Mephala 2,633 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 Okay, we've all had these. We do something because we think it's funny, or it's genius, or (gods forbid) actually gonna work, and then, when the embarassing moment has passed, look back and say "Let us never speak of this again." I've had a lot of these in the years that I've existed, but after one such moment tonight the inspiration struck. Someone I've done some photo work for emailed me asking me to do some "festive makeup" that we could later replicate. I didn't have any red eyeshadow (now that I look at it in better light, it was red...I thought it was orange), so I decided to goof around. Being the fool I am, I took one of my older lipsticks and-yes-applied it to my eyelid. It hurt I took the picture and added a caption and sent it back to him, and proceeded ro try to remove it. My makeup remover was almost empty and it didn't work very well, so I was stuck with "Revlon Creme 720: Fire and Ice" on my eyelid. (Yes, I only bought it because it made me think of Game of Thrones. Ice and Fire? Get it? Okay, fine, whatever. -__-) I panicked and messaged him and told him and he laughed and laughed, so eventually I had to turn to the Internet. There has been no reported cases so I had to scrub at my eye with a facecloth and they're still a little red. I think I managed to get most of it though. I have loads more of these embarassing stories-going down the stairs in a laundry basket and doing my Human Centipede impersonation at the Parliament Buildings during a school trip (scratch that, I regret nothing) for example-but there's too many to list. So give us one or two or a few of your awkward moments that you regret! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 Crying out for attention and then realizing that it's too obvious. I mean, if it's well hidden, I'm okay, but if you can see right through it, that just sucks. When I left Sri Lanka, there was one thing and one thing only that made me turn back my head...guava. Oh, how I love that fruit. Maybe I made the wrong decision leaving it. But what's done is done. This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Urdnot 2,680 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 Stupid things I've done that instantly backfired? There's a lot to choose from :X When i tried the cinnamon challenge. Seriously, don't do it man. It'll mess you up. It is not worth it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Acoustic Cloud 2,202 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 Hmmm shooting my shin with a paintball gun, cutting myself, jumping from the roof, skiibobbing, and trying to freeclimb (I almost died!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swick (ded) 436 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 Wow, so many situations to choose from... I'd say.. When I accepted a dare to do the Chicken Dance at a basketball game while the band played. Do not ask how that ended. I had a Rarity moment with everypony who saw; "Let us never speak of this again." Hey you! Hey! Do you have Flash? Wanna animate ponies? HERE'S A THING I DID A LONG TIME AGO! Pony Puppets for any version of Flash! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mellow 73 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 Well there was this one time I decided to get all the chairs in my house and line them up so I could balance across them. I did pretty good until I reached the these sets of chairs that were sort of sharp ended. Let's just say I lost my balance and managed to land with both my armpits impacting extremely hard on the edges... It hurt for about a week My OCs: Mellow Genny Techmo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brook 663 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 (edited) Hmmm shooting my shin with a paintball gun, cutting myself, jumping from the roof, skiibobbing, and trying to freeclimb (I almost died!) Did you try to kill yourself? -I made some comments I wish I hadn't on my old youtube account -When I was a little kid I stole a juggling "Flowerstick" from a booth with try-outs. -I lost a friend over an MLP debate, I don't entirely regret that because I didn't really like him in the first place, but it was kind of sad to end it after all we've been through for 2 years. -Accidentally breaking things around my old parents' house, my mom would freak out louder than a foghorn -Sucking my thumb until I was 9, it messed up my jaw -__- -Not being nicer to a friend in 7th grade before he moved, that guy deserved better than how I treated him. Don't get me wrong, he was my best friend and I had a blast with him, I just wish I would've done better -_- -Soliciting money out of my father at the mall one time when I was 8, it was mean and I wish I would've been smarter than that. Coming to think of it, I was a horrible person as a kid Edited December 23, 2012 by Brook 1 Ask me anything! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Master~ Button Mash 2,307 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 Hmm, let's see. I've done a lot of stupid stuf that I've come to regret later on, but if I had to pick the worst, I'd say... Homemade fireworks in a bonfire. 'Nuff said. Follow me on Tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gone for good 1,593 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 There was this one time where I took this old gingerbread house during New Years and filled it full of fireworks, gasoline, aerosole cans and god knows what else and lit the thing on fire. As fun as it was to watch flaming bits of gingerbread fly all over the place, I kind of totally forgot that I was supposed to save that gingerbread house for next year and got yelled at pretty badly when I got home. Still, seeing fire come out of the windows for a split second before the entire thing just went kaboom was hilarious. Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One 498 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 I can't think of much, I usually think things through. But here's what I can think of: - Throwing a ps3 remote at my brother- ended up missing him and the remote shattered on the ground (I chucked that thing hard) - Just about anything mean I say on the Internet or IRL- I (usually) don't mean it and am just trying to make myself feel better - Trying to talk about stuff that I have no idea about- I can usually express the basics, but c'mon I'm 14, don't expect me to know everything/anything or even have rational thoughts - Probably typing this- it's kinda a waste of time This is a signature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Acoustic Cloud 2,202 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 Hmm, let's see. I've done a lot of stupid stuf that I've come to regret later on, but if I had to pick the worst, I'd say... Homemade fireworks in a bonfire. 'Nuff said. Totally like the time I put a bottle rocket in a bottle (Like you are supposed to) BUT..... we put punched a whole in it, sealed the cap on it, and tried to throw it... Don't do that. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
butter scotch 79 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 I built something a long time ago. It had about 6 buttons on a console then it was hooked up to some motors etc. It may have been to produce Hydrogen or something I can't remember. Anyway I had power going into it and couldn't remember what the little knob at the end did... There was a Hydrogen build-up and some of the sparks ignited it! I don't really regret it because it was junk filling up my limited lab space. Merry Christmas Did you know: 20Kv's of electricity can kill you from up to 5ft away? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MagmaKnight 17 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 I've probably done more stupid things than this but mine would be when I looked down the barrel of my paintball gun since it wasn't working and got shoot in the face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strawberry Tart 161 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 (edited) One time I lied to my mom. Worst thing I've ever done. And it wasn't just a minor lie... A couple months ago, I was in Spanish class, and I was playing some game on my iPod Touch. The teacher caught me and she told me to put it away. The next day they sent me to the Dean's office and said I had a detention for having my "phone" out (teachers can't tell the difference between phones and iPod Touches). So then at home, I said, "Mom, I got a detention for having my phone out....but honestly, the teacher caught me when I was putting it away!! I wasn't texting or anything!" Total lie. My mom called the teacher, who was sure I was playing on my phone, and then she told me she was going to call the phone company to ask if I was texting or not...Then guilt won over and I told my mom everything that actually happened. She locked me in my room for two days without my iPod, phone, or any human contact besides with her, and even she wouldn't talk to me - she only brought me food. I was only able to leave to go to the bathroom. It kinda sucked. I'm a good liar, by the way, so I could have gotten away with it. I even looked her in the eyes with a straight face and lied to her face. So had I not felt horribly guilty about lying, I would've gotten away with it. But yeah, since then I don't lie as much. Only about minor if my mom asks if I ate the last cookie I will say no. Stupid things I've done that instantly backfired? There's a lot to choose from :X When i tried the cinnamon challenge. Seriously, don't do it man. It'll mess you up. It is not worth it. I did that last year!! It was horrible. My stepmom was sitting nearby and she completely ignored it XD I'm not mad at her though...I basically chugged a couple gallons of tap water after I tried it....Watching clouds of cinnamon fly around the kitchen was really cool though Edited December 23, 2012 by Strawberry Tart 1 Credit to MatrixChicken for Signature Credit to Генерал Четник for Avatar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoisonClaw 8,166 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 Back in middle school, some kid was talking about how he could beat me up (which isn't a hard feat I should add). Somehow, at the time, I though it would be a genius idea to egg him on, saying that if the two of us got in a fight I would probably come out the victor. Cut to after school when we faced off for about...three seconds I think before I ended up lying in pain on the tarmac. Yeah...not one of my best moments. MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider NutNow, count up your sins!I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE! Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yes-Man 597 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 I had a Minecraft fanbase vs Bronies arguement with my friend. He kept pushing it upon me that the MC fanbase is the "most amazing and united fanbase" I told him that was a lot of bull,and that his fanbase was full of immature idiots like Tobuscus, autistic 4-year olds,Notch/Mojang worshippers,griefer's,my-opinion-is-true type people,and people who constantly shove Minecraft in your face,even if you say you tried Minecraft and didn't like it.He came right back at me saying that we were the worst fanbase there is,and that Minecraft was "The Holy Saviour of Gaming" I told him that that claim was the most idiotic thing I've ever heard,that gaming would've been fine without that monstrocity. He then said that once our "gay show" is cancelled we would die out. I told him that fanbase's don't die overnight,and that there are still fanbases who's show's ended years ago that were still going strong. He then said that we were a bunch of creepy,over-bearing virgin pedofile physcopath's who need to get a life. Thing's got pretty heated pretty fast. Looking back,I regret that arguement,because it showed that one of my best friends was a complete Minecraft fanboy,and that made me cut off contact with him. "I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Master~ Button Mash 2,307 December 24, 2012 Share December 24, 2012 Ok, there's something I forgot to add earlier, and it's something MLP-related. About a week ago my friends and I took part in a night of drinking. I decided to try a little drinking game I heard online, involving "Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" and spiced Cider (I substituted for a MLP-inspired drink called the Applejack - cider spiced with SoCo and a hint of Jagermeister). The objective of the game was to take a sip every time somepony said the word "cider." I got about 1 minute into the episode before I had to stop from nausea. Follow me on Tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 December 24, 2012 Share December 24, 2012 Last week i was pissing around with a can of computer cleaner (compressed air) at uni, just generally freezing things with it (if you hold one upside down it sprays out freezing liquid), my favorite trick is to freeze tissues with it and blow into them as it makes smoke, i had the genius idea of freezing one in my mouth... not the best of ideas... for those who don't know, computer cleaner is full of solvents, it gave me a massive headache and made my throat burn for the rest of the day. Don't ever try it, to quote the bottle: "Solvent abuse can kill instantly" Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 December 24, 2012 Share December 24, 2012 Um, I regret all of the times where I've been hot out in the sun during marching band practice and I just flat out lose my cool and blow my fuse at one of the people who are near my set, of course its normally also because they're talking all the time and won't shut up, which means we have to keep dropping to do pushups and never get anything done while we do so. Still I've done some pretty nasty threats.. So I regret them, I can be quite crazy when i'm angry. Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yourmomsponies 444 December 24, 2012 Share December 24, 2012 Stupid things I've done that instantly backfired? There's a lot to choose from :X When i tried the cinnamon challenge. Seriously, don't do it man. It'll mess you up. It is not worth it. I beat the cinnamon challenge. My regret was trying the ice & salt challenge in my mouth The roof of my mouth is still sore after a week "It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz "I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I'll kill you all." - Gen James 'MadDog' Mattis USMC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starshine 16,335 December 24, 2012 Share December 24, 2012 I've done so many incomprehensibly stupid things that recounting all of them would be well beyond any mortal capabilities :/ Most of the time it was me forgetting something, but decided to continue on my merry way without fixing whatever it was that need to be fixed, and in the end of the day I cursed my own laziness and stupidity for not doing the thing when it's still possible. Just like that one time when I forgot to carry my umbrella when it was cloudy. Few steps away from my house I remembered, but I thought, "aw fuck it. It won't be raining anyway." Unsurprisingly few minutes after I said that I was drenched like a drown puppy thanks to a sudden downpour :c Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naught Important 434 December 24, 2012 Share December 24, 2012 Soo much.... I'll start with the time I obnoxiously stood up during lunch class during an anime film we were watching. I said, and I quote, "Who doesn't like this (show), raise your hand!" I created the world's most akward moment, and I was sitting next to my teacher... She was definitely dissapoint. Next is an event that still applies to me right now, even though It happened 6 or 7 years ago. I was foolishly cranking up the speed on our treadmill. (Not for exersise, just for fun) And I was stupid enough to not wear that little safty clip that stops the treadmill if it is unplugged. I remember at speed level 7, I hopped onto the treadmill, flew backwards, and my fingers got stuck under the plastic plates that were at the end of the treadmil. My fingers were being shredded to peices, and it cut all the way down to my fingerbones. Ironicly, it was the same two fingers that I used to suck on as a child. That might have been God's way of saying "Stop sucking your fingers, do you know how many germs are on there?". And Of couse, I had to stop sucking those two fingers due to all the stiches that were on them. The most recent event that I can remember that bothers me right now is when I gave my teacher a paper I made explaining how friendship can actually be classified as magic. The reason why I regret this is because she probably thought I was just wasting her time. Also, I mainly wanted to use it to get rid of the disclaimer that frienship wasn't at all magic (said by anti-bronies). And, considering I haven't really found any anti-bronies at my school so far, giving her that paper seemed sort of pointless. Nevertheless, I did say that It was a "Really stupid topic" In front of her. I probably did some lesser things that I can't really remember right now... The extent of my interest is in things that don't exist. Or, at least, things that aren't in the basic man's senses Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crazitaco 596 December 24, 2012 Share December 24, 2012 trying to kick a thing midair. i kicked too high and fell on my ass looked like such an idiot. also include moments where i tried to jump over something and fell on my face. i'm such a fail. and i never forget these moments, i beat myself up thinking about it. 1 *Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!* "Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes. My OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swick (ded) 436 December 25, 2012 Share December 25, 2012 (edited) trying to kick a thing midair. i kicked too high and fell on my ass ^ This! So. Many. Times. Yeah, I'm not the best at stuff like that, which is why I run track. It's the most straightforward sport out there. *off topic post is off topic* Something else I instantly regretted was attempting to hang on a basketball net, but I swung forward and landed flat on my back. And my most painful recent memory was standing on a chair my dad made out of a tree stump. Nothing complicated, just part of the top half cut off to form a seat and backrest. I tried standing on the back, and the chair tipped over. I ended up slamming my spine on the very edge of the seat, and couldn't move for ten minutes. I just lay there in pain. Never again will I do that. Edited December 25, 2012 by Swick Hey you! Hey! Do you have Flash? Wanna animate ponies? HERE'S A THING I DID A LONG TIME AGO! Pony Puppets for any version of Flash! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fender 1,284 December 25, 2012 Share December 25, 2012 Riding my bike down a hill in my old neighborhood. Cars had trouble getting UP said hill. Needless to say, there were large patches of skin stuck to the road when I pulled that one. :| Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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