Pinkazoid 3,493 January 23, 2013 Share January 23, 2013 I stepped on a rusty nail that was stuck on a wooden plank on purpose, after staring at it for several seconds, I just grinned and stomped my foot down. Best explanation for it was that I was trying to get someone in trouble, for leaving it there. :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 January 23, 2013 Share January 23, 2013 Well I've done a couple tiny little things here and there, brused myself up, maybe real bad, but I've never actually broken or damaged anything in any severe way. I really hope it stays that way, I don't like pain at all. Or hospitals. So I plan on not having to get any damaging injury's if I can. Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stary Dreams 87 January 23, 2013 Share January 23, 2013 When I was like three or so, I ran into a nail that was sticking out of an old bed, when I was six I fell down the stairs, when I was ten I crashed into my friend on a bike and I injured his wrist, when I was four, I got a piece of glass that hit my face. Yeah... I was a hyper kid... "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff. " - The Doctor :comeatus: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-D1SCORDANT- 1,080 January 24, 2013 Share January 24, 2013 Once I fell off the mokey bars at School and cracked my tail bone. That wasn't fun. Then right before Thanksgiving one year, I decided I'd stomp on the front part of one of those two wheeled carts they use to move boxes, and chipped my two front teeth. And not that long ago, I was pulling my knife out, and my left hand over where the blade comes out, and I got about an half-inch deep cut in that fleshy part between my thumb and pointer finger. And I also have this scar on my left arm, I have no idea where it came from. My YouTube Channel My Deviantart Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Kennedy 1,228 January 24, 2013 Share January 24, 2013 (edited) Well, there was the time I got twenty stitches in my thigh and nearly castrated myself when I fell off the foundation of my garage (I had been climbing on it because I'm stupid like that) while it was still being built and slashed my inner thigh on a nail. Now I have a giant purple scar in a place where I can never show you. That's really the only serious injury I've had. My dad hurts himself in stupid ways all the time though. For example: he plays pickup basketball at the local gym sometimes with guys who are about twenty years younger and in much better shape than him. He fairly regularly injures his legs from straining himself too hard, and he had to use crutches to make it to my sister's graduation. Oh! One other time I cut my hand by pulling down my pants while I had a sharp pencil in my pocket. That was probably the dumbest injury I've ever had. Actually, that honor might go to the time when my and my friend beating each other up with random objects and he cut my arm with a sharp edge from a crushed soda can. I still have a scar from that one. Edited January 24, 2013 by Alex-Kennedy Real men don't need signatures... or legitimate usernames. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rolls Royce 606 January 24, 2013 Share January 24, 2013 When my dad first bought his 2008 Ford Fusion, I always hit my head on the roof getting into it. Up until that point, I've had to step up to get in our vehicles (2004 Pontiac Montana, and my 2000 Ford Ranger), and it took me a while to get used to bending down to get in a car. I'll probably have to re-live this when I buy a Cadillac DeVille hopefully this summer. I also managed to stab my hand with a mechanical pencil by complete accident in the 8th grade. It was lying on my desk with the graphite sticking out, and I went to pick something up. My hand grazed against the pencil, and it was dangling from the bottom of my hand when I lifted it up. Signature credit to Gone AirbourneXbox Live - Sir Trollestia Steam - Sir_Trollestia Wii U - SirTrollestia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Virulence 254 February 14, 2013 Share February 14, 2013 Lets see... Something painful I've done. Well trying to go downstairs by jumping from the top to the bottom. Yeah um, I fell and bruised my whole hip and knees. It was all purple and all. Don't do that at all children.. ever Signature by: My OC's: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 February 15, 2013 Share February 15, 2013 Worst injury that was entirely my fault: I was burning stuff in a home incinerator, wanted to see how hot it was so I tipped some water on it, it instantly turned to steam... So I had the clever idea of putting my hand on it... I removed most of the skin on my fingertips instantly. Several years ago I went through a phase of burning my fingerprints off with a soldering iron, for a whole year I had no finger prints Worst injury I ever had: Racing downhill on a push bike, a van causes me to fall off head first, I wake up on the floor and lift my left arm up and my left hand is hanging off, there was a 70% chance I would have to have it amputated but luckily none of the bone marrow became infected so I kept my hand, now I suffer pain in my arm whenever it's cold or when I try to lift things or move my hand too quickly in an angle (like when plaything guitar hero) The moral to this post is- don't touch hot stuff and don't trust van drivers! Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilizzleFoShizzle 95 February 15, 2013 Share February 15, 2013 firstly, rapelling on manilla rope is not a good idea. insane rope burn for weeks. secondly, holding compressed air dusters upside down and spraying it into a cup of water may look awesome as the water flash freezes, but not when you get frostbite as soon as a drop of it touches you. EITHER YOU SHAT YOUR PANTS OR YOU GOT FROSTBITE IN YOUR POOPER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celtore 2,770 February 15, 2013 Share February 15, 2013 (edited) I've already told the "broken toe while running to get phone" story... hmmm... what else do I have... I really don't have many stories because I'm usually very careful. I did trip on ice and hurt my head a week ago, but nothing really serious came out of it. Just me sitting in my car for a few minutes recovering from the pain... Oh the heck with it, I'm retelling the broken toe story! So I'm sitting in front of the computer when the phone rings. Thinking it's something important, I make a mad dash for it... and hit my pinkie toe on the side of the sofa and force it out of position. I continued to limp my way to the phone to be greeted by a telemarketer! Needless to say, I was a little more than annoyed. I consulted the magical world of google on how to heal the injury and I learned there really isn't much you can do to help a broken pinkie toe besides tape it to the adjacent one. For the next week or so, I wore my slippers to college because it was too painful to wear my shoes. Thankfully it wasn't winter yet or I would have really been in trouble. The result of this? I put my home on the do not call list! Sure, I still get them, but at least I can threaten them with a report to the CRTC if they do. Edited February 15, 2013 by Celtore Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JeanHover 326 February 16, 2013 Share February 16, 2013 Once I got my middle finger squished in a door when I was with a bunch of little kids. Hurt like hell for about an hour, even with a mountain of ice almost freezing it off. OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bruno © 125 February 16, 2013 Share February 16, 2013 I remember when i was trying to ride on a bicycle and i scraped my knee, it got very bad, and i gave up in trying to learn it and i remember when i was playing baskteball with some older guys, and then i tried to get the ball, i broke my arm <_< Made by the awesome Angels_Gal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Sugar Sprinkles~ 638 February 17, 2013 Share February 17, 2013 These are gonna sound dumb probably I broke my ring finger by catching footballs with my dad and 2 cousins and dumbass me had to jump up like a show off and caught it wrong and push back my fingers (My fingers are fragile, because Im pretty skinny) I tried to do the splits and ended up pulling something in my both thighs and couldn't walk right for awhile I tried doing flips on trampoline and ended up hitting a part of my body that I shouldn't have hit That's all I could think of.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allosauridae 54 February 17, 2013 Share February 17, 2013 So yeah, we've all done something relatively stupid more than once in our lives that has either left us with cold hands, a thumb that got caught in the door, stepping on a tack, breaking glass, hitting our heads, blah blah blah. Sooo, what kind of things have you guys done? This isn't a thread to encourage any masochists to take action, rather it's just a stupid thread that maybe we could all learn something from in the sense that we won't do the same things. You see, the last thing I did that really hurt is that I thought it would be a cool idea to learn how to do those jump off a high place and do a roll when you land to break the impact kind of things that they do in movies. For who knows why I jumped off of a tree right on some sidewalk, and while I landed correctly I screwed up the roll and slammed my back right against the concrete, giving me some pretty extreme back pains that lasted for a few months. That was not a fun thing to do. Anyhoo, what about you guys? Oh, where do I start... Pulled ligaments in right knee at 11-12 yrs old... Linda refused to allow me to get surgery to repair the knee properly. Car accident I did slight damage to my shoulder now that I look back... I had been holding on to back of drivers seat, my belt in the 88/89 Pontiac snapped and yanked my arm bad. While riding 2 or so weeks before the big horse shoe Vessy dropped back during the pin-wheel, Dotty moved over and kicked Dynasty and me... I got it in the ankle, Dyn got 2 kicks in the hip, right side. Following spring I did a partial tear to that tendon while being stupid and riding with stirrups too long, stressing the tendon then taking a bad step... then I rode all summer with the torn tendon due to stubbornness and not wanting to let my team down... TG Dynasty (most of the time) adjusted to the weak leg. Fell off my Arab mare thanks to our dog spooking her into rearing... landed on left palm/wrist followed by elbow, shoulder/neck/head then rest of body on hard Oct. ground... This messed up my left Ulnar nerve in turn messing up 2 fingers... also damaged my back in this accident. Being a dip, I figured Mom isn't supposed to lift more than 20 lbs so this bucket cant be more than 50 lbs... pulled it off the truck's tailgate... dropped my left shoulder, popped something and now it grinds terribly... Found out it was well over 100 lbs! (always test something's weight before pulling it off a truck so you are prepared!) Fell sideways b/c I forgot they had a rut alongside the curb... bent my knee wrong, now I need a brace at times or it will give out on me. Lol, that's the SHORT end of some of those injuries... there's more to why some got worse, either way, I'm now plagued with Fibromyalgia at age 23. If any of that looks like I'm a klutz, you should meet my sister... she is capable of major stupidity such as slamming her hand in the hatch back door of a van... 1 Old Name was Dekanogi'a Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Orca 8 February 17, 2013 Share February 17, 2013 I've been fortunate when it comes to not getting injuries, however recently I've had a couple ones. I was cooking dinner a couple weeks ago, making homemade fries and cooking hamburgers. All was going well, until the moment I put my arm over the fries to take them out of the grease with tongs. There was a loud "pop," and extremely hot grease managed to get all over on the back of my hand. Luckily, I only sustained 2nd degree burns, but it still hurt for weeks after. The second one I got while chopping vegetables. I think you can guess how that went. I missed the food, and hit my finger instead. There was some blood, but nothing major. The moral of the story: novice cooking is dangerous business. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beta 42 February 19, 2013 Share February 19, 2013 The worst I have probably done was going to clean a stove and lift the metal range piece that a pot sits on a gas-burning stove...right after I had used it. Since I had grabbed it and wrapped my fingers around it before I threw it to the ground, I had terrible burn lines all over the inside of my hand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Bloodpool 3 February 19, 2013 Share February 19, 2013 Once, I fell from my horse whilst riding (very fast) and broke my left arm. Compound fracture(That's a break that has a piece of bone sticking through the skin)between the shoulder and the elbow, with a dislocated shouler to boot. Igot over it though: It healed properly and now I ride almost every day.I don't plan to fall off and break my arm again though. It wasn't avery pleasant experience, I'll say that much! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuteycindyhoney 13,316 February 19, 2013 Share February 19, 2013 I'll add my fun filled escapades now. Most recent was a couple years ago. My vision is very bad. Without my glasses my depth perception is pretty much non-existent, and I'm legally blind. I was upstairs getting dressed when I suddenly realized I forgot to add the softener. I ran to make the laundry room in time. Ever hear the old gag phrase "Watch that first step, it's a doozy"? I didn't have my glasses on, and I literally ran out onto the stairs without stepping down onto the first one. I went flying, and tumbled down the whole fight of stairs! My husband (Boyfriend at the time) was home, and called 9-11. He wouldn't let me move or anything until the ambulance got there. Then I spent the day in the hospital. They wanted me to spend another day under observation, but I refused and went home to spend a couple days living on the sofa. Thankfully I didn't break anything, but I was so sore and black and blue that I couldn't move right for days! I'll include this. I still insist it wasn't my, fault even though the police said it was! Back when I first got my drivers license, I was heading off somewhere. (don't remember where. I think I was going shopping) It was a cold wet day. As I pulled off of a side street onto a much heavier traveled road, my tires hydroplaned. I didn't go out of control or anything. My car just stood still while this full size pickup truck was speeding right at me. WHAM! My car spun like crazy and ended up on the other side of the two lane road, facing the wrong direction. I wasn't in much pain at first, but I was stunned to the point of actual paralysis. The driver of the pickup ran over and asked if I was alright, and I distinctly remember saying no, and then starting to cry. I don't remember clearly the trip to the hospital, but I was told later I begged them not to tow my car past my house, because I'd get in trouble if my mom saw I wrecked my car. LOL When I finally came to my senses in the hospital, a police officer told me it was the worst accident he ever saw where the driver lived through it! Then he charged me with reckless driving! I didn't break any bones, but I had pulled and strained muscles in my back and neck. I couldn't turn my head, and walked funny for weeks! My car was completely destroyed, but the pickup had remarkably little damage. Finally, I broke my right big toe TWICE! The first time was really an accident. I was eight, and for some reason was literally running to take a bath. I somehow managed to trip myself while, uh, to put it bluntly, trying to take off my panties while still running. I ended up ramming my foot right into the floor, and my toe went crunch! Years later, my somewhat compulsive nature made me break it again. I was in a store that had boxes of computer paper. One was sticking out a little from the line, so I kicked it. I didn't know it was sticking out because something was in back of it. The box didn't move, and my toe went crunch again! Thank you Sparklefan1234!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bucky McGillyCuddy 956 February 23, 2013 Share February 23, 2013 Without trying to sound too cocky i'm pretty damn coordinated and always seem to dodge or land correctly when something hard is approaching me. I've never broken a bone or anything like that don't intend on doing so either. If you'd be so kind as to check out some of my drawings, I would really appreciate feedback. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pisonisy 31 February 23, 2013 Share February 23, 2013 (edited) - Got a piece of the stairs into a wound in my knee - Lifted a... sewage cover? (this kind of thing: and it fell on my middle finger - Fell off a pony (real life pony, LOL) and got dragged around because my foot was stuck in the stirrup - Got pieces of glass into my foot because I was raging and kicked the door - Fell backwards off the couch an got a huge cut in my head because I hit a plastic box - Fell off a bike and lost my front teeth - Weird accident with a ball (can't exactly remember how it happened) which caused that I'm able to pop my left thumb out of its socket - Face-ball x25 And many other things which I don't even want to remember Edited February 23, 2013 by Pisonisy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soundgarden 2,758 February 23, 2013 Share February 23, 2013 I have had 2 nasty injuries, and several stupid ones. When I was 6, I had a stomach Constipation. Some may ask "Does it hurt?". Well, it does. It hurts so much. It feels like swallowing a knife and feel it ripping through your entrails. One time I fell down on a concrete floor and on the impact, my front teeth managed to hit my lower lip, resulting in a lot of blood. All of my other injuries were during the age 10-11, mostly because I have always loved the thrill of doing idiotic things. I remember when I went in like fifth grade or something, there was this very steep hill next to my school and it was around 30 meters long, if not longer. During the winter and when the ground was frozen and extremely slippery, me and my friend took our bikes, rode it as fast as we could and at the end braked our bikes, resulting in a very long slide that more than often resulted in tears. But for some reason, I loved it. It was, adrenaline pumping and I felt like a boss after doing it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MuXu96 1 February 24, 2013 Share February 24, 2013 I was dancing to really really stupid music, and I was 8..ahm yes, I was dancing like an idiot and somehow fell though my glass door 2 splitters cut my left arm and almost some importand veins.. Nobody was home and I was to dumb to call an ambulance, so everywhere on the floor was blood, and the only thing I did was cleaning the floor cause I thought my cat would drink it xD After a few minutes which felt like hours, my grandma came and she drove me to the doc, everything fine^^ I also did some really dumb stuff in my childhood with didn't hurt me, but this is probably the wrong topic^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttershy4life 150 February 24, 2013 Share February 24, 2013 -broken glass on a playground in grade 3. My friends and I were playing house and we were supposed to play crying babies, I set my hand down on a pole or something and a piece of glass went into my hand. I actually didn't cry I just went "uh guys?" and held up my hand to my friends where the glass was and blood going down my hand, it didn't really hurt that much. Everyone else made a deal of it though -Almost broke my hip and had the wind knocked out of me also in grade 3, it was a friend's birthday party and we were jumping off things and I landed wrongly or something because next thing I knew I couldn't breathe for like 10 was actually one of the scariest moments of my life -I was texting one time walking to the park and accidentally ran into a stop sign and fell backwards -I was practicing a new trick for dance in my basement and hit my ankle on the metal pole of the pullout bed nearby. Couldn't feel my ankle for a week after that -Once while dancing in my basement I tripped over my N64 and blacked out on the floor. Good times. -Being clumsy, I've fallen multiple times. Once I was zoned out while walking to my school and tripped on the curb at my school and bumped my head, one of my eyes was extremely blurry after that.....maybe that's why my left eye is worse than my right... -Broke my arm on a slide in Kindergarten.....yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Otherwise, my pain is mostly self inflicted. I only just realized that I'm really masochistic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pegasister101 39 February 24, 2013 Share February 24, 2013 Two days before first grade started I was out riding my bike with my grandma and little brother. We rode past this cute little park that was quite a bit away from where we had parked our car. And being the most intelligent 6 year old there ever was, I rode my bike across the grass to go and check this place out. It had a small little skateboard park (in fact, my family just calls this place the skateboard park) that had some really weird hills and turns in it. So being the most intelligent 6 year old there ever was, I rode my bike out onto it. I was having fun at first and I thought it was pretty awesome! Then I kinda jumped a bit going to fast up a hill and BLAM. I flew off my bike and slid down into the dip at the bottom, completely road-rashing my face. TWO DAYS BEFORE FIRST GRADE STARTED. My grandma called my mom and had her come pick us up and I had to go to the doctors that night. As it turned out, the first day of school I had to wear a patch across my eye. I was about as embarrassed as a first-grader can be! And that's only one of the times I've hurt myself off of a stinking bike. I swear, I don't know why I even ride those anymore! XD Made by the awesome Doctor-Whooves! Want one yourself? Go here! Awesome Sigs! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magpie 623 February 24, 2013 Share February 24, 2013 Let's see. Sprained my ankle falling down a flight of stairs Split my head open after tripping into the side of an oven. ( I was 3.) Just yesterday I tore my hand up in a car crash. Dislocated my Jaw somehow. I constantly get my ingrown toenail stepped on or stubbed. Other than that, I can't think of much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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