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S03:E09 - Spike at your Service



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Title: Spike at your Service
Air Date: December 29th, 2012
Synopsis: Just as Spike is about to be gobbled up by hungry Timberwolves, he is saved by Applejack; Spike feels the need to repay Applejack and is soon offering a little too much assistance on the farm in order to fulfill the 'Noble Dragon Code.'

Aaaand more leaked episodes. Seeing as how Hasbro would have roasted Apple on a stick by now for leaking four or so episodes so early, I'm pretty certain it's on purpose as a marketing scheme to get attention :3


Anywho, look, more AJ. AND TIMBERWOLVES. YES.

Edited by DashForever
  • Brohoof 12


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Well, I found this episode to be quite enjoyable. I found the last episode to be rather eh, but this one, not quite as much. Probably because this is the first Spike-centered episode we've seen yet this season, and I think it was a pretty good take on the old cliche 'save character A's life, and he is devoted to character B no matter what in return'.


First and foremost, I love the 3D effect the animators have decided to use with Timberwolves. They look far cooler now than they did back in their debut flashback for Family Appreciation Day, and how they can actually reattach themselves is pretty bad-ass (and expected), too. I thought the whole chase scene where AJ took care of them near the start was pretty cool.


Second off, Spike's clumsiness seems all-too in character for him, so I found that to be rather consistent with how he's been throughout the series thus far. And Applejack was the perfect candidate for being stuck with his clumsiness, since she has the most chores and work responsibilities of the Mane Six. Oh, and the 'Spike trying to get through to Twilight, aloof off in book land, causing Spike to tear up and leave with a hanging head' made me chuckle, because again, it's so like them.


This episode certainly wasn't as stand-outish as most of the episodes this season, but I think it was a pretty decent Spike episode, and was entertaining. I actually enjoyed it more than Apple Family Reunion.


And I-Oh look, Dashie 8D


"Mine's about this super awesome pegasus who is the best flier ever, who becomes the Captain of the Wonderbolts."


"How EVER did you come up with that ingenious, intricately woven plot-line? :|"


"It just came to me x3"


Dashie writing? I am so okay with this.


Oh, yeah, and I really like how all of the Mane Six got to be apart of this nonsense :3


Oh, and it also tickles me on a witty level that yelling to get Twilight's attention will not work, but putting a tiny little something out of place that makes a noise, does.


Good ep.

  • Brohoof 12


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Whereabouts was it leaked? It would be super handy if i didn't have to stay up until 2:00AM in the morning to watch it, wouldn't have to put up with being tired at work tomorrow :D

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Whereabouts was it leaked? It would be super handy if i didn't have to stay up until 2:00AM in the morning to watch it, wouldn't have to put up with being tired at work tomorrow :D

Look at the calendar event, it's posted right in there, as all the videos are :3 This one needs to be watched in on Youtube since it won't be embedded, but I'll change it to one that won't do that when one get's uploaded in the future.


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Mm, Winnie the Pooh: My Hero, anyone?
While I can't say the whole 'forever indebted' scenario was particularly original, on the whole, the episode came off as relatively enjoyable, with quirky character behaviour and animation (the scene with the Timberwolf choking and motioning "hold on a sec" while he hits his chest gave me a good chuckle) compensating for a rather pat and contrived plot. Admittedly, I'm a little iffy on the new three dimensional effects implemented for the Timberwolves, though that may just be the conservative side of me lashing out at the first sign of change. It should be interesting to see whether the use of 3D characters and settings are used further down the track.

> Spike faces a wooden foe
> Spike can breathe fire
> Spike throws a pebble


Edited by Swoop
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Look at the calendar event, it's posted right in there, as all the videos are :3 This one needs to be watched in on Youtube since it won't be embedded, but I'll change it to one that won't do that when one get's uploaded in the future.

Good god I didn't realize that thing had links  :blink: Celestia knows how long i would have been Googling for the episode haha. Thanks Chaotic Discord. 

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Not a fan of Spike episodes. But damn those Timberwolves looked epic. :P Hopefully they will show up again, even though they look pretty hard to animate.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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> Spike faces a wooden foe > Spike can breathe fire > Spike throws a pebble   DammitSpikewhatareyoudoing.



Thank you For Say what ive was thinking that whole episode!



After looking forward to this all week i have to say I'm someone disappointed. I mean the whole episode seemed predictable at best, What happened to awesome episodes like The Sonic Rainboom!.


It was still a good episode I guess, Thanks for the Link as well, i had some stuff to do today so it was nice to watch it a little early.

Edited by Cider Barrel
  • Brohoof 1


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Thank you For Say what ive was thinking that whole episode!



After looking forward to this all week i have to say I'm someone disappointed. I mean the whole episode seemed predictable at best, What happened to awesome episodes like The Sonic Rainboom!.


It was still a good episode I guess, Thanks for the Link as well, i had some stuff to do today so it was nice to watch it a little early.

Wasn't Sonic Rainboom really predictable though? When I think unpredictable, I think Magic Duel. That was a good twist.


I'd say this episode was the best looking episode so far, that wasn't a two parter. Dem Timberwolves. Other then that, not too memorable.

Edited by Firebolt
  • Brohoof 2



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Well, I would have to say this was probably my least favorite episode of season 3.


First off is the obvious plot hole that Spike has been saved a million times, (when he would've died for that matter), and on the one that is not  as dangerous as the others, he decides to honor the dragon code. 

The humor was...ok. 


I laughed sure, but it wasn't really that funny of an episode. 


Besides the whole Applejack fight scene with the timberwolves, the fake timber wolf scene, and that king timber wolf guy, there wasn't really anything that interesting about the episode. i was pretty bored.


Also Rainbow Dash having a novel. 



So awesome!  :wub:



Edited by ZigzagoonBL
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It wasn't bad and had some funny moments, but at the same time, the plot was boring, predictable and went on for too long.


This is the kind of episode where I think it would do better as a subplot or a halved episode rather than a full 22 minute episode. Like, how in Littlest Pet Shop they never focus on just one story at a time. Usually, in each episode there's a subplot centered around Blythe and another centered around the pets, and they're usually tied together somehow. I'm not saying that MLP should switch to this format, it just felt like there was too much time to tell a story that could've been told in a few minutes. It wasn't a very strong premise to begin with anyways. And the funny thing was, despite how much filler there was, they still couldn't explain where the dragon code even came from or if Spike just made it up.  :huh:


It was nice to see an Applejack-centric episode that didn't center around her family or her over-achieving work problems however. Also, the mane 6 working together was also welcomed.


This also bothered me....


Why was such a tiny pebble able to kill a several feet fall Timberwolf?!

Edited by Rarietty
  • Brohoof 3


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This might just be my Favorite episode yet. Although i'm not 100% on board with the 3D Timber Wolves. They looked just a little out of place to me. The best thing though was that i felt like the dialogue was a little more "realistic" between characters and the animation seemed smoother but it might just be because I usually watch the episodes on a 360p live stream.


The bit at the end when spike was going to shake AJ's hoof but turned it into a Brohoof...Awesome.

Edited by Bucky_McGillycuddy
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Sooooo excited for this episode!!!  Always love me some more AJ, and honestly, I did not see a AJ/Spike episode coming.  But hey, Studio B's made strange duos work before in the show, so this should prove to be AWESOME!!!!!!  Oh and look, timberwolves... wait, timberwolves?  Timberwolves?!?!  TIMBERWOLVES!!!!!!!!!!  AH LERV TIMBERWOLVES!!!!!!!!!!!!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



Celestia: "Twilight, I need you to read these 12 books-"


Twilight: "Over the weekend?!?!"


Celestia: "I didn't say tha-"


Twilight: "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!"


Celestia: *sigh*



Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 4


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Hooray for Spike episode. TIMBERWOLVES, APPLEBLOOM CLEANIN' PIGS, OH MY. mlp-dderp.png

This is making me like Spike more.


But Applejack must know you can only kill Timberwolves with fire or the Master Sword, cuz then they be actin' like zombies and rise from the dead. mlp-deh.png


It's a fact. mlp-dhipster.png

  • Brohoof 1


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Is it weird that this was my first thought after AJ saved Spike?



Well it's true!!!  AJ is officially Batman, and soon we'll learn that RD is Superman, Twilight's Dr. Fate, Rarity is Catwoman, Fluttershy Wonderwoman, and Pinkie Pie Martian Manhunter (ya know, the whole can do anything she wants whenever she wants... you know what I'm talking about  ;) )!!!!  HA!!!!!  :lol:

  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Two things are going to come out of this 

1. Spike x Applejack shipping.

2. conveniently timed fanfiction


My favorite part of this episode DA TIMBER WOLVES!


 Still gotta look out for that shipping though.

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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Oh and, Spike.... It's a bit creepy when you tell someone in front of them they look good while they're chewing... mlp-tseriously.png


When will Rainbow Dash's novel come out?

  • Brohoof 3


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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I want to read Rainbow Dash's novel. It sounds incredible, and it would likely reveal much about the human condition and the nature of dreams. It would be read in English classes all over the world.

That rock smashing was also epic.

Edited by DashForever
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Well, it's official, Rainbow Dash is officially the first canon fan fiction writer of the MLP universe.  Gotta say, didn't see that one coming.


Oh, and I can't help but say this to myself everytime Spike tries to help AJ: "DA BUCK SPIKE?!?!"  Seriously, I thought he was far better at helping out than this!!!  Did he eat some bad mushrooms or something?!?!

  • Brohoof 5


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Our stream wasn't working!!! Well, I just finished it through Youtube.


I have seen this plot before in other shows. I honestly thought it didn't work very well for MLP. Instead of being a mix of funny and frustration, it was just 100% annoying. Man Spike was a pain in the ass.


Because of this, I didn't like this episode much. Maybe like a 5/10. Sorry.


Rainbow Dash being a fan fic writer was great though! hahahaha Along with her rock smash.


Pinkie was actually acting her "normal" self this time, which I liked. Mustache!


The Timber Wolves turning into a gestalt at the end was very...Japanese. Lol

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I liked the episode. Spike was funny. Im not gonna delve too much into it but it was a good episode overall. One complaint:


I know its a little kids show, but beating a giant timberwolf by chucking a small rick in its mouth, resulting in it collapsing? That was just a total copout. As unlikely as this was, I was hoping to see Spike go all "SPIKE WANT", turn big, and smash the wolf with his tail. Just my 2 cents..

Edited by JesstroidPrime
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