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web What do you think of PewDiePie?


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I'm not spamming, bud, I put emphasis on words that needed to be emphasized, and I think everyone should watch what they please but everyone has the right to express, too, and that's exactly what I'm doing, sure, watch PewDiePie, I'm not here to make you NOT watch him, but I'm expressing my thoughts towards him. (I.E. I hate his guts and I would love if he got hit by a bus on fire launching him off a cliff and landing in spike of which are extremely sharp) 


With all due respect, the average IQ of his audience is that of an 11 year old with a mental disability. This doesn't apply to everyone, but the majority of his audience can't even decipher 'your' from 'you're'. 

Why are you using mental disability as an insult? Also english isnt everyponys primary language so dont expect them to be good at grammar.

  • Brohoof 2


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I understand your point of views and stuff.

We can all watch whatever we want. (we are Bronies)

Also That last part made me laugh a little.laughing_meme_guy_by_vixenwolfie-d485kw0

Thank you for being so respectful, it means a lot to me, and this is a great example of how two people can get along even though they don't like everything the same, good on ya.

  • Brohoof 1

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Not harsh at all.

Well, maybe a little, I'd give him 1/10, since I don't give 0's :P


And I tolerate him in that I don't go to all his videos and post about how they suck.


Don't ask me to love him for using the same unfunny jokes in practically every video, obvious overreactions to horror games, and annoying songs full of uncreative sex jokes.

Please explain me how they are unfunny? And how are his jokes uncreative uh? Thats good that i tolerate him , i just wish people would hate him less 

And to Nixter,even though you hate him i respect your opinion.

Edited by GamerLuna7
  • Brohoof 2


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Not harsh at all.

Well, maybe a little, I'd give him 1/10, since I don't give 0's :P


And I tolerate him in that I don't go to all his videos and post about how they suck.


Don't ask me to love him for using the same unfunny jokes in practically every video, obvious overreactions to horror games, and annoying songs full of uncreative sex jokes.

Yeah, everything you said is understandable. I even get a little annoyed by his cursing at times (Not vey many times, mind you.)

And as for the songs, were they like this?


  • Brohoof 2

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Why are you using mental disability as an insult? Also english isnt everyponys primary language so dont expect them to be good at grammar.

Wasn't an insult, more so a rightful comparison, and fair enough on that respect, but if you were to read such comments the matter of which they are written in doesn't show any thought process whatsoever. At least foreigners can show thought process just as well as anyone else, however when one doesn't have the necessary components to  make such a comment...

Don't Punch!



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Well, so far it's a few people against millions of fans. Why can't we rally behind one common cause and be united, like our dislike of Justin Beiber or the shoddy writing and acting of Twilight.


On a more serious note, what kind of You Tube videos DO you like? You seem to judge pretty harshly and based off of nearly a singe glance at a clip title, so I wonder if you like anything funny.

  • Brohoof 1


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Well, so far it's a few people against millions of fans. Why can't we rally behind one common cause and be united, like our dislike of Justin Beiber or the shoddy writing and acting of Twilight.


On a more serious note, what kind of You Tube videos DO you like? You seem to judge pretty harshly and based off of nearly a singe glance at a clip title, so I wonder if you like anything funny.

I'll step right in and say the youtubers I like are that of The Amazing Atheist, The Onion, various animators, various G-Mod Machinima creators, etc.

Don't Punch!



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I like Pewds a lot. I mean, I ain't as a big of a bro as I used to be, mostly because he can get a little too overreactive on the scary vids for mah tastes (But that's his trademark, so..... :P), but I still like him a lot. I remember when I first saw him back when he had only 25,000 subs. And THAT was, like, back in September 2011. I was just getting into Amnesia and he was popping up quite some. Then, in December, I subbed to him, and he already had grown to 90,000 subs. I never expected him to get so big so damn fast. The difference between old Pewds and new Pewds is noticable. The older one, as to be expected, was less overreactive, and more "real", so to speak. He still got scared at Amnesia a lot, and even then still called the golden statuette "Stephano", the rocks "Jennifer", the pigs "Piggy", the barrels, well, BARRELS, and the usual. I'm also surprised at how much fan content he gets. I mean, art piece, comics, sculptures, cosplays, animations, video games, mods. This guy gets everything, man. Awesome fans (Who, unfortunately, can get very vocal sometimes, but those are usually the minority who speak out a lot), a hit status on YouTube, and a smoking hot Italian girlfriend named Marzia (Who has a channel called CutiePieMarzia :P). Plus, he seems very very nice, so that's also got going for him. Overall, I like him, very nice commentator, not for everyone, unfortunately has a following of fanboys, but when you're famous, it's to be expected. Fellow bro right here!

  • Brohoof 2



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I've seen a random video of his once and honestly...I didn't really care for it. Youtube celebrities are plain horrible in my country, and make everyone obsessed with Minecraft, drinking, taking drugs, Minecraft, taking drugs, and also, Minecraft.

It's good to see that the rest of the world is different but I just couldn't really see the point of the existence of these videos...It seemed more like a Youtube poop to me than an actual "gaming" video.

But then again, the Youtube celebrities have kinda turned into something like TV channels. You can't get to them, and they don't want to get to you either. And of course since I hate watching TV (except for Comedy Central and Discovery Channel) it's no wonder I avoid them. Not to mention that they are usually the meeting place of the dumbest, most spoiled 10 year olds in the world.

I just don't like Youtube celebrities. It's part of what I stand for.

Edited by Zacharias

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Well, so far it's a few people against millions of fans. Why can't we rally behind one common cause and be united, like our dislike of Justin Beiber or the shoddy writing and acting of Twilight.


On a more serious note, what kind of You Tube videos DO you like? You seem to judge pretty harshly and based off of nearly a singe glance at a clip title, so I wonder if you like anything funny.

I'd stick to watching Criken, Dasboschitt, Kitty0706, PhantomSavage and PsycoRevolution because they make videos with great intelligence and humor that is actually funny

  • Brohoof 1

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I like Pewds a lot. I mean, I ain't as a big of a bro as I used to be, mostly because he can get a little too overreactive on the scary vids for mah tastes (But that's his trademark, so..... :P), but I still like him a lot. I remember when I first saw him back when he had only 25,000 subs. And THAT was, like, back in September 2011. I was just getting into Amnesia and he was popping up quite some. Then, in December, I subbed to him, and he already had grown to 90,000 subs. I never expected him to get so big so damn fast. The difference between old Pewds and new Pewds is noticable. The older one, as to be expected, was less overreactive, and more "real", so to speak. He still got scared at Amnesia a lot, and even then still called the golden statuette "Stephano", the rocks "Jennifer", the pigs "Piggy", the barrels, well, BARRELS, and the usual. I'm also surprised at how much fan content he gets. I mean, art piece, comics, sculptures, cosplays, animations, video games, mods. This guy gets everything, man. Awesome fans (Who, unfortunately, can get very vocal sometimes, but those are usually the minority who speak out a lot), a hit status on YouTube, and a smoking hot Italian girlfriend named Marzia (Who has a channel called CutiePieMarzia :P). Plus, he seems very very nice, so that's also got going for him. Overall, I like him, very nice commentator, not for everyone, unfortunately has a following of fanboys, but when you're famous, it's to be expected. Fellow bro right here!

*BROFIST/BROHOOF* Yes i have also seen the difference between the old and new pewdiepie. The new pewdiepie just seems more friendly in my opinion.

  • Brohoof 1


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Yeah, everything you said is understandable. I even get a little annoyed by his cursing at times (Not vey many times, mind you.)

And as for the songs, were they like this?


Oooh yeah, this song :P. Brings me back to the good ol' days, when I started to get really interested into Pewds, and also had just subbed to UberHaxorNova.

  • Brohoof 3



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I'd stick to watching Criken, Dasboschitt, Kitty0706, PhantomSavage and PsycoRevolution because they make videos with great intelligence and humor that is actually funny

 It's so very sad Kitty0706 has leukemia now, out of all the many, many people on this world, he gets it. :( This is a sad, sad fact friendo. 

  • Brohoof 2

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I'd stick to watching Criken, Dasboschitt, Kitty0706, PhantomSavage and PsycoRevolution because they make videos with great intelligence and humor that is actually funny

Not to sound like an idiot fanboy, but, I don't like it when people say something like "oh, I'll watch something that's actually funny" without adding the words "to me" right afterwards. If you do add "to me" right afterwards, it tells me that you're able to accept that other people find a certain thing funny while you don't.







Actually, after seeing this thread, I gotta start watching Pewds more often. I barely see him anymore, and I dunno why :huh:.....it'll help cure the ocassional boredom when Nova, Kootra, and Seamus aren't uploadin' anything I want to see.

Edited by spas-ticShotty
  • Brohoof 2



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Not to sound like an idiot fanboy, but, I don't like it when people say something like "oh, I'll watch something that's actually funny" without adding the words "to me" right afterwards. If you do add "to me" right afterwards, it tells me that you're able to accept that other people find a certain thing funny while you don't.

True story bro. 


I'd stick to watching Criken, Dasboschitt, Kitty0706, PhantomSavage and PsycoRevolution because they make videos with great intelligence and humor that is actually funny

Everpony has a different taste of humar,what is funny to you might not be funny to another pony. Also Cricken,Dasbochitt,Kitty0706,PhantomSavage and PsycoRevolution make bad jokes.

  • Brohoof 1


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Everpony has a different taste of humar,what is funny to you might not be funny to another pony. Also Cricken,Dasbochitt,Kitty0706,PhantomSavage and PsycoRevolution make bad jokes.

First sentence: I agree.


Second sentence: Dammit, you blew it.


Well, you got half of me on your side. You kinda messed it up with the "bad jokes" part :/.

  • Brohoof 1



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OMG somepony that knows about ASHENS.

Ashen's is awesome, I remember when I first found his Pop-Station/Knock-Off console reviews. I think the first video of his I watched was his review of the Sport-Vii.


I don't really have a opinion of Pie, he's not my thing. I prefer let's players that just do witty commentary and natural "off the cuff" voice-overs. It's fun to watch people freak, but not for a whole video. 



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Of course he makes vids for money that is his job. Wouldnt you do your job for money,you would do it for free? I hate when people say oh he makes only for money,that is his bucking job.


There's a difference between making money and doing things ONLY for the money. The reason why he is so popular is because most of his fanbase are a bunch of young children who think constant dick jokes/sex jokes are funny. 



Other Youtube commentators: Started doing it for fun, act like themselves, eventually became partnered, upload proper quality content for all their viewers.




Pewdiepie: Completely started his youtube career for no other reason than to make money, has a completely fake personality.

  • Brohoof 2


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There's a difference between making money and doing things ONLY for the money. The reason why he is so popular is because most of his fanbase are a bunch of young children who think constant dick jokes/sex jokes are funny. 



Other Youtube commentators: Started doing it for fun, act like themselves, eventually became partnered, upload proper quality content for all their viewers.




Pewdiepie: Completely started his youtube career for no other reason than to make money, has a completely fake personality.

At first he didnt make any money and didnt know about partnership at all. He started because he wanted to share his awesomeness. And he is acting  as himself.

  • Brohoof 1


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But you dont have an swedish accent. He does a good job and it is funny. He has almost 4million people who like him,dosent that say anything to you.


Popularity does not equal quality in any way, if you think this guy is good just because he's popular, then you've obviously never listened to modern pop music. Modern pop music is an example that no matter how popular something is it can still be terrible.

  • Brohoof 2


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Popularity does not equal quality in any way, if you think this guy is good just because he's popular, then you've obviously never listened to modern pop music. Modern pop music is an example that no matter how popular something is it can still be terrible.

I didnt say he is good because he is popular. I sayed he is popular because he is good. There is a difference there see it LISA. And i do agree modern pop music sucks.


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I didnt say he is good because he is popular. I sayed he is popular because he is good. There is a difference there see it LISA. And i do agree modern pop music sucks.


You are drifting way too far toward the ''fanboy'' attitude now. You refuse to admit any flaws of him, you constantly praise him and deny anything even remotely bad about him. Sounds like a fanboy to me.


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I am a huuuuuuuuuuuge fan of his! :D I like him as much as I like ponies. And that's alot! :] He made my darkest days shine, shinest days - shine much shiner. :D His actions reminds me how stupid people can be. And I'm really trying to make everything to look fun because he made scariest things funny. So that's no a problemo for me. :DD Brohoof/fist to all the fans of him!

  • Brohoof 1
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You are drifting way too far toward the ''fanboy'' attitude now. You refuse to admit any flaws of him, you constantly praise him and deny anything even remotely bad about him. Sounds like a fanboy to me.

You sound like a hater to me,constantly hating him and bringing up his flaws you N00B. Get a life really.Dont hate the player hate the game.


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