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I don't know about you guys, but I for one LOVE vamponies.





I think she looks fabulous even with a messy mane! In fact I think she makes it work quite well! Her reaction to being a vampony is priceless to me! Don't worry Rarity I'm sure there is a conditioner that will help with that frizz! 

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I don't know about you guys, but I for one LOVE vamponies.





I think she looks fabulous even with a messy mane! In fact I think she makes it work quite well! Her reaction to being a vampony is priceless to me! Don't worry Rarity I'm sure there is a conditionler that will hep with that frizz! 

Im more into werewolves... ahem... Were-ponies.


Anyone know where I can find a Were-Rarity?

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Im more into werewolves... ahem... Were-ponies.


Anyone know where I can find a Were-Rarity?

Search for Raridog! Closest I have found.



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Search for Raridog! Closest I have found.



Not sure I really like the look here.

I prefer Rarity as a wolf personally, much more dignified:


Edited by Sunny Fox
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Yep, better. Posting options are limited when I'm on mobile so I didn't look deep enough. Still blows the mind when I find versions of Rarity like that. I guess I should know better by now. :please:

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Not sure I really like the look here.

I prefer Rarity as a wolf personally, much more dignified:





Well not "exactly" what i had in mind.. but the arts not... too bad

Edited by Argumedies
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Rarity is Best Pony in my opinion.


I absolutely adore her!  My favorite Rarity episode is Sweet and Elite, which also has my favorite Rarity song, Becoming Popular.


I love that she's the Element of Generosity, when you know that on any other show she'd be some sort of snobby fashionista who doesn't care about anyone but herself.

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There's also this in one of my folders.



Rarity is Best Pony in my opinion.


I absolutely adore her!  My favorite Rarity episode is Sweet and Elite, which also has my favorite Rarity song, Becoming Popular.


I love that she's the Element of Generosity, when you know that on any other show she'd be some sort of snobby fashionista who doesn't care about anyone but herself.




There so needs to be a fan fic with Rarity as a one adventure companion with Dr. Whooves.


Oddly enough I just hooked the kids on the good Doc last month. Payback!!!!

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Lol, Werewolves and Vampires! I love it! My wife is allergic to the sun so we all tease her about being a vampire. And I got bit by a wolf a few years back which lead to me being teased about being a werewolf lol... Perfect conversation for me. Of course, I would never do anything to encourage that sort of teasing...



Anywho... 3am comes awful early; so it's off to sleep for me!


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Lol, Werewolves and Vampires! I love it! My wife is allergic to the sun so we all tease her about being a vampire. And I got bit by a wolf a few years back which lead to me being teased about being a werewolf lol... Perfect conversation for me. Of course, I would never do anything to encourage that sort of teasing...


Anywho... 3am comes awful early; so it's off to sleep for me!


There is not enough brohoofs for this picture  :D  you just made my night

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Well, generally the greek gods where quite the douchenozzles... And if we are at it we could replace some other god with Applejack...

LOL, douchenozzles.


Rarity and Fluttershy observing the beauty of nature


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Well, I received my first ever art request ... a Rarity drinking coffee as requested ... and this is my new Good Morning pic until further notice. :D





Good taste can begin early.




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There is not enough brohoofs for this picture  :D  you just made my night


I'm glad you like it! I love my werewolf caps; but I can't say as I enjoyed the milk bone lol

Well, I received my first ever art request ... a Rarity drinking coffee as requested ... and this is my new Good Morning pic until further notice. :D





Good taste can begin early.

That's an awesome pic indeed!
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Hey, I'm here again!


Mom's food is good, much better than my usual cooking:




(I'm actually not that bad :lol: )


Also, my parent's radio played the following 3 songs today:





I was finding that so funny. Tried to explain what was a meme to them, they were like  :confused:

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Hey, I'm here again!


Mom's food is good, much better than my usual cooking:




(I'm actually not that bad :lol: )


Also, my parent's radio played the following 3 songs


I was finding that so funny. Tried to explain what was a meme to them, they were like :confused:

If that happened to me I couldn't be convinced that I wasn't being trolled by my parents! That is hilarious!

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If that happened to me I couldn't be convinced that I wasn't being trolled by my parents! That is hilarious!


Thing is, it's an actual radio station playing 80's-90's songs. The first song I was  :lol: , then the second I was  :confused:  and finally I was   :wacko:

Edited by GlowingFlask
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Hey, I'm here again!


Mom's food is good, much better than my usual






(I'm actually not that bad :lol: )


Also, my parent's radio played the following 3 songs today:





I was finding that so funny. Tried to explain what was a meme to them, they were like :confused:

You've been Rick rolled lol

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Get off yer data for this one. Generosity Repaid!


Good night FC.



Found this while searching for Fluttershy pictures. Figured I would share it here since it has been a while since I posted here.






We was on the same place at the same time. :D

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Get off yer data for this one. Generosity Repaid!


Good night FC.






Wow, that's a cool picture! Steven Magnet is so awesome.


Thanks for the add by the way!  :yay:

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Wow, that's a cool picture! Steven Magnet is so awesome.


Thanks for the add by the way! :yay:

No prob, I actually though I did before and ... realized I hadn't.


Sigh I'm really bad at that I realized.

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maybe i should post on this thread more often mean rarity really has grown on me as of late rarity went from my least best pony to third best i mean shes beautiful  post-27609-0-47962100-1407127640_thumb.png

elegant  post-27609-0-67222000-1407127700_thumb.png

and fashion forward post-27609-0-12336800-1407127968.jpg just maybe but my post are never compete without my dashie  post-27609-0-83920800-1407128142.jpg se ya

Edited by FlameStreak1990
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