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gaming What Video Game levels/bosses make you rage?

Moon Rat

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Halloween Town from Kingdom Hearts. The whole thing just makes me want to scream in rage. The complexity of Oogie Boogie's manor, and hell, the fight against Oogie himself is confusing, irratating and rage inducing.

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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This one is obvious for me. The strider battle from Half-Life 2: Episode 2 is so annoying. It has made me so mad that it is a miracle I finished it once. It's just so frustrating.

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Level: Blight Town in Dark Souls. Good God, this place made me want to throw my controller through the TV on my first run through it. These days it's not a problem for me at all, but argh, it was terrible!


Boss: The Four Kings, also from Dark Souls. The battle takes place in a literal pitch black abyss, where depth perception is not even a remote possibility, and it's frustrating when the kings multiply and gang up on you, especially considering how much damage some of their attacks do. I still rage at these guys, even after beating the game multiple times.

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Kingdom Hearts 1-Oh my god..why..that stupid arena level is just silly, how is a kid meant to actively beat this game!?


It wouldn't even be that hard if it at least gave you at least one mild break or health restore but it just goes on and on. The same with Aladdin world when you fight the possessed gate guardian.


I'd also have to say Arcana hearts:


Its a fighting game with a large selection of characters and actual complex combos and mechanics- this isn't mortal kombat, letting off random grabs/ punches and two hit sequence mixed with loads and loads of special moves will get you eaten and slaughtered. You need to learn your character combos, at least enter with a 4-6 hit combo if you can-


This game is god damn complicated and hard. You don't get an active challenge mode or tutorial/trial mode to learn combos or examples of the kind of combos you can use and the thing is not only are the characters in depth in powers on their own the fact you can choose your spirit-or whatever its called- which is sort of like a special call on power and also effects your special moves, unlimited mode and projectiles along with what basic powers you have.






Ever since day one where carl was weak as hell and you could basically end him with two standard combos-I think, he might of had slightly more or slightly less- and I had to control two characters on the screen at once to fight effectively...do you get that...this is a indepth mechanic 2 D fighter game and I have to control two characters on the screen with barely a second between their attacks to do a decent combo.




the best I could do after some practice and training was some small combos that had to be extended by chewing on my power bar to do any real decent damage. I won't even get a chance to get that bar up before I get beaten to death and the story mode to this game is intense.


The  last three main characters will basically stomp your face in, one due to having overly strong secondary powers and two due the AI not giving a hell how much you try and curb stomping you to death, combo or not.



Jeez, damn. I hate this game.

A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds.

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Sweet jesus. Dark Link in Zelda II pissed me off to no end. I'm surprised I beat him without using the corner trick.

As far as stages go, 6-2 in the NES Ninja Gaiden REALLY pisses me off. I've yet to beat it.

Another boss that pisses me off is the boss of the 3rd level in Ninja Gaien 2 on the NES. I haven't beaten it yet.

  • Brohoof 1
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Worst boss I've fought against was the Catacombs boss from Painkiller. That guy was easy to avoid for the most part, but there is absolutely no hint or way to tell how to defeat him in the game. (Shoot the ceiling and then lure him into the center of the room so the sunlight causes him to explode).


Any boss battle that doesn't show you what to do (or just is impossible to do without MONITORING EVERYTHING is just a pain in the flank.

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I'm just going to throw this out there before I forget... for the fifth time, maybe



the one level that really got on my nerves was the Agorian battleplex on hardcore difficulty...



that one took A LOT of patience for me to finally beat...

especially when going for the Raritanium Tournament's final battle, good god was that not easy :unsure:


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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Gouki/Akuma from Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha, that goddamn motherf***** has so much priority over everything that makes your character looks like he is attempting to defending. Plus, he is so freakin' cheap, he can cancel moves faster than you!

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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Ornstein and Smough in Anor Londo from Dark Souls. A teleporting giant with a massive spear, a million moves that look very similar, lightning attribute, and 3200 HP. Then a big ole fatty with a massive hammer who hides Ornstein with his fat rolls, 2400 HP. Then when you kill one (you fight them 2 on 1) the other absorbs his power, so have fun with a lightning fatty (impossible to block), or a lightning fast super-giant Ornstein who manages to move even faster.


If you're human for this and summon the NPC for help, guess what! He does nothing but chuck lightning bolts at lightning enemies :(


First time I ragequit in that game.

  • Brohoof 1
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The worst boss in gaming history if you are not prepared properly for it?... The electric/stunning/add summoning/asshole worm boss from Lost Oddessy... Seriously, screw that freaking thing. It stuns you and blows you up with energy cannons and summons adds and the whole thing is just an awful experience.

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off the top of my head when i was six i fought SA-X from metroid fusion three forms the first one isn't so bad the second one was freaky and annoying ,the third form the blue cube was freaking annoying. oh and as soon as you beat it two minutes later you have a minute to beat a freaking omega metroid 

Edited by CaptainLuna
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In Dark Souls try fighting the Four Kings with your preferred armor on (armor that you've been wearing for half of the game). If you don't put heavy armor on to protect yourself and wield a large weapon that is twice your size with two hands you will die. Mages and archers are at a great disadvantage for this boss. Bring a friend if you can.



Ornstein and Smough in Anor Londo from Dark Souls. A teleporting giant with a massive spear, a million moves that look very similar, lightning attribute, and 3200 HP. Then a big ole fatty with a massive hammer who hides Ornstein with his fat rolls, 2400 HP. Then when you kill one (you fight them 2 on 1) the other absorbs his power, so have fun with a lightning fatty (impossible to block), or a lightning fast super-giant Ornstein who manages to move even faster.

If you're human for this and summon the NPC for help, guess what! He does nothing but chuck lightning bolts at lightning enemies :(

First time I ragequit in that game.




Next time you fight Smough try using the pillars in the area as cover when he slams his hammer into the ground and drags it as he runs. Also when he swings his hammer horizontally get super close to him. So close you can hug him if you wanted. He will miss you if you do this and you get a few seconds to catch your breath. Roll if you must.

Edited by Data Void
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In Dark Souls try fighting the Four Kings with your preferred armor on (armor that you've been wearing for half of the game). If you don't put heavy armor on to protect yourself and wield a large weapon that is twice your size with two hands you will die. Mages and archers are at a great disadvantage for this boss. Bring a friend if you can.


I never had trouble soloing these guys around level 60 for some reason, they do barely scratches when you're up close, not to mention rolling through is easy with practice.


Next time you fight him try using the pillars in the area as cover when he slams his hammer into the ground and drags it as he runs. Also when he swings his hammer horizontally get super close to him. so close he can hug him if you wanted. He will miss you if you do this and you get a few seconds to catch your breath. Roll if you must.

Actually the first time I ever killed them was solo as a hollow, I don't have trouble with them unless I'm on a bleed build or something. Smough is easy to roll through or even block. It's just when you end up killing Ornstein and he starts spamming his lightning body slam that he gets hard. Superstein as I call him is really only hard because of his range, I'd take him over Smoughdaddy any day though. Edited by Tav of Paradise
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Oh gosh, the level i hate the most would be the Dark Gaia boss from Sonic Unleashed, i swear than thing hacks or something, i ended up throwing my wii remote at the plasma tv, breaking it... lets just say, i had a suspension from 'all' electronic entertainment for two months.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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For me, it was Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword's final boss, Ganondorf (Or Ganon, whatever :P)




Took me freaking 63 times (Yeah, I counted) to beat him. Then when I finally beat the game, it asked me if I wanted to have a hero mode account. I didn't know it would delete my file, so I chose 'yes'....then it.....deleted my file....




  • Brohoof 1
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I'd have to say The Biolizard, from Sonic Adventure 2. It's not the hardest boss I've fought by far, but it takes so much time doing the same thing over and over.


I remember that game! Wow, it's been a long time, played it a lot when I was younger too. Are you talking about the first Biolizard, or the second time in space? Then again, I guess it doesn't really matter since they're both repetitive fights.


 Then a big ole fatty with a massive hammer who hides Ornstein with his fat rolls, 2400 HP.

Hang on, does he really do that? I've never played Dark Souls (or Demon's Souls), but that sounds beautiful.

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It's a tie between Xehanort and the Anti-Black Coat Nightmare from Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. The Nightmare has this attack that is instant kill if you don't have an ability that makes you hang on with 1 HP. And no matter how hard I jam the X button to heal, he kills me anyway! Xehanort spawns this stupid clock after you take all of his HP away that you have to break, otherwise he can just set back time and have you try to reduce his HP again so that you can break that clock! And not only that, he's so frickin' fast that you mine as well be fighting Ventus and Terra combined. He's absolutely ruthless when you try to break that clock that it's almost impossible to dodge or use aerial recovery! I was glad when I FINALLY defeated them! And I got to defeat them with a party hat Keyblade, a spell that spawns balloons, and the aid of a crazy-colored cat and Pegasus!

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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I remember that game! Wow, it's been a long time, played it a lot when I was younger too. Are you talking about the first Biolizard, or the second time in space? Then again, I guess it doesn't really matter since they're both repetitive fights.


Hang on, does he really do that? I've never played Dark Souls (or Demon's Souls), but that sounds beautiful.

Well he's so big compared to Ornstein that he likes to block your view, then next thing you know there's Ornstein with a big spear up your butt. His fat consumes all.
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For me, it was Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword's final boss, Ganondorf (Or Ganon, whatever :P)

It's Demise.  Ganon isn't in Skyward Sword.


Also, if you just wail on him a few times, you can always get a hit in on the third or fourth strike, then you can backflip out of his reach.  Rinse and repeat until the lightning portion.  Easy peasy.


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The most tedious bosses I have ever faced was Dark Gaia from Sonic Unleashed.


Yeah, after the last encounter with Eggman, I had to face Dark Gaia without my were-hog powers, that was unexpected at least. Anyway, Chip; Sonic's new friend, had suddenly transformed into the Gaia Colossus. I know, it sorta looks like Iron Man, but it was all or nothing. 


A few many attempts to destroy Dark Gaia's weakness; which was to pop it's eyeballs;*shivers* and finish the game. But, it was very annoying to beat him, over and over and over and OVER and OVER again. And no matter how many times I have tried, no matter how close I was to finish, I always somehow screwed up at that moment. 


I almost freed the raging beast I was going to unleash :angry:, but at least I didn't destroy the game. I would still play the game, though. 

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