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private (New) Sky's Romantic Houseparty. (RP)


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Harp herd star keeper nearby so she decided to take a look on a nearby could. She didn't want to talk to star keeper anymore she didn't want to even make eye contact with him. She had very bitter feelings about star keeper and her wings showed it they didn't even flutter for him any more.

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After five minutes, Key Lime realized that Sky wasn't even listening to her ramblings, and had left her mid-sentance. Key Lime took a seat on the floor net to the couch. She inhaled deeply, and let out a heavy sigh. Her eyes caught a bottle of alcohol on the table, but resisted temptation. She didn't want her friends to see her drunk. They probably already thought she was weird enough.

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" Uh, yeah. I could kinda tell that from the start." Cloud's tone grew hostile. "Wait... She.... She KISSED you? Agggghhhh!" Clouds anger couldn't be expressed in words. She was so angry, she didn't even want to talk. "I'm going back to the party," she shouted behind her as she flew back. She felt like crying on Esme's, her friend who wasn't at the party, shoulder. She felt like going and telling her everything.


Cloud flew as fast as she could back to the party. She felt like she was on the verge of a sonic rainboom, but she knew she wasn't. She ran straight inside, realized she didn't want to be in the house, then went to the roof, the side facing away from the front door.

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Harp saw some pony fly away then she saw him star keeper she crossed her arms preparing to talk to him very sternly but that wasn't in her nature she wasn't in the mood to yell . she began waiting for him to notice her. She uncrossed her arms and tried to remain claim

Edited by Prince_Morningstar
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After five minutes, Key Lime realized that Sky wasn't even listening to her ramblings, and had left her mid-sentance. Key Lime took a seat on the floor net to the couch. She inhaled deeply, and let out a heavy sigh. Her eyes caught a bottle of alcohol on the table, but resisted temptation. She didn't want her friends to see her drunk. They probably already thought she was weird enough.


(Oh you were rambling... I thought you were going crazy and had become some malfunctioning robot that was going to explode. If I knew she was rambling I would have reacted different.)


Sky put his drink down and began to wonder what was happening with the three ponies that had ran off so suddenly.

Edited by Sky
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"No no no no no, it's not like a kissed her back. No no no no no, wait. Well bugger, far away now. What a right mess I've made of this."


Star Keeper took back to his wings, flying back in the direction of home, until he caught the sight of Harp out of the corner of his eye. Star rushed up to her, staring her down with an intense gaze. He stood over her with a dominating stance.


"Why did you do that? Couldn't you have said something instead of throwing yourself at somepony? Couldn't you just-" He paused, realising his tone was becoming more and more loud by the second. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

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Harp looked at him."I couldn't tell you with words, so.. i.. showed you i been meaning to thank you but i see i made a mess of things". Harp began to cry her once wonderful mane was fully a mess , she didn't feel like herself anymore she felt like crawling into a hole and die

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Cloud thought over what she had said. The first thing she noticed was she hadn't waited for him to answer. She should have. One mistake recognized. She flew away in a rude fashion. She shouldn't have. That made two mistakes recognized. She flew around to the front step and sat. She just sat and waited for somepony to come find her and see what was up.

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That was too far. Star knew he shouldn't have raised his voice at her, she wasn't able to control how she felt. This was all quite new to him still. Star Keeper lowered his tone to a soft voice and actually brought Harp into a comforting hug. It was a nice gesture that he hoped worked.


"I should be the one who's sorry. It's okay." Star pulled back and looked back into Harps eyes. "Forgive me?"

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Key Lime Pie noticed Cloud enter the house, then race back out. She stood up and walked outside. She looked around for Cloud, wondering if she was okay. She flew up, hoping to spot her from a farther distance, but noticed her on the roof, her back facing her. Key lime hesitantly flew over to Could quietly, wondering if she should talk to her or not. "maybe I shouldn't bother her, but i can't just sit here and watch her all sad by herself." Key Lime flew over to Cloud and sat down next to her. "hey, are you okay?"

Edited by Key Lime Pie
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Harp blushed."I, do". Harp was now fully blushing but her heart couldn't take another heartbreak, her eyes were now still full of tears but she hoped star keeper wasn't thinking about playing with her emotions she looked at him waiting for something to happen.

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Sky walked outside and noticed Cloud Puff on the step and that she had a few tears in her eyes. "Are you okay?" Sky asked her. "Did Star go home or something?" Sky asked before going silent and waiting for Cloud to answer. "If he has upset her on purpose I'm going to literally kill him." Sky thought to himself.

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Sky walked outside and noticed Cloud Puff on the step and that she had a few tears in her eyes. "Are you okay?" Sky asked her. "Did Star go home or something?" Sky asked before going silent and waiting for Cloud to answer. "If he has upset her on purpose I'm going to literally kill him." Sky thought to himself.


((This applies to @Star and @Key Lime Pie))

Cloud thought for a sec after Key Lime asked if she was all right. "Um... Well, I don't really know. This really nice stallion I met tonight just pretty much ditched me, then got kissed by this mare, and I didn't really favor her before that. Then he flew away and hid, then I got seriously mad and flew off, and now here I am." Cloud was surprised that she let all that out at once.

Edited by Octavia's Cellozoid
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Well, so much for thinking things through. Now Star Keeper was stuck in quite a sticky situation. He wasn't to sure whether to flee or stay put. No, he couldn't fly away again. He'd hurt her feeling even more than he had last time. But he couldn't just do nothing. Well no harm in trying one other option. It was a test more like it, he slowly leaned in about maybe an inch towards Harp,enough to gain her attention,but still subtle enough that it could be passed of as anything. He had to find out one thing; was she genuine.

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Harp saw him leaning in so she leaned in to her heart was beating wildly. "Star keeper.." She was blushing the hole time she was leaning into him she kissed him once but that was a mistake she could of done something to hurt him which she did but she felt like she was loved.

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Sky understood who she meant by the "mare" and the "Stallion" and nodded to show he understood. "He might not of been as nice as you thought he wa...." Sky stopped himself mid-sentence. He couldn't talk Star down, even if Sky did have feelings for Cloud Puff. "There is probably a reasonable explanation for this. Star wouldn't do that sort of thing without a reason." Sky said with a comforting smile.

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"Well, yeah... There was a lot more detail to it, but..." Cloud trailed off. "I just... I'm just confused. I knew things were gonna go downhill as soon as Harp woke up and looked at him. She looked at him like he was the best stallion on earth. He flew off for some random reason right before we were gonna go take our walk. Now he's just acting so crazy..."

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Mistake din't really seem to do it justice, more like the biggest bucking idiotic decision in his whole damn life. Regret or nerves, he din't exactly know what he was feeing right now. He enjoyed the kiss, what wasn't there to like, it was just what was behind it. Utter panic began to set in but he didn't withdraw. Maybe this might work, he was sure Cloud would understand. I mean, it wasn't like it was anything more than a crush she had. They could still be friends... maybe. Oh crap, what have you done. Go home Star Keeper, you're drunk.

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"Star keeper is just awkward when it comes to talking to mares. Look I'll cast a spell and see what he's up to chances are he's coming back now and he can explain to you what happened." Sky said as he began to cast a spell to see where Harp and Star Keeper where and if they were okay. He then got a vision from the spell of Harp and Star kissing. Sky then went silent. "That son of a parasprite." Sky said just loud enough for Cloud Puff to hear.

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Harp began to kiss him back, he held him in a embrace. her wings fluttered just a bit. she didn't care if he was with another more star keeper was now her's and she would fight for him no matter what. Harps eyes began to light just a bit , she didn't know what to think.

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"What, what's he doing?" Cloud began to panic. She considered anything he could be doing. He could be coming back. Going home. Hiding in the clouds again. Looking for her. At home sleeping. Kissing Harp- NO. She had a hard time pushing that thought out of her head. "He's not.. No. He isn't... He's kissing her again, isn't she? HE IS!!!!" Cloud was even angrier now.

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"He uhh yea...He is kissing her again." Sky replied. "Sky you dumbass. You were suppose to hook Cloud up with somepony who wasn't a jerk." Sky thought to himself. "Look he didn't deserve you anyway. Cloud look at me." Sky said as he looked her straight in the eyes. "You deserve somepony who would walk through a blistering desert for you. You deserve somepony who would get rid of there special talent just to see you smile. You deserve a 100x better than Star. So just forget about him."

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No no no, this isn't right. Star decided to act, quickly withdrawing from the kiss. He regained his breath looking back at Harp. No,this wasn't right.


"I'm sorry, that was my fault, but I can't.I simply can't." It hurt him with each word, taking each blow as it came. Maybe there would be sympathy, maybe emotion, or maybe anger. He did not blame he for any. But he couldn't go on, not like this.


"I'm sorry." And with that he was gone, again. Abandoning her again in the moment. This time he fled back to the party, well, what was left of the party. He arrived at the door to find it still open and trotted inside. Still no pony around.


"Is there anypony home!?"

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(OOC: so so sorry I did not post sooner, the place I am staying at doesn't have Internet so this will have to be my last post until about Sunday.)


Flame smiled and put his arm around Cherry. "I won't let any pony hurt you ever again." he said, stroking her mane and looking up at the big full moon. "I am so thankful to have met you Cherry... I feel a special connection with you that I have never felt before. We should probably get back to the party."



(OOC: Cherry you can controll Flame untill I get back... If you want.)

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Harp wanted to die at the moment. Harp flew back to the house were the party was at keeping her head down she was very sad heartbroken even , Harp down cast her eyes to the ground not caring who she flew into but if some pony said something mean to her she'll fly off the handle.

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