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Pinkie in a scarf, mittens and scarf -- with ice cream...alot of ice cream. 

She may be dressed for winter apparently, but she does a extravagant job of warming the heart.  


That is positively adorbs as f--k yo.
  • Brohoof 6
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Here's a little tribute video I made to this pink pony.


I found the pictures in the video on this thread. The music was made by me.

That was great music!!Really, Loved it! ^_^

I don't know what costume this is but it looks wonderful :) <3



I am not sure but I would say that It is pretty Chinese , indeed! I loved that pic!


And it reminded me this :




Oh,year of horse, I presume. :lol:


Hey guys. Got a Christmas Pinkie avatar. How do you like it fellow Pinkie fans?

Everything about christmas give me joy!!

Edited by Monsieur Noel
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The season 5 Pinkie Trailer is out.  no spoilers whatsoever.  But it's the best of them all (yet?)



Hype level continues to rise.


Hopefully this confirms Pinkie gets an epic role this season!

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Here's hoping she gets another Pinkie Pride-esque episode. While I can't say she is my favorite pony now (as I no longer have any real "best pony" ideology anymore) my top favorite episode for seasons 1, 2, and 4 have been centered on her. 1 was Party of One, 2 was the Smile episode, and 4 was Pinkie Pride (though, now that I think about it, season 4 had a bunch of other episodes that compete with it). Can't say for sure with season 3. PP will always be my first favorite. When she's done right, she's done phenomenally.

Edited by Coco Pommel
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"There's no Cheese Sandwich she can't melt." They really want us to ship it do they.





















. . . 



























I refuse to assume such heresy from the trailer. We both know how silly(in a bad way) such a ship would be, not only for the show, but for the fandom*points to Flash Sentry*.



Now i know you weren't being serious, but i will elaborate on why i feel the way i do so that other may understand. 




Now, what could they possibly even accomplish by shipping any mane 6? They have already covered the message of love with Cadance & Shinning, hell they even covered 'false obsessive love' in Simple Ways(treading on thin ice there), there would be no need pointlessly insert such needless drama into the mane 6's dynamic -- it would be a clear violation of the shows intention: To exalt friendship, not to become a teen drama with cartoon ponies -- i'll watch Digrassi if i want that mess. The show is called "Friendship is Magic" after all.


Also, again: Flash Sentry. Nothing from his existence has caused anything beyond bewilderment or animosity. No one actually likes him per say, and if they don't dislike him, they ignore him entirely, because he's ignorable, because he has no character, because he was shoe-horned into the EQG movie, and in the RR movie also(hell did he exist just for the 'almost kiss but interrupted by a different character' cliche at the end?). Are we to believe that if the staff(yes possibly a different staff, however, same DHX) was largely unable to present a 'love-interest' in a movie, that they would be able to do such with the show -- where characters are far more developed -- and so is the world around them? I'd say such would be a foolish belief, sadly. 


And really, do any of the mane 6 need a stallion/mare lover? What exactly would the show gain from such a drastic move if say Fluttershy got a stallion lover? What, so we can have episodes about her being shy about showing her affection, and overcoming it???? ... Allow me to small moment vomit. *vomits* .. Now, what of Rarity? We all saw how Simple Ways was played out. And the Blueblood scene. Do we really need Rarity possibly falling over herself for another lover? I think not. Sure, one can tank those moments in the show, as they did not stick -- but what if it did? What if we were in for the 'long haul'? Hmm -- i doubt it would be pretty, and i doubt we would still have the same Rarity we know and love. This goes for all the mane 6, obviously.

We would run the risk of changing the character we know and love, by such a drastic degree due to inserting a dynamic that is most certainly going to cause such a outcome, that we lose what we originally loved about the show or possibly even the characters themselves -- regardless of how good or bad the writing is. 


"But Pills -- people do it all the time within the fandom -- look at many oc's are in a 'relationship' *insert mane 6*"




Silly. That is the fandom, not the show. The show itself is the foundation upon which we build our fandom on, inserting such madness such as what the likes of the fandom creates/writes ect would be detrimental to the show in many many ways. It's like saying would should turn the Empire State building upside down, because people prefer the way the top looks. Much like the structure if it was flipped upon its head: The show(and fandom) would crumble, quite quickly i might add. It's ok to insert such insanity beyond the show, within the fandom, however, the show itself should never subject itself to such insanity. And honestly; shipping the mane 6(or any of them) would be insanity.


Then there is the fandom. Let's face it, if any of the mane 6 magically got a stallion lover, or a mare lover -- the fandom would erupt into a big ball of 'what the fuck'(tho i admit the latter would be received with less negativity), among other overly negative things(death threats ect). There are many factors ofcourse -- some such as some having true affection for the characters, or the ones who would feel this is not the way the show should move forward. Regardless of whether or not you believe people should be so attached to a show or specific characters; we certainly don't need the chaos that will ensue if such a calamity would occur.  


And let me be blunt, because i can: Pinkie doesn't need a lover in the show, especially Cheese Sandwich, because it would be fucking stupid. 

I rest my case. 



(yes i wrote alot, it just happens sometimes.)

  • Brohoof 7
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. . . 



























I refuse to assume such heresy from the trailer. We both know how silly(in a bad way) such a ship would be, not only for the show, but for the fandom*points to Flash Sentry*.



Now i know you weren't being serious, but i will elaborate on why i feel the way i do so that other may understand. 




Now, what could they possibly even accomplish by shipping any mane 6? They have already covered the message of love with Cadance & Shinning, hell they even covered 'false obsessive love' in Simple Ways(treading on thin ice there), there would be no need pointlessly insert such needless drama into the mane 6's dynamic -- it would be a clear violation of the shows intention: To exalt friendship, not to become a teen drama with cartoon ponies -- i'll watch Digrassi if i want that mess. The show is called "Friendship is Magic" after all.


Also, again: Flash Sentry. Nothing from his existence has caused anything beyond bewilderment or animosity. No one actually likes him per say, and if they don't dislike him, they ignore him entirely, because he's ignorable, because he has no character, because he was shoe-horned into the EQG movie, and in the RR movie also(hell did he exist just for the 'almost kiss but interrupted by a different character' cliche at the end?). Are we to believe that if the staff(yes possibly a different staff, however, same DHX) was largely unable to present a 'love-interest' in a movie, that they would be able to do such with the show -- where characters are far more developed -- and so is the world around them? I'd say such would be a foolish belief, sadly. 


And really, do any of the mane 6 need a stallion/mare lover? What exactly would the show gain from such a drastic move if say Fluttershy got a stallion lover? What, so we can have episodes about her being shy about showing her affection, and overcoming it???? ... Allow me to small moment vomit. *vomits* .. Now, what of Rarity? We all saw how Simple Ways was played out. And the Blueblood scene. Do we really need Rarity possibly falling over herself for another lover? I think not. Sure, one can tank those moments in the show, as they did not stick -- but what if it did? What if we were in for the 'long haul'? Hmm -- i doubt it would be pretty, and i doubt we would still have the same Rarity we know and love. This goes for all the mane 6, obviously.

We would run the risk of changing the character we know and love, by such a drastic degree due to inserting a dynamic that is most certainly going to cause such a outcome, that we lose what we originally loved about the show or possibly even the characters themselves -- regardless of how good or bad the writing is. 


"But Pills -- people do it all the time within the fandom -- look at many oc's are in a 'relationship' *insert mane 6*"




Silly. That is the fandom, not the show. The show itself is the foundation upon which we build our fandom on, inserting such madness such as what the likes of the fandom creates/writes ect would be detrimental to the show in many many ways. It's like saying would should turn the Empire State building upside down, because people prefer the way the top looks. Much like the structure if it was flipped upon its head: The show(and fandom) would crumble, quite quickly i might add. It's ok to insert such insanity beyond the show, within the fandom, however, the show itself should never subject itself to such insanity. And honestly; shipping the mane 6(or any of them) would be insanity.


Then there is the fandom. Let's face it, if any of the mane 6 magically got a stallion lover, or a mare lover -- the fandom would erupt into a big ball of 'what the fuck'(tho i admit the latter would be received with less negativity), among other overly negative things(death threats ect). There are many factors ofcourse -- some such as some having true affection for the characters, or the ones who would feel this is not the way the show should move forward. Regardless of whether or not you believe people should be so attached to a show or specific characters; we certainly don't need the chaos that will ensue if such a calamity would occur.  


And let me be blunt, because i can: Pinkie doesn't need a lover in the show, especially Cheese Sandwich, because it would be fucking stupid. 

I rest my case. 



(yes i wrote alot, it just happens sometimes.)

Just like how Twilight Sparkle doesn't need Flash Sentry? Neither of them don't need no man.

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