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Society's opinion


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I've been looking around the interwebs and I've found that almost "everyone" that Ive seen that isn't part of our fan base pretty much hates our fan base.  What have we done to deserve this hate. why do people hate us? What have we created.


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No reason.

Why hate people for having different skin colour than you have or why hate people for having different sexual orientation? For that matter, why hate people who wear colour of clothes or haircut they dislike?


As long as it's minority and/or controversial, lot of people will always hate it. Why? Because they can. Someone simply loves to hate, someone heals their complexes that way, other doesn't even know why.


But I wouldn't say everyone hates bronies. Most people just don't care and possibly thing it's kinda weird when they learn a little bit more. It's just that the haters tend to be more vocal than anyone else.

Edited by Jessper
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What you're probably finding is the vocal minority of people who are either attempting to troll or are just plain morons. The vast majority of people are indifferent to the fandom but when it comes to new fandoms which are a bit unusual you get these idiots who go on and "hate" about it. The people you've seen probably don't even hate it, they most likely think its "cool" to have this dislike of bronies.


It comes down to the fact they just don't get it and it doesn't compute in their little minds that people like different things and are allowed to like a TV show. Also they're probably responding to the other lot of idiots who go around trying to "convert" people to the fandom which doesn't bode well with some people.

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Sadly, the hate was brought on by a small number of very vocal bronies trolling other sites. Everyone is familiar with the "Mods asleep: Post Ponies" meme. It annoyed the heck out of users on sites that had nothing to do with ponies or animation, but bronies insisted on taking over and posting images and links. My favorite quite from a non-pony site was someone saying he was "Sick of people waving their big brony dick like a flag." Think of it this way. What if you belonged to a site catering to Dr. Who fans, but people kept crashing the threads and posting images from Kim Possible. That would tend to bug everyone. I could flood this site with all the Kim pictures I've collected, and it would surely get me banned. That's why I settled on featuring her in my avatar and signature.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney
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                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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They hate us because they're judging us from the outside. They have no clue about the quality of the show (unless they've tried watching it and can't get the appeal, which is almost like a different hate-base altogether) nor anything about the fandom. All they see is a bunch of grown-men with a weird obsession about a show targeted towards little girls, which society has grown to think is "wrong". 


It doesn't exactly help that a lot of Bronies like to rub their opinions of the show in Non-Bronies faces or that most haters tend to judge the entire fandom off the few rabid Bronies they know of. Either way, it's extremely judgmental and an unfair POV. 


Before I became a Brony/Pegasister (geez I hate that label <_<), I tended to defend it and take the Brony's side anyway. As a girl, I found it notoriously sexist that it would be considered "wrong" for a boy to like a show for girls, while girls aren't judged-and sometimes even admired-for watching "masculine" cartoons (most of the time, at least). 

Edited by Rarietty
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Well first off I'm sure not everyone who isn't a brony hates us, its just the ones that do are vocal about it, and the ones who are indiffrenent simple refrain from comments.


We're a pretty big fanbase now actually, but there will always be hate, because haters will always be around, and because not everyone will like everything.


I do have to say I can kinda understand how its a bit strange to find out people are watching MLP if you've never seen it before.


Its not a reason to hate though, still hate will be around forever on everything, you just ignore it :P.

Edited by Zygen


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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To be honest with you, used to hate this fandom before I joined it. It took me many months to realize that the bronies that I saw on YouTube and on Derpiboro were not the main people that enjoy the show.  I think that a lot of people that judge bronies are just familiar with a small, annoying part of them and don't really see the big picture.

Always off-topic and always derailing.

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One of my friends doesn't like the show, but doesn't hate bronies. All we did was break a social norm that has been firmly engrained into everyones brain since birth. Girls do girl things and guys do guy things.


Plus people have nothing better to do with their time.

  • Brohoof 1


Legit signature made by Shift.

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I think the biggest cause might simply be that (from thier perspective) it challenges gender stereotypes. We all know that MLP is a great show - and there's something in it for everyone to enjoy. But one thing I've noticed when showing the odd clip or episode to non brony friends is their preconcieved notions of what mlp is (I.e. a childish show for little girls!) actually makes it very difficult for them to see anything else. And yes the "mods asleep" meme plays directly into this and re-enforces the negative aspect of the group in a similar way as the "its a trap" meme does for the transgendered community...generally making it easier to hate, even suggesting we like mlp simply to piss other people off


And of course its mostly cuz you are all ghey!!!! Hehe :P just kidding of course! I actually see a time in about 5 years from now when things will be very different - I can see mlp becoming quite mainstream. But right now we just have to sit tight and enjoy our role as the butt of most jokes from haters! :)

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It is because haters are going to hate and the haters are unforuntely the people that receive the most attention because they are the most vocal. And there are some bronies that are just as vocal which is fine and dandy but a minority can sometimes take that a tad too far and are a bit annoying to some non bronies which turns some of them into haters. It is like you have 10 people in a room and one person is yelling at the top of their lungs "ponies rule" and another person is yelling back "ponies suck and your a fag".

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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It's usually one of two reasons. 1) We step outside of the social "norm" and people don't like change. They want everyone to conform to stereotypes and anyone who doesn't is wrong. 2) If we have done something it would be that (and this is the minority of our fandom) have shoved ponies in their face, down their throat  and made imposable to escape them since just about everything in social media has been ponyfied.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art   000Signature Requests000
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  arcuswind.tumblr.com

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Here we go again.


I fell like we've been better about this lately, but I think that when the fandom first started, (I wasn't here when it did) Bronies were obnoxious and there was this whole mass ban on 4chan because bronies were posting ponies everywhere. There's also the whole "Love and tolerate" thing, which apparently got on everybody's nerves. That, I believe, is why people hate bronies. I don't really think we've done anything too over-the-top lately



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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You should maybe be aware of one fact before you make an assumption. If you are searching for any kind of MLP things on the internet you will come across those things that are most viewed.

That will be the fan-base at first. Next thing you gonna find are the haters, because they have their own little group too. Hating something together brings people together too right?


Now people who are not in the fandom mostly tolerate it and thus do not care. That means they don't write about it at all. So you won't find their opinion on the internet, or only far behind the fans and haters.


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I actually haven't seen too much hatred of bronies lately.  Perhaps that's because I don't actively look for it, but I've seen quite a bit of positive things about it too.  Barring the Fox News/Tosh.0/Howard Stern brony segments, we've actually gotten quite a bit of positive or at least neutral publicity (at least from what I've seen).


As for why people hate us, basically all the reasons stated above.  We are different.  We are breaking social norms.  Some of the rabid bronies can be extremely annoying (honestly, soon they'll be relating us to the door-to-door religious people.  Oh wait, they already do that?  Never mind).  So yeah, there are plenty of reasons to hate us.  Not all of them are legitimate, but they still exist.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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When most people think masculine, My Little Pony doesn't really.. Come to mind. People think that men are supposed to watch superhero's killing everything with hey robotic suits, and that women are supposed to watch shows about cupcakes, rainbows, sunshine and princesses. And if it's the other way around, it's considered not normal. And if it's considered not normal, society hates it. But really, male bronies out there are just basically creating new patterns, like watching mlp, and patterns are the cause for saying what's normal and what's not. Now that I think of it... Considering something masculine and something feminine and then hating it when it doesn't 'go the right way' could be the cause of homophobia. Anyways, back on subject. Now.. For the whole thing saying that we're all pedophilic, that's because there's still 2 semi groups within feminine and masculine. Children, and adults. And aswell in those 2 groups, when they get challenged and moved around, society is going to absolutely hate it, and make the strangest theories to make themselves comfortable and still in the norm. And as for 'horsefuckers' that's a hugely different subject, and I'll just say this in closing. I'm a 13 year old heterosexual male who enjoys My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, sexually aswell as aesthetically.

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First I don't see as much hate as usual, but it's still there.


"The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but, it is fear."



I honestly think that the reason people seem to hate us is that they are afraide. Think about it we were a small group when we started and now were expanding. Society sees this as not natural, and is afraid to accept us.


"Man has always feared the unknown"

Society dosn't see this as natural. It's like the way some societies view homosexuals as unnatural. Or how they see those of different colored skin as inferior. They are afraide to accept things that isn't built into what they believe to be a normal society. They are afraide of change. Think about it from a history perspective. In US those of darker skin were treated as inferior. Hatred increased when the chance that they might be treated as equals emerged. Society was used to there old ways and didn't want to change. It changed, but it took a while.

Society has different views on us and this dosn't want to accept us as part of their natural lives. We may try to change that, but it is going to be a difficult thing to do.



"Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom."

Bertrand Russell


I honestly don't think shoving our pony stuff into people's throats is a good idea. What I think is best we do is we ignore all those who are hating on us. If one is curious we can introduce them to the show if they feel like it. If one hates it because they do, we should let them. If you want to try to educate them fine, but don't turn it into an argument. They may or may not give the show a chance. If they still hate it fine, don't try to force it on them.

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I don't think society hates us. In fact, I'd like to think the majority of people are either indifferent or curious.


Society's opinion, or perceived opinion, at least, is usually the product of a few people...usually the most vocal. Unfortunately, true haters are extremely vocal, so they seem to paint the picture to society that we are to be hated. Breaking societal norms usually makes most people curious. It's unfortunate that loud haters usually point these hearts and minds in the direction of hate, too, or that hate is the proper response to us.


Most non-bronies I've encountered are either indifferent or have a healthy curiosity. I've been lucky to have encountered very little hate.


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Doesn't really matter what they think, the ones with financial and political power will decide what the societal norm is and depopulate those against the ruling powers.Bronies or other fanbase might even be the cultural norm one day if they manage to control all resources, production and distribution of most goods.

Edited by khaine21x3
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Society doesn't know enough about us to have a "general" opinion. Society is a very broad term. Internet forums full of frustrated angry teens hardly reflects "Society". (Almost 7 billion strong now). We have Fox News and Howard Stern, which go out of there way to shock people. Again not a reflection of society in general. Most stories about bronies I've read have been indifferent or slightly positive. People focus on the bad though because it is typically the loudest side.


When the word "Society" is used a general term in regards to opinion there are things that I would agree most people have a negative view on (Murder, torture, etc). I think bronies are not one of these topics and will likely have a large spectrum of reactions.

Edited by Jammo
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I don't think all non bronies hate us. For example some of my friends are non bronies, but still don't judge me for being one. At most I think people would think we are strange, although that's a completey different thing to being hated. Maybe there's people out there ignorant enough to hate people who they think are strange.

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Well I said it once and i'll say it again; No matter what it is, if it's real there's gonna be haters. But for our fandom it's a little more than that.


For us, haters have many reasons to hate at their disposal, such as it being "socially awkward", some of the art (*hint hint*), or maybe they just don't like people who are different from them (or the social media)


In the end, it all comes down to random hate and it being alright for girls to like guys things, but not the other way around. I myself have never had public experience with haters, just the occasional, "what's a brony?" or "Do you really like My Little Pony?". To which I reply "yes", if they keep asking i'll tell them to try watching the show, and if they still don't understand just move on with life.

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Society is stubborn, they listen to a very small minority of Bronies and assume all are like that, or gay in the matter, not all of us are gay, and using it as a way to offend people shows immaturity.


In the end, society wants genders to stick to what they set up, girls like dolls and tea parties, and guys like football and cars, etc.


Plus I don't care, I never gave into society or peer pressure.

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