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searching The Prancing Pony-Tavern based Social RP

Rainbow Sparkle

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The Prancing Pony RP Thread


Across the Multiverse of time and space, there is a place that exists in all places and yet seemingly nowhere. Those who know of it consider an anomaly in fabric of existence, and many have tried and failed to discover how it manages to work as it does. While none have succeeded in doing such, this has not stopped them from returning to this place of wonders.


What place do I speak of, you ask? Why, none other than the greatest and grandest Tavern in all of the cosmos-The Prancing Pony!


In the Prancing Pony, it does not matter which world you come from, what timeline you exist in, any and all who manage to find this famous refuge are welcome to come in and enjoy the wonderful food, mind boggling drinks, and the exotic entertainment from across the Multiverse!

Don't expect any of this to come cheap though! This tavern can't run just on the residual magic of the multiverse after all! (well it can, but that's beside the point) But don't let an empty purse let you down, the tavern's owner Jeeves is more than willing to exchange services for a story or two!


So come one, come all, and enjoy all that the Prancing Pony has to offer!


Warning-The  Prancing Pony is not liable for any paradoxes or time-space displacements visiting our fine establishment may cause. Side effects of visiting include possible visits from past or future selves, being turned into some strange minor eldritch abomination by the occassional visit from Discord, and a gratuitous desire to burst into song and inappropriate moments.




So, the concept behind this idea is based off the Star Trek series of Novels called "The Captains Table" (link here) The biggest difference being that its visible only to Player Characters from various Roleplays. This is intended to be a largely social interaction Role Play, though fighting can occur between characters if they so desire (however, the Prancing Pony has explicit rules when it comes to fighting, so be careful.)


To join this RP, simply provide the character that you wish to enter the Tavern with, and just go on over to the RP thread (once I get it setup) and walk on in!


Now, the rules are going to be the following, besides the general rules that applies to all roleplays.


-Posts must reach at least 100 characters, though there is no max.

-If you wish for your character to fight someone else, you must first make a request here in this thread, and the opponent must accept your request. The challenge/fight can then be role played in the game thread.

-Romance stuff can occur, but must be dealt with in the same manner as fighting. Any Mature content stuff must also be placed in spoilers.

-If I come up with anything else that seems important, I will notify everyone.



So, anyone interested?

Edited by Rainbow Sparkle
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Heck yeah I'm in. I remember being in a similar RP on a different site many years ago and it was a blast. So yes, I am interested. biggrin.png



I am interested indefinably. Now I just need to work out who to use in this situation. Sounds like fun.

Excellent! Now, for everyones knowledge, here be the owner of the bar, Jeeves.




Once we get two or three more people in I'll set up the RP thread.


Oh! And if anyone would like to play as an employee of the Tavern, just ask and we'll work something out. Can be a new character or one from another RP, doesn't matter to me.

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I'm definitely interested, this RP sounds pretty awesome.

I will have my character ready when sign ups begin.

(Unless they already started :P )


And also... Can we be anything or just one of our characters from another role-play?

Edited by Zalgo
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I'm definitely interested, this RP sounds pretty awesome.

I will have my character ready when sign ups begin.

(Unless they already started tongue.png )


And also... Can we be anything or just one of our characters from another role-play?

Sign ups are in this thread, and have started.


As long as its one of your characters from any Role Play here, yes. I thought about allowing characters from RP's from other sites, but the idea here is to keep it restricted primarily to the many worlds/versions of Equestria/MLP FIM universe.


Of course, if your intending to play an employee of the bar, than your free to create a new character. And I suppose you could make a character specifically for this RP...though I'd prefer that its characters already created for other RP's.

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I'd like to join? I'd need to set up my character first, but I'll wait until I know I'm accepted. I'm fairly new to the forum, but I've RPed before.


All anyone has to do if they're interested is just put up a link to their characters sheet in the database, and as for accepting, anyone's open to join, though if you wish to be an employee of the tavern you have to state such and I have to have a look at your character. Those are the only ones that really need "Approval"


I just need to know what characters will be appearing first before I go ahead and set up the RP thread.

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I can take over an employee position in the bar. I'm already getting a personality for the character worked out as I type this.


so what position are you aiming for character wise, or were you figuring a sort of jack of all trades employee?


Need at least two more characters ready to go before I start the RP thread.

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so what position are you aiming for character wise, or were you figuring a sort of jack of all trades employee?


Need at least two more characters ready to go before I start the RP thread.


Well, I haven't RP'd on a pony site before so I have no good already used characters. So I made a new bartender/waitress character. I'm finishing out the profile, then I'll post it here tonight.

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Huh they are both cute PripyatPony. if this was mine then I would accept you but I'm not so yeah.*sighs slightly*


As I've stated previously, the only characters that have to really be accepted/approved are those who wish to play as an employee of the bar.


RP Thread will be up soon.


RP thread is up. Now give me a sec to give a brief layout of The Prancing Pony.


It has 3 floors above ground, and has...well, they've never really bothered to count how many floors below ground. Suffice it to say that the place is truly an anomaly in space time.


1st Floor-

-Main Lounge (includes a stage for performers)

-Gambling Hall

-Dance club


2nd Floor-

-Four Private Lounges

-Dress Club ( ^_^ )

-Premium Guest Rooms


3rd Floor-


-Standard Guest rooms

-Locked and Barred Door that says "Do not open, Spirit of Chaos is napping"



-Dueling Arena


-Doorway leading to Prancing Pony Labrynth (for those feeling adventurous)

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Oh, is it too late for me to join this? I would like to apply with Somber Tones, the link is in my signature.

Applying, as it is, is simply saying your interested and posting your character link, or in this case pointing out that it's in your signature.


Other than that, again, excepting players wanting to play bar staff, there's nothing else to it.

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@Rainbow Sparkle (did I do that right? EDIT: Nope. Darn.), I have a female bartender mostly drafted up. I'll hopefully post the profile later tonight.

Edited by Kolth
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Applying, as it is, is simply saying your interested and posting your character link, or in this case pointing out that it's in your signature.


Other than that, again, excepting players wanting to play bar staff, there's nothing else to it.

Uh... I don't want to seem rude, but am I accepted? You never quoted me saying if I did or did not get in,

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Uh... I don't want to seem rude, but am I accepted? You never quoted me saying if I did or did not get in,

Oy...vey...*briefly rubs head then calms down*


There is no accepting or approving except for players who wish to play as a bar employee. Anyone who posts a link is free to then go and post in the RP thread. Only those who wish to play as a bar employee must be approved.


I dearly hope that is understandable. I'm not sure I can male it simpler, and this is not the first time I've said such.


Yes, I'm just a tad annoyed, I apologize, last night at work was rough.

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Oy...vey...*briefly rubs head then calms down*


There is no accepting or approving except for players who wish to play as a bar employee. Anyone who posts a link is free to then go and post in the RP thread. Only those who wish to play as a bar employee must be approved.


I dearly hope that is understandable. I'm not sure I can male it simpler, and this is not the first time I've said such.


Yes, I'm just a tad annoyed, I apologize, last night at work was rough.

Oh... i see, well that's fine, at least you didn't get mad at me for not paying attention or something :X

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Oh... i see, well that's fine, at least you didn't get mad at me for not paying attention or something :X

Zhul? I'm not entirely certain whether or not this is sarcasm. If I came across as mad, i didn't mean to, as I wasn't mad, just annoyed.

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Zhul? I'm not entirely certain whether or not this is sarcasm. If I came across as mad, i didn't mean to, as I wasn't mad, just annoyed.

Did it seem like sarcasm?  :blink: didn't mean it like that, sorry. I actually thought you dealt with it well.

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