DarligPegasi 315 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 Wow an AJ episode! Cool spice, but I didn't really care for it. It was more of a 'meh,' kind of thing. I love how AJ turned her family into a factory work force, that bit was hilarious. Hated the song though. Sounded like something from Dora the explorer or Hi5. Signature by @@Champion RD92, Examples of my Art Work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starswirl the Trixie 975 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 (edited) By the way, anypony else notice Cloudchaser and two unicorn fillies? Looks like the Apple Family barn isn't all that racist after all. They tolerate unicorns/Pegasi. Doesn't make them not racist. Edited December 25, 2012 by Starswirl the Goateed 1 #SOCKS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DashPony 359 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 Finally! An Applejack episode! In my opinion it was one of the best from this season, and i'm so glad Applejack got a song! While the song was a little bit repetitive, it still wasn't bad. Also, the shooting stars = Applejack's parents....wow. It's sad, but they handled it perfectly. Little kids probably won't pick up on it, but it gives us bronies some closure 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starswirl the Trixie 975 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 Compare western Octavia (sometimes called Notavia) to Scarecrow Octavia from Luna Eclipsed. 3 #SOCKS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 An awesome episode! Loved the song, baby applejack and granny smiths' silly laugh! It's about time somepony wrote to Princess Celestia. I thought they dropped that. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeWg-TtBRMfqketa1ELyKGg Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/menelik-david-kenneth-cannady 2nd SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/thunder-dash-alternative/tracks Pony.fm: https://pony.fm/thunder-dash Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firelord Derpy 310 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 They tolerate unicorns/Pegasi. Doesn't make them not racist. Racist Barn Construction.png Meme makers, unite! It seems like Y'all are trying to force this to become a Meme. Memes tend to not work if you try and force it. Besides why would y'all want that to be a Meme? I mean really, why? It's not even that funny and frankly as a Southerner who has lived his entire life in the south it just continues terrible stereotypes that need to die. Time for me to shamelessly advertise my Art page! http://gennadykalugina.deviantart.com/gallery/37144689 And an old Fan Fic: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/29225/Princess-Luna-Vs-The-New-Lunar-Republic.- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pony Joe 583 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 I felt like the episode had a strong beginning and a really sweet ending, but everything in between was kind of meh. Seeing Applejack torture her family like that just wasn't entertaining. Slightly more off-topic, I think this marks the fifth time the Apple barn has been destroyed and rebuilt throughout the show. And Spike is best lighter. 3 That's really all there is to say on the matter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 Can someone post a link to the episode? I really want to see it but I haven't been able to find it. I would appreciate it very much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whofch 128 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 Can someone post a link to the episode? I really want to see it but I haven't been able to find it. I would appreciate it very much. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVcAAysEZXI After a few views, I'll agree that it drags on in a few places. Still enjoy it as a whole though and am liking the song. Have nothing against AJ being the bad guy in the episode, can't always learn lessons from others mistakes or have random non main characters show up to cause a problem just for the lesson. 2 We were meant to rule together, little sister...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tall_But_Short_37 233 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 Omgomgomgomgomg APPLEJACK GOT A SONG?!?!?!?!?!??!?!? Omgomgomgomgomg LETTER TO CELESTIA?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Mayans were right, world confirmed as ending. Overall, loved the episode. Loved to see the whole family back again, and especially Babs. Wish we could've heard a little bit more from her on how she's dealt with her bullying issues and get a little more resolution on that, but it sounds like she's doing just fine. I see people complaining that it was out of character for Applejack to make the mistakes she did and that she forced everyone to just work and always be busy. I see where they're coming from; she's always been the most levelheaded and mature of the Mane 6. However, it probably comes from her being an orphan that she took on a desire to impresses more than we've ever seen her before. She wants to show that even though she grew up without parents, she's still a hardworking apple who can get things done, and this was her chance to prove it to the whole family. She wanted to take everything they'd done at past reunions (quilting, making fritters, 7 legged race) and take it to the next level. That's my idea on why she strayed so overboard. I loved the song. LOVED. Using the square dancing tune to make building the barn fun showed the integrity and how close the entire family was, and how they all bonded together so that not only they could have a better reunion, but they could pick one of their own up again. Honestly, I was so excited about the letter to Celestia, I barely listened to the message. I'll have to go back and watch it again!I liked seeing more old pictures and memories of Granny and others, plus baby Applejack! Babs saying "Forget about it!" in her Manehatten acccent. Anyone notice them using the Wilhelm Scream again? They used it in Magic Duel, but again when Applebloom falls from dizziness while running around the trees around 12:30. Spike is best lighter. Oh my goodness I laughed for a good 5 minutes at that part. I noticed the beige pony with the same design as Octavia playing a violin except with a blue cutie mark, as I'm sure has been pointed out already. Applejack's parents confirmed as dead with the stars? When Granny said "We're gonna need a bigger cider truck." at the start, who else expected them to call up Flim and Flam? AJ's parents = stars? If Applejack's parents truly are stars, then these could mean one (or more) of the following: Everypony did attend (undoubtedly.) They're dead, and they're watching over their family (not sure how they'll deal with this if that's true, though.) One or both of them are unicorns, and are using their magic to create stars which watch over their family while they're away (currently my headcanon.) They became Alicorns who were sent by the Princess(es, if for some reason, the timeline's complex) to the sky and become stars to protect Equestria from the Darkness. (far-fetched, but still.) They aren't actually ponies, but they're deities of the highest order, higher than Celestia and Luna, and they chose to create the Apple family, who are secretly half-whatever they are, to guard Equestria ( far-fetched, maybe a bit too much.) Oh look at me, making fanfiction. I believe her parents aren't literally those stars, but it's symbolic that they're still there watching over Applejack and the rest of the family. By the way, anypony else notice Cloudchaser and two unicorn fillies? Looks like the Apple Family barn isn't all that racist after all. Are those the fillies you're referring to? To me it just looks like their ears poking out of their manes, but it could be horns! Or they're the sacrificial ponies for when they bring out the burning cross. Well, that was a bit of a long reply, but oh well! 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Cider Barrel~ 125 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 That is what i thought of the race 1 Join the Pony Navel Revolution! Temporary Signature of Double AJ I Draw Bellybuttons! Just Message me! Need a Signature I'm Here if you need me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stellafera 3,836 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 (edited) Are those the fillies you're referring to? To me it just looks like their ears poking out of their manes, but it could be horns! Or they're the sacrificial ponies for when they bring out the burning cross. Yep! You're good. One of my sisters agreed that the red one might just be an ear. But the tan one clearly has a horn coming out of her hair. Also note that none of the others at that angle have a visible right ear, and the sharpness and cone shape of the horn. Edited December 22, 2012 by Stellafera Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship "Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RippedOffMattress 314 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 (edited) This was not only great, but also defiantly one of the funniest! One thing I loved about this episode was the family. The little screen time they had were great! Granny Smith and Aunt Applesauce cracked me up! It also had a good message as well. Plus, the whole mystery of the two shooting stars at the end possibly symbolizing AB's, AJ's, and Big Mac's presumably deceased parents really makes you wonder. I guess that's all open ended for the fandom to figure out. (Love that shit!) However... One major complaint I had with this was how much of a cocktease Applejack was being to further Apple family development. Don't get me wrong, there defiantly was some, but of course, I'm a selfish little prick who thinks there could have been at least a little bit more. As many of us know, Applejack and family are one of the most underdeveloped, but still rather interesting set of characters. So the idea of a whole family reunion defiantly sounds promising to expand more character in them, and it worked to an extent! Like I said, the family is really fun, which is why I hated seeing Applejack interrupting everything all the time. I just wanted to see the family converse to each other normally. Although that sounds boring, if you have interesting characters to back it up, it works! Sadly though, this is a little kids show, so it had to have conflict and action, which doesn't mend well into a plot like this. All it does is slow down further development, which is something the Apple family could REALLY use! I've always found the other Apple Family members more interesting than Applejack though. Overall... Despite it's huge future character developmental cockteases, it was still great! Loved the family and loved the song! So those can make up the big flaw. Fucking LOVE this season so far! Edited December 22, 2012 by RippedOffMattress Formally known as Misselaineous97. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tall_But_Short_37 233 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 Yep! You're good. One of my sisters agreed that the red one might just be an ear. But the tan one clearly has a horn coming out of her hair. Also note that none of the others at that angle have a visible right ear, and the sharpness and cone shape of the horn. Yes ma'am, you appear to be correct there! Also, just about that picture in general... I like how they actually made it look like a real picture that would be taken at a family reunion. Some of the ponies are looking away, or staring awkwardly, and the ponies on the far left are mid-blink. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheLionPaladin 164 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 I think there were some real hints to who Applejack's parents were (note the were) one is the stallion who talks to her under the table. That same Stallion is seen on a picture on the wall of the barn in that episode. Did you see that picture i can't find a photo of it but it is just so weird. Is MLP getting darker? (made by Jokuc thanks so much Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 (edited) And we got another letter, which was a nice touch, I forgot how much I liked them actually. (Before anybody says so this is actually the 2nd letter of S3, the first was in Episode 3.) This was Aj's first letter technically, if you don't count the I DIDN"T LEARN ANYTHING! letter . Actually, she had a letter in "The Last Roundup" as well, and it was a legit letter, not like her troll letter to Celestia (which is still the BEST CELESTIA LETTER EVER!!!!!!!! ). Oh, and as for "the shooting stars are her parents" thing, I need to look for that the next time I watch the episode to see it, but holy crap, this actually opens doors now! I'm serious, they have officially opened the door to potentially addressing the issue at some point in the future of the Apple siblings' parents, and I know the perfect way Studio B could, as well as introduce RD and Fluttershy's parents, and also explain Scootaloo's parental situation at the same time. Ya'll ready for this? They could do it... with a Parent's Day episode!!! Think about it!!! It's the perfect way to show or explain all of the Mane 6's relationships with their parents, or at least explain what their parental situations at home are! This thought literally just came to me today after hearing about the shooting star thing, but now I REALLY want to see it happen! C'mon Studio B, make it happen!!! I mean, it wouldn't be the first time a children's show has directly addressed the loss of a parent; the most distinct and daring instance that I can recall is whenever the show "Rugrats" addressed Chuckie's dead mom, especially in the Mother's Day episode. Looking back, that was bucking impressive for a children's show, and now I really, really, really, really, REALLY want to see MLP do the same!!! Edited December 22, 2012 by Batbrony 3 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galex Dj 173 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 (edited) I knew that Babs Seed would come back in another episode after "Babs Seed" episode, but I didn't think that she would come back this fast. And it looks like she will make an another appearance soon, she said would come visit again soon. But overall I loved the new episode and the new song for Applejack as well. And they finally start writing to Celestia again, thank god. Edited December 22, 2012 by Galex Dj Signature by Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MatrixChicken 879 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 Ok, I changed my mind. 8/10. The tune and performance of the song was great, and the animation of the Octavia recolor that plays the violin is simply AMAZING. Still not my favorite season 3 episode, but it's not as bad as I was making it out to be. Oh, and if anypony wants BGM rips from this episode... Here they are! 2 Deviantart: MatrixChicken | Youtube: ThunderFilmStudios | Twitter: @JohnAlBerge Twitch.tv: ThunderFilms | Soundcloud: ScootriX Scootaloo vector by robzombiefan2121 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WWAPD 126 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 Anypony hear the Wilhelm scream at 12:29? It was right when Applebloom falls down after running around the tree. I had to skip back and replay it a couple times, I thought it was so funny. 3 Rarity is best pony. Enjoy violent fan fiction? Come check out mine right here "In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king. But in the darkness the one man holding a candle is a target." -Michael Grant, Fear Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tall_But_Short_37 233 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 This video shows the entire Apple Famliy singing their evil chants and celebrating as they tear down a barn that probably belonged to Unicorns or Pegasi. Racist Barn confirmed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=163gneOl42g 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stellafera 3,836 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 (edited) New theory: Western Octavia is a distant cousin of Octavia. Octavia is one of Pinkie's sisters. Therefore, Pinkie Pie is distantly related to the Apples. (And then it got ridiculous once someone else suggested that the one at the start of Raise This Barn with the harp cutie mark is related to Lyra, and then Bon Bon is in the crowd, so Lyra and Bon Bon actually have a familial relationship and that's why they are seen together so much) Edited December 22, 2012 by Stellafera 1 Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship "Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homura Akemi 974 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 I'm downloading the episode right now. I forgot there was even a new one today. I've been inconsistent all throughout season 3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I used to be a stranger 7,994 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 (edited) If people generally dislike this episode, then I postulate The Curse of Episode 8. (I know there's no such things as curses, Apple Bloom. Be quiet.) Season 1 Episode 8: Look Before You Sleep - commonly criticized for being samey and not highly dramatic, as well as cheap on the scenery since it almost exclusively takes place inside Twilight's house. Season 2 Episode 8 - The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well - many do not agree fully with the exaggerated aesop of Rainbow Dash's humility combined with the unusual increase of hero-required situations that were contrived in order to drive the conflict. Season 3 Episode 8 - see previous posts of critique. Now we'll have to wait another year until we see if this is a credible posit or not. Edited December 22, 2012 by Blue 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stellafera 3,836 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 (edited) If people generally dislike this episode, then I postulate The Curse of Episode 8. (I know there's no such things as curses, Apple Bloom. Be quiet.) Hmm... Episode 3s always include Sweet Apple Acres at some point and situations getting out of control Episode 4s have notable appearances of fan favorite characters (Big Mac, Luna, and Babs Seed) and a special event Episode 5s feature unkind behavior as plot points and have one character coming in from somewhere else (even if it's just the other side of town) Episode 6s involve lies and dishonesty Episode 7s always create a new location (the mountain the dragon was sleeping on, Ghastly Gorge, and the Wonderbolt Academy) Edited December 22, 2012 by Stellafera 3 Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship "Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 December 22, 2012 Share December 22, 2012 Hmm... Episode 3s always include Sweet Apple Acres at some point and situations getting out of control Episode 4s have notable appearances of fan favorite characters (Big Mac, Luna, and Babs Seed) and a special event Episode 5s feature unkind behavior as plot points and deal with characters coming into town Episode 6s involve lies and dishonesty Episode 7s always create a new location (the mountain the dragon was sleeping on, Ghastly Gorge, and the Wonderbolt Academy) Episode sixteens are always amazing Rainbow Dash episodes. Too bad this season won't get up to that number. I wonder if there are any more patterns? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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