but the child takes only one of their parents traits.


For example;


Earth Pony+Earth Pony=Earth Pony


Pegasus+Unicorn=Unicorn OR Pegasus


What about Alicorns like Princess Celestia? Was she always an Alicorn or were her parents unicorn AND pegasus?



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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I'd imagine it would be like Pokemon breeding.


They can interbreed with each other, but the child takes only one of their parents traits.


For example;


Earth Pony+Earth Pony=Earth Pony


Pegasus+Unicorn=Unicorn OR Pegasus


OMG are you a wizard??

(the new episode, your theory has pretty much been confirmed)

Edited by Marshmallow
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