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Pinkie Pie Fan Club


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Wow it's been ages since I've last posted in here. I should post here more often. :P


It's kinda disappointing that this fan club doesn't seem to get as much recognition like some of the other fan clubs on here. And correct me if I wrong but from my overall perspective, Pinkie Pie seems to be quite an underrated character in general. I can see why. I mean sure, she has her moments where she can appear quite annoying and stupid to some people, and the recent episodes in this season don't seem to help much(some can probably argue that Pinkie Pie was better portrayed in Pinkie Apple Pie but the differences in her behavior were too subtle to count as a real redemption), but I will forever remember Pinkie Pie for the amazing pony she was back in A Friend In Deed and Party Of One. The writers really owe us Pinkie Pie fans and hopefully this next episode coming up should make up for all that. Hopefully we'll get to see more of her character and personality by then. We'll see. :)


Nonetheless I liked her in the new episode today. Nothing too major, but in concurrence to what Shawn Parks said, it was quite cute to see how sweet Pinkie was to Discord.  :P


Anyways, here are some adorable pictures of Pinkie Pie. Because I cannot just make a post in the Pinkie Pie fan club and not share some pictures of best pony. ;)







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So, what did we all think of Pinkie Pride? Did that not totally blast every other episode out of the water?  :lol:



Edited by Cheese Sandwich
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   I will admit Pinkie Pie was pony I liked the least, but if she is written well, and her energy is put to good use or is downplayed, then I have genuine admiration for her. Pinkie Pie may be a party pony, but she will not hog the spot light, she would give the other ponies a chance, and raise their spirits as if they were the most important pony in Equestria, I like the fact she is practically a partner to the Cakes, who give her the space and time to do what she wants, thus baking pastries and confections for everypony's joy, this is a business model I want to have, if that person enjoys what they do, I will give them the choice and materials to do as they please. Pinkie Pie is also a great singer, I love her "Smile Song" whenever I feel depressed, I put on the song and I feel uplifted, it's spectacular that ponies have that much influence on our fandom, she is quite a master of perfect comedic timing, and she could make me laugh, Pinkie Pie displays her element well, yet Pinkie Pie is immensely more complicated than the fans realize, as happy and charismatic she can be, Pinkie Pie does have moments of sorrow, like in "Party of One" or "Too Many Pinkie Pies", it is hard to express so much energy, and people sometimes share so much, to hide the depression underneath, many comedians like Chris Farley or John Belushi were extraordinary comedians, yet behind the scenes they had melancholy, but Pinkie Pie has friends and Ponyville is supportive of her contribution, so Pinkie Pie is the perfect pony for affection for the downtrodden in MLP and in real life, proof that Friendship is Magic is inordinately influential on any one who gives it a chance, and it would be Pinkie Pie who would be the first to welcome you to the herd, and celebrate you time there.     

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This season is messing up my ranking of favorite episodes.  I was still trying to decide where "Pinkie Apple Pie" fit, and then this episode comes along.  I know my top two favorite episodes of all time are "Pinkie Pride" and "Too Many Pinkie Pies," but I am not sure which is which.  Also, my third and fourth favorites of all time are "A Friend in Deed" and "Pinkie Apple Pie," but again I am not sure which is which.

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Pinkie Pie... oh Pinkie Pie. 


Pinkie Pride... where do I even begin? This episode has officially replaced A Friend In Deed as my top favorite episode of the entire series of the show so far and possibly overall. I never expected any future episode of Pinkie Pie to even come close in surpassing and superseding the classic season two episode which first introduced the legendary and unforgettable Smile Smile Smile song. But this episode, like Flipturn said, clearly blows that and all her other episodes out of the water. This has all happened so fast and I am still at quite a lost for words. The level of performance here, Pinkie Pie's role here, along with the introduction of a new character, Cheese Sandwich, who has quickly earned the title of best stallion in my book, has altogether made this probably one of the most outstanding episodes of the series in terms of excellence. It was certainly the most enjoyable for me. The fact that all the musical numbers take up almost half of the episode does not repel me in the slightest. I feel that the producers were attempting to make up for the atrocious musical in the last season and clearly with all the songs here along with Apples to the Core, they were successful! Pinkie Pie's singing was divine and my favorite song by her would have to be Pinkie's Lament. In my opinion, that song displayed the most undeniably beautiful range of vocals best pony has ever sung (outstanding job Shannon-Chan Kent!).


"?Show them the time of their life like they've never known Like they've never kno-o-own...! ??"

I have no idea how her adorable, effervescent voice was able to reach such a high and stellar pitch. But nevertheless, it was sublime.  :D  


Not only that but the writers have also successfully redeemed the more in-depth and unique side of Pinkie Pie we fans have been missing since the earlier half of season two! What we saw here in Pinkie Pride was the Pinkie Pie that Andrea Libman and the writers had originally given life to. I am more than elated to see that like Applejack, Pinkie Pie too finally had the opportunity to show her true colors!!  :)



Edited by Dsanders
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Might as well add my own review from the episode thread  :)




100/100, no question. From the sterling music, to the fantastic premise, to the quotables, to the character exploration and development... this episode ticked all the boxes and went even further. (Can you put five ticks in a single box? Eh, I'll find out later.)


Let me talk about how incredible the writing was. Start to end, it was stuffed with pure skill in characterisation, pace and continuity. The introduction to Cheese Sandwich was bang-on (I'll talk about my own love for Cheese Sandwich in a moment... CD isn't the only one!) in that it was concise, atmospheric and set up the premise for the whole episode spectacularly. I loved the inclusion of the buffaloes, showcasing how, like any good animation studio does, they keep elements from former episodes to demonstrate their care for world building. The idea of Cheese and Pinkie being connected through the similarity of their senses (also fit into the introductory scene, quite skilfully) left me perching upon my chair in anticipation.


The songs themselves (I'll talk about them too, because they made up 80% of the episode!) were just fantastic. It felt like Fantasia, or at the very least distinctly like Disney. And what I love is how it's not a musical for the sake of a musical; Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie are both extremely musical to begin with. I mean, Weird Al is voicing Cheese. Weird Al does music; by not passing up the chance to launch into numbers like that, they've really done well! The opening song, as I've said, had a brilliant tint of A Friend in Deed, and did its job perfectly in furthering the premise of the episode by showing Pinkie's role as a party planner in comparison with Cheese's role as a prospective party planner in the introduction. That's what I mean by brilliant pacing. It also doesn't hurt that Pinkie was as cute, charming, adorable, friendly and as heartwarming a singer as she always has been <33 And then the Cheese numbers! Did anyone notice how well some of these songs worked transitionally? Each song was there for a reason; to encompass a chunk of the episode as it moved along. Speaking of which...


I will now dedicate a paragraph to the Goof Off song. Oh, this song just makes me so happy. It's better than the Smile song... it's ten times better! =D This song was wild, fearless, completely zany (just how I love it) and filled with so many antics that I'm sure I'm still recounting them with each watch. (I've watched it about 20 times already!) The real-life footage, because it does need a mention - what a touch! Raw fourth-wall adventurousness, with no restraints, done in the best context possible. The back-and-forth between Cheese and Pinkie, in turn with their next goofy endeavour, felt like the world's best duel, kinda like the boss fight from Guitar Hero III ^^ In fact, like I've said, it's so overflowing with brilliant little details that I'll never fit them all into this paragraph. All I know is that I could watch that number endlessly. Hot dang.


And then there's Cheese Sandwich. My word, what a sensational character. Best stallion for sure; second favourite pony next to Pinkie Pie. Thanks to Weird Al's injection of fantabulousness into Cheese, we have the best complement to any main character in the show; one that means well, bears a connection to Pinkie, and is full to the brim with his own quirks and traits that make him so distinct and lovable. What I love even more is his tale; I feel that it's an analogy for our fandom. Let me explain how:


Do I speak for most of us when I say that we felt sans identity before we joined the Brony fandom? I know I certainly did; I stumbled across this fandom by chance and it lit up the happiness inside me. It's this fandom that distinguishes itself by being fun-loving, generally optimistic (...feel free to dispute that, but I love the spirit of this fandom) and a place for those wanderers to be taken in, loved, and tolerated... It was just like Cheese, feeling lost about his life, stumbling across the party and it occurring to him what life is all about; happiness, and enjoying yourself. And in further analogy, Cheese set out to try and give something back to the thing that turned his life around for the better; a wild party. Does that sound familiar? I'm thinking duty-bound Bronies who want to give back to the fandom that has helped them so much in the form of creative content. I saw all of this in Cheese Sandwich, and it's revitalised my ceaseless love.


The sensation of this occurring to me upon Cheese revealing this in the final scene was like no other. Spectacular, truly spectacular.


But how would this be a review if I didn't talk about Best Pony? Pinkie's characterisation was flawless. I mean flawless. They revisited Pinkie's best traits, and worst traits, in fine, intelligent, comedic and ultimately very moving detail. I love how Pinkie's initial reaction to Cheese Sandwich was offering him a place alongside her in planning Dashie's party; they didn't forget her motive from Over A Barrel. I loved even more the fact that her A Friend In Deed personality was revisited; it's one of the deeper aspects to her personality, and by going further into it, the writers have proven their opportunism. In fact, within this whole episode, we've seen Pinkie Pie go through her existing traits with this type of expertise as well as introductions to completely new sides; like her pride. I was so moved by that further detail in Pinkie's character; not only does she love hosting parties and winning the hearts of Ponyville, but she finds that affirmation in it too, and never once has she let it swallow her up in thick competition instead of remorseful contemplation, which outlined how much of a free spirit she is; again, expertly written. This is the best episode I've seen her in.


Never has an episode appealed to me so much on an emotional, humorous, and even personal level as Pinkie Pride has done. Being able to dig right into it in this review has, no joke, almost made me shed a tear from the joy. I don't even care what the rest of the season is like at this point, because Pinkie Pride truly has it all.


Oh, Amy Keating Rogers, Andrea Libman, Al Yankovic, Daniel Ingram, hell, everyone who's made this possible, I am in permanent debt.  :lol:

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I'll just copy and paste my review on why Pinkie Pride is the best episode of season 4


I guess this could be considered a review, but this is honestly gonna be more fanboying then reviewing since I didn't find anything majorly wrong with the episode. All right fanboying in 3.2.1

THAT WAS SO AWESOME, I MEAN REALLY. Now that that's over time to explain why Pinkie Pride is the best episode of season 4

1. Pinkie Pie's characterization: Throughout season 4, Pinkie hasn't really done much outside of being a gag character with a few exceptions like Pinkie Apple Pie. In this episode, she was characterized perfectly. She actually had depth outside of being a gag character. She also had some great development and got her key (seriously a rubber chicken is so fitting for her).

2. Cheese Sandwich: Weird Al did an excellent performance a party pony who steals Pinkie's spotlight. 
The episode didn't go the easy route and just made him an antagonist but had a great plot twist of him being inspired to throw parties by Pinkie. It was such an excellent plot twist

3: The songs: The songs were excellent. they each flowed well with the episode. It's hard to pick a favorite, they were all so amazing, the song Pinkie sung in the beginning was very reminiscent of the beginning song in Beauty and the Beast, there was a sad song with Pinkie singing about how she's always thrown parties with nice callbacks to earlier episodes kind of like in Magical Mystery Cure that had amazing animation, and the other songs were excellent. Also the live action sequence with Gummy and Boneless was amazing and reminded me of an early Spongebob episode. 

So yeah new favorite episode in season 4, new favorite Pinkie Pie episode, and one of my favorite episodes in season 4, I'm giving this episode a 10/10, no that's not enough, how about an 11/10, nah still not enough to how awesome it is, I know,

Final score: 12/10 



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Pinkie Pie... oh Pinkie Pie. 


Pinkie Pride... where do I even begin? This episode has officially replaced A Friend In Deed as my top favorite episode of the entire series of the show so far and possibly overall. I never expected any future episode of Pinkie Pie to even come close in surpassing and superseding the classic season two episode which first introduced the legendary and unforgettable Smile Smile Smile song. But this episode, like Flipturn said, clearly blows that and all her other episodes out of the water. This has all happened so fast and I am still at quite a lost for words. The level of performance here, Pinkie Pie's role here, along with the introduction of a new character, Cheese Sandwich, who has quickly earned the title of best stallion in my book, has altogether made this probably one of the most outstanding episodes of the series in terms of excellence. It was certainly the most enjoyable for me. The fact that all the musical numbers take up almost half of the episode does not repel me in the slightest. I feel that the producers were attempting to make up for the atrocious musical in the last season and clearly with all the songs here along with Apples to the Core, they were successful! Pinkie Pie's singing was divine and my favorite song by her would have to be Pinkie's Lament. In my opinion, that song displayed the most undeniably beautiful range of vocals best pony has ever sung (outstanding job Andrea Libman!).


"?Show them the time of their life like they've never known Like they've never kno-o-own...! ??"

I have no idea how her adorable, effervescent voice was able to reach such a high and stellar pitch. But nevertheless, it was sublime.  :D  


Not only that but the writers have also successfully redeemed the more in-depth and unique side of Pinkie Pie we fans have been missing since the earlier half of season two! What we saw here in Pinkie Pride was the Pinkie Pie that Andrea Libman and the writers had originally given life to. I am more than elated to see that like Applejack, Pinkie Pie too finally had the opportunity to show her true colors!!  :)




Loved this responde Sanderspie :D Oh and I have a feeling you don't know this based on what you put in your post, but Andrea Libman actually doesn't do Pinkie's singing. That honor goes to Shannon-Chan Kent ;) 


So now for my thoughts BEST EPISODE EVER!!! :lol: Everything was about it was just utterly enjoyable and amazing. Blows every single other Pinkie episode out of the water, and every other episode of the show. Cheese Sandwich is best stallion, and I STILL CAN'T GET OVER HOW AWESOME THE SONGS WERE!!! :lol:


I will agree with you that Pinkie's Lament was just amazing Sanderspie :D I wanted to give her a tight hug while listening to it. This episode has just reinforced the fact of why Pinkie is best pony for me ^_^ How she was willing to sacrifice her title and give Cheese the opportunity to throw the party just so Dashie could be happy was just beautiful :) It shows how selfless Pinkie really is, and how the happiness of her friends comes first. :lol: WE LOVE YOU PINKIE!!

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Shannon-Chan Kent


The name shall be forever engraved into my mind from this point on.


Andrea Libman = Pinkie Pie's regular voice. Shannon-Chan Kent = Pinkie Pie's singing voice.


Oh how embarrassing. I am a disgrace to this fan club. ^_^

Thankfully just edited.

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The name shall be forever engraved into my mind from this point on.


Andrea Libman = Pinkie Pie's regular voice. Shannon-Chan Kent = Pinkie Pie's singing voice.


Oh how embarrassing. I am a disgrace to this fan club. ^_^

Thankfully just edited.


lol it's alright Sanderspie ;) Oh and BTW to avoid anything like this again, it might be helpful for you to know that Ashleigh Ball is the only one who does both singing and regular acting for her roles ^_^ All the other ponies have separate singing and regular voices ;)


Oh and this is Shannon ;)



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Oh and this is Shannon  


Thanks for the tip Misty Pie. ;) 


What a lovely singer for Pinkie Pie. She looks lovely and along with that, possesses a talented singing voice.  :)

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Pinkie Pie is best pony ever... i can't bucking not smile when i see her.. in any episode, in any picture.. she is just the way i'd like to be, but unfortunaly i am not.. i wish i were able to smile every day like her.. and be cheerfull to everypony

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Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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