Harmonic Revelations 8,835 November 22, 2012 Share November 22, 2012 No, it's the one time of year I indulge myself in pie. Honestly, I only EVER eat pie during Thanksgiving. But yeah, it's a great way to spend time with family, and family is something that cannot be overrated. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
khaine21x3 789 November 22, 2012 Share November 22, 2012 I can't ever seem to find a place that sells thanksgiving style turkey with cranberry sauce, they seem to be harder to find than crumpets and scones. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AustralianFries 213 November 22, 2012 Share November 22, 2012 ...I like Thanksgiving. I don't really have to dress up, because mum always makes the entire meal. She's a really good cook. And since the feast is at my house, I don't have to go "stand around for 3-4 hours" and then go socialize with people I don't know. I also can tell mum what I want and don't want, and she doesn't mind. So... Yeah Thanksgiving for me is pretty sweet... Real Life & Wallpapers | My OC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Bells 78 November 22, 2012 Share November 22, 2012 christmas is the one that's overrated, what are you talking about. they show commercials for it EVEN before it's thanksgiving. naivarr.tumblr.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AegisReflector 886 November 22, 2012 Share November 22, 2012 WHY IS THERE CHRISTMAS MUSIC PLAYING ON THANKSGIVING? I always get pissed off at this. Can you please give some of us a month to actually get ready for that greedy consumerist holiday? Dang.....>.> I think Thanksgiving is underrated, it's my favorite holiday actually. I just love it for the massive amounts of food that you get to shove down your throat and then puke it up in the bathroom afterwards. It's a lovely experience! Haha, but seriously, this year was okay. My dad overcooked the turkey so it tasted like splooge, but everything else was delicious! I had a wonderful time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 November 22, 2012 Share November 22, 2012 I am just throwing this out there so don't send me hate mail but am I the only one who thinks Thanksgiving is a bit overrated? I mean you need to get dress up and go someplace, stand around for 3-4 hours then just to get something to eat.. Nah not at all. Here in Europe we do not even celebrate thanksgiving at all.And honestly, when I hear people in America talk about thanksgiving and why they do it, it sounds a bit erm.. How should I say, unnecessary. Though it sounds nice with these dinner things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galex Dj 173 November 22, 2012 Share November 22, 2012 To be honest I don't really have an opinion on Thanksgiving. I mean I don't like the fact that I have to take care of my cousins all day long. But there is one thing I like, and it is the food and the leftovers. To me, that's the only good part of Thanksgiving. Signature by Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,206 November 22, 2012 Share November 22, 2012 Hey now, I think a holiday that revolves around getting together with family (or other close people for those who are not lucky enough to have a loving family) and being grateful for what we have is immune from being 'overrated'. Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kirbyboi 588 November 22, 2012 Share November 22, 2012 I don't really think Thanksgiving is overrated. In my opinion, I think it's a wonderful holiday. :3 It's not just about eating food and such, it's about giving thanks for all the big and little things in your life. It's also a great way to spend time with friends. The reason you eat food is because it's to show thanks for being able to have food in your home. Some people can't afford food at all. Plus....who hates eating all that yummy food? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Famicom 7 November 22, 2012 Share November 22, 2012 I am just throwing this out there so don't send me hate mail but am I the only one who thinks Thanksgiving is a bit overrated? I mean you need to get dress up and go someplace, stand around for 3-4 hours then just to get something to eat.. You are not they only one my friend, I think that it is mildly overrated. We should of course give thanks for what we have but dressing up to do it for 3-4 hours is a bit overdoing it. Another overrated holiday is Black Friday, you couldn't pay me ANY amount of money in the world to get up at 3 or 4 in the morn to go shopping. I think that Black Friday should be outlawed, it makes it diffucult for un non-BF shoppers to get X-Mas shopping done Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshmallow 1,137 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 Canadian here. Thanksgiving was a month ago! And I personally didn't really celebrate it. It's not as big for us as it seems to be for you Americans. 1 "There was me, that is Pinkie, and my three droogs, that is Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy, and we sat in the Ponyville Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening." A Clockwork Pony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
)O( Scarlet )O( 1,259 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 (edited) Im going to quote the song Forward Motion by Thousand Foot Krutch: 'I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life, but...' Most if not ALL so-called 'holidays' are overrated, and if you look into the history of most of them, you will find that holidays such as Christmas and Easter have their actual origins in Pagan beliefs. They later became all about Jesus by the Catholics, the Catholics changed it to get more people to join them. I'll look up specific scriptures and the reasoning from the s ruptures book when I get home. Other holidays were started by the government. I should mention that Christmas and Easter couldn't be further then the truth about Jesus. Edited November 23, 2012 by FireGazer (Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iLegovideo 152 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 I am just throwing this out there so don't send me hate mail but am I the only one who thinks Thanksgiving is a bit overrated? I mean you need to get dress up and go someplace, stand around for 3-4 hours then just to get something to eat.. Definitely not the only one. Right now, I think Thanksgiving is a bit...overrated. You can be thankful any day, but you HAVE to be in a good mood TODAY for EVERYONE or else people will look at you funny? It's like saying you have to have a gift for Christmas. Latest Drawing: http://mlpforums.com/topic/44024-happy-new-year-everypony-heres-my-gift-to-the-forum/ Latest pony I made: http://mlpforums.com/topic/60337-happy-mothers-day-everypony/ <img style="-webkit-user-select: none" src="http://i1330.photobucket.com/albums/w563/KyoshiLonehearted/HelpingTwilightwinthecrown-FullscreenHD-EquestriaGirls_zps5e6d428c.gif"> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Derpy 672 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 Well, this "holiday" is supposed to be about being grateful for what you have, but now it revolves around food, so as long as your family knows you appreciate them, than yes this holiday is pretty overrated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crispy 5,563 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 I JUST WANNA EAT FOOD OKAY. Yeah, there are things I'm thankful for, but I'm thankful for them every day. So this day is basically "delicious food day." 2 GET IN THE PIT On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said: ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
)O( Scarlet )O( 1,259 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 As what is said in the book Reasoning From the Scriptures would end up in a wall of text, I have taken the liberty of creating a Blog entry for it, so as not to annoy anyone, here is the link: http://mlpforums.com/blog/386/entry-1583-my-thoughtsfeelings-on-holidays/ (Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nixter 180 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 Now I'm going to like blow your friggin' minds with more amazing speech n' whatnot. K, so obviously you think Thanksgiving is overrated, now what if I told you that you have the wrong idea of Thanksgiving? Now, take a deep breath, this might change your perception of life... Thanksgiving Thanks|giving Thanks giving Thanks <-> giving Giving Thanks WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Don't just eat and then sleep it off, you've got to be thankful, because, y'now you could be like, dead or even worse not know about ponies or be hungry or not have a place to sleep or even a computer to ask this question... Be thankful, thank yer mom, pops, friends, siblings whatever, just be thankful that your life isn't complete shit because of something or someone. Don't Punch! Stab. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxyCryptid 4,330 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 (edited) Really? Where I'm from you just have Dinner at home with your family. It seems like eating out instead of having a home cooked meal(or at least ordering in) would defeat part of the purpose. Also, I'm glad I come from the kind of a family that dark slacks, a nice shirt, black work boots, pulling my hair back. and my leather coat are good enough for "dressing up". And sometimes I don't even bother pulling my hair back. And yes, I'm a guy with long hair and a leather jacket in 2012. Edited November 23, 2012 by Shoboni "You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that." -Duncan McLeod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan 433 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 Thanksgiving is about being with family and eating with them. I enjoy it, mostly for the food, but i also like seeing family that i havent seen in over a year.. but i can happily say that the Food coma set in fast and i faded just as fast LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Boulder 123 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 Overrated? Yeah I'd say so, since its nothing more then a day of this "Do you think we'll have enough food? We need to prepare lots of food!" *Hour later* "So much food! We shouldn't had made as much!" *Naps for a few hours* XD thats pretty much it in our case, nothing but a day of eating really but fun to spend time with family Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abstract 832 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 I feel that modern advertising and marketing has taken a large chunk of focus away from Thanksgiving, making it feel less important. Perhaps the times, they are just a changin' away from a lot of traditional holidays and celebrations. But I feel that, for the most part, it's due to the fact that commercials and what have you start right after Halloween; where's the hooplah about Thanksgiving? I think it's just overlooked, and not appreciated for what it truly should be. Which I shouldn't have to point out what that is. "Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kapi 215 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 First off.. I think a lot of people (Not really anybody on here) don't really know WHY Thanksgiving is celebrated. It traces back to 1621, when they decided to have a feast and give thanks because of a good harvest. That's about it, Thanksgiving is about giving thanks-- Thanks to those who care about you, who love you, and for those that help you in your troubles. So, is it overrated? It depends, I don't believe that you need to dress up, go anywhere special, or do anything like that, Thanksgiving is to say Thanks, in whichever way works for you, if its simply being with loved ones, then so be it. Anyway, we've gotten to a point in American society where nobody really gives a crap about holidays anymore, or what their purpose really is. For most people, its just another day. But its still something that needs to be embraced, something that needs to be celebrated, if you don't care for others, how can you care about yourself? "No, I am not going to run, I am not going to hide, I am going to take a stand and fight!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 (edited) I like Thanksgiving. It's one of the family occasions I don't mind attending. Aside from the food, you get to watch football (AMERICAN football, no sport in the world like it), and if you don't want to talk, just say you're drowsy from all the turkey. Last year I had to spend it alone because of working, but today my grandparents surprised me...they were supposed to be going to my aunt and uncle's 2 hours away but I couldn't make it and neither could they, so they invited me to their place for the meal. Just the three of us most of the time, it was nice. Edited November 23, 2012 by TailsAlone "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Feather Gem 967 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 Thanksgiving is definitly not my favorite holiday. I don't think its overrated though. I don't think that many people like it enough to be so. People always do stuff for the holidays. Like make drawings, or wish other people happy ________, or such. So I think its not really overrated, but not underrated either. Its just there. DiSCoRd'S AppRENtICe Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flicker Sweet 3,391 November 23, 2012 Share November 23, 2012 standing in line? D: Down here in Texas, we make everything at home! everything just tastes better that way! Last night we had two turkeys! One roasted, the other SMOKED!!!!!!!! we also had homemade Key lime!!!!!! :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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