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Male Alicorns?


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I thought an alicorn only became an alicorn when they become a princess? If that's the case, then only princesses are alicorns, therefore since no man can be a princess, no mare can be an alicorn.

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  • 1 month later...

I think, they could~ if a stallion found a destiny to master. Then, they would be a male alicorn. Think of alicorns as equine version of transformers.


Maybe, theres a pony version of a Prime.

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I'm sure they could, if they earned it. My on going fanfic has a stallion alicorn in it; he's not overpowered, tho. I guess the reason why there's only Princesses is cuz little girls love Princesses more than Princes. xD



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And Lauren Fraust, is a Disney Princesses Fan. But, be glad theres no Meteor Magic War General Princess Alicorn. Then, ponies appearing to look like greek gods/goddesses would arrive

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Well, we've never seen any male Alicorns, so we quite don't know the answer.

But since Twilight had to master friendship to become an Alicorn, I guess a stallion with a goal can become an Alicorn, too. But I'm not sure.


Also, Tom is best Alicorn:




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Absolutely. We know that Starswirl was Celestia's apprentice, and would have probably become an alicorn himself if he past all the tests like Twilight.

We don't know if there are any male alicorns currently Equestria, so I'll just assume that there aren't any, but I don't see why there couldn't be,

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I personally believe that they can. As a whole we haven't seen too many male members of the ruling family (prince blueblood being the only actual one), but even then they would have to be in line to the throne or on the throne already. Point in case Princess Celestia, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle being Alicorns and all of them being either a sovereign ruler or in line in event of emergency. Since Blueblood was only a member of the branch family it would require a massive emergency for someone like him to become an alicorn.

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I don't think it is in the nature of the show to have male alicorns. The world of Equestria is female oriented so it makes more sense that only females are made to rule it. Besides, with the number of rulers already known, maybe that's enough.

Edited by ILetThePoniesIn

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We only know of five official alicorns, and they're all female. Unfortunately that's not enough to judge.


There have been male alicorns in the show in the background, but they've been explained as animation errors.


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Of course they can. Otherwise, if it would be canon that only mares can become alicorns we would be dealing with gender discrimination. And this is unlikely to happen in this show. A better explanation is that MLP world is dominated by female, as our is dominated by male (for now). So there is more likely to mare become alicorn.

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A lot of people seem to think there are more mares than stallions and what I really find bothersome is that most of them (well nearly of all of them actually) singing with Pinkie in the episode, ''A Friend in Deed'' are mares. I agree with Chaotic Discord. The gender ratio in the show is kinda fucked up but if you come to think of it, there are more stallions than you think, like the castle guards as there are alot maintaining the castle.


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A lot of people seem to think there are more mares than stallions and what I really find bothersome is that most of them (well nearly of all of them actually) singing with Pinkie in the episode, ''A Friend in Deed'' are mares. I agree with Chaotic Discord. The gender ratio in the show is kinda fucked up but if you come to think of it, there are more stallions than you think, like the castle guards as there are alot maintaining the castle.


I can't find the analysis, but I swear someone actually counted and found the ratio still skewed mare, but no where near as badly as first impressions would say.


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I do believe that:


A.) Alicorns can only reproduce with other Alicorns. They can still have intimate relations with normal ponies, but can't make children (Which is unlucky for Cadence and Shinning Armour)


B.) Male Alicorns do exist, but are yet to be shown on the show. I have created several alicorn OC's (for fan-story purposes, not the be my primary OC), but of course, that's just fanon. Unless Alicorns reproduce asexually, then males must exist



A's not entirely true lol.  Go look at the toy line my friend.  A spoiler is waiting there for you lol that's likely to be in the next season.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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  • 3 months later...

At this point it seems like there have been Alicorns before Celestia. We see a picture of a Prince and Princess in the Hearts and Hooves episode, and the Princess is an Alicorn, but the Prince is a Unicorn. So, I think seeing evidence of male alicorns having existed in the past would do a lot of good for the Ponyverse IMO.


Maybe Princess Platinums father the King of the Unicorns was an Alicorn?



Also, not only are the only known Alicorns female, but all the Princes are Unicorns. Weird.

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It might have something to do with

magic all around,  maybe female

unicorns have stronger magic

and such over their male counter parts..


And also if there is say five females to one male

pony,  blame the guys (their little guys dickate if a

baby is going to be male or female...)


(Sig made by Me)

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Sounds like a sexist world.


Males in the show seems to either be petty, stupid, evil, or greedy, or a Mary Sue, and only do the dirty work (aka carriage/cab pullers, sometimes train pullers, guards, watering gardens and plowing fields)

It doesn't seem that men do anything of any real value in this female dominated world.


StarSwirl seems to be the only male in Equestrian History to do ANYTHING.

Edited by TorqueEffect
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Well riddle me this... what race is Cadence's father?

Probably Pegasus.  

Remember, Cadence was a Pegasus before she ascended.  

And that's just it.  Alicorns are most likely ASCENDED pony's who started off as a member of one of the three races.

Cadence was a Pegasus and gained ascension when she mastered the power and magic of love.

Twilight was a Unicorn and ascended when she mastered the magic of Friendship.

Going by that logic, Luna could have ascended when she mastered power over the moon and Celestia when she mastered the power of the Sun.

What the two royal sisters were before they became Alicorns?  I don't know.

Fans speculate they might have been earth ponies, others believe(going by their respective coat and mane colors and what we've learned about the pony races so far) that Luna was a Pegasus and Celestia was a Unicorn.

A's not entirely true lol.  Go look at the toy line my friend.  A spoiler is waiting there for you lol that's likely to be in the next season.

You mean 'Skyla'?  Most people believe that's just a marketing thing.  

We only know of five official alicorns, and they're all female. Unfortunately that's not enough to judge.


There have been male alicorns in the show in the background, but they've been explained as animation errors.

Five?  Who's the fifth?  We have Twilight, Cadence, Luna, and Celestia.  Who's the fifth?

Please don't tell me you mean 'Skyla'

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The only arguably confirmed case by current or past staff of the show, as far as I know, is that of Lauren Faust who said Celestia and Luna had parents they lived with in the old castle in the Everfree Forest during a questionnaire. Thus their father would have been the only known male alicorn.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Five?  Who's the fifth?  We have Twilight, Cadence, Luna, and Celestia.  Who's the fifth?

Please don't tell me you mean 'Skyla'

Nope. Skyla hasn't appeared in the show as of yet. The fifth official alicorn is one we've only seen in passing, and is either a fictional or historical figure in canon. The Princess from the Hearts and Hooves story. Given that the Love Poison formula did do exactly what the book said it did, then the story is likely not a complete fiction but in some way based on some historical events. Of course her being a Princess and/or an Alicorn may be artistic license on behalf of the book's writer and illustrator but we don't know that. All we know is that part of her story actually works.


If the writers ever decide to introduce Shining Armor and Cadence having a foal, which would be perfectly natural as a married couple, there's no guarantee they would make her Skyla. It would depend on the story the writers wanted to tell, and what Hasbro may decide to dictate given they've already produced a toy for that character. Heck if they really wanted to mess with the Bronies, they'd have the foal be a alicorn colt with a completely different name. :) That's what I would do, if I was in control. But I'm mean that way.


Edit: Whoa, Changeling. When did that happen? I may need to slow down my postings. :)

Edited by Fhaolan


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  • 1 year later...

I'm guessing there is since it is a type of species that can probably be any gender .But if there isn't it's probably because Hasbro aiming at female supremacy again so more little girls will watch it. Royalty has always kind of been a ridiculous idea, even in MLP standards. That's why I'm writing a fanfic about a teenage earth pony, former Canterlot Guard and a unicorn with a disabled horn rebelliously attempting to rid the monarchy of Equestria. I honestly don't know why I brought that up.

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The main intention of the show's form of government featured is to convey a well-rounded, positive example of a matriarchy. The show's initial target audience was in fact little girls, and much alike to a lot of media bias, and judging from a lot of responses in this thread, it was positive representation of target demographics, and the demographic of interest to the original producer. Since the lot of bronydom and the fans of the show are in fact mostly cis male young adults, there's now a representational gap. Does it necessarily need to be fixed? Well, despite the lack of solid, relatable male characters or protagonists in general, It's still quite enjoyable the way it is. In fact if we were to add a strong male cast, it would defeat Faust's original base plans for the show and positive female representation.

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The main intention of the show's form of government featured is to convey a well-rounded, positive example of a matriarchy. The show's initial target audience was in fact little girls, and much alike to a lot of media bias, and judging from a lot of responses in this thread, it was positive representation of target demographics, and the demographic of interest to the original producer. Since the lot of bronydom and the fans of the show are in fact mostly cis male young adults, there's now a representational gap. Does it necessarily need to be fixed? Well, despite the lack of solid, relatable male characters or protagonists in general, It's still quite enjoyable the way it is. In fact if we were to add a strong male cast, it would defeat Faust's original base plans for the show and positive female representation.


Equestria is no matriarchy, nor is it a patriarchy. There's never been any real evidence for either of those claims. Everything in the show has pointed to it being gender-egalitarian. No gender has been portrayed as superior, nor is their society 'dominated' by one gender, and both genders have been portrayed as equally capable. We've seen ponies of both genders in all sorts of positions, no indication of discrimination, etc. The current alicorns are female, but given the apparent nature of alicorns and how they become alicorns (merit and capability of being a benevolent leader), gender is entirely irrelevant, and there's no reason whatsoever to believe that a candidate would be refused based on their gender. Starswirl very likely nearly became one, but he didn't properly understand friendship, as Celestia said.


Also, I think you're badly twisting the show's goals with regards to the portrayal of females there. The show is focused one female characters, screentime-wise, yes. And one of it's goals is definitely to have some great and well-made female characters. But you know what? In no way whatsoever is it portraying them as superior, nor is it portraying a fictional society where they are dominant. Female characters tend to get more screentime, for obvious reasons, but to suggest the show is portraying some sort of matriarchy is ludicrous. I'm very confident when I say that Equestria is being portrayed as a society with gender-equality. The focus may be on the female characters, but there are plenty of positive examples of both genders in the show, and one gender has never been portrayed as privileged/being advantaged.


Speaking of gender-equality, I'm afraid I take great concern with one of your lines in that post... That is, the questionable quote about a "well-rounded, positive matriarchy".


Put simply, a matriarchy is a very bad thing, just like a patriarchy is. They're really no different whatsoever, merely flipped. Someone promoting gender equality would find the idea of portraying a matriarchy as positive, especially in a show like MLP that's brimming with such positivity, as a silly and backwards idea. And not one that the show has any intentions of promoting either. As I've already repeated in this post, Equestria is not being portrayed as some sort of matriarchy or patriarchy, but rather a gender-egalitarian society. The screentime and character development leans towards the female characters (or rather, the main protagonists, which are mostly female other than Spike), but in no way is this taking place in an environment of one gender being privileged, advantaged, or dominant.


Great female characters are certainly receiving a high amount of focus in this show, just like Faust wanted, but at no point has that come at the expense of trying to push some ludicrous and harmful gender supremacy nonsense, to put it bluntly. Female characters may be the main focus here (though, when it comes to side characters, things are much more evenly split with the screentime, but that's for another post later maybe), and the show does a great job with them, but Equestria has absolutely been portrayed as egalitarian with gender, as no gender has been shown to be dominant or advantaged. 


Anyway, that's enough wall of text for tonight, I suppose.

Edited by Vixor
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Equestria is no matriarchy, nor is it a patriarchy. There's never been any real evidence for either of those claims. Everything in the show has pointed to it being gender-egalitarian. No gender has been portrayed as superior, nor is their society 'dominated' by one gender, and both genders have been portrayed as equally capable. We've seen ponies of both genders in all sorts of positions, no indication of discrimination, etc. The current alicorns are female, but given the apparent nature of alicorns and how they become alicorns (merit and capability of being a benevolent leader), gender is entirely irrelevant, and there's no reason whatsoever to believe that a candidate would be refused based on their gender. Starswirl very likely nearly became one, but he didn't properly understand friendship, as Celestia said.


Also, I think you're badly twisting the show's goals with regards to the portrayal of females there. The show is focused one female characters, screentime-wise, yes. And one of it's goals is definitely to have some great and well-made female characters. But you know what? In no way whatsoever is it portraying them as superior, nor is it portraying a fictional society where they are dominant. Female characters tend to get more screentime, for obvious reasons, but to suggest the show is portraying some sort of matriarchy is ludicrous. I'm very confident when I say that Equestria is being portrayed as a society with gender-equality. The focus may be on the female characters, but there are plenty of positive examples of both genders in the show, and one gender has never been portrayed as privileged/being advantaged.


Speaking of gender-equality, I'm afraid I take great concern with one of your lines in that post... That is, the questionable quote about a "well-rounded, positive matriarchy".


Put simply, a matriarchy is a very bad thing, just like a patriarchy is. They're really no different whatsoever, merely flipped. So, if you were truly one for gender equality, you'd find the idea of portraying a matriarchy as positive, especially in a show like MLP that's brimming with such positivity, as a silly and backwards idea. And not one that the show has any intentions of promoting either. As I've already repeated in this post, Equestria is not being portrayed as some sort of matriarchy or patriarchy, but rather a gender-egalitarian society. The screentime and character development leans towards the female characters, but in no way is this taking place in an environment of one gender being privileged, advantaged, or dominant.


Positive female representation is abundant in this show, just like Faust wanted, but at no point has that come at the expense of trying to push some ludicrous and harmful gender supremacy nonsense, to put it bluntly. Female characters may be the main focus here, and the show does a great job with them, but Equestria has absolutely been portrayed as egalitarian with gender, as no gender has been shown to be dominant or advantaged.


Anyway, that's enough wall of text for tonight, I suppose.


A matriarchy does not on it's own imply: females>males. It simply means the government that makes up Equestria so far been revealed to be mostly composed of female leaders. Equestria does not treat males as lesser. It's plausible for Equestria to equalize the ratio between males and females in leadership roles, but not so much to be revealed in the show in the future. There's no sign of gender oppression in Equestria nor does that equal what a matriarchy is.


Equestria, is in essence a Utopia. When I mean, a "positive matriarchy" I don't mean a matriarchy itself is in realistic terms positive. (Believe me, I do not think that way by any means) I'm just saying that Equestria lacks discrimination and yet it is still stably ruled by a high female ratio.

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