Mr. Jaguar 1,403 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) So, Celestia said she wanted discord reformed because she's in need of his magic. Is she like, trying to form the Equestrian Avengers or something? Who's next? Edited January 19, 2013 by Mr. Jaguar 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) Easily one of my favorite episodes. It leaves open room to guess whether or not he actually changed considering he said "Most of the time" at the end. I also liked how Fluttershy got some more screen time. And the episode made me laugh quite a few times. Also, it was kind of predictable. As my guess to Celestia's intent was actually right. So there is that. Edited January 19, 2013 by Harmonic Revelations 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SCS 7,537 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 I loved this episode. It just goes to show that everyone, no matter who they are or what they have done, has the same opportunity as everyone else to make the choice to do what is right. It also gives an interesting insight into Discord's background. Perhaps he used his powers for evil because, when he was growing up, no one ever accepted him as a friend. That would explain why he became bitter and used his powers to try to turn Equestria upside down, and why he tried to break up the mane 6's friendship. Discord has never seemed like any of the other antagonists to me, though now he does remind me of Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon really was just Princess Luna, when she had chosen to go down the path of darkness instead of light. Discord seems to have made a similar choice. Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra seem to be a different kind of antagonist. They seem to be far more evil and hateful than either Nightmare Moon or Discord. Discord never seemed like he wanted to murder or destroy, because everything he did seemed more like a very mean prank taken way too far. Therefore, I don't know if Queen Chrysalis will ever be reformed in a future episode. As for King Sombra, unless he turned back into shadow, I'm pretty sure he's dead. Discord has an interesting personality, and it's great that he can now join the good guys so that I can truly say that I like him. In the past, despite his interesting personality and humorous attitude, I couldn't like his character, because of what he did to Equestria, and because he tried to break up the mane 6's friendship. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
biscuit (smyl3r) 65 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) YOU MAKE THAT BUNNY CUTE AGAIN RIGHT NOW! hahaha Oh pinkie pie, your so random! This episode was great, I do however feel it was a little rushed at the start. Other than that I loved it (: Edited January 19, 2013 by biscuit Soundcloud | OC | MLR | Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
100 beasts kaidou 321 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Discord will turn his back on mane six by EoS. He will join the you know who of MLP FIM like snake did Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost Profile 644 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Discord is now a good guy! Most of the time.... XD I hope we get to see more of him in the future!!!!!!! I bet he will be like Luna, who will be featured in episodes sometimes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjrgmc28 130 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Whew! It's been a while between new episodes (and the 2:00am wake up calls) but after almost tempting to throw the remote at the TV again due to Discord getting on my nerves in the season two premiere, I decided to give this episode a chance. Overall, this absolutely so awesome! The idea of Fluttershy trying to reform Discord into a model citizen was a bit weird for me at first, but in the end it was a perfect fit and it also produced a moment or two, especially the dinner party sequence with a few references and shoutouts to a Disney animated classic film. There was also a few moments in the episode that had me literally shouting at the TV, mainly towards the end of the episode where Fluttershy refused to use her element against Discord and Fluttershy almost going into a full on rage when Discord started to push Fluttershy around. But the moment that made the episode for me was when Discord, after being defeated again was literally in tears. I've never seen a villain literally with tears in their eyes like that and it came as a bit of a shock. That moment in my opinion changed many people's opinions on Discord from being a evil person, to a character that the fans love and respect. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Concord 1,982 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Hello! I'll admit, it was a fun episode, but I'll also confess that i was shaking through the whole episode just saying to myself "please don't let that happen, please!" Overall, it ended well. Good episode. Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 -'Like a Sir' Discord has become canon -Giving Angel a bit of what he deserves -More trickery, insane amounts of hilarious gags, perfectly in-character Discord -Discord being able to hear what people say inside his statue is now canon -Intent to be evil again, but actually realizing what it meant to have friends, and how it may not be such a bad thing -Not re-sealed. He can make future appearances -Discord and Celestia interaction, in the flesh -'Most of the time...' That was a pretty well-done episode. I admit it felt a little rushed but at least a little bit of that is probably due to the initial reaction. I'm going to go watch it again in a short bit on Youtube, and I doubt it's going to be as bad as I thought it was. Altogether though, Discord is now more or less confirmed to be a good, most likely neutral character. He may be 'friends' with Fluttershy and the ponies now, but seeing as how his powers would lead to over-powered help all the time, I think the show will end up making him a neutral character who does as he pleases within the realm of acceptability, while retaining a relationship with the ponies. I expect to see rants about how people want Discord's character to remain evil. Honestly, all I have to say is what I've said in detail here. Discord's character was doomed to a feedback loop if he remained a villain. This way, he can remain in the world, have further appearances, and best of all, character development, which some people have actually complained about him not having in the first place. I don't mean to sound weird, but I imidately thought of you as soon as I saw the new episode , and then I just had to come on the forums and search for your opinion . Now that my stalkerish thoughts are out of the way... I have to agree that this episode did feel a bit rushed, it is disapointing, but there was quiet alot of things that needed to happen, I think the biggest problem in S3 has been rushed episodes honestly, so this problem isn't to new to me . Still I can make somewhat rational sense of it. I mean Discord basically had one of those moments where you say something and it just hits you right in the gut like... "Oh I don't have any other friends..." I can relate to having that feeling plenty of times, so in a way it can work pretty well. I think maybe we're all just hungry for more Discord awesomeness and thats why the episode felt so short and rushed, atleast thats my theory . The episode overall was great! So much hilarious things done by discord, all of the random things he turned every part of himself into. All of the different randomness and chaos. Eating paper XD. And having the little pot of gravy become alive(I agree with Pinkie, that thing was fregin adorable ) I felt like Discord's humor was back and strong in this episode, and they didn't have Fluttershy jump out of character any really either, I mean she had a few times where she become bossy, but thats become kinda part of her character anyways. I will have to say that the episode didn't really satisfied my Fluttershy tastes(Except for that blushing omg ) it was still a good episode, and the fact its a Discord episode makes sense that it isn't going to be enough Fluttershy for a Fluttershy fan like me(Then again not sure if there is a such thing as to much Fluttershy for me .) Anyways, I think this was a good episode, I do agree the ending actually came really fast, I was just watching it on youtube enjoying the random chaos and hilarity of Discord, and suddenly I heard him reforming and I checked the timer marker and I'm like.. AW ITS ALMOST OVER ALREADY!? But like I said thats probably because of us all wanting more and I'm sure it might have contributed to the rushed feeling. Plus I can still rationalize the "reforming" in my head so it makes sense to me. I'm actually curious why Celestia needs Discords help, I guess we'll see. I think this won't be the last of Discord for sure, and I'm sure he won't always use his magic for good, especially with his "Most of the time" remark . And Discord saying "Fine, Friendship is magic" was just, so funny and perfect lol. I dunno why I liked it. Anyways, I'm not disappointed really by this episode at all, except for the lack of more of it, Oh well only so much MLP can fit in 1 episode . Guess I'll have to wait till next week. Wonderful Episode, I love Discord even more now . 1 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,680 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) Did anyone else notice Discord breaking the fourth after just moments after he secretely released those wild beavers out to work like mindless soldiers in order to build a dam? I suppose the omnipotent part of his character allows him to do that. Also, for anyone still upset over Discord's character being "ruined" due to his reformation, I suggest you read what ~Chaotic Discord~ (hue hue) wrote about him being comparable to the neutrality that someone like Q displays in regards to someone like Captain Picard. Discord was directly inspired from Q himself and it's not surprising to see him don a similar role. Edited January 19, 2013 by Alfonzo Dennard 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 My question at this point is, "where is discord going to live?" I mean the mane 6 already have jobs. They can not be babysitting Discord all day, and having Discord run around Ponyville would really change the character of the town. If he goes with Celestia and stays in Canterlot then you are displacing him from his "only friend" Fluttershy. 2 Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 Hey wait a minute.. I noticed something in the end of the episode after watching it a second time. If you notice right after Fluttershy's zoom in talking about how Discord's a real sweetheart after you get to know him everypony except Fluttershy and Discord has that odd. Yeahhh. Look on them. Anypony else notice that? I found it strange. Probably doesn't mean anything, other then maybe they've just not accepted him as openly yet as Fluttershy. Anyways just thought i'd point it out. I also appreciated the episode alot more on the 2nd run through I think. Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,680 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 My question at this point is, "where is discord going to live?" I mean the mane 6 already have jobs. They can not be babysitting Discord all day, and having Discord run around Ponyville would really change the character of the town. If he goes with Celestia and stays in Canterlot then you are displacing him from his "only friend" Fluttershy. He is omnipotent. He's basically a god. He has his methods. With that much power running through his... veins, he probably takes care of himself much better than the average Equestrian subject. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GoldenShield 46 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 I maintain that this is all just another part of Fluttershy's master plan to conquer all of Equestria, she has Discord on her side now that she's his best friend, all she has to do is ask and BAM! Celestia and Luna are imprisoned and she is the new grand supreme ruler of Equestria and since no-one can stop Discord without her element there's nothing anyone can do about it! MUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galex Dj 173 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 I absolutely loved the new episode, mostly because Discord is back and Fluttershy gets kinda her own little episode. We have all been waiting this season for a Fluttershy based episode, and now we have it. And now a lot of Fluttershy fans are very pleased with this as well. The episode will open up a bunch of new things since Discord is deciding to be a bit more good now and use his magic for good things now instead of evil and chaos. And with that, I see a new future for Discord, Princess Celestia, and the ponies as well. Signature by Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 I absolutely loved this episode. I don't think he's a good guy now, perhaps he is just playing them again. I mean he said "Most of the time" and when I looked at Discord's face when Celestia whispered "I'll leave the elements with you just in case" I could be wrong but it almost looked like his eyes were saying "Oh, shit" I seriously doubt Discord could be a good guy. The whole episode, he was fooling Fluttershy. And now I truly believe he is fooling everyone else so he doesn't have to get turned to stone for a third time. Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blindsight 142 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 This episode is certainly among the best from season three. I couldn't wait to see it because of (almost) everyone being overly skeptical about the main plot - I just knew they wouldn't be right!I've heard a lot of fans complaining about Discord getting "reformed" beforehand, but to be honest, I've never seen him as an evil being. He's a prankster, a big child, but not an inherently malicious character. This episode just strengthened my opinions about him. I was surprised how meanly the mane six (, except Fluttershy of course,) treated Discord; even though Celestia, their princess was the one who requested him to be set free. I expected Twilight to trust her mentor more, and Pinkie to be excited about the possible return of the cotton candy clouds. Sure, he did cause a pretty big mess the last time he was in Ponyville, but I was still a little disappointed by their behavior. Discord himself looked like he was used to being treated as a nuisance. He acted like a monster only because everyone expected him to do so, and no one bothered to give him a chance. My suspicion is that the reason why he spread chaos even after Fluttershy took him in is that he couldn't believe that someone could look at him in a different way. The face he made after she called him her friend made it crystal clear how lonely he's been before. But he still couldn't trust her, which is why he sounded so ironic after Fluttershy chose to skate with him instead of turning him into stone. Only the possibility of losing her only friend made him realize how lonely he'd become (again). Since he's always been alone, he needed to learn his first lesson on how to be an actual friend, which he did: "I liked it better my way, but I guess when you're friends, you can't always have things exactly your way all the time, eh?" He's still the spirit of Chaos, but chaos is essential to even out harmony, anyway.Besides being one of the best season three episodes (in my opinion), this was also one of the best Fluttershy episodes. It really showed here how much assertive she's become since the start of the show. She always stood up for her decision, even if it meant strongly disagreeing with her friends and putting up with Discord's nonsense 'till no end. I think she’s the one besides Twilight and Pinkie who shows her element the most – Kindness. It was her gentleness and patience that triggered the change in Discord, after all. She knew what she was doing, and was extremely assertive about it. I’m really proud of how much she improved.The episode itself seemed to be very rushed, as many of you pointed out. Actually, I think it wasn’t rushed but rather, ill balanced. Discord doesn’t move in to Fluttershy’s cottage until halfway into the episode. The mane six’s conversation with Princess Celestia and his general trolling in the beginning lasted for too long in the beginning in my opinion. Still, this was an excellent episode with many funny moments and notable, but not exaggerated character development. 3 { art thread } { deviantArt } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunny Fox 5,952 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 I gotta go back and hear Rainbow Dash during that scene. I swear she called him "Dick-cord". It's all I've been thinking about the whole episode. It was "Dip-cord", people. Rainbow Dash called him "Dip-cord". As in Dip-stick, which is still kind of a bad word to use in a kid's show. Overall, did not like this episode, just from the concept. Discord was great as a powerful and interesting villain. Him being good is just not something that sits right with me. And what happens now? Even more than Celestia or the EoH themselves, he can fix any problem or beat any other villain with a click of his fingers. I don't see how he can continue to be a part of the show being such a Machina machine. Time will tell, I guess. Happy minion of The Fabulous One! Signature by Midnightive Check out my blog! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 January 19, 2013 Share January 19, 2013 (edited) If you want to read my first impressions of the episode, check out the spoilers: Only watched the episode once so far, and I must say with the twenty-minute constraint, it really worked. Discord isn't totally "reformed," but he's still that mischievous draconequus that I know and love. Only a bit more tamed. But what I really loved were three things: Discord's tricks throughout the episode. So many of his actions were incredibly hilarious, such as rolling out the red carpet, twirling Flutterhsy's cottage (did that remind anyone here of Trixie flipping the Library upside-down?), the rolling eyes, and the dancing candles. (The "Be Our Guest" reference was hilarious!) Those antics drove everyone batty, and this is the Discord that I know and admire. He may not be "totally" evil, but hopefully he will continue playing those chaotic tricks.(I hope that the rundown backgrounds from this season's finale will have something to do with him [passively or actively], because it really fits right in his alley.) Fluttershy's patience and assertiveness. Just like ACW with Twilight, Fluttershy herself trusted her instincts. Even though Discord drove them all crazy and "discorded" them in the Canterlot Labyrinth, Fluttershy was the only one willing to give him a chance, even when he drove her to the point of losing control of her own temper. Also, she kept her promise, and she wasn't willing to sever it. The potential of Discord getting character development in the future. He doesn't want to turn to stone, and he seems to apparently understand the power of trust. Although Fluttershy has kept her word into not using the Elements of Harmony on him at all, that will still be on the back of his mind. He now has the room to be a protagonist, antagonist, or a neutral character in any episode. Hopefully, the team has something big for him and will put him into good use in the canon. It'd be a royal shame if they revived him and never use him again. I'll be re-watching it, and then I'll write a formal analysis. But my first impressions were really good. I'll see if they hold up. After re-watching it, the episode has since really grown on me, and I began to embrace it more and more. Now I detail a few more things I adored: Of all the episodes this season that featured the entire Mane Six cast, this is easily the strongest. Each line from the characters worked to perfection. Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Twilight, and Spike had great and in-character lines. Celestia, for her brief moment, was great. Discord's antics and lines stole the episode. The foul language from the critters. Of the Mane Six, Fluttershy is the only one who's been able to communicate and understand the creatures (the lone exception being Hell's Angel, strangely enough). Her being a median for both Applejack and the beaver was cute and hilarious. Everyone but Fluttershy NOT trusting him, even completely all the way through the episode. Everyone was absolutely apprehensive about his revival and "reformation." Although Discord is starting to learn the error of his ways, it's obvious they still don't fully trust him. Even Celestia is still uncomfortable having him around, hence her stern whisper. This works really well because if everypony began to trust Discord off a drop of the dime, it would be way too sudden. It's going to take much more time before Discord can be fully relied on. DHX, writers, I'm counting on you to show some more development between him and the rest of the cast. Discord still being the Spirit of Chaos, but not to the point of being a true villain. Of the four villains throughout the series, Discord has the most potential because of his charisma and depth in character. His tricks can still drive everyone angrier than the Angry Beavers, but still be both a protagonist and anti-hero. This draconequus has so much depth and can really give the canon so much worldbuilding. Furthermore, even more character development for Discord himself. More of this, the better! The occurrence of one-shot characters returning to the scene. Like I said with Babs Seed in my analysis for Apple Family Reunion, we're seeing one-shot characters returning and hopefully receiving more of a role in the canon. Trixie, then Babs, and now Discord. I'd like to see more of this in the future, and hopefully more of Discord later this season and beyond. The hilarity. Discord's tricks work so well and fit him so excellently. I was laughing a lot from his antics, particularly him taking out his eyeballs, rolling down the red carpet, reformatting Fluttershy's couch, and the dancing candles akin to Beauty & the Beast's "Be Our Guest." The Deus Ex Machina being defeated early. Too Many Pinkie Pie's biggest flaw came midway in the plot, which was Spike discovering the book from inside a secret cupboard that led to the Legend of the Mirror Pond. The trick of Twilight forcing Discord to reform (only to have it being eaten) was an extremely clever and hilarious take in poking fun at this plot device. Discord's plan to manipulate Fluttershy into having her promise not to use the Elements of Harmony against him, only to have this plan both work AND fail. When he was released, he composed a plan to fool and trick Fluttershy and take advantage of her kindness and assertiveness. All of those tricks were used in order to embarrass and humiliate her friends and convert her to his side. However, in the dinner party, he began to enjoy her company, and he was starting to at least have a heart for friendship, for his heart was as cold as stone. This enjoyment of her company made him spill those lines and compassion. The game he played worked for him, but also against him. "Well-played, Fluttershy. Well-played" is the best line in the entire episode (perhaps the entire season, with the exception of "I quit!" from Rainbow Dash and that line from Granny Smith in Apple Family Reunion dictating the possibility of not having so many family members attending the next reunion) and put his change of heart into full circle. But his stone cold heart wouldn't warm up without some hints, which is what I'm going to deliver next. The foreshadowing. So much of it. It wasn't one surprise to another. Each event led to another and made the episode feel complete. Here's what I mean:The Angry Beaver who didn't give a dam about Applejack's farm. This event hinted the huge dams and flood later in the episode. Discord's sneaky trick with his tail. When he snapped his fingers, the beavers were put under a trance, and they built the dams that flooded Sweet Apple Acres (which Discord later froze into a lake of ice). Discord eating the paper. This foreshadowed Twilight's plan to forcefully reform Discord, and he was one step ahead of her plan. When Twilight and the others left, they conversed on a backup plan to forcefully reform him in front of Fluttershy's door. Twilight said she had that plan. I wouldn't be surprised if Discord heard them and, with his magic, stole the spells and ate the paper. Fluttershy declaring Discord as a friend. Discord intended to be buddy-buddy with her, but Fluttershy's words to Discord were kind and sincere. For a cold character such as Discord, it's something that he almost never hears and notices: actual warmth in conversation and belief that his exterior and treacherous trickery can be broken down by kind words and attitude. But he still manipulated the Mane Six and severed his trust she had for him. That line he spilled as Fluttershy rejected his manipulation and stormed off broke down the last bits of that block of cement and put that moment in the dinner party to full circle. But there was one big flaw in this story, and it's completely the opposite of Spike at Your Service: The pace was too fast. From the get-go, the momentum was extremely quick, whereas Spike at Your Service had a great pace but a poor plot and even worse characterization of Spike. The runner broke into a sprint on the treadmill and, for the duration of the show, never slowed down. Writing a great pace for a storytelling is a lot like aerobic exercising. You start the pace slow and then you slowly build up your momentum and energy. Then, for one to two minutes, you race and make your heart beat quickly. Then you slow down again and change the pace and intensity here and there. In addition, you breathe to let the oxygen flow. Just like the person in his exercise routine, Keep Calm and Flutter On held his breath, then exhaled for a quarter of a second, and suddenly held it in for another minute. This kept on going, and this plot had no time to breathe and actually calm down for a few moments. Discord's redemption would've been much better if the plot was slowed down, altered, split into two parts, and have the duration of his redemption last for more than just twelve hours. Instead of constant rapid and quick sequences to the point where the viewer can't fully grasp at the actions and consequences during the episode, slow down the pace a bit and space out the chaos to where we have calm in between the storm. Have Fluttershy converse with the others and maybe have a scene where Discord can talk about his coldness and love to make lives hell. Maybe have him create some chaos, but then think otherwise and keep the magic chaotic but fun. He can still have his moments, but he will feel warmer to the others and vice-versa. The development of Discord's friendship with Fluttershy would feel more natural and not as compacted as a tall man squeezing inside a Volkswagen Beetle. That said, there were numerous great things that still made this episode strong. With great characterization, the episode flowed from one moment to another, and there was plenty of foreshadowing that and Fluttershy was the best candidate to penetrate Discord's stone-cold heart. He is much more relaxed and will no longer be transformed into a stone statue anymore, but he will likely remain the Spirit of Chaos that will hopefully drive everyone crazy and create some great chemistry with the other characters. The pace was abnormally quick, but it didn't deter what was an extremely exciting episode that hopefully takes advantage of Discord's great potential as an anti-hero and character altogether. Edited January 20, 2013 by Dark Qiviut 3 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lo23 32 January 20, 2013 Share January 20, 2013 Though the episode felt short. I think that maybe a good thing. They where able to fit some really interesting background to Discord and more to his possible motives for becoming the embodiment of chaos. And the ending was really sweet but I also can understand if it felt a bit rushed at times. But give the ~20 minutes to work an entire reform of a fan favorite character. They did a good job and I really liked the ending and it felt realistic for trusting in Discord's reform but also being skeptical incase if it could be another long term deception. Which it could be, I mean Discord realizes that a short but major power scheme didn't work. So a slow gain of trust over possible months or years could be the more powerful game to throw Celestia and the mane 6 off if he decides to be evil again. But overall, a really solid episode and this one is really pushing me to redecide my favorite episode for this season. So many great laughs and puns from Discord. Also Wilhelm scream ftw! Someone must be a major fan of that audio effect, it has been popping up more and more this season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Z Star 189 January 20, 2013 Share January 20, 2013 I loved this episode a lot! I really loved the interactions between Discord and Fluttershy! She really had a firm grasp on the situation and handled it very well. I was a little freaked out when Rainbow Dash tried to intervene and sway Fluttershy to use the Elements of Harmony against him. But Fluttershy stood strong and did what she had to do. And Discord is awesome. I have always loved him, villain or not! My only question would be: Why does Princess Celestia need his magic? I mean, I see no reason right now why she would need to harness his powers. But I guess we will discover that later! 1 I love love love Pinkie Pie! But every pony rules! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
immblueversion 331 January 20, 2013 Share January 20, 2013 (edited) But unlike Q, Discord is not in it for his amusement alone: He is by nature opposed to order and unity. He has no reason to join the good guys and the assumption that one pony befriending him did the trick is just mindboggling stupid. The guy behind the story of this episode has stated that Discord, be he good or evil, will never stop being a prankster; that is his nature. You can quote him here. Edited January 20, 2013 by immblueversion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WolfEdge 75 January 20, 2013 Share January 20, 2013 Going into this episode, I knew that it could either be amazing or a giant disaster. I didn't want to see Discord reformed. However, this episode was amazing, and though it seemed a little rushed, his reformation was handled well. It would've been better if it was a two-parter, but Polsky made the most of the little time he got. Discord's antics were top-notch, and Fluttershy was once again shown being the embodiment of kindness, rather than the embodiment of shyness. Yeah, it certainly was amazing. It felt like a two-parter for a moment there, but I think Discord would need to do something big, like prevent himself from being imprisoned somehow, to call it in. And yes, it was indeed a breath of fresh air to see once again what Fluttershy's really all about. Seeing somepony give Discord an actual shot, rather than just going, "Okay, too many pranks. Element blast this sucker. (*Coughcough* Dash *cough*)" drove home just how big a deal showing someone that they care really is. True kindness. Besides, it WAS Discord after all. Reforming him was NOT going to be easy. Celestia didn't bail out from sticking around during his reform process for no reason. (If asked why she wasn't staying, I can almost imagine her saying, "No thanks, I value my sanity.") XD Probably my favorite 'Shy episode so far. Well, when you've been running a kingdom for over a thousand years, chances are you'll find a better way of handling political dissidents than executions and re-education camps. True, I can see the convenience behind that for the big "cure the psycho" cases. But reform's such an ugly word, when used in this particular light. At least to me it is. To magically alter someone's way of thinking against their will just feels like outright manipulation. Blek. I'd rather see something that teaches the importance of why someone would need to change, and allow them to understand it themselves. Basically, magical reform just makes me think 'brainwash', instead of, what one could call... 'rehabilitation' reform. But if something could magically 'teach' the importance, that's great. It's just mental override seems like the decimation of free will and choice. Aaaaand, if someone just outright refuses to change, even after fully understanding things... well there's always imprisonment... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Z Star 189 January 20, 2013 Share January 20, 2013 My question at this point is, "where is discord going to live?" I mean the mane 6 already have jobs. They can not be babysitting Discord all day, and having Discord run around Ponyville would really change the character of the town. If he goes with Celestia and stays in Canterlot then you are displacing him from his "only friend" Fluttershy. My question at this point is, "where is discord going to live?" I mean the mane 6 already have jobs. They can not be babysitting Discord all day, and having Discord run around Ponyville would really change the character of the town. If he goes with Celestia and stays in Canterlot then you are displacing him from his "only friend" Fluttershy. I have a feeling that, since it IS Discord, he would reside wherever he so wishes. I believe Equestria is a pretty good chunk of land, and I'm sure there is plenty of space for him to stretch out. Kind of like what's-his-face, the one Pinkie Pie made friends with, he just kind of lives in the country in his own little cottage. I love love love Pinkie Pie! But every pony rules! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moduz94 78 January 20, 2013 Share January 20, 2013 The more I re-watch the episode, the more it seems to make more and more sense. Think about it, he is the true incarnation of chaos, so doing chaotic stuff it's just he beign normal, it's not like he was a bad guy to begin with, it was just his nature. Of course He was mean and cruel in S2, but that was just because he had to preserve himself from the elements of harmony ( he truly knew that they could've had ended him quite easily, so he acted like that just to prolong his "fun", and in the end he didn't really care even when the elements were back and ready to stone him again). Now that Celestia casted that spell to prevent him from touchin' them, there is no real escape for him: Either he obeys or he goes back to his cage( he states that he can still hear stuff while beign stoned, that must be pretty boring, even for me lol, figures for a chaotic guy that jumps around all day ). to be fair he totally cheated on fluttershy in S2, as she was incorruptible even with his "smart" talk, so he didn't even gave her a chance, that's why he has fallen this time: he got to knew better the element of kindness and her almost infinite patience ( angel bunny, I'm looking at you -.-" ), so discord wasn't really a bid deal to handle. In the end, I really think that fluttershy planned very well her actions, in the end she just had to make him see what he was gonna loose if he kept that attitude, and I know that feel, I used to be a rebel too, and a friend that just came out of nowhere stopped me just by beign my friend really this was a great episode, you can all see how the writers were constricted with time constrains, even the intro was cut-off to get more time so I really think even though maybe they wanted to do a lot more, in the end they had to stretch everything and fit it all in 22 minutes, nobody could've have done better. 8/10, just for the potential that has been lost but, oh well, still good! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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