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mega thread Everypony's Religion And Why?


What is your religion?  

66 users have voted

  1. 1. What is your religion?

    • Catholic
    • Orthodox
    • Protestant
    • Lutheran
    • Anglican
    • Methodist
    • Baptists
    • Unitarian/ Universalist
    • Christian (other, or general)
    • Islam
    • Hindu
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    • Agnostic
    • Atheist
    • Satanist
    • Reform
    • Judaism (other, or general)
    • Equestreism (or don't care)
    • Electic Pagan (added at request)
    • Wicca (added at request)
    • Jehovah's Witness (added at request)
    • Spiritual (added at request)
    • Other (quote the OP and I'll try to add it ASAP)

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Christianity... And here is why:


Ladies and gentlemen, I am a sinner. I am the vilest person that you can come across. Even my thoughts are tainted by sin. I have thought adulterous and hateful thoughts, I have been proud, I have been pious, I have rejected what is good. I can become angry, I have lusted, I have stolen, etc etc etc. really guys, I am a bad...not just bad, but vile person.


Do you know what that means? That means that I have disobeyed our creator: God. I have lived a life of active rebellion against Him, seeking to rid myself of Him and usurp His place as sovereign God...essentially. This means, folks, that I deserve death. I deserve to burn in Hell, to live separated from God for all eternity: suffering eternal torment.

I could do nothing to pay this off. My good works are not enough to pay that debt off. The payment...is...death. I cannot be good enough.


But God sent His son to die on the cross...God became flesh, and died on the cross...in my place...so that I may not have to suffer His wrath, so that I may have eternal life, and so that furthermore, I can worship, serve, and bring glory to our God. Christ died and rose again...so that I may not get what I deserve: which is death in Hell.


I trust in Christ alone for my salvation from sin, and because Christ has died for me, I am more than happy to live for and serve him.


No religion can compare to that. All religions tell you you must be a good person to earn your salvation. But they realize not that they cannot be good enough because we by nature are not good and the payment is death...not a life of goodness. FURTHER, even our good works are tainted by sinful reasons.

There is no life in anything but Christ...and so I would urge people to Repent and put their faith in Christ alone for salvation...


Anyways, that's why. Because I have no hope in anything else but Christ.



EDIT: for denomination, I would say I am a Reformed Baptist. The reason this is is because I am a Calvinist who holds to believers baptism really. It mainly just shows what I hold in regards to non-essential doctrines. But the main importance is that I am a Christian.

Edited by Doc Monochrome
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I'm agnostic, I personally believe it's impossible for anyone to truely know if there is or is not a creator and to it seems silly to believe 100% one way or the other. I not trying to offend anyone. >.> I don't often like to talk about religon or politics.

  • Brohoof 1


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Man, us Anglicans have no love here. I guess we'll hang out with the rest of the No Members' Club with the Hindus and Satanists.



Not sure what you mean... There are 4 Anglicans, according to the poll. Also, 2 Hindus, and 3 Satanists. Not a lot, but it should make for an interesting party, to be sure! :D


Honestly, I'm a little surprised at the low number of Hindus (3rd largest religion) represented. I get that the MLP fandom appeals mostly to Western audiences, while the religion is considered an "Eastern" religion. However, there are nearly a billion Hindus in India alone (a country with the third-largest number of internet users). What gives?


And on a personal note... Am I really the only Bahá'í on here?

Edited by MontagnaMagica
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Roller Coaster Count: 143
Favorite Roller Coaster: Tatsu
Best Pony: Starlight Glimmer (Background Pony: Saffron Masala)
Best Episode: Twilight's Kingdom (Single Episode: All Bottled Up)

"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens" -Bahá'u'lláh

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@@Doc Monochrome,


I think you are too hard on yourself. No one who feels such guilt for their sins, and truly wishes for redemption can truly be that bad of a person. :)  

I'm agnostic, I personally believe it's impossible for anyone to truely know if there is or is not a creator and to it seems silly to believe 100% one way or the other. I not trying to offend anyone. >.> I don't often like to talk about religon or politics.


Hey, you're not offending most of us. I don't know if there is a God and I don't claim to know anymore than you do if there is one. Being religious means you have faith that such an intelligence exists.



Honestly, I'm a little surprised at the low number of Hindus (3rd largest religion) represented. I get that the MLP fandom appeals mostly to Western audiences, while the religion is considered an "Eastern" religion. However, there are nearly a billion Hindus in India alone (a country with the third-largest number of internet users). What gives?


I'm sure my former babysitter could be persuaded to join the Brony fandom if I showed it to her. That would add at least one Hindu pegasister to the herd. ^_^ 




And on a personal note... Am I really the only Bahá'í on here?


You may, but the religion has perked my interest and I would support it's proliferation gladly. 

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@@Doc Monochrome, I think you are too hard on yourself. No one who feels such guilt for their sins, and truly wishes for redemption can truly be that bad of a person. :)   


Heh...but I think you misunderstand. Though it may be true that I am not as "bad" as I could be, I am still a sinful wretch. And what I say is true...though granted, this is just a reflection of the past.

But, I couldn't be more elated...much less guilt free..because I already have been redeemed. My debt is payed, my life forgiven. And nothing I did could contribute to that: I am saved all solely because of God's grace, through my faith in Jesus Christ. :)

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Christian would be the best term for it...

Buuuut my views tend to be a little different than most.


One of the biggest differences is that I don't necessarily trust the Bible 100%, a lot of red ink was added to it by the church in its corrupt medieval days, and as a result, much of what is in the Bible today is propaganda (for example, the name "Lucifer" was stolen from a deity in Paganism to shame them and try to label their religion as evil.) To me, Christianity is supposed to be about God and Jesus, not necessarily the book that was written about God and Jesus. And the way that some people are following every single word so strictly makes me have the audacity to even call the Holy Bible itself an idol to some Christians!


That, and even the stuff that wasn't shoe-horned in or edited out can sometimes be negated as well with the new covenant which started in the days of Jesus (sort of like how it's okay for us to eat animals with cloven hooves now).


There are other differences as well, but listing out every single one of them would probably take forever and tick off a good portion of anypony that reads this :P so I won't go into any more detail about that... however, to answer part 2 of the question, why I'm Christian, it's mostly because of many world events, and my outlook on them being more optimistic than pessimistic.


A lot of people say they are unable to believe in any sort of protective entity or deity because of how many things have gone wrong in the world. I on the other hand am unable NOT to believe in one because there are so many things that could have gone SO VERY WRONG (for example SOPA, PIPA, the several times that WWIII almost started, Hitler almost winning WWII, the cold war not turning into global thermonuclear war like it almost had on several occasions, the various disasters that occur in space every day that could obliterate the very Earth itself) but none of them ever happened. In return I devote my loyalty to that guarding force, God Himself.

Edited by Hocus Pocus
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~Hocus Pocus

Ya weni mareh mirekyarahire
Juri yu mirekerason

Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
Nunnyura unera yurawera nihmerani

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One of the biggest differences is that I don't necessarily trust the Bible 100%,


Then you're no different than the majority of Catholics, like me. 




a lot of red ink was added to it by the church in its corrupt medieval days, and as a result, much of what is in the Bible today is propaganda (for example, the name "Lucifer" was stolen from a deity in Paganism to shame them and try to label their religion as evil.)


Okay that's not strictly true. Yes, the name "Lucifer" was reappropriated and originally means "Light Bringer." This action though, wasn't entirely to shame other practices. Demonology was an actual study at the time and while many pagan deities did get thrown under the bus, it wasn't because every priest and theologian was trying to stamp out a culture, they genuinely believed those entities to be servants or manifestations of the Devil. 


We can argue in hindsight whether that was fair to do so and whether it's true or not, but it wasn't completely malevolent propaganda as much as a spiritual campaign. They were sincere in their faith, if not completely moral in their deeds.




That, and even the stuff that wasn't shoe-horned in or edited out can sometimes be negated as well with the new covenant which started in the days of Jesus (sort of like how it's okay for us to eat animals with cloven hooves now).


Well yeah, that's the whole point of Christianity.


"Take this all of you and drink from it. This is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant." The Old Testament is important, the Ten Commandments and all that, but anybody who honestly values the lessons of the Old Testament over the new, I would think would more likely be better suited to converting to Judaism.




There are other differences as well, but listing out every single one of them would probably take forever and tick off a good portion of anypony that reads this so I won't go into any more detail about that... however, to answer part 2 of the question, why I'm Christian, it's mostly because of many world events, and my outlook on them being more optimistic than pessimistic.   A lot of people say they are unable to believe in any sort of protective entity or deity because of how many things have gone wrong in the world. I on the other hand am unable NOT to believe in one because there are so many things that could have gone SO VERY WRONG (for example SOPA, PIPA, the several times that WWIII almost started, the cold war not turning into global thermonuclear war like it almost had on several occasions, the various disasters that occur in space every day that could obliterate the Earth itself not happening) but none of them ever happened. In return I devote my loyalty to that guarding force, God Himself.


This is where I agree %100. I've heard so many dammed doomsday stories, I just roll my eyes at them now.


"Look at the state of the world!"


"Oh you mean slavery, mass murder, fundamentalism, and piracy? Yeah, take a close look at human history pal, there's nothing new under the sun."


Young people, and I am young so I can say this, always act like their generation is somehow unique to the old guard. In some ways they're right. Just as the old guard was right when they were young. The world is ever changing after all. Even still, evil has always existed and the modern world does not claim exclusivity to that.


The fact that for every generation, the world improves steadily, is part of why I have faith in a Higher Power. It's because I have faith in people.

My attitude towards stuff like that is, yeah the whole God creating the universe thing could have happened, but there's also the possibly that it couldn't have happen. There is no exact explanation since none of us were there, and the debate has been brought on how reliable of a historic source the bible really is, so it could have been anything.


Well in terms of the Earth individually, the Bible is wrong. This is a life long Christian telling you this, the Bible dates the Earth and it's provably wrong.


I don't think that invalidates the idea of a benign supreme intelligence though.

Edited by Steel Accord
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I am a athiest becasue i belive in science not some bible or whatever .

I want proof to the answers people tell me not just belive in it casue some book says so or some random guy says i should.

and lastly i just think religon is a way to hate and make money.

i think it was a lie that some random person came up with


i am sorry for being open about my opinion like that but i want everyone who is reading this to know i still respect you becasue you are human and we are all equal


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and lastly i just think religon is a way to hate and make money. i think it was a lie that some random person came up with   i am sorry for being open about my opinion like that but i want everyone who is reading this to know i still respect you becasue you are human and we are all equal


"Your entire worldview is a collection of lies founded on hate and greed! . . . . But I still respect you."


That doesn't come off as just a tad incongruous to you?


I have the utmost respect for atheists, the thought complex of atheism, and wish that all religions and the absence of them could co-exist peacefully. So a deeply spiritual person holds nothing against your lack of faith, but you have clear issues with my having it. I don't mean this in anger, I'm just trying to make my stance clear.


(Also, I'll keep saying it till I drop, Religion =/= Christianity.) 

Edited by Steel Accord
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I do respect atheists overall, as some of them do have legit reasons for turning to it. Be it they saw flaws in the bible, grew up in a very religious family and did not agree with their morals, or just grew up around the stupid kind of Christians. 


There is a reason I decide to remain agnostic and not go full on atheist. It's because some of them are not like those people, and have good reasons on why they believe. They look to a higher power to make them feel safe. 


However, once an atheist starts flaming a christian with stuff like, "GOD'S NOT REAL! GO BACK TO THE SOUTH WITH YOUR FAIRY TALES!" Then that's where I face palm.

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There is a reason I decide to remain agnostic and not go full on atheist.


'Atheist' doesn't have to imply 'gnostic atheist.' I think that most atheists, myself included, are agnostic atheists. I can't prove that a 'God' doesn't exist, but I think that such an existence is extremely unlikely, and that's why I'm atheist.

  • Brohoof 1


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I consider myself Agnostic rather than straight-up atheist because a lot of the atheists I have met are pretty rude and put down others' religious beliefs. I don't mind someone believing or not believing in god, but they shouldn't try to force their beliefs on others, and that goes for both religious and nonreligious people.

  • Brohoof 1

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I consider myself Agnostic rather than straight-up atheist because a lot of the atheists I have met are pretty rude and put down others' religious beliefs. I don't mind someone believing or not believing in god, but they shouldn't try to force their beliefs on others, and that goes for both religious and nonreligious people.

I agree, I would only contest that that's not what defines an agnostic. If you don't beleive there is any such divine intelligence or great order to existence, you're an atheist purely by definition.


An agnostic is someone who doesn't have faith there is such a being or force in existence but admits that possibility that there could be.


It's the root of each word.


A-theism = without God


A-Gnosticism = without knowing

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Pure and loving Atheist because I was brought up in a Christian society and then I found out that they kill homosexuals. I love homos. They are cute together. I. Just. Love. Yaoi. Simple as that.


                                  ~The ONE & ONLY~

                                      ~Flash Brush~

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Pure and loving Atheist because I was brought up in a Christian society and then I found out that they kill homosexuals. I love homos. They are cute together. I. Just. Love. Yaoi. Simple as that.


They kill homosexuals where you live? That's pretty harsh. May I ask where you live? I myself live in a Christian society and it's pretty tolerant of that kind of stuff.

  • Brohoof 3


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Agnostic Non-denominational Christian.

It is possible that I could be wrong about my faith, but I tend to lean more towards the belief that there is a God.

Pure and loving Atheist because I was brought up in a Christian society and then I found out that they kill homosexuals. I love homos. They are cute together. I. Just. Love. Yaoi. Simple as that.

What hell-hole do you live in where Christians kill gays?

Sounds like something you'd see straight out of the Dark Ages.

Edited by Commander Shepard
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They kill homosexuals where you live? That's pretty harsh. May I ask where you live? I myself live in a Christian society and it's pretty tolerant of that kind of stuff.

The bible says to kill Homos. I do not approve so I am now Atheist. I love all religions though. But places in the US do have Homo haters. I love them. But I love Christians who do love them. The friend of my friend is my friend! :3

Edited by ~Flash Brush~


                                  ~The ONE & ONLY~

                                      ~Flash Brush~

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The bible says to kill Homos. I do not approve so I am now Atheist. I love all religions though. But places in the US do have Homo haters. I love them. But I love Christians who do love them. The friend of my friend is my friend! :3

Usually most modern day Christians don't hate gays, they just believe it's a sin to have sexual relations with another man.

I don't go around spewing hate against homosexuals and nor do I bug anyone about it, but if someone asked me what I deemed sexually immoral, I'd tell it to them straight.

The only thing I do is pray for people like that.

And there's no harm that can come out of something like that.

  • Brohoof 5
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Usually most modern day Christians don't hate gays, they just believe it's a sin to have sexual relations with another man.

I don't go around spewing hate against homosexuals and nor do I bug anyone about it, but if someone asked me what I deemed sexually immoral, I'd tell it to them straight.

The only thing I do is pray for people like that.

And there's no harm that can come out of something like that.

But that is basically telling them, that you are going to tell your god that they are not doing what you or your god wants them to do so you tell the god to change them. I do not want them to change, being different is good.


                                  ~The ONE & ONLY~

                                      ~Flash Brush~

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Was raised as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I decided to do my own thing but came back cause I always "knew" it's the right thing. I've been "inactive" for a few years due to my own stupidity and procrastination, and from the embarrassment of making some pretty serious mistakes. Currently working on fixing my problems though, and hope to get back in the swing of things soon. Life's just not as complete without knowing I'm making God happy. Just my 2 bits

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But that is basically telling them, that you are going to tell your god that they are not doing what you or your god wants them to do so you tell the god to change them. I do not want them to change, being different is good.

Yes, that's basically what it is.

But hey, it's better than forcing someone to reside by my beliefs.

There's no harm in prayer.

Say you were gay and I said to you that I am praying for you.

The best thing to say back is "Ok fine".

If you don't believe in my God, then it shouldn't matter to you if I'm praying to him or not.

Edited by Commander Shepard
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I guess you are right. At least you are peaceful other than most people I come in contact with when I ask them of their beliefs on homosexuals.


Yes, that's basically what it is.
But hey, it's better than forcing someone to reside by my beliefs.
There's no harm in prayer.
Say you were gay and I said to you that I am praying for you.
The best thing to say back is "Ok fine".
If you don't believe in my God, then it shouldn't matter to you if I'm praying to him or not.

  • Brohoof 2


                                  ~The ONE & ONLY~

                                      ~Flash Brush~

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@@~Flash Brush~,


Also not all Christians consider it sinful. After all, people who are gay are born that way. Sin must involve choosing to sin, otherwise it's not the person's fault. So how can I call homosexuality a sin if it's not a choice? It's the same reason we have baptism, forgiveness for original sin. If a homosexual is baptized, than whatever sin is of their nature as opposed to their choice should no longer matter.


This is coming from a practicing Catholic, mind you. 

Edited by Steel Accord
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There was a time when these Jehovah Witnesses in my area targeted my house after my step mom didn't agree with them. They came back twice before they brought a priest over. I was a fraction away from putting up a "No Jehovah Witnesses" sign next to our "No solicitor's" sign. 



I would still rather die having glimpsed eternity than never to have stirred from the furrow of mortal life. I embrace death without regret as I have embraced  life without fear.

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